QF INTEREST TO WOMEN * CLUB NEWS Mrs. J. H. Daniel and Mrs. Sam Henry visited Mrs. Daniels' daugh ter, Miss Mary Daniel, last Mon. day, at Peace Institute where she / is a student. Friends of Mr. C. E. Noell will be glad to know he has returned to his home at the Lantern Tea i 1 Room after being ill for some time EW at the Park View Hospital. ■ Mrs. R.* T. Fountain entertained I the Fine Arts Club at her home 1 Tarboro street last Tuesday af- I be Jon. After an interesting pro «rel'she served an ice course. 1 int- Wilkinson School Parent- I ir Association gave its an j ,Withers' Night celebration 1 ( it Thursday night at eight J /clock. Mrs. J. R. Bennett was > is charge of the program. U The Delta Theta Delta sorority T gave a delightful benefit bridge I party at the home of Miss Mary I* , Smith on Friday afternoon. I Twenty guests attended and Miss V Galena Brothers won the prize for ■ high score. i O —— o LEGGETT NEWS ITEMS By Margaret Lawrence Or 0 Ur. L. H. Fountain fromJQ. N. (X, spent the week-end with hie Mother, Mrs. L. H. Fountain. % The Agriculture class of Leggett high school gave a Fathers and Sons banquet Friday night. I' Miss Mary Elizabeth Meeks, a' member of the Leggett faculty, has been sick at her home in Rocky Mount for the past week. Mr. V. E. Fountain is home af ter a short visit in New York City. Highway No. 44 from Whitakers to Leggett is now under construc tion. i , I - Donald Traylor, who is attend- I ing school in Rich Square, was I home for the week-end. I The Senior Class of Leggett W high school sponsored a square ' dance Friday night ' o ? PINETOPS NEWS °I j By Biltier Mawn Cobb O ■ O n»e P. T. A. of Pinetops Gram mar school presented the three-act musical comedy "See You Later," Wednesday evening, February 14th at the school auditorium. BSiss Alya Taylor of Greenville and Pinetops entertained her 1 bridge club delightfully, Thursday evening. After several progres sions, it was found for the mem ' bers Miss Sadye Belle Brown had won high score prize, which was an attractive antique vase. Mrs. C. Roy Griffin received low, a. bou bon dish. Mrs. W. A. Gardner was winner of high guest prize, a color flal set of coasters. Mrs. J.' Vines Cobb received low, a pice of pot tery. Miss Taylor assisted by Mrs. I M. E. Lane and Miss Camille Win stead served delicious refresh ments. The following members present were: Mrs. C. Roy Griffin, Mr 3. W. D. Whitley, Mrs. Veston Bul lock. Mrs. T. C. Webb, Mrs. Lane Dozier, Mrs. Leon Griffin and i I Misses Sadye Belle ferown, Camille I Winstead, Margaret Barnes, Es- I telle Jenkins, Lurlene Bass. Guests I were Mrs. M. E. Lane, Mrs. G. H. L 'Webb, Mrs. A. M. Wooten, Mrs. J. f Vines Cobb and Mrs. W. A. Gard ner. The South Edgecombe high school and Saratoga highs played an interesting basketball game on the S. E, H. S. court Thursday af ternoon. South Edgecombe boys won but the girls were defeated. , o O ; —0 {A [ RED OAK NEWS ■ ' By Helen Beal ■ e> —o I" Red Oak and Nashville played a I double header at Nashville last | Tuesday night. The Red Oak P girls won but the boys were de h feated. We are very sorry to say that ■ Mrs. Mary Griffin is now on the sick list. Miss Fuel ma Leonard was hostess at a Valentine party given in her home Wednesday night. The idea of Valentine was very nicely carried out. Many interesting (games were played, after which refreshments were served. Mrs. Mable May was called to the bedside of her son, Geraland May, in Norfolk, Virginia, last Fri day, who was then very ill. Mr. G. C. Hedgespeth spent the past week-end in Smithfield where PERSONALS \ i he is pastor of one of the churches ' there. Miss Mirvaree Beale was the • guest of her parents the past week end. a NORTH ROCKY MT. NEWS Mrs. Barnhill Honored at Birthday Party - Mrs. Barnhill was given a birth ; day party at Mrs. R. L. i home on Falls Road. Many games were played and refreshments were served. Those present were Mesdames B. B. Baines, O. C. Vom, G. C. Johnson, Massingale, B. G. Rhodes, J. E. Thompson, H. B. Briley, 0. G. Godwin, Mollie Derby, Philips, Ruth Cooper, Harris, M. F. Nelms, N. E. Howell, J. J. Bell, Neva T°ylor, R. L. Lowe, Bettie Edwards. Honored at Birthday Party Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Howell were given a surprise birthday party at Mrs. Grimsley's home on Falls Road. Games were played and refreshments were served. The guests were: Mrs. B. B. Baines, Mri and Mrs. R. L. Lowe, Mrs. J. E. