Piedmont Aviation News - page 2 Friday, November 16, 1945 v/eelc. They report the fishing at Thu ^64.00 quostioii is, '^l^lero Atlantic, W. C. xras good. Bslcer says was So. 9 Thursday night?" he had a hard time keeping tfindy str- are all sorry to hear about aight after he caught a 47-lb, chani'iel bq-Jj Worthington’s illness. Hope bass. he v;ill be back viith us soon* After six days in Yankee-land, v;e thought we v;ould need an interpreter to talk vrith Sean, Agnei'r, and Gypsy Rose, but 'tve are happy to say they still say "Good morning, how are you all"? Pop and Brownie loft Saturday morn ing, as thrilled as tvio school boys, for a doer hunt in the Smol::^'' Momtaiiis. Pop was loaded for boar '^/ith a 22 and two olophant guns. Ko practiced shoot ing for awhilo before ho got av/ay and I’/indy says his gun snapped fivu timos. Brovaiio v/as going to do tho driving and let Pop practice shooting on tho way. knov.’’ if the deer got wiiiiin range that Pop v/ill bring home the venison, if his shot does not go awry and hit somebody in Tennessee. Billie Barber is home on furlough, his first in fifteen months of service. ?Je were glad to greet h.im on Thursday v^hen he spent a v;hile i/ith us, I'Ye were reminiscing in the shop tlT,e other day and time turned back to the days when our lino crow v/as feminine, A certain lad asked to soo one of tho frlr ladios homo but was told ho v;as too young. Hov? time fliv^'SjlI That lad is novj' groivn up and is doing a man sized job. The lady is not v/ith us now.