^ u»» HOPE J WL, 1.—NO 12. SP2JLNG HOPE; N. C., T^niRSDAY, DEC. 30, 1915, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE—$1.00 PER YEAR* BITS OF NEWS ISTATISTIGS OF INTEREST OF TOBAOCO .Oi;riNENTAL !6IG LUMBEB IMY IS PLAN; iSHiP YARDS NEWS OF GENERAL INTERTEST T0L£3 IN PARAGRAPHS FOR BUSY READERS. TOdAY’S NEWS TODAY WtLL BE URGED IN BILL TO, WILL BE URGED AT THE NATION-' IS STIiiP ON WAY TO CONSCRIP- RUSSELL SHOOK AND LUMBER | PLANT SOF UNITED STATES ARS BE LAID BEFORE CONGRESS j AL LEAGUE MEETING TO BE , TIOiv-ARE WORKING FOR j CO. WITH LIABILITIES $85,OOO" WORKING AT FULL CAPACITY NEXT MONTH. } HEL DIN CHICAGO j U NIVERSAL SERVICE. IN HANDS OF TRUSTEE. BUT CAN BY G. M. WASHINGTON IS A FEDEHAL PLAN;ALL EASED ON THATiiriOEMPLOyEESAFFECTED INCEEASE THE OUTPUT Miitord, Conn., Dec, 29.—Mrs. Ed- Washington, Dec. 23.—A determln-1 Chicago, Dec. 39.—Spring training | WasliiEgton, Dec, 2S —Gi eat Brit- j ward Kvauoa threw her two small g(j effort is to be made tc have a bill! unipires -wll! be advocated at the I ain s eaovi, to carry ou the war ?iith-I sons iiito the Milford rescrvoij and p.^gggd by Congress this winter 6U j the National League Club ( out resort to conscripdou ib being j then iuiuped in utter them today, Tiie , , i owners at Chicago ncit week. j aniiousiy watch in its every develop-; thorizing the coinaiiisloner of internal ... . , f- •woman was rescued but the boys were 'Charles Weecham, purchaser of the | «i*ut uy the Aiuencan '/Var Depart-1 drowned. Their bodies have not been icoll'JCv ai.d publi»h '»•'Chicago National League Club, andjment, because, army officers say ihe recovered. Mrs. Kraase will be ex-1 | Charles Williams, secretary of the j United Kingdom's situation touches amined as., to her mental condition. London, Djc. !iS, 9 p. m.—Gov. L. B. Hanna oi North Dakota lias ofiicialiy Bevered iiis connection with the Ford expedition according to a despa;cJi to the Eichuuge Telegraph Company lO- day from Copenhagen. The despatch adds that Governor Hanna ia “very ill, probably with typhoid.” Washington, Dec. 29.—An uncon firmed report from Rome that an un identified Italian passenger steam ship was torpedoed while oa her way to Catania, Sicily, with a ios* of 8 live*, reached the State Department late yesterday. It was not reported ■whether any Americans were aboard. The American embasny at Rome is InveBtigating. I . Colonel Robert L. L ..viler, of Ox-1 league, will urge the plan: they said I at the root of conditions the United I ford, and Colonel Tom Washington ! todny. It Is rroposed t’jat the umpires I .States, .aced in carrying out the td-j of Wilson, who were appointed some! accompany the players when they go | ministrnQon army increase program. ! lime ago by Commisaiou«r O.-sborn to I into their spnng trainiag camp. The | "if Great Britain deeidee for eon- i draft a bill, have submittad the draft plan was adopted by the Federal! scriptioii, high officials said today, a oS. a resolution which will be intro-: league last spring with marked lu©-i long st .p will have been taken tov'ard! duced in the House early next month.; ces*. ! the tin.a wlien univer»al service will The bill, it is understood, has tlie ap-j i ba gentraliy accepted in the United proval of the tobacco growers, as well I Businesis Pickma Up. | States as a national necessity. If as the manufacturers. Tiie bill as I Great Britain goes on wiih voluntecr*i drafted reads: 1 Our town is anaergoisg improve-j Americ;in officials feel th:-t notnln? New Bern, Dec. "That the commissioner of internal | ments. Two new niius are announced,, short of a ireat mill‘\..v defea* would revenue, be, and he is hereby author- Jaessrs. Spivey Bunn and Matthews: i bring the United States t.'