| BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL j Leaders of Greater Rocky Mount ; By LEON LEWIS j CAROLINA AWNING ANDTENT MANUFACTURING Co. HOME OF QUALITY MERCHANDISE Here is a firm that manufac tures a product that not only is practical and serviceable, but one -which lends beauty and attractive ness to any home or building. Rapid strides have been made during recent years in home con struction. Today, more than ever Hjood-looking, serviceable, practical awnings are considered as neces sary to the good-looking home as a nicely cut and kept lawn. Awn ings add that bit of life, that da«h of color, that air of attractiveness Frank C. Gorham and Company Offers Analysis of Financial Records Present-day competition in busi ness necessitates that every suc cessful business man be wide awake, alert and aggressive in his business methods. In former days, systems were unheard of. Records of any kind were considered of minor importance. Business men of. the old school figured that after the month had expired and all bills paid—the balance represented profit. I did not. With the advent of P'ederal In MEADOW BROOK DAIRY A Model In Sanitation and Service There is food commodity in the world so necessary in everyday life as good, healthful, creamy milk. Children require its strength giving properties, adults prefer its nourishing, invigorating qualities, infants, children, young folks and jrrown-ups alike rely on it in times of sickness and health. Milk and cream are as necessary in life as bread and water. Fine types of cows supply the milk for this dairy. Meadow Brook Dairy, located at K. F. D. No. 5, enjoys an enviable Newport Sign Experts In Sign Making With many years experience in sign making, whose headquarters are located at 1-19 1-2 South Main St-, are equipped to sign anything. They make signs of every descrip tion, that catch the eye and drive tlie the message home in a way Ifeat brings results. Their signs are in vogue with merchants and people of this section. Sign advertising is conceded ths best and most effective for several reasons. In the first place sign •advertising is permanent. Placed in H prominent location, where people pass and notice it, each riay and week, it delivers the mes ss*e in a far more effective way Cockrell Bros. Affords Quality Products Good oil is the life-blood of a aowtor. Poor oil is its death war rant. Every day thousands of re pair bills are rendered because through indifference or lack of knowledge poor oil finds its way in thousands of crankcases and in ■tonsequenee good cars without namber wend their way to the •scrap* pile. Likewise, the selection of gaso line is just as vital important to the li»ng life of your motor and taachine, as well as its proper op eration, as the oil you use. Poor gasoline, with its deficiency of the proper essential combustion prop erties, makes the motor sluggish, Sard to start, affords poor accele ration., and causes lack of power. Oxkrell Bros. Service Station, at 872 N. Church St., are dispen I to a home that lifts it from the class of the ordinary looking and places it among the unusual. The Carolina Awning and Tent Mfg. Co., located at 217 1-2 South Main St., supply people of this and surrounding territory with awnings of the best quality at prices consistent with the high quality of work he turns out. Their plant is equipped with the newest and latest machinery known to the trade. Their workmen are people who thoroughly understand just how good these awnings should be made. come Tax laws and the intensive competition things changed. Either the men from the old school kept abreast of time and installed mod ern up-to-date systems or were forced out of business by a more aggressive type who were firm in their contention that the first re quisite of any successful business lay in knowing where their mono.y was coming from and just where and how it was being spent. Frank C. Gorham and Co., lo cated in Planters Bank Building, make a specialty of rendering per rei)Utation in this and surrounding sections, because the owners of this modernly equipped plant let nothing stand between giving their customers the best in their line at the most reasonable prices. Call 137-J. In the plant of this dairy will be found machinery of the latest and most improved type and style. No labor or expense has been spared to bring their products to the highest degree of perfection. The men behind this firm appre ciate the responsibility which rests upon them and make every pqp- than any other accepted manner of advertising. Secondly, it appeals Id the eye, the signs artistically made by the Newport Sign Shop delivers the message quickly and leaves an impression on the minds of the people that produce real results. Thirdly, the cost is less and the returns better. The men behind this business have that inner understanding of what appeals to the eye. Their signs are real artistic works of art. Local stores and firms have already convinced themselves that by u'ing this firm's signs business will prosper and be successful. Phone 364. sers of nationally known and com mendable i etroleum products is operated by men who have made a very deep and intensive study of the oil and gasoline business. The most modern pumps, man ned by courteous and accomodat ing employees, serve in a very quick time, making for little delay and inconvenience. Women drivers know that here they will be given considerate and respectful attention and drive out of their way to purchase their sup plies from this filling station. Cockrell Bros, and associates feel that in dispensing gas and oils that produce more miles of riding comfort and add to the life of the car. They are rendering the community and the motorists of the community a worthy service. THE ROCKY MOUNT HERALD, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C.. FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1934! In