6^- L L^n. Sc «Nellie Narrls to set' up Nursery School, Mrs., Lucy ‘Raynor, Chm,, while men are in service and mpthers at work. The school will take Care of the, small children,' Sunday Schools closed’August 20th, in fantile preventive . measure; . Henry advertises home for sale. Will move to Florida, Leroy (Hat)py) Cooper, 5 y^* old^on of Mr, & Mrs, Leroy ■' (Pete) Cooper stricken with infantile. County schools opening-postponed to Sept. ISth- infantile prevention,- Kiwanis Club writes spl^n^id letter to their former members.now in Service,• The »Snake» Henrys are now managing a'hotel in Daytona.Beach,. ,Look them up if you hit' there. Local Kiwanis honor Sam Bundy on his interna- tioriRl appointment, M. Wooten gets 19^'pistol score. Red-headed Jerry shugar returne from Camp Morehead- won tennis ,trophy there The ?, shugars visit Ensign Harold Shugar in Jersey City, Pvt, Arthur Baker on ’’G-oldbraid Taxi», private fast boat of G-en, Eisenhower. Town-wide ^cra|p paper drive Sept, 1st, Rob‘t, 'Lee El lis, Rufus Whitley, Melvin Whitloy bound over to Superior Court oh murder charge of Bernice Hinson, yrs. old. Tragedy occurred near Craig Stalling^* place. Capt, Billy Bryan recognized for outstanding malaria control in pacific. Manly »»Wop‘* Ca^^s'tarphen gets discharge from Navy, pilot Club celebrates anniversary with chicken supper. Pfc, Oscnr Edmondson wins letter of commendation from 7^^ Inf,Comma ndlig Of fleer. Hai’old Myrick addresses Rotary Club, State Department Commander Ceo. K, Snow attended Legion supper mer*ting at Ifarish House, Auxilipry present, Mrs, Lewis Heilbroncr sang, with Mrs. Mary v, Barnett at piano. Commander Snov; administered oath of office to incoming Commander G-eo, M. Fountain, who succeeds G-ec', Earniriart. Dr. Don Williams h^.s lived in same house in which he was born for 7^ years. Bernard Dark, of Chapel Hill, and nephev^ of Rev, E. C, Durham wounded in France, Wm, Draughan, colored. Route 2, brings in first load of tobacco, August 25th, Mrs.* Walter s. Phillips,' Sr. of D.C. visits Mrs, G-eo. M, Fountain, Sr, Bill Black, Mg^?, 0'Henry Hotel , (G-reensboro) visits Lewis Heilbroner. ' IF YOU.VJANT TO VOTE IN THE COMINa NATIONAL ELEC- ^ TION CUT THIS APPLICATION 01^*, tpill IN AND MAIL ■TO. MR, ROB»T,P. CHERRY,' CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS, TARBORO,N. Q, HE WILL SEND YOU BALLOT APPLICATION FOR ABSENTEE BALLOT AND REG-I3TRATI0N FOR 19^^ GENERAL ELECTION BY SERVICEMEN TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE EDCrECOMBE COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS; ' I horobv certify that I am 21 years of age, (or will be by Nov ember 7» 19^'^); that I was residing at the time of entering ' sf^rvice ■ ^ ^ ^ ■ ' ' r - f S t re e t Ad dress] ^ ' (ITounty an3~~*Statel ' r—have been n resident of the State for one (voting Precinct) year and precinct fo-r four months, (or will have been by November 7> 19^^); that I can'read and write any section of the State Constitu tion in the English Language; that I am registered ( or qualified to register in th,e Chairman's Absentee Register Book for the 19^^-^ (G-en- eral Election); that I am now a member of the military or other arm ed or auxiliary forces of the United States or the Merchant Marinos, and I hereby make application for'absentee ballot for the 19^4-^! Gen eral Election, B^allots to be mailed to me, .{Trint oif't'ypV; name of voterTiere) at' : . , ^ ■ fprlnt of type a.ddress here) ^ ~ (Signed) - (Name of voter or member of vooer*s f?imlly) (Relationship)