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Johnson, Mrs. N. E. Luther, Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Howell!" Mr. and Mnp. Mar vin Nelms, Mr. And Mrs. Ira Coul ter, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mathe3, Mrs. G. M. Clemmons, Mrs. Delia Mather, Mrs. W. L. Bridges, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Vann, Miss Annie J. Vann, Mrs. Daisy Horris, Miss Pauline Coulter, Mr. Marvin Nelms, Mr. Marvin Howell, and Mr. David Cleammons. Mrs. Jimmie Robinson is a pa tient in Park View Hospital. Many friends will regret to know that she is very ill. Friends of Mrs. Lusion Strick land will regret to learn that she is very ill in Park View Hospital. Mrs. Stonburg of Newbern, spent the week-end with Mrs. B, B. Baines of Rocky Mount Miss Gladis and Estelle Davi.sf of this city, spent the week-end in Farmville with Miss Mable Dixon. Mr. Jimmie Dixon of Farmville, spent the week-end with Mrs. J. E. Thompson, of Rocky Mount. v o /• PNfcUMONIA Pneumonia has been called "the captain of the men of death" and rightly so. It carries off 100,000 victims in the United States every year. We have learned how to prevent typhoid and yellow fever, diph theria, smallpox and many other diseases that were formerly so widespread and fatal, but we have not found a specific remedy for preventing or curing pneumonia. It is most prevalent in January, February and March. This proves that there is some relationship be tween cold, inclement weather and pneumonia. There is more than one type of this disease, any one of which is apt to develop from a common cold, that extends to small areas here and there in the lungs. This type accounts for many deaths among old people and child ren, especially the undernourished. Accidents and anesthesia are sometimes followed by pneumonia, which is probably due to the in halation of noxious microbes into the lungs. The most dangerous form of this disease is due to a specific micro organism known as the pneumo coccus. This type runs a definite course. The poisons generated from the germ may cause death, or the heart may be overcome and ■so disabled that it cannot keep up the fight for life and the patient succumbs. He may die from ex haustion. The treatment is to keep every organ in the body in as good a condition as possible. If this is done, and the heart can be sus tained, the patient, especially if fairly strong, will overcome the disease which usually runs its course in from seven to nine days. The alcoholic or habitual drinker is a poor disk. He does not with stand pneumonia well. The vigor ous often survive, if complications do not arise. Even then they may recover, sometimes after a lengthy convalescence. Long exposure ta wet and low •temperatures, remaining in damp THE ROCKY MOUNT HERALD, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C., F clothing, all tend to invite cold which may result in b" attack of pneumonia, especially among the old. o Louisa's etter Dear Girls;, If there is one mortal Who gets on a person's nerves more than a grouch it is the person who is too nice. One such person I have in mind is a woman who absolutely refuses to let one "be comfortable. She in sists on your changing seats be cause one (chair is softer th'an an other. Then you must get up and change its position because the light is in your eyes. Perhaps you are sitting in a draft or you are in a spot where there isn't any breeze. At any rate it is up to you to keep on the move if your hostess is to be satisfied. Probably you decide as the day is hot that there .is nothing you would enjoy more than keeping quiet and reading a book, but are you allowed to do this? „ I should say not. Our-)iostess has planned out the day to the minute and she works herself down to give you a good time. You must play cards, play golf, drive, do anything but stay home and get a few minutes rest. She has grained her children to be so "nice" that they almost drive you mad. You gather from their actions and conversation that their one object in life is to entertain you. In dulcet tones they ramble on and talk for hours about inSane things. They inquire as to. your health and how you