APR. 5.191 |) Pasb noi| Forniei Ei| lih Kirestonc T> tiW |to make an appi ranct ^ then it was 'cau>f| ASSMORF; who ;vfs» ! at 1011 \VC; Sfi has witncfst i I in machinery ;est) a Itoh rasstnore ari'jw II lie no tears for the .rlectric poWv-r. . . . ju>< S Item or two for Boh’s s \ponses cun ravroU SavinRs GASTONIA DurinK 19>2 an averaRe of 61 per cent of all employees were en rolled in the payroll savings plan. \s a result this plant is now en titled to fly the Treasury Award Klas. (See story this page.) NO. 8 (;ast()MA. n. (... APiuL 2.'>, um Plaiil Wills Sixth Consecutive Safety Award From North Carolina Department Of Labor I'lKK.S'J'OM-: TKXTII.KS for the sixth c-onsi'cutivc year has received the North Carolina Labor Dcjiiirtim'nl's Sality Awani. Staitiiin 1’.I17, the first yeur the award was Riven, and continuing tliroiicli last year tlie jiiaM has shown an ;imnial .iafety record which was either 75 per cent below the stiiti' iiwriijXf ill accident frcijuciicy, or was -10 per cent helow the jireccdin^ years record for the plant. •Safi'ly l>irecli>r 1,. 1!. McAliee acccpteil the sixth award, which is a har to attach to the Plaque won last yt'ar. in <‘eri'nit>nies at thi* Masonic Temple on Ai>ril 14. Only two industrial |dants in (lastori County have i|ualified six times for the i^lior Department .\waril, iic< C. J). <;ray. lift, cli.iirnian of llu- Vv- •• liond rvt>>rt;uu f(»r (Ia.'*lon tlu* Tu*asuiy j i \o FirvsUuK* Trxtilfs for haviiijr 50 j»rr trni u\ more* :t> on an avn arf f«»r .v«*ai pat Iich>aUi>>' in tin* pay roll jW ■ nulliud ioru’r of I.ahor for North . j’;a, al ^!Hlla^«•r Ilaroli) .MorciT. II. T. Dirkson. Kxcctitivt* ..t'.ary of thi* (»asi<»nia ('hawlH*r of ('onuntTft*, ami OviTsivr O. K. Ir.’oUT. who is plant chairman of thr iVfrn.M* MoihI Tro^rram. ’iiiplovee Bond Bii) in}!; In ’S2 lerils L. S. Treasury Award >o m ril liara W kk iman Wr ;ak >ai'ns Baens pvan liVow Orch. & Chorus Hines Orchestra Hines & Choru- Hines Orchestra Hines & Choru-' Orch. & Chcru- Stevens Orchestra Stevens Stevens, Choru- and Audience lli -ky Orchestra -n Stevens & Choru I .(•ideiilal with tlu the awards <>1 Masonic Temple litiunil ni Orch. & Chorus Uenzell Orcb<*slrH Henzell lieniell & Choru- kowgVy Orchestra t» Benzell & Chof'J" ' LonAon » Warenskjold Ix)ndon Orchestra Dtiel ^•.ral Maiiap r Harold Mercei : ihtrs.'cr O. K. Forrester ac- th, Vi.iud Stales Treasury ,i„nl*half of the employees :.rt4(mc Textiles at a special •'•laUon rnii •'.Ution t*f •y at tfir ■;u. iwar.l was won on the has"* •. plat,f- r,(, per cent employe.’ /• latioii ill the purchase of de- . W.,1- throuk'h th‘- l'“>"’’' . plan. Thr award was made ' l).(;riiy,r.a-ton C.miilv bond Ml. Forrester, who ,11 for the plant. I'<1 lilaiit’s employees lati-'l M the payioll >avinH plan in Im ordrr to maintain anii ]>i*rhaps U'tltT, this vxccllvnl aVfram* another ilrivi* is he- in>r planneil for m*xt njonth. In the meantime h Iteautiful whilt Treasury Fla^j has Ihm’H achhwl to Kirfstone’s pjoyee may start savin^» ' the payroll savinKs j»Ian» if m»t al- ! ; ready participatinjf, |jy asking: hi> ; oversei-r to fill out a puyioll iJe* ; (ijrtion applieation sperifyin^ the I amount he wishes withhelfj \ve<*kly for the purehuse of (h'f<*nse l>on<} or ehaii);«M| at the wish of tJu‘ empl«»y •• tlie Masonic T<*mple. The* Jiasloni ('ha*nhto lo , ■ ■11 .siKiiiiitJ i'Hl/ luli liK.*^’ .atrlli- 1 la.'-ifil atio 1 ....... > .' n ] ■■ ■. !