PAGE FOUR The Rocky Mount Herald P«blished Every Friday at Rocky Mount, North Caro- Y--_ by The Rocky Mount Herald Publishing Company Publication Office: Second Floor Paniels Building, Bocky Mount, Edgecombe County, North Carolina TED J. GREEN News Editor and Manager Subscription Rat*s: One Year, $1.00; 6 Months, COe ■■tered as second-class matter January 19, 1934, at tb6 post office at Rocky Mount, North Carolina, nnder the Act of March 3, 1879 Atvertising rates reasonable, and furnished to pros pective advertisers on request HOMICIDE RATE INCREASE The homicide rate in the South is al most twice that of the country as a whole, according to a recent statictical report is sued by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. For the country the rate is 9.2 per 100,000 population- The rate is lowest in New England, these states having less than two per hundred thousand. Florida, with 26.4, is the highest, though Mississ ippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana are cither just above or just below the twenty per hundred thousand mark. Leyington, Ky., Little Rock, Ark., Memphis, Tenn., and Birmingham, Ala., all had high rate—from fifty to nearly sixty per 100,000. The high rate in the South is explained by the sharp increase of homicides among Negroes dur ing the past few years. In the entire coun try during the period from 1926 to 1930 more than eight times as many Negroes as white men were slain per unit of popula tion, and almost seven times as many Ne gro women as white women. Two-thirds of these homicides were due to firearms. De claring that this alarming rate of homicides is "the most acute symptom of a deeply rooted national lawlessness which reflects our historical backgrounds, racial mixtures, - ■ PAINT AND REPAIR SUMMER IS HERE THE TIME TO BUILD WE SELL EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING ——— LET US GIVE YOU OUR PRICES I ( i WILLIAMS LUMBER CO. WILSON AND ROCKY MOUNT PHONE 1205 mmmmmmmmmmammam nao» ?——■———————————————— INTERNATIONAL iMotor TRUCKS ■ ARE SERVING THE PUBLIC EVERYWHERE, WITH THEIR STAMINA AND LASTING ECONOMY , . INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS HAVE NO PASSENGER PARTS THEY ARE ALL TRUCK ISOLD BY HUNTER Oil Co. \ , 400 SOUTH STREET PHONE 1622 BACK PASSENGER STATION i i • , , ' ' ■ j .. «• %r.;_ -,• \ -vpi" ■ ?■& THE ROCKY MQjIINT HERALD, ROCK* MOUNT. NORTH CAROLINA industrial conflicts, limited educational sys tem, and many other factors in our social organization," the statistician recommends the prohobition of sale of firearms and the elimination of environments which encour age crime.—Nashville Christian Advocate, i MOLOCH RIDES Wendell Gold Leaf Farmer. We civilized creatures of the twentieth century read with horror and loathing of the* ancient worship of Moioch. Fcr into the red hot maw of the idol god were toss ed live infants. We shudder to think of such barbarism, and yet in this year of en l lightenment we sacrifice lives daily to a grimmer and more hideous idol . The great god SPEED, In the daily press we see the mounting totals by the week, month and year of those whose lives have been snuffed out, those who have been maimed for life, those who have been made to suffer agonies needless ly, and all that we may add a few miles per hour to our headlong pace across the coun try. With our magnificent roads, and with the modern, efficient, steel framed cars ade quately equipped with braking power, we should say that a speed of fifty miles per hour is relatively safe for the conservative driver. But we are in such a hurry that we cant be satisfied with even this terrific speed and must perforce go sixty or sixey-five miles per hour, and so the terrible list of the dead and injured mounts daily. And there is a remedy—a safe and sure remedy that can be applied and has been applied—the automatic governor, sealed in, and set for only a maximum such as may be agreed upon by congress as safe. This system has been adopted by some of the largest truck fleets, and proven practical. Why not adopt it for the United States by congressional action? The only reason why there is objection is that so many of us want to go faster than is safe. And so we continue to make sacrifices to the god of SPEED. MM MIMM, I I I I I I I I ■ I ANNOUNCEMENT J ~ J The CONOCO Service Station, formerly known as JOYNER & •• j PRICE, is now being operated by Jack R. Price, who will appreciate ■■ X the continued patronage of their frienda and customers J) J Corner Hammond and S. Church Streets " I PRICE'S SERVICE STATION ! % PHONE 469 * ♦ .