rested during the night, etc., etc. If you suggest that you need a rest the entire family becomes alarmed and if you manage to forestall the doctor's visit, it is up to you to, at least, take an aspirin or an yeast cake. If you take a walk the gar den you must examine every shrub and exclaim over every -bloom. Someone accompanies you with the express purpose of entertaining you. As I have said before, there is such a thing as being too nice. The average guest appreciates be ing allowed to use his own brain and to amuse himself every once in a while. o The International Sunday School Lesson for Feb. 25, 'The Twelve Sent Forth." By M. F. Hcftiges Time: 28 and 29 A. D. Place: Galilee. Characters: Jesus; the disciples and the people. Scripture lesson: Matthew 9:36-. 11:1. Reading the continued story of last Sunday's lesson (Matt 9:14- 32) we find Jesus is still pressed by the crowds and kept busy by those seeking relief, that it is dif ficult to find any place for him to secure any rest from his labors. John's disciples come asking ques tions. They want his disciples to fast and be solemn. Jesus tells them his disciples are too busy in service for this. Too, he informs them that they will have plenty time after he is gone for that. A distressed father comes to him be cause of the serious illness of his daughter. Jesus turns aside to heal her. On the way Jesus heals a woman of a disease of long du ——Member Federal Home Loan Bank System ~ = UPREME OUR NEW SERIES g 1 XT OPENS FEBRUARY | S AVINGS Ist, 1934 S T W COLEMAN THERE IS N0 TIME LIKE 1 = President "NOW"—OBEY THAT IM- == 1 H. H. STRANDBERG PULSE TO "SAVE" Secy.-Treas. S S. G. SILLS °~ ~ | JOIN TODAY | 1 NEW HOME I I BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION | —> (Office with Standard Insurance & Realty Corporation) 'DIRECTORS = C. N. Blankenship E. Epstein L. F. Tillery E. L. Boone G. T. Matthews S. S. Toler = George A. Burton I. D. Thorp T. W. Coleman £-5 IlllltlllllllllllllllllllIllllllllll!l|ltlUllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIHIIfllllllflllHI,I ration. Two blind men follow, begging him to open their eyes. Jesus went about all the cities teaching, preaching and healing. Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. Tijis healing was not his fhain purpose. However thif seems to be uppermost in the thoughts of the crowds. Out of the pity *of his heart he healed their Sicknesses and diseases. Jesus found the people fainting and as sheep without a shepherd. The religious leaders were con cerned about ceremonies and out ward religion. Jesus was concern ed for folks themselves. He asked that they pray with him that the Father will send forth workers into the harvest. Here Jesus calls unto him his twelve disciples and gives them power (authority) to preach and to heal. While Jesu3 is itinerating in Galilee he is moved with pity and compassion as he sees the spiritual destitution of the people, and here begins to pre pare the twelve for their work. If Jesug could not find the fit, he took what he found and made it fit. These twelve men were far below the great task to which they were called but Jesus takes them, and with their willingness, makes them equal to the task. This is the way Jesus does with your weak life and mine. What the world needs today is - CAP-SLEEVED GOWN By ('HEME NICHOLAS I H j» 9 1 jfi M 9 | 1H J .More and more, simplicity of de sign is giving way to elaborated de tail In the fashioning of milady's nightrobes. Especially is the vogue of the sleeveless nightgown passing. The newer models in some instances have wrist-length sleeves which ap pear almost quaint and amusing in contrast to the sans-sleeve types ad vocated these many seasons past. A compromise between sleeveless and long-sleeved is the gown which ha« a tiny cap sleeve effect as here pic tured, for it is fashion's decree that shoulders must be covered. The pretty model illustrated is fashioned of chardonize, a soft lovely weave which is particularly adapted to lin gerie needs, since it launders beau tlfully, always retaining its ex quisite silken sheen. The stylizing of this gown with a fichu-like effect which develops Into cap sleeves is particularly interesting. Illlllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 193 men and women of a great pur pose, a great