FEME'S P'JTXTIQN I want the light to brightly shine; I want the men; /'I want the wine, I want the fun Without the price. I w^^t to be naughty and, still. be' nice, ' I- Wf5;nt the thrill of the first long kiss; I want the^ things , the good girls miss; I v;ant the arms''and heartof men, And still stay single if 1 can. Blacken my brows and powder my nose Rouge my cheeks to rival the rose,, Pencil my eyelashes, redden my lips Cevry. a flask upon by hip/ , . Tango a bit a.nd Khumba a lot, p^rk my corset when the we,,t?.ther is /hot, Ride .and svrim, golf and skat^e, ‘ Take the fence instead the gate# Break all the rules, yet all but 'One,: i ■ And' be good and true when the gara'e is done. ' I don* t like pepper, but I do like spice. ' ■ I v/aht to be naughty and still be , 'nice.- Liza: ,”How come yo»makin all dem lemon-ples?», , v Mandy: »Dat soldier husba.nd am'com^ in home on a furlough,,and demxies am'go in’ to.be the second thing he is gona'rask f 0 «.» Wabbite. h^ve a funny face.* Their private .life is a disgrace, Or. t s ise surprised if . 00 but knew The awful fing that- wabbits ,d0', And often,too. Advice to women war workers:Jf the sweater is top big for you, lock out,for the machines. Tf.ycu’re too big for the e.vjeat or, lo ok out for the wolves .j' Visitor { at asylum): ”l)o you have to keepihe, women inmates separated from the men