CONETOE-MEW; Korce'on* leave were: Nathan A. Worslejr, Jr., USN, Pfc. sari Horsley, Ruffin Eamondson, USKS, Pvt* Henry Ever ett, Pfc. Clarence Harris, Lt. Earl Anderson, Cpl. Enoch Briley, Bil ly Manning, USN, Charles Anderson, USN, Pvt. Joseph Everett, Cpl EarX-Everett and Cadet Paul Warren, Jr. Two brothers, Earl and Na~ th?in"^w6rsley received promotions at same time.- Earl was promoted t> prlvatel/C and Nathan to yoeman 1/C. Mrs. Thad LfSwis received'v/ord frow., t£e war department that her son Sgt. Thad Lewis, USMC was kill ed! July .^th.- Mr, &: Mrs, zeb Alford received word their, son pvt, Frank' Alford had been wounded in Italy, Pvt, Joe Everett is home on leave after being, in Alaska for -sometimo- his first time home In yrs Pvt. Powell Satterthwaite is in McG-uire Hospital in Richmond receiv ing treatment for wounds received in it.qiy. He was home for the v;eck end, Lt, Earl ■ Anderson has graduat,ed and received his wings as. a pilot, O'adet Paul-Warren, jr, is home on first leave, "Births: Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Shelton announce the birth,of a daughter, Connie Faye,. Deaths; Henry Cray Brown. ' CRISP- NE^fS; Candidate .^.nd Mrs. James 'Turner Abrams announce the birth of a daughter, Betty Ann, on July 2S, at P^^rkview Hospital, Mrs, 'Abrams is the former Vivian Wells- of Nashville. Can didate Abrams is stationed at Ft. Benning,aa. Lt.(j.G.> 'N. F. Love lace, Jr. and Miss Virginia Fritts were married on August in Wash ington, D,C, Lt. Lovelance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Lovelace Sr, and" is stationed in Cuba., Pfc. James P, • Stancil returned to Camp after a ten~day furlough. Miss Anne lovclance was chosen “Miss Tarbo ro" at a beauty contest h«ld Tarboro, she will represent Tarboro in the St^.tewide contest to be held in -Gastonia.' Mrs. w. Eagles is a patient at DUlce Hospital,where she is. convalescing after an operaticn, Mrs, e. Y, Lovelace ha.s returned home from a visit to ■ her son and data^hter-in--lav/> Dr, and Mrs. E. Y, LOv^nlance, Jr., in Bel ford, :Va. Mrs,,'solma D* ,.Cox is a patient at Carolina G-eneral Hospi tal in Wilson, undergoing treatment, prior to an operat-ion, Mrs. ‘W. ' E. Wooten was called- to her homO' in Banner .Elk, N. C*. because of the death of her. niece. The opening of crisp Schools; has been delayed be cause of. Polio condlticns. Mr*,;* & Mrs. M, ,F. Lovelance, Sr. enter tained at a buffet supper in honor of Lt. and Mrs. ,N. F. ,Lpvelac;c, jr on August: 12. Around fifty guests attended.^ ’■ ' / ^ WHITAKERS MEWS;. THe water tank h^.s’ a nev/ coat of paint and the name of cur town painted on it. jvan, Moore o,nd family are living in the Denson home. Ivan works, asa mail cler)i.\ on the R«R Marcus Braswell has been .appointed, as national dir^'Ctor of the. FSA Rural, Rehabilitation program' and .-livcs in Washington, D, C. judson Rosser, G-eorge Tucker, Ru.ssell Coker, Joe H;;milton, Henry Anderson/ ?^nd John, price hnve been home- on leave .recently'^’ Mildred C'obb Mit chell was.. married to •William ^E. ,Phillips, of ..KanBas City, MOo bn July 19th, TheyL will be hero while Bill’ is ;roc0.vep:'ing from wounds received in ; Italy. for ,'W.Mch he was recently given an ..honorable dis-r- ■ ■charge from the Army. Aubrey Brinklo’y'. and William;.H. Hobferts, jr F 1/c .U.S. N,R, were' married ' August, 7 “th. They will live in poanoke ^ Raplcls. "The Odum family. has mcved to- Enfield and the Horstines have ■ ■ taken’ the vacated house, Mr, Horstine^ is the son-in-la.w of C.H. .Derty ar\^ ,a. carpenter, j, R.- Willis and wife, the fcrrner Laura M^pre, and ll'^cle daughter of san’, .Calif. ,, 'aro visiting ■ the I^oore family , A building Is being ' eroct'ed on the school grounds back, of th for the use'of'the agriculture program of the high scKool. ,, ' ■ PIMSTOPS NET*/S:'Sgt. Raynon.d. Wobbie home from .the, sou1?h pacific, on,, a...' ■thirty day, furlough, his i’irs.t in four years,, Vir ginia Jenkino,daughter of Mr, and Mrs. S. R. Jenkins, ■and John, shear i*i, : Paratrooper, ' of Weldon, .Hr C. , were marriee.'ii.ugu&t 19,th at Foi^t Be.aning, oa^ Bgt, Lawrence ,«Jata‘‘Webb is home recc' erlng from, wounds received in Jtaly,. Bob Isley roe.ently received his pilot‘s, wings ar^d was commiss.'oned.a 2nd Lt. He is now locatod' in Dod^e City,Kansas. Mr, ;J. E. Sparks leaves this month to aake his home in Elizabeth Ci ty, where he has purchased, an interest in a dru'g store. Roy Pprker, U. S.N.R. and Georgia Sugg will'be married S^^pt,26th in Hookcrton,N,C Home bn furlought capt, Sam Parker,. Jr*-, Sgt. Brobks Webb, Lt.J.'G Cwens and Pvt. Dave Owens. /• :r /p* dtJt'Le. ^ H