devotion, men and women willing to pay the price of & great ideal. Selfishness and greed has occupied high places in our social and business life too long. We need to learn a new lesson, and our leaders need to have higher and nobler purpose; a zeal for Righteousness, therl conditions will be better for all of us. Jesus chose the twelve disciples from the common run of folk. All the twelve were from Galilee except Judas who turned out badly, he was from orthadox Judea. Out of these common folk Jesus made these men the builders of his church. Are we waitirig today for great men to come forth and build the church in our communities ? It seems sp. Give Jesus a chance with your life as one of these com mon folk and see what he can do with you. Jesus was face to face with the task of establishing his kingdom on earth. The task to be dont. the hour of opportunity, were shared by Jesus with this little company of men, great and noble men in the making, men whose names will last as long as times shall last an I eternity endure. The early itiner ating preacher came into close con tact with the masses, so did Jesus. Since thep many of our fashion able churches have gone away from the masses and reach only the classes. Doubtless many men out yonder among the masses are hungry for some human touch and word of sympathy and failing to get this resort to some other method which is destructive. Now, as in the day when Jesus talked with the multitudes in Galilee, this sense of compassion and compul sion to serve is the first and essen tial requisite for membership in this company of whom he is chief. If all the half billion professed Christians on earth today had the spirit of the Christ, what a dif ferent world tjjis would be. Need less to say wars would ceage, jus tice would prevail, righteousness would be proclaimed everywhere. thinking of the millions in this and other lands without Christ, does it give you any concern? If hot you fail to have the mind of Christ. Do you long for the sal vation of others and pray for it? All Christian men and women, CAMEOS Rocky Mount MONDAY—TUESDAY February 26-27 MAE WEST "I'M NO ANGEL" Admission Prices for this show only Afternoons, 15c Nights—Balcony, 15c —Lower floor, 20c Children anytime, 10c WEDNESDAY—THURSDAY The big musical comedy "TAKE A CHANCE" James Dunn—June Knight 'Buddy" Rogers—Cliff Edward* l —rvr>-Ko,-° /THERS-'LL I, W, I IET PLENTY n ■ F roof' I / s 1 — ——' JOIN ill this bathroom choru» of JOY and hot water without limit. RUUDuscrs are bath ~l| I?) room harmonizers,a joyful, care-free crowd [>j that,learningtheirlesson of rusty tanks,have /To. bought RUUD and Per- , fk I feet Hot Water Service. I^. II / Sweet Adeline is never //hr~\ I / so sweet as w^en ie rff-gfc // (l \l fiby II I bathroom faucet sings a M'| I| [_ /_ joyous tenor. Look ( j|| V RUUD over! At, our jjy showroom! SoW on * monthly payments/ 1?5) ROCKY MOUNT PUBLIC UTILITIES |P% and boys and girls ought to feci that they have ,a "work to 'do in bringing others to Christ. In these great harvest fields the labor- GIVE YOUR TIRES DOUBLE LIFE We can double the life and service of, your' tires for less than half the cost of new ones. Safety Full/Circle Re-Treading pays, costs/ little and we guarantee a saving. SAFETY AND SATISFACTION » CALL 413 PRIDGEN TIRE COMPANY 210 Hill St. Rocky Mount, N. C. RETREADING—VULCANIZING Announcing THE OPENING OF Vogue DRESS SHOP CARRYING A COMPLETE LINE OF POPULAR PRICED , LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR SPECIAL PRICES WILL BE FEATURED FOR OPENING DAYS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. PAY US A VISIT CORNER NASH AND MAIN STS. PHONE 54 ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. mm^ "mmmm M The G MAJESTIC RANGE WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED EXCLUSIVE DEAL ERS FOR ROCKY MOUNT AND VICINITY AND ARE IN POSITION TO MAKE IMMEDIATE DE LIVERIES. WATCH THIS SPAC >R FUTURE ANNOUNCE TS. MAJESTIC DEMONSTRATION ENTERPRISE FURNITURE CO. TO THE BUSINESS OF THE ROCKY MOUNT FURNITURE CO. 158-162 S. WASHINGTON ST. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. PHONE 987 ers are so few. Will you not set yourself to the task of gathering these souls for Christ? Many in (Please turn to page six)

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