■ l.an;'- .Ill 'I'lOIlt ',1' I'KI/K II U 1 1.1 IK" 1. 11^^V 1 ir iipll 1 illlll.' t: !.v I,y si»Jiiin« , prize will t'c • up most nn mh will be ‘t Ulll cll I '• ■ . .• I , , „. .1 itl.Ml ill " ,1 .1 !■ i.. I"- i\ a l\vi>tei ' ‘"f tl'ie Twi>tii.^' I'cP^-"- ;.'i! : mill*- v:irn ui^' <■"" ' |,'’r,'loff.'d " after h. • ,lUii thinl'> "‘" id.' to- show i. a 1 111' ' I , \v, • till- Y at |,.,s |..-..|il.- do ill ''i'' 1''^"" " J.pOW I i I -MMMl Vv.iy H- al-" 'I-;' "" ,,1. 'd I.AUOU 1M;I*AIM'MKM' SAKKTV AWAKD — Commi-ssioner j ■ Korrest ShufonI, of the North Carolina Department of Lalwr, pre- j seiits Kirestone textiles with a har to attach to its safety plaque (won last year) sliowintr that this plant for the sixth time has won the I.alior Department's Safety .\ward. Safety Director L. B. McAbec accejits the award which was won this year as a result of a plant lost lime accident frequency which was 75 per cent or more Mow the state averafce for comparalile industries. General Manafier Harolil Mercer looks on at riKht. Spinning Wins Supremacy Cup; i Holds Top Award For 8th Year athletes and invited quests in at tendance. The l>ani)uet i.s an annual affair held in honor of outstandinit achievement in athletics and rec reation in the Company's athletic and recreational program for em ployees. (Continued on I’ajre (!) Photo (’(inlcsl Announced; Kniry De.'idline .May 30th Till-; Kecreation Department has announced an Knijiloyees' Photo Contist for the liest three photo- jrraphs turm-il in to that depart ment by employees during the monlh Ilf .May. The photograph can be any .-ize, it can have lieen ‘ ' '••• 'he em- ’rilK Spiiininj: Depaitmeni has; done it ii^aitt. For nn>re years tunc ; tiian ('ardiiijr. Twistinj:, or any of | the other plant departments woiihi' like tf» renjeml>vr. Hk* Spinninjr Ih** paitnienl has clHimed the hijrhest spt*i t.- award at Firestone Textiles j The Supremaey <’up. They won j it airain al the April 4th Sports Kan«jnpirit in eompititive athletics dur- inj; '-hr >i ar ll*;')!.*. <>t!u‘r oulslantlitijr awards pre- I vetUt'd al the Spojt'. |{, Mo . ^ riayrr, llu- jlirit. Minnie Kilhy, ;irtd M»},ine Iviie. (■;> 'i’he \!u-t r.Miipeliti\*■ Ath- I pi. ' ■ S'U( : -i I at Camp Firestone, the camp are given Mrs. Bertha Broome, he numerous recrea- U't.’ A- itf'i 111 niiv ,„.i' .uvoidiiit-' I 'll" iloyi iT himself ■iiiiil laiiy. hut aki- 11 liy the e I hi' photi i>ri lO'l :iiid ■s'i h; ivi i " >(>Ol1lt. ■ md t ri-l lectivi I'ly. llUt' -ide ‘ if Kil ill dliil ill *■■■ inploy have been ,,vlio niters of $o. $:i. ffei.-l f'"- place Vinners , ■ jud^'e^ r Xtile> vs-.r. •a futuH t'n.’V eV- vUM''* Mitt ; ^^ailable to ^^YOUT above are illustrated a few of the activities and facilities shown here and their families at Camp Firestone: (1) The boat landing this as a fishing pier and diving platform. When hot weather (2) p busiest area at the camp—the focal point of water sports and is ^^tural and man-made scenic beauty Lake James, on which the camp ^ ® Lake ’ T ^ by few lakes in the state. The bridge crosses directly over i'oxn a ' ■ - ■ Tn^^-*4iiQcj nsmu ttic the James Dam*'The" taTel lows'a fisherman’s view of the surrounding h.l s door overlooking the dam 31 Families using the bunkhouses use the huge out- tab,;‘;;‘'''en and dinlilfw ."vl.intlv located on the water front. Seated at the tabledining hut, conveniently l^ca of his family and friends Mr. picture is Charles Plyer, . Fixture is Charles i'lyer, rigni') Mr