NAS H i']v ! X C,J (T-TSriR/ilJGE 'is:: ‘:0U B0Y8 good luck 'i qiiiCK trip iici i;ERLT:;M i.ND TGKIOc rp (~ t J- 01 •. '-PT:'! TTTT :Trn^rTTrn^*'T'T^,Trm r’TTTi’‘';TrrrTrrp\^TrTT. :Trrr^ rrm !*^"iTr! ■, Ti ’T ■, irrrf ffrrr -th •‘r^TnTf'^Tnr iT*;y:"Trr‘i*ff ; • ■ fc I i i-t-rt .p- '-*y»-,v4»i'Vii^/irfiL* ' ii • f I* V^r^* ' J ^ ‘i^ ' V * ‘fJir* -'i - -* ■ *•* It* Vi^t J,!. , ’ I 'W w fiCF) P'C VV ry.oi:2b to .vll :en T KTl ' r -IT - / -s , I - b - w -i It -f ■■ f-\T? r'Tr ■ -r j r-i'. t;i; 'f rp', T-nr;.; : 4. L' --ijl.;. .1 X-' i wi> 1 i 1 ij u: rn Hj SIKUC-^3, JK. i;mui The al:;ovo t'^o' ilri-j oac]' p.'j.d ■;kjC,00 for rboir- r':.vori;ioO)no^nt ;.:ind the re by C'-'-vo •f'ho r? j:anc:» ..'.I •■lic’ In prlVL uO .in;^ thici- 1b. suo of the ' FI ont , "'o'7L . talk to‘DATE Bill Stineke,former ^arboro catcher-r-manager, and Portsmouth manager sold VO Yankees, reports, immediately. Sluggin^;^ Jirn Fox to manage Portsmouth. Banker Harold H3^rick add:ipess0s Rotai'y on, Canadian bank ing. Anno LovelacQ, Tarboro :beauty queen, wins State third place ' at ^astonia. ?fo.''^3^ay F. Alford xvoundod in F.r?.nce on D-Day. Bro ther Sgt. 3eb Ali'crd' in Italy. (rrace PcKel.L, . daup’htvrr E. B . Poi'/ell training for foreign missionary; H.:_Q. Soott, Asst. County Agent, says county short'of small grain crops. .David Taylor gets major op 'eration at Du|ce, - ,*• - , ■ ^ ^ . ' Williajn M, Newoo-me wounded in 'France. Konry G-ra^r- Shelton electcd President Ed^eccHmbe Mutual ,Liya stock As rn., Yi .Knight, ".V.?-., J.L Bulluok, Sooty,.,. Kolon. Ha'rrc-lly, Tobacco : market. ODone with-. 125,000 lbs. , with a^/eroige ^2^. Pilot Club obligatos to furni'sh - ward or sun-rooni at’5^0r*;t, Bjragg. : Phoebe Jane Hands is- progressive ■ . President of ; Club . ■ Arih;Loit PoarcG , granddaughtgr'■ 0., E. ^ Hammonds-, . enlists in Vfomon ' s Army Co:'"ps. Fat.s Johnson on Guam, says unlike . 'Coney- Island. ' G-uj^ F. -Alford;' in hospital ■ in England- -wbundod at . Gherburg'.- Says liberated'Fronoh give '.thorn .good cats, flovrers and’ wine. Says one bottle vano'‘labeled, ’’For uso'.of G-erman Army only"*; Ernest L.' Dixon wdundod in, Italy in Docembor, no./^ ’’grounded*' para trooper,in Italy. , ito prisoners -stationGd , in .Scotland i'eck to .^woi’k, Edg'ecombo farms.v Air Cado'C Paul Warren-at home: on .1^ day furlough. ■ ' Pvt. Joe. E-,'-Sverptt' returns to_ States after, ^0 months in Pacific .Re;y>- Ernest .Winbbrne : of Staton; Island visits Tarboro. ■ ’’Tootsie” 'Mayo' drQpe .-a line from England'.; *3^0ts the same imp't»esa^ion •: ;lD,ts of:'^i'^take yo.u riadp . ’^Tpbtrjie” is no;t ^having .oki’r.ied -Mlpng' :lot;s 6 chocolates and= ;saap. ' • See ,you. Irvter, Jimrdc (^oeiie^ in France with rinfantrj .. Just yesterday^ Boy Scolatfootba;ll lad at Tai’boro',- High.V'^ A fine. lad| and. all;;6m*: '. .fingers 'crosso'^a.- for . Jimmie. •- '.'"'S'. ■ : ^:‘So ibng .I ’ s^ until the . ne’xt issue,, which-we hope will, 'bb;^after V-Day,. addresses:, will be:' : r,' ; .'AmericanVArm^ . Oeriuany,' or > . '"t" ■■ ■ V ii V/; s'fr? i>V, . 4'^'-'life ' "■ liSfe-kM '■-i .: -■ i ■ ’ .1'