ANNIVERSARY PARTY- DANCE SCHEDULED OPEN HOUSE TO BE FEATURED -inal arrangements are complete to hold the innual employee party-dance in the new hang ar building February 17. Formerly set for ^cember 16, the party was delayed due to »ipment of doors for the hangar. This year, as a special feature. Open House will be held in the new General Office build ing from 7:00 PM until 9;00 PM where con ducted tours will be made to acquaint a I I employees with the Company's new quarters. At 9;00PM festivities will begin in the hangar building with special entertainment engaged for the occasion. Howard Waynick and his orchestra will play for dancing and refresh - ments will beservedthroughout the evening. A special invitation is extended to all per - sonnel on the system to attend this event, which will be termed "Anniversary Party", celebrat ing our eighth year of successful operations. All employees, their wives, husbands and dates are invited. ^IIQDTITnTTllllS^^^