the stock room of this enter prising firm will be found a multi tude of patterns and designs in various grades of canvas from which their awnings are made. In order to make certain that the materials they recommend will not fade, they make special tests of the various kinds and patterns of canvas. They never recommend any material as being fadeproof unless it has been placed to this test. The management are held in high regard and esteem by all who know them. sonal service in the auditing of ac counts of every nature as well as installing systems that tell readily on what basis the business is being operated. A good accounting system is as vitally important to the welfare and success of a business as the machinery in a factory, or the stock on its shelves. Without it no business can prosper, because the executives who manage the business can never be in posses sion of facts and figures on which to Base their decisions. sible effort to justify that confi dence by not only giving splendid service, but milk cream and other dairy products of the highest and most health-producing properties. This dairy is under state and city sanitary supervision. The officers in charge of this work boast that in the up-to-date plant of Meadow Brook Dairy they never waste any time or words because regardless of when the inspectors arrive the plant stands the most rigid in spection and is always graded with 100 per cent sanitation and effi ciency. DANIELS CONCLUDES PACT WITH MEXICO Mexico, D. F., April 24. An agreement for settlement of claims between the United States and Mexico was signed today, ending the chief diplomatic question be tween the two countries for the past ten years. The agreement was signed at noon at the foreign office by Jo sephus Daniels, American Ambas sador, and Dr. Jose Manuel Puig casaurane, Mexican foreign minis ter. Terms of the agreement were not made public but it was known that a lump sum settlement was made of general claims of both countries, which date from 1867, and that a special committee will be appointed within two years to judge American claims growing out of the Mexican revolution of 1910-20. * Fordson Tractor Parts Model A Ford Parts * Model T Parts Chevrolet Parts j New-Way j Auto Seat Slip Covers % Easy to put on—excellent quality—low in price t 98c to $3.48 •I* * according to material and tailoring * + t BATTERIES—TIRES—PARTS—ACCESSORIES. + + J Shop with us and save the difference. ! GENERAL AUTO SUPPLY STORE + O. W. HAWLEY. Mgr. % 123 SUNSET AVE. PHONE 1200 +++++-i-{»"fr+4'+'fr+++4"M"H"H.+«+■{•++++••++•++• •{••.••+ Royal Palm Restaurant Serving A good meal is about as neces sary to health and happiness to dr-y as it ever was; in fact be cause of the accilerated mode of living, we are told by those health authorities and other experts that proper eating is vitally a factor in progress and success—more so than any other routine in our daily existence. At the Royal Palm Restaurant, located at 155 South Main St., the selection is always large, always prepared with the end i n view of meeting with every particular kind and type of appetite. It re stores to the jaded one a new pleasure, and tot the connoisseur a Rocky Mount Shoe And Clothing Co. Showing Real Values Rocky Mount Shoe and Clothing Co., located at 138 South Main St., are showing the very latest cloth ing and furnishing values to !>c found. Having considerable ex perience they know that men ap preciate real values, styles and comfort in their clothes. From the outset they have there fore insisted that every garment bearing their label be made up strictly to specifications contain ing only the best quality and dis tinctive style is manifested by the unusually large number of men in the community who insist on wear ing their clothes. They are now showing a fine line of Spring clothing. DR. L. G. SHAFFER, OPTOMETRIST RENDERS A NOTEWORTHY SERVICE Modern present day efficiency in business demands alertness at every turn. If a person is ine fficient, he or she will soon be re placed with someone of greater productiveness. If a person suf fers with defective vision it is im possible for them to make a suc cess in life. In the face of these all impor tant facts, it behooves every last one of us to be careful about our eyes. If they commence giving us the least bit of trouble, it will be time and money well spent to have them examined without delay. Properly fitted glasses may com pletely correct the trouble if pre scribed at the outset. Having 21 years of experience in correcting the vision of the peo ple of this community, assures you that in patronizing Dr. Shaffer, you wiU be given the best and SIMMONS ANO HARRIS PROMINENTLY KNOWN IN INSURANCE FIELD "Insurance" is by no means a gamble or speculation. It is a vital part of every business and of paramount importance to every home. Realizing that a deep and tho rough knowledge of all that per tains to insurance in all its branch es are an absolute necessity to rendering the most efficient ser vice to its clients, Simmons and Harris, located at 142 South Main St., have made a careful study of the subject, and by this means joyful satisfaction. A. meal here i.s more than a mere group of foods—it is an event.. The management is 'not content t? just achieve a certain standard, but is continually striving to raise that standard higher and higher. The source of supply of this restaurant, for meats, vegetables, and other food stuffs are the most reliable this section affords. They excercise careful and intensive thought ini choosing different firms from whom the necessities are se cured. The kitchen is- modernly equip* I ed so that the food, prepared shall possess a flavor and taste to please the most exacting patrons, Another distinctive feature' of. the service which this store ren ders is in their shoe' and furnish ing department. Here