^ universal ized and directed, to collect and pcb-j and the other the Varmers’ Union; service. Entirely aside from its part lish statistics ot the quantity of leaf j store. }^iu the European war, oSflcisia believe, j toba;o by types in the United States | a meeting was held Tuesday night i the ciU4Etion of whether service withj I in the possession of maaafacturers ot | to orgauii;9 a new bank. Mr. R. L. | the solors in time of need shall be j I tobacco, snuff, tigart and cigarettes: ; Hufflses of Rocky Mount is a leadinK j legal'y reeognized duty of citijenshlp, i dealers in leaf tobaaco; retail dealers j spirit in the enterprise. ; is of vital Importance on this side of in laaf tobacco: registered in the sev-1 xhe talk of building the Virginia j the Atlp.ntic. The virtuallr un?.at-j feral «oUectiou districts; importers | and Eastern Carolina railroad from i moHS opinion of the commissioned i I aad «x»orter« of t«bacco and bouded | Heudcrsoii through Spring Hope to i persor”*?! of the army and civil of-j I manufaturing warehosses other than | Wilson revives interest in this project., icial* of the War Depf.rtmect is said 29—One ot the! the or’ginal growers of tobacco; re-1 i to be that adequate preparedness only Wilson. N. C., Deo. 29. I New York, Dec. 29.—Ship buiIdiD M:’. V. W, Steward, at a late kOutj plants in the United Slates are work* last Bight, was appointed receiver by ! at full capacity but can increasa Judge H. G. Connor of the United |,their output from 15 to 60 per ccn.t States Court for the Rassell.Shook &|;v/ithin a ya&r according to informa* -Lumber Company, in banJiruptcy pro-1 t:ou obtained from the New York ceediDijs instituted aa the result of a] Ch;;inl)fer of Commerce which have re- meetirg ot the company with, its cred- centiy rejelved statistics from td)« itois in the oilice of Mr. W. A. LiiCiis I New York ship yards. The staiisticit yesterday afternoon and last night. A, saow that the tocnage under con- few hours before. Mr. Stewart wae ap-^ struction for'order is at present dou- Xicinied receiver by the United States,' i>ls tint in 'the last ten years. Court, he had likewise been appointed | ' Awarding to one prominent ship receiver bj Judge Goorie W. Connor; Irailuer the amount of oeean-goln* ton- of the States Court. It is understood that there will be no conflict between the Courts as the app-jintmant ot the receiver by the State Court W'as pure ly formal and was done to afford a method of obtaining eutranee into the bankruptcy court. The liability ct the cosipiny ap- moBt brutal murders ia the history of | ports to be made under oath by tho| tFFORT TO PREVENT Onslow C/Ounty oc^’arxed last evening when Claud Snsgs, a well Jmowa far mer, whose iaoms is about three milee from lacksonville, shot and lostautly luliert '.ftiija .Va can K secured on the basis ot unl- LoEdou Deft. 29.—It i*; «t»Aud oh exoellent authority that lie Mbuitt has already decided apou a modified lorm ot coQBoription bill, to be in troduced In the house of commous jiext week, giving the government tha j Becessary power, should it be found needfal to bring in single men and preserve Premier AsquEh’g pledge to Biarrie^'l men. holder to the •ollector of internal rev-i DISEASE IN PnTSBURG| vorsal zrflltary service. enne for the district ai of the date* Whil? Secretary Garrison has malt ot Jasaary 1, April 1. Jnly 1 and | Pittsburg, Dec. 29.—Thousands of' no put.Mc declaration ot his own opin- October 1, of each yet.i', wlttia fivejoards bearing the word "Don t” have i ion. Assistant Secretary Breckenridge, .■ I'i ar (.iter . dlftribslod pve: eitv '■ an^wV., I,? !4fe ' tyres cii tol.acdj to b« iualadeA ia f.b« j mtuia. The ;woV t**- ' ' I reports ol the holdari. tbersuX; and inj have brought the death list of Pitts- fa^r ' democratic solution to the j the speclflcation ot of'tobacco i burg up to 203. Ot this Bumner os are militai,: problem ot thi, nation. .