Vol. 1 - No. 7 AI4N0UNCaiSTJTS Due to the change from war time to standard time, flight instmactors v;ill be on duty from 9:00 A.L. to 6:00 Fj.!. Dual instruction will be given at any time before 9:00 A.I . by appointment. PERSONALS On September 25th our kr. R. A. l‘.yers was passing out cigars. The occasion? Lrs. Lyers presented him with a 7 pound, 12 ounce son. Yes, he is R. A., Jr. Gurney Sraith and 7/. C. Baker returned from Detroit, kichigan on konday, after being held up two days by inclement weather. They left their plane in Ash- ville, coming the rest of the v;ay with kr. Paul kckurray. Brownie returned to Asheville with kr. kcLurray on a "deer" hunt, we hear. He flevj in yes terday with 21113, but had no venison. Piedmont Aviation, Inc, was vjell represented at the Carolina Aero Club keet in Raleigh last weekend. Lr. and krs. Tom Davis in the konocoupc, kr. Charles Vestal in the new J~3, and kr. and krs. Sam a^ith in the Club ship. Flight Officer J. Herbert Drew dropped by for a visit on Friday of last vjeek. He is ready to get back into civilian harness. Bill Taylor came by to say "hello" on ‘Wednesday, The October issue of Aviation kain- tenance carried an article, "Crop Dusters from Cubs", which gave Piedmont Aviation, Inc. some good publicity. evifliioo nays Friday, October 1945 Now that Piedmont has a new instru ment instructor, we guess that Baker will be walking around with his head in the clouds. What insti'uctor was seen chasing Andy around, trying to cut in on his business? kr. Lindsay Callovjay is leaving the employ of Piedniont Aviation. We will miss hira. AVIATION VOCABUURY STRUT — A compression member of a truss frame, SPAR — A principal span-wise trans verse member of the wing structure of an airplane. CaSTLE or Castellated nut is one having parallel grooves cut into one face. The grooves arc cut opposite each other and serve as a slot throuj^i which cotter pins can bo passed through the bolt and the nut for the purpose of locking of safetying, POLk ■— h. designation found on Page 1 of the Operations Record (Form 309) which signifies that the aircraft in question is an (P) airplane, an (O) Open cockpit, a (L) Landplane, and a (k) konoplane. New words for next week: HYDR^.ULIC SYSTE.. HYDRaiETER IGNITION HARNESS TACHQi-ETER