Edgecombe Farm bureau to hold annual meeting September at Ball Park in Tarboro, with barbecue dinner, says W. V/. Eagles, Chairman. Arran gements and Dinner Committee are Bill Eason, Chairman, Lory'Bulluck and Willis Powell. Program Committee R, L. Corbett, J. T.Lawrence and H. P. Foxhall have extended an invitation to J. 3, Hutson, Head of the Commodity Credit ■ Corporation, to be guest speaker. W, Randolph Eagles, of Macclesfield, and W. J, Eason attend Southern Farrs Bureau Convention at Auburn, Alabama. A prisoner-of-war camp is being established at Scotland Neck to help with peanut digging .in Edgecombe, Nash and Halifax counties. Edge combe's share v/ill be I50 prisoners^ Majority are G-ermans caDtured in Italy and will be available the middle of September, A committee con sisting of W, R, Powell, Chairman, H.G. Shelton,.John Mayo and Henry- A. Braswell (v/hose son, Lt. Homer Braswell, is a prisoner of the Japs in Philippines) to work with County Agent in allocating r^risoners to farms where need is greatest, Tobacco on the G-eorgia market and on the Border belt is selling at ceiling and near ceiling lavels. G-eorgia ceiling on untied and ungrad ed tobacco 39^• C. ceiling on tied and graded tobacco ^3/^ 1"^. Good tobacco crop reported by farmers hard hit by early drought-— made record recovery after July rains reBtored soil moisture. Excel lent prospects for cotton and peanuts. Record yields predicted for cotton in N. C. Very little boll weevil. Cliff Weeks ships four car loads of watermelons to New York. Eight hundred fifty melons to the car. Lee Ruffin still raising the big ones. H. M. Stott, Work Unit Conservationist, with the Soil Conservation Service, for Edgecombe County, has promotion to District Conservation ist, with headquarters at Whiteville. Boyd Robinson, of Halifax Coun ty, succeeding Stott. Robinson formerly employed by U. S. Army as a buck private. Following farmers ship hogs to Richjnond market, thus complying with Government request for more food: B, B. Braddy, E, B. Draughon, Dr. S, P. Bass, Mrs. A. R. Burnette, Carl Doughtie, Claude Etheridge, Thur ston Caton, Romaine Howard, M. T, Ruffin, J. A* VJhitehurst, B. C, Mayo J. E. Eagles, P. A, Weeks, H. T. Edmondson and R, D. Cokor. New tobacco v/arehouse, fourth for Tarboro, practically com^Dleted. lias floor space of 20,000 sq. ft., located on W, St, James St., will be operated by Bunn, House, and G-ardner. Board consisting of H. G-. Shelton, C. A. Mayo and W. R, Eagles set up to pass on farmers requests fof* lumber as per VJPB order of August 5* H. C. Scott, Asst, County Agent, says ^-H Club niembers are working on the home front. Leading 5-H member in producing food is William- Moore, Tarboro, R-2, of the Speed Club. William is producing enough food this year to:? ^ six service men. Hilton Carlton, ^-H Club member of PinetoDS, R-1, is now selling milk , in Pinetops. ■ Hilton.took over when' Mr. Parker had to stop on account of labor shortages. ^-H Club members helped put over the' Fifth V/ar Loan Drive. Bobby Parker^ Mac clesfield, R-1, sold 23 bonds and Mark Stapcil, of same school, sold 11 bonds. Robert Davenport led the group in total amount by selling #3,262.75* Oliver Brown, Rocky Mount, R-2, and Agnes Eason,. Maccles field, R-1, were elected best all around cam^oers at the 4-H camp this year, William Moore, Tarboro, R-2, Peggy and Virginia Bryant, Tarboro R-1, Bruce Flye, Battleboro, R-1, Felix Stallings, Tarboro, R-1, and Douglas Eason, fecclesfield, are feeing out baby beef steers for the Rocky Mount Fat Stock Sho^^ next April. •M-'it*:'r ”Do you serve women at this bar?” “Naw, gotta bring your own," "What's worse than being a bache lor? ” "Being a bachelor's son." ' I ■ r "Why do men have hair on their chests?" ' "VJell, they can’t have everything. The reason a idog has so many fri ends is that 'his tail wags instead of his tongue^