„ 2 - February 1 to July 31j 1949 inclusive„ In other words, 4th Revised Page 89 is to be ignored when quoting fares or ticketing passengers at the present tiine„ The same provisions are published on two sets of Western Air Lines' local fares„ Original Page 174-A, Original Page 174-Bj and Original Page 174=0 should be used at the present time, and 6th Revised Page 175j 6th Revised Page 176^ and 5th Revised Page 177 are not applicable at the present time^ as indicated at the top of these pages,,” 5o AAL BOEING STRAT0CRUI3ER SERVICE - American has announced the inauguration of their Trans-Atlantic Boeing Stratocruiser service as of August 17 - New York, Shannon, London, the first return flight is to be made August 19» In the beginning there will be two round trips per week with more added as deliveries are made„ Skyberths for l6 passengers will be available on each flight at a minimum sleeper fare (tariff not yet issued)„ 6., NO-SHOW REPORTS - All stations are to send in their No-Show reports to Mr, Brown weekly and not daily, as you were previously instructed, 7o EMPLOYEF.S TIME TABLE - We are now planning to print future schedule changes for your use on one page« I feel sure that all of you will agree that this will be an improvement o 8o PURSERS NOTE - We have had quite a number of compliments recently on the manner in which you fellows are performing your duties„ Congratulations - keep up the good work. Several suggestions have been made deserving especial attention - some of you fellows are already carrying it out - and that is, prior to landing make it your business to see that all deplaning passengers are in possession of their personal belongings before the actual landing is made, I am sure that all of you can see the advantage of this, as it gives the passenger ample time to be sure that he has his correct coat, hat, etc. However, this does not relieve you of the responsibility of getting the right articles to their rightful owners, 9, RUDDER BLOCKS -= 41 “-22 was delayed one hour and fifty minutes due to rudder block working loose while on ground and damaging control cable. In placing these blocks on the air plane be sure that you put enough pressure in wedging the block into place, so that they will not become loose from high winds. This is important fellows and is part of your Job, Let's do it righto 10, MARCH SYSTEM QUOTA - You have all received ’’HERE'S NEWS" showing your standing on your quota for the first 21 days in this month, I feel that we are getting along very nicely and have a wonderful opportunity to make it. As of today (22nd) we are only 127 minus for the entire system. We can very easily make this up with a couple of good days, and this means that we have a chance of getting on the black side of the ledger for the first time in several months, 11, MAILING LIST •=■ Most of you have been doing an excellent job of giving us productive names for the mailing list. Please remember to give correct surname, correct address and correct initial, 12, PREDICTIONS OF CONTEST WINNERS FOR MARCH = WATCH RIC, AVL AND SDF = DAN BEARS EQUAL ATTENTION, DEPENDING ON ROUND TRIP SALES, THAT IS ALL FOR THIS TIME, LWG;za PIEDMONT'S TIME IS '49