A NEW TRIUMPH. A HORRIBLE ACCIDENT. The Dreaded Consumption Can Be Cured. T, A. Slocum, the Great Chemist and Scientist, Will Send to Sufferers Three Free Bottles of His Newly Discovered Remedies to Cure Consump= tion and All Lung Troubles. Nothing could be fairer, more pliilan- tliropic or carry more jo\' to theaftlictcd, the generous offer of the honored and distinguished chemist. T. A. Slocum, M. (J., of New York City. He has discovered a reliable and abso lute cure for consumption, and all bron chial, throat, lung and chest diseases, catarrhal affections, general decline and v.-eakiiess, loss of flesh and all conditions of wasting away ; and to make its great merits known, will send three free bottles of his newly discovered remedies to an)' afflicted reader of the Elkin Journal. Already his new scientific system of medicine ” ha^ipermancntly cured thou.s- ands of apparantly hopeless cases. The Doctor considers it not only his professional, but his religious duty—a duty which he owes to suffering human ity—to donate his infallable cure. He has proved the “ djreaded consump tion ” to be a curable disease bepond a doubt, in any climate,“and has on file in his American and European labratories thousands of “ heartfelt testimonials of gmtitudc ” from those ])enefited and curcd, in all parts, of the world. (Catarrhal and pulmonary troubles lead to consumption, and consumption, un interrupted, means and certain death. Don’t dela' ISHl'KI) EYli^KY THITKSDAY. . . . nx . . . THE JOUKXAL PT;B. <’(). Y'. H. BKLL, - - Kjj. & 3lG]i. Entered at the Elkin Post Office as • ' second class mail matter. Until further notice THE JOURNAL will be sent one year for cents, Six months for 25" cents in advance. A. bill lias been introduced in tlie Ohio Lepjislatiire re(iuirin«- all persons applying for .license to marry to pass a medical examina tion. Persons having any form of ijisanity, dipsomania, hereditary tuberculosis, consumption or any loathsome disease are barred from Drummer Hutchinsoji Dead. ,T. H riutohinson a well-known ' i clothing drummer who often visits : Willard Gets caught in the Machinery At the Laurel Branch Pin Factory Elkin died at his home at Lexing-; Anu is Kiiied Almost tOnMondaV. ; • instantly. Froze to Death. Last Thursday night during the bitter cold weatlier Mordi Holcomb M'ho lives two miles from Yadkin-1 ^'ille got oil a drunk, lay out all night and next morning was fon'nd a frozen corpse. lie M'as Vmried Sunday. Accidentally Shot. One day last week while out rabbit hunting Dick Phillips, acci dentally shot his son (’liarlie Phillips, one shot penetrating the head going to the skull, The wound is not serious, Tlie parties all live near Benhani post office. The Earth Quakes. A vrfry distiiK't earthquake shock wa^ felt here Saturday after- A Sad Affair. Saturday moi-ning a telephone message was re;;eived here from Laurel Branch. Alleghany county, nineteen miles from here, saying that Eli Willard had been kille;l at the pin factory, which is opera- tetl there by A. L. Brown, It was about eiglit o’clock and 'Willard, his father riiul Bro-.vii ha;l just lin- ished loading ii ' wagon with pins and Koy Y\'illard had started to lilkiii with them. Brown was eating his breakfast when he heard W'illard’s call for help at the fic- tory. Ho got there as ([uickly as possible blit found the poor fellow fastened in the wheels under the mill, one liaiffl off, his thigh liroken, the back of his head torn oif and his biKl.^twiste;! and man gled all He was WE HAVE For the Winter and Spring Trade Fresh Stock White Fish, Oat Meal, Canned Peaches, Cann^ Canned Tomatoes, Cail cxx>00-0000000000000000000