\ . . r\^-A* '! V-. .'^A :r^ - • ^ V By - Fred Beamvr i,::"-. .J •■■'’•■ ' ' • The Pirskin Parade, of- X9U3 has=‘ju‘st- albout passed out. of si£;ht.-- Of. cpurso. T;e-vcrlD. h'ave the Annual Bowl clones, along’- with :fe.\v, ail-^t-at' - gaffies’.,,' Basket ball has’ started in most ;Lif;h schools and'some few/cgller^s, but the real competition of this sport' doesn't get under"way until after X’mas. Baseball is just about as dead as a door n?dl .'.nd will be until about April l6th. So you see at- this particular time sports arc about as scarce as "Shot Gun Shells”, . : Tliere _v/as a £:oot ball:f^jyue-pla^^ed the past week-end'that y/d vjere definitely; interested in.. It was the. Shi?ine All-St?r f;ariie played in I.Iemorial Stadium, Charlotte.- This was the.-seventh Amiual Shrii;ic Clrssic to 'bi’ played. S*ijice -the North Carolina Shidiicrs licked the South Carolina scholars-, .it ^;avc the Tar.Heels a wide margin in this series, It^now stands North Carolina 4 £'ames won - tied two .^nd lost one. The final score of thia-.last ^;ame was North Carolina 20 - South: Carolina 7. ■' ' V . • •' ‘z Tlie teams were selected .jfrom hi£;h. sch'ocls'of North 'c?jid South Carolina, all of them v;ere st'ars* and.^^cr^e ;pf them were ’bri'ht stars, Billj^ Britt, (Ashe:ville Hi^,h) a chunky’little speedster started his .mates to-railing oh the. opening klcl-c-bff when he'• c-irriQd it back 90 yards for t>.e first score. In the sedond’period this.’Billy pitched a 10-yard-aerial to Reidsvilles Tom Fetzer for the- eocond''score-,'.'. In the ’^th . period he .{^rabbcid a 22 3??.rd pas's from Fayetteville ’ s, :Tatum on South."Cp.ro'l^na’l; UO' yard line and he''tpok; thT^ pi^-skin all the wp.y home for th6 3rd and final-:.Tar Heel score,; In this sam6 period South Carolina put on a 67 yard drive that £-ave the Pal metto lo-ds their only score. Some say this lad fI'om. the, Laiad of the Sky hao already been measured for a Duke uniform, some say Uncle Sam,- -rid ,sot;ie'.say CaroLina, V/e would kinda’ like to wa^xDr that rc/;:arc'J.ess of the unifom he wears, we’ll hear niore abou-b this boy, Sor.io few sports writers have selected their All-Anerican foot-ball team, but as yet the Associated Press has not picked one. I’ll try and {;et the Lawndale experts to pick one and have it for 3^ou in the ne-xt- issue, • Fr(^n all reports. Piedmont has cinother corkin/x ['.pod ^’irl basket-^ball'. tp-ari. 'They.'' lost their coach,. Mr,; Dodd^ rjid one,-^of'the'be&t-playet*s ever to wear a p^eilinont uni-' form, none -other thanIvliss Betl&XiSrCism,-yet"-they hav6 Won all of their faraes'except with the Shelby all-stars. Since losing to Shelby tlioy have defeated Grover, Falls- ton cjid Belwood, They nov;.;;have a lady, Hrs, Boone for their coach and they really do work for her, .. .... i-'"- • * They have defeated S’lelbyr^ll-stars,-B">.Vi06d‘and Gr.over, -.Thejr lost one• ^'pjne to Fallstoni-■ I’m sure both boys ?nd firls will have a te^'ia‘we"idll all be quite proud of, ’Possum huntinr has and still is quite popular around these.parts, I suppose the reason this sport is more popular than usual, '‘is you'don’t J-iavc. to "pass the ajnr-iunit- ion." All you have to have is a strong set of lun^;s, a aouple of good tree.‘da^'is-and some one along that,can climb a:tree, .The "tv/o'-huntors" I ha've in mind are brioth'ers, Durhfun and John’ Viliisnant, Brother Durhein does the hollering while brother John does the climbing, I have been told the^r go several times each week and each time they go, they bring back a lot of. ’possums.* The last time they went they caught seven of the .little ?re,a-bures*,;.'total 30 lb’s. So you see 'that is a lot of ’possum, .. " ” .• . Unti^l next “t-ime'iotg of gpod-^luclQ.-^. ■ ‘