men will find the latest and newest in: shoes and acessories such as hats, under wear, shirts, ties, handkerchiefs and the dozen and one other items so necessary to everyone's ward robe. The big volume of business which they enjoy in their clothing, shoe and furnishings department means low prices and a stock that is fresh and new at all times. Truly the Rocky Mount Shoe and: Clothing Co. carries lines equal to those carried in our most metro politan stores and renders a very commendable service.. most efficient attention.. If your eyes are troubling you, if you have been suffering from eye-headaches, or the strain your work places on your eyes is im pairing your efficiency, make it a point to call at his office at 106 Tarboro Street and have your eyes examined. This bit of precaution may save you much time and in convenience and expense later. Dr. L. G. Shaffer makes a spec ialty of examining children's eyes. We urge mothers and fathers who have sons and daughters of school age to have their eyes examined regularly because these examina tions will be found of vital im portance to their physical and mental welfare. The primary requisites of good health is good eyes. Without good eyes you will always be working under a handicap. have qualified themselves as ex perts with whom to counsel rela tive to this all-important topic. Every phase of insurance is sov ered in a most comprehensive and commendable manner. With the many automobiles which crowd the highways and byways of the coun try, insurance is a vital necessity to tile protection of the car and the occupants. We never know when an accident is liable to occur that will cause much grief and sorrow, expense and trouble. Tha In Your Midst To Serve— The Planters National Bank And Trust Company ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. COMMERCIAL ~ SAVINGS ~ TRUST Having served North Carolina for more than thirty-five years, we are in a position to gfte you the best of banking service, consistent with safe and sound banking. MEMBER UNITED STATES FEDERAL RSSERVE SYSTEM. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE FUND. J. C. BRASWELL, President MILLARD F. JONES, Vice-President, Cashier and Trust Officer I. W. ROSE DRUG COMPANY PURVEYORS OF OUALITf DRUGS I. W. Rose Drug Co., at 112 North Main Street, supplies the people with the very many items with which their shelves and cases abound, stands out preeminently as the one source of supply whose role is no small mean one; In their spacious store will be found! every type and kind of remedy and sundry which we have come- to* associate with retail drug estab lishments. Here will be found a stock which is so large that the greatest demands made upon them by their patrons can be taken: care of, to the smallest amount neces sary, without waste motion. The prices on the merchandise are within the reach of all. To. operate a retail drug insti tution, is a large and comprehem FALLON FLOWER SHOP Supplies Choice Flowers For every person, and for, any occasion,, nothing quite hits the spot like flowers. Flowers are very appropriate, because most any message, be it one of con gratulation, sympathy, good cheer, or condolence, can be best express ed with flowers. Fallon Flower Shop,, located, at 104 Main Street, thoroughly understands the task of making modern floral designs, aorsages, baskets, and wreaths in a way that makes them stand out prominently and catch the attention of all who see them. They understand the sentiments that flowers convey and has an uncanny way of so arrang ing flowers that they express the very message for which they are intended. premiums are so low and the pro tection offered so high, that it is cheap economy to invest in insur ance now. • Simmons and Harris are indeed to be complimented on the excel lent business they have developed in this community. -They belong to that group of men who earnest ly strive to make our community a better place in which to live and enjoy life. [WILLIAMS I LUMBER CO. + + + ♦ {Brick, Lumber } and Building Materials | WE SELL EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING Prompt % WILSON ROCKY MOUNT ELM CITY ■ t ROCKY MOUNT PHONE 1205 *********+*++* sive task. Complete stock is just a part of the story. Arrangement of that stock in an orderly man ner, having that stock fresh at all; times and many other details that spells Efficiency with a capital "E." Quality, completeness and fresh ness of stock, instant delivery have all been oombined! with courtesy and satisfaction, enabling this firm to deliver the goods when wanted, and with the best grade and kinds the manufacturers can' produce. And' all' at prices that are reason able —reasonable- when everything, is considered. Call 15 or 16 for service; L. W. Rose Drug Co., and asso ciates are truly operating a busi ness that is an- csset of immeasur able- worth to- the community. Floral wreaths also come in for mention. Unexpected demand i» usually sudden and allows no prep aration. The stock of cut flowers v in the refrigerators of Fallon* Flower Shop is always complete, which enables this aggressive florist with the ease of a skilled' artist to make up the wreath with, a stock, at command that gives them full play of their ability. One might be led to believe that a firm engaging themselves in so extensive a business might charge high prices. Some do, but not this florist. I'he large patronage they enjoy plus the efficiency and the flexibility of the organization en ables them to offer better and choicer flowers lor less money than other firms ask for ordinary ones. BOULDER DAM HAL.F-BUTLI. Las Vegas, Nev.—Boulder Dam is about 340 feet high but engi neers have much to do before it reaches the final height of 727 feet sometime next year. In the fall, the waters of the Colorado River, now being diverted through tunnels, will be stored by the huge structure'.