ROWE WEDDING ON TV PROGRAM Bill Rowe, popular veteran INT pur ser, will be wed December 10, and his wedding will be broadcast over the network program "Bride and Groom" . A number of exciting bridal gifts and enviable honeymoon plans are afforded those fortunate to appear on this program and all Bill's friends are wishing him the finest of luck. ip :i!L if. 3;« if if. ifi s'.f if if if >1? >!« SFREDDO TRANSFERRED TO INT - I F. Li. Sfreddo, INT maintenance for several years, has been transferred to the Inspection Department as an Inspector. "Freddy", as his many co-workers know him, has been with Piedmont since beginning of the airline, and his transfer to the Inspection Depart ment will be keenly felt on his shift. if ^ 5|i >;e >[ >le >lc sjc BOOTHS MAKE GRP HOME Capt. and Mrs. Grey Booth, of ORF, recently spent several days visiting friends in Winston-Salem. Mrs. Booth is the former Nell Haul- dren of Hamlin, Va. , and until her marriage to Capt. Booth, worked in the Communications Department. The couple were married October 24, and after a honeymoon trip to New York, Havana and Miami, re turned to their present residence in Norfolk. PAPPY'S PLEASANT PASTTIME HOLIDAY DINNER ENJOYED; R Season's Greetings to one and all from ROA.. However, at the time of this writing, the WX in ROA might as well be Spring. The holidays were present in ROA re cently in spirit if not in element. All hands gathered at Bob Reed's house Nov. 14, for dinner, and a general get-together. Man, how Bob's wife can cook. Ask any of the boys on Bob's shift. She really did herself proud. Turkey, dressing and all the trimmings combined with every one's being in fine spirits, resulted in a festive and enjoyable time for all. Everyone brought their wives, children, and what have you, which just about filled the house to over flowing, and managed to really get acquainted. Even the children en joyed the party, that is until bedtime came. Reports have it that Bill (Gunsmoke) Cash has a long term and exclusive contract with Lady Luck. A few of the more financially stable guests sat down for a little game, and when Jim Wilson got up to go into the other room for a minute, he found out that he had lost fifteen cents while he was gone. Hoyle just can't compete with old Gunsmoke. Itinerant NRSA's take note - he's also very proficient at Match-U-For-A-Coke and Pitch- U-For-The-Line. If you're tired, save your energy, and go ahead and buy. Bob says that he expects the house to be back in order any week now. Our assistant chief agent, P. H. Wil- bourne, has recently been proudly handing out cigars, and for good reason. Namely, a little fellow by the name of John DeWitt Wilbourne, 6 lbs. , 6 ozs. , born Oct. 29, 1953. See also that our old chief agent, Charlie Fields, now in EWN, is also a proud papa. Rodney Que Fields, 7 lbs. , 3 oz. , born Oct. 31, is the newest member of the Fields clan. Congratulations to the proud fathers. The work schedule has been arranged at ROA so that all agents may now attend training classes for a few hour; each month. At these training class es, any new procedures are gone over, and hashed out so that they are more thoroughly understood, and may be put into the most efficient appli cation in our work. These classes, which are taught by the manager, or one of the shift leaders, also serve DA AGENTS GET SCHOOLING as a time when all agents may dis cuss any problems, or new ideas, which may have arisen in the course of their work. As may be seen, the sessions provide an opportunity for expression, and supply many helpful suggestions for improvement. If you enjoy fine music, ROA is the place for you. Here, if you listen carefully, you can hear the lovely strains of a hillbilly band issue forth from the receiver or ROA's radio. Quite a phenomena. Or, if you pre fer your culture direct, drop around some night while Reed's shift is waiting for the LYH check on 82. Here you will hear some harmony that will put the Lost Chord to shame. Me, I find it relaxing to vocalize a little as I work. But I still can't fig ure out why the other agents always shut the doors. Peasants! Recently, new swinging doors were installed in the station, replacing the old metal rolling door. They seem to be very well received, and so far no casualties have resulted from con fusion as to the flow of traffic, com ing and going. They certainly will be a boon in the winter, eliminating the need for raising and lowering the door every time someone goes in or out. Very time-consuming when in a hurry, to say nothing of how drafty it makes it for the agent working operations. (You know how sensitive artists can be. ) If present indications denote any trend for the future, ROA will soon have some additional ramp space. Work men are now pouring a section of the new ramp, at the opposite end of the ramp, of course. Now if they will only come on down to our territory, we may be able to park a few air planes without having it seem like rush hour at a parking lot on Satur day afternoon. That's all from ROA for this time. About time to get ready for the "Big Push". As Captain Pierce would say "Is Capitalist trick to drive agent crazy. Is making you Number One >Hero if invent way for man to make living without working." Best wishes for a very Merry Christ mas to you and yours from one and all at ROA. Bill O'Bryan if if ^ -2-