FIiiDkuin' Al:a.INES Jiristorx-Sa.leir., Worth Carolina T'iAFFIC r.^'lOHVNIUM in I, ,m sure that all of yoa know that .'s.IR PARCEL F03T is (ping into effect Septeiaber 1. This xs coing to mean additional work for ail of us. So far i have been unable to secure Air Parcel Post literature in a large enough quantity for distribution; how ever^ your local Post Cffice v.dli have full instractions for the hanuliug of same. It is suggested, therefore, that you; contact your l^ostiiiaster in an effort to ^et a copy of these instructions. Please read carefully so that you vd.ll know what is going on. II- Please reiiember to adxdse all people vAien they are eiaployed that it will be necessary fcr them to take the GROUP INSURANCE. If you do not have on file a copy of the pam phlet explaining the Piedmont Group Ins’oi'ance, please request s.iine fi’om ohis on ice. Aiiis is something else you definitely need to have on file, III. This question came up the other day in reference to I’iilP H\iajiuii\IGji: "Can a passenger .huiige routing after his has been started and I'lis insurance policy purchased?” The answer is -'yss"c Example: Passenger boarded Eastern at CLT for CVG via Charleston, ^^est Virginia, Upon arrival at H'JT passenger decided to go us directly to CVG. His insurance policy was valid on the new routing, IV. Oir AIR MIL MIS-HiU'JULINGS were on a decrease for avjhile, as you v/ere previously in- fon:aed. It is now necessary to infoi’m you that these niis—handlin^gs are again on the increase. In analysing the caure for thej^e rnis-handlirgs, it has been determined that a large percenta,-e is caused by errors in the stations load n.essage, I lease make it a must to check your 2713 *s after departure of flight agamsu your accio.iulated load ol mail on at your station. In this way, you va.ll be able to catch these errors and make the necessary corrections before the flight gets to the next station. Your constant efforts will be to keep these iri'egularities to a minimum, as you know, each mail irregularity costs the company considerable loss in fines by the Post Office Depart ment, These fines increase with increasing irregularities, 1 -‘-0 your station motto, "No I-lail Irre.aularities". V, l.r, Turbiville has just returned from STATION INbPECilON of the southern part of our route and he received iiiany favorable comments on the way our station agents nandle themselves at trip time in getting fliglits in and out in 2 to 3 minutes time, and the way every man seeKied to know what he was doiii,:_, ao all Dimes, .these coiiimentiS were from our passengers and sp&cbaLors around the airpoi-ts. From Mr. Turbiville's obser- ' .‘.tions, he has'^found this tr’.ie throughout the entire system and it is gratifying to ’aioi/ that we have pert.ounel in our organization of this caliber. Keep up this good