“StgDs he shall follow sHbetantlaily the class- ] from pneumonia a gaia of 19 over the ! ill cation of general types as recog-j preceeding week. nized and adopted by the department | ot agriculture tkat he shall prepare | proper blanks upon which «uch re- nage now belnp: built in the United Slates f&r American registry has in creased ten-fold since July 1, 1914. In a summary of reports from shipbuild ers it is learned that one New Eng land plant which has a constant ca pacity of $10,000,000 a year hag worJ; on hand tor 15 months, of wtick ona- proximated ?85,000.00, oiie half ot | half is tor merchant tonnage and. tht which is secured by a series of bonds i other halt for the goTernment An- issued by the compauy in May of this (other New England plant with a ca- year. The assets of the company cou-j pacity of ?1,500,000 now has work on sist principally of its manufacturing | its books for 12 niont’as. plant which was recently appraised | b.v the Marufacturers' Appraisal Com-: pany at $72,000.00. This company's ^ plant was destroyed by fire in Septem-! her of last year resulting in a loss over and above their Insurance of about $40,000.90. The plant waa im mediately rebuilt o» a larger scale, and !t is said to be one of the best HEAVY RAINS STRIKE PORTION OIMLABAMA MR. S. L. HORTON SHOT IN DEFENSE SAYS THE JURY Coroner's Jury Exonerate* Him From Blame in Death of Bosie Hopkins. Raleigh, Dec. 29.—Mr. S. L. Horton, a prominent citiaen of \Vakett«ld, whose pistol shot is supposed to ha\^e killed Bosie Hopkins, a negro, on Mon* day niiiat in Wakefield was Tuesday afternoon, after an investigation by Justice of the Peace Palmer Gill find Coroner C. A. Separk, exonerated Irom blame for the death of the negro. The Jury found that Mr. Horton shot In self-defense. At the time ot the trouble tour other negroes besides Hopkins were walking on a sidewalk in Wakefield. Mr. Horton and a son, Mr. Roger Hor- ports shall be made, and shall cause a copy of same, together with an ofllcial envelope and a written or printed demand that report be made thereon to be sent to each \ erson sub ject to make reports under this act, in sufficient time to be received by such person on the day before the first day of January, the first day of April, the first day of July and the first day of October of each year. "Section 3.—That it shall be the duty of every manufacturer ot to bacco, snuff, cigars and cigarettes; leader in leaf tobacco; retail dealer in leaf tobacco; importer and ex porter of tobacco, proprietor of a Union of the Americas. Washington, Dec. 29.—Most ot the delegates to the Pan-Auierican Scien tific Congress were engaged in dis cussing the political necessif.r of bind ing all the Americas into a closer union for all purposes. are noi* lacking that the military com mittees of Congress will be formally acquainted wiih this view at the coia ing hearings, either by the secretary himself or by an authorized spokes man. It ia understood, however, that the department will urge that the vital thing Is to put through at the presoBt session a definite statement of military policy and create machinery for organization of a citizen army, volunteers to begin with, but based Bltimately on universal service De partment ofBclals are unwilling to see slat. 509), shall be regarded as in full force and effect with reference to the coufldential character ot information furnished under the provisions of this | the fate of their ro'icy as expressed act I by the general staff and Mr. Garrison “SectiOB 7.—That the puiposes and jeopardized bj tying it up with the provisions of this act shall be egect- universal service issue which may be uated by collector* and other officers I of Internal revenue who shall have ! the authority to inspect the records I and accounts of the persons subject to bonded manufacturing warehouse and j provisions of this act, and such holder ot tobacco other than the orig- j pfljcarg ghall act under the direction inal grower of the tobacco; to furnish j qj ^^e commissioner of internal rev- 10 the collector for the district a true enue, who is hereby authorized to and complete report, to the best of j juake the needful regulations in re- his knowledge, concerning the quan-1 thereto and to publish the sta- j tity of leaf tobacco by the type held j tlstics compiled from such reports as ton, were walking in the middle of! or owned by him as hereia provided. i ^^e required by this act at a date as the roftd. They had noticed that the 1 "Section 4.