Friday, December li+> 1945 Volume 1 “ No. 17 ACTION In the past few days vje have had various meetings and discussed in detail what should be done to improve our Shop operations. We have done a great deal of talking, ’ihat I am after now is ACTION. Let us all do our utmost to make the improvements and ideas we have discussed become a reality. F. H. Ponish GOSSIP Is Mom going into the smoke grind ing business? Local boy makes good — he has learned to use telephone. At what meeting was kajor Tuesday, 2:00 A.L. For trade: the old yellow hen for a good pair of tennis shoes. Our annual Christmas Party ’Wednes day evening ~ nuff sed. Thanks to our hostesses for a lovely Christmas Party on Wednesday evening. VJhere were you and your dates, all you boys from the Shop who did not come? FLIGHT DEPARmENT We have missed kr. Groat from Operations this week. He has been confined to his bed with flu. Reports this morning are that he is improved and hopes to be back in the harness within the next few days, Gurney Smith is weathered in at Richmond on his trip to Y/ashington. Schlosburg made a trip to Rocky iiount on Tuesday. Charlie has been "iced-in" ??? at Yadkinville, N. C. THE EDITORS OF PA NEl'JS URGENTLY REQUEST CONTRIBUTIONS — NEWS OR OTHERWISE. LET’S HAVE EVERYONE TURN IN Ai^ ITEIi. FOR NEXT WEEK'S PAPER I / 0