***** !: PIKE'S NEW ICE CREAM BAR and BEER GARDEN 162 N. MAIN ST. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. ALL KINDS SANDWICHES ICE COLD BOTTLED BEER, AND DRAFT BEER Visit Our Modern Soda Fountain Eat Southern Dairies Ice Cream, it is better for you Banana Splits, 15c AH Sundaes, 10c BARBECUE AND HAMBURGER SPECIAL 5c Fruits and Vegetables in Season Curb Service Open Sundays and Nites | SUITS Made-to-Measure H ! TURNER'S I TAILORING SHOP { 115 N. MAIN ST. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. | MADE LIKE U WANT 'EM J NOTICE AFTER JULY IST J. D, Bulluck Bros. WILL OPERATE UNDER THE NAME OF Everette Grocery Co. No change has been made in the High Standards of Service and Quality which have always prevailed at this store W. H. EVERETTE, Prop. * > 11..11.11 >M. .. .. ... ........ . i :: Statement Of Condition Of The \ r City Industrial Bank 4 - ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. 2 '■ 4 I! As Of June 29, 1935 | I! Resources: * ;; Loans and Discounts $283,143.82 | ■ ' Cash and Due from Banks 11,424.75 J I! Stocks (Class A, Federal Dep. Ins. Corp.) 280.45 * '; Furniture and Fixtures 2,659.50 + m $297,508.52 } 1 ! " ? • Liabilities: | !| Capital Stock $ 40,000.00 * ;• Surplus 15,000.00 + •• Undivided Profits 3,640.76 | I! Unearned Interest 6,054.69 ? t Reserves 2,973.59 t •; SAVINGS 154,168.23 I I! Payments on Loans 74,471.25 I ;; Bills Payable None f Dividends Unpaid 1,200.00 + i | * $297,508.52 | | City Industrial j I Bank ! * + f OFFICERS | f C. C. WARD, President S. E. BALLENTINE, Vice-President | + W. M. SPEARS, Vice-President & Cashier f | DIRECTORS I J T. A. AVERA \ DR. W. B. KINLAW I J S. E. BALLENTINE DR. R. F. HUNT I 1 D. 0. BULLUCK H. H. LITTRELL 4 + L. F. CAMPBELL I)R. E. M. PERRY £ t R. T. FOUNTAIN W. M. SPEARS * % W. W. GREGORY C. C. WARD + f New Interest Quarter July Ist. Deposit your Savings with ♦ {I us where 3 per cent Interest is paid and each depositor pro- | | tected up to $5,000.00 by Hie Federal Deposit Insurance T f Corporation. | I j i MODERN CLEANERS ! • PHONE 1045 PROMPT SERVICE I I GIVE US A TRIAL ! BEN DAWSON, Jr. H. M. POE * t (Mill lIIIIMIIIM MM lllllllltMMMlMMMllll | Special Prices For 10 Days f | 2 SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED $l.OO I I 2 DRESSES CLEANED AND PRESSED $l.OO | [ PROGRESS CLEANERS I J 213 N. EAST MAIN ST., DANIELS BLDG. I PHONE 909 ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. | f i M _J . J» ' .* | I I Citizens Coal And Supply Co. Announces that they are now carrying a general stock of Building Materials Lime, Cement, Brick, Plaster, Roofing, Sewer Pipe, Etc. In Addition to Their - Regular Line of Coal and Wood WHEN IN NEED OF BUILDING MATERIALS CALL PHONE 414 1017 COKEY ROAD Opposite Planters Oil Mill | YOUR OPPORTUNITY ""' | | 3 per cent Sales Tax added on Flour, Sugar, Lard, Meat ! I | Meal, Coffee, Molasses and Salt beginning July Ist. 1| $ Stock up and save this 3 per cent. Special Low Prices ; | t SUGAR, 100-1b bag $5.00 -► 1 FLOUR, Self Rising, barrel 6.50 '.I t Silver King S. R. FLOUR, barrel 6.95 I MEAL, 100-lb bag 2.40 ;> ■ PURE LARD, 50-lb cans, Pound 16 >4 .► I Fat Back MEAT, Pound 14Vi II t COFFEE, Pound ! 15 ** t TEA, Vz- lb package . . 29 ;► J; SALT, 100-lb bag 1.10 !► { MOLASSES, gallon 65 ; ► t 10-oz. bladders SNUFF, each - 50 ;► t TOBACCO, 6 20c plugs 1.00 . ► | CORN, bushel 1.00 \\ • t MOLASSES FEED, bag 2.00 ;» c OATS, bag 3.25 ► I SCRATCH FEED, bag 2.35 11 5 CEMENT, bag 80 ; I C LIME, bag , 45 ;; » ARSENATE LEAD, Pound ..... „ 12 Vz * ► : !■ > PARIS GREEN, Pound ....• 45 St t TOBACCO TWINE, Riverside, Pound 33 «J £ 5-V Galvanized ROOFING, Square 4.25 1 ► t SEXTON AND SONS Inc. > Rocky Mount, N. C. Whitakers, N. C. ■ ► > JUNE 27, 1935 JI > Prices subject to change without notice ,![ Let the Company Come ! This new Estate is specially designed for big families —and for small families who entertain in a big way. Two ovens! Both Estate Fresh.Air design, both insulated, both with heat control. Yon can prepare BH HH a roast in one, bake biscnits in the other, all at on* time. Six top burners; two separate top covers; big, lB HH roller-sliding broiler. Yet, with all this capacity, floor space of only 44 by inches is required. ■Ui Quick —the tape mease ret Then harry in and I this marvel of compact convenience. ■ ~~5172.00 (9. EASY TERMS $lO.OO FOR YOUR ||||S I' _ OLD STOVE _ KM pSI/ Rocky Mount Public Utilities |||J iiiinii FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1935

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