—That if any persoa j g^rly as practicable after the first day I negroes appeared to be drunk and I subject to the provision* of this act I January, the first day ot -4.»ril, the were taking up the whole of the side-! shall refuse, or wilfully neglect to | jay ot July and the flr«t day of| ■walk and they took the street so as j make report required within the time | October in each year and ke may I not to come in contact with them. j prescribed, or shall make a false re- j ,ujji statistic* ot leaf tr>-1 They were accosted by one of the ^ port as to types or amounts of to- ^acco from the internal revenue re- uegroes in the party who shouted [ bacco held or owned by him he shall '•Hello, there.” Cretting no response ] be guilty of a ruisdemeanor and, upon the negro ligain shouted "Hello, there" | conviction thereof, shall be fined not apptinding ar inamltlng epithet, "You | less than $300 nor more than $1,000, can't walk by me and not speak. ” Mr. Roger Horton spoke «p and said to the negroes, “To» are mistaken in yo»r eolor. We are not your color; don’t speak to us to that way." One of the negroes said, "D— your color," and advanced towards Mr. Hor- j such report as required by this act, or making false report, shall be sub ject to the same penalties as are here in prescribed. “Section 5.—That the word 'person’ used in this act shall be held to in clude also anv firm, 'Mrtnership, com pany, oorporatlon or association. "Seotion 6.—That »ecoHd S167 of the revised statute*, as amended by well disposed of after the policy has been written. STOCK MARKET TODAY New York, Dec. 29.—Selling of slock was resumed at today's opening, many leading issues recording de clined. Among the heaviest shares were American Smelting, Mexican Pe troleum and Western Union. Usitert States steel opened with 1,000 shares at 87 1-4 to 87 3-4. Goodrich and Ten nessee copper were among the tew specialties to record gains. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 29.—4.4 Inches ol rain—the greattet iuant:ty wkiek has fallen since 1S66—has besjn reported ■ - ' : . '-.s plants in the south. It j *>y the local weather bureau Airing i«i?i V, wever, that ia rebuilding the! hours enrtiLg at 7 o’ttoek this 1, , .ivcoteu '.w I tt’iruiof'. The averf.go foT th-? 24 and re=ervsd too little as a working | ’ ''■■.hem »ee>lon ot capital and on the aocoant oi the rise i is slightly above fc»r ja iiei in priCB of lumber ano depr«R«-:/^>i in weather t’lrpsiu rs id. the price of ehooks, the company fori Birmingham, Ala., Dec. 29.—Wire several weeks has been in bad condl-j communication out ot Btrmtagham tioB. ' *as seriously damaged by the s*ornl The conapany closed its factory justj here today. Only one Hue was avail- before Christmas end invited its cred- able out of the city, but over that itors to meet them in conference yes-1 reports came that the storm was s^^ terday with the result as outlined j rious in the nearby country. Many above. It is understood that the re- j buildings were badly damaged, plate ceirer will be given immediate in-1 Elass, windows and signs suflerinj! structions to sell the plant and that it! much destruction. will be offered for sale, and it is very! probable that within a few weeks the An Active Citizen, plant will be in operation by new owners. The company gives employment to about 150 men and has a pay roll of about $1200.00 a week. These men are temporarily out ot employment, but the probability is that within a short time new owners will have the plant and it will resume operation, re maining a permanent asset to o»r community. Mr. W. L. Russell, of Pittsburg, Pa., is preiaent oi the company. How ever, Mr. Russell has been unable to devote any conbiaerable of his time to this plant having interests at Pitts- targ and McKees Rock, Pa. The Mr. O. B, Moss, a prominent y»UBj law’yer of Spring Hope, is here during the holidays on a visit to his parents, Mr. Moss is .1 huster and is playing an important part in the developmt-nt ot Spring Hope. He is president of the Chamber of Commerce and cnder his leadership that orgttnizatton is proving ot great vtlue to the commun ity.—Wilson Times. Washington, Dee. 29.—^Discussion of the prohibition of the use of alcoholic beverages ani the prevention ot orimfl directed a greater interest to the members of the Pan-Americjui Seien- other stockholders of the company are i tiflc Congress in a study puhHe R. Wallace Collier and P. F. Quinn, j health and medical splence here today. ton and flr«d a pistol In his direction. Mr 9 L. Horton retmmed the fire. Hopkins was *ot in tha be«d and another negro, John Gray, was shot in the heel. Gray wa* #r*nk and was t^laced In the kwkup. Both negroe* have served term* on the pwid* a*d tie Gray ne gro Is said to be a very desperate ottnmeier. or imprisoned for sot more than six months, or both »o fined ahd impris oned, at the discretion of the court. The president, general njanager or other officers of any corporation re fusing or wilfully neglecting to make' eeming tobacco collected by the sev eral bareaus or departments ot the COTTON. turn* aad reports of manufacturers [ New York, Dec. 29. Circulation ot and (vCaler* coming under tl'e pro-1 January notices amounting visions Df this act, as r.ay be deemed | «o 9,600 ba'.es a total 1,800 bale issaed advisable. I during the past three days seems re- "Section S.—That the bureau of] sponsible for considerable scattered crop estimates ot the Department of i liquidation in the cotton market here Agriculture shall prepare and publish ! today. Later the market was steadied an annual report which shall contain | by covering and prices showed rallies all the statistical information con-’ government. “Section S.—That t>e act arnroved April 30, 1912. entitled 'An Act to Aathorize tha Director of the Cenmis to Collect and Publish Additional Statistics of Tobacco,’ he, tg renofiled." Wliv not ••ction 34, act of Angast 28. 1SS4 (28 ,To«rnal? subscribe to of 3 to 4 points from the lower. New York, Dec. 29.—Cotton futures opened steady today with Jan. 12.10; March 12.S7; May 12.62; July 12.75; Oct. *12.45. At noon the cotton market was as follows: Jan. 11.99: March 12.27; May 12.51; and the I Juiy 12.65; Oct, 12.S1. j The cotton iparket closed at S p. m. j as follows: rpjjgj Jsa. 11 S8: March 12.23: May 12.37; Jrfly 12 61; Oct. 12.28. Mr. Collier being a resident of Peters burg, Va., though temporarily resid ing in Wilson and Mr. Quinn of Peau- sylvania, though ha has been In Wii- gOB lour years. Among the creditors present yes terday were: Mr, J, L. Camp of the Camp Manufacturing Compaaiy; Mr. Plummer representing tha National Benk ot Petersburg; but the discussion of international law with members ot the inCemattonal law society ccntinaed to attract much interest. OUT OF THE DEBRIS New Rork, Dec, 27.—North and east Mr. H. Gaixett | New York and >Iew England are to- Smith ot Norfolk. Ya., with hi* coun- j day slowly recovering from tae dam sel Mr. Hugh Davie; Mr. M. H, Jones, j ages inflicted by yesterilay’a stcrm. of the oorporatiQB ot Vtasoa. Jones i A succession of rain, snow, sleet and and Finch with tbeir Kiunsel, Mr, Georg* Butler of Clinton; Mr. Parker, counsel for the Camp Manafactarlng Company; Mr. Reeves ot the Mont gomery Ijumber Oompany; Mr. Mc Neil of the Garyesb^rg Ij«mber Com pany, and a cumber of others. These jrentlemen were all optimistic a* to the geaeral basiness coaditioas. Becin the New Tear right by letting The Jonmal do your Job Work. thunder and lightning wittdtag UJ> with a gale that tore down wires and trees and uprooted houses, eaneed widespread damages amd ^atbs. Telegraph communieattoa In some places ia still internipted ind»j awtag to telegraph poles being tora dowa tor Bevera! miles. The signal systems on several railroads are interrupted in ft similiar manner. Why not Joiimalt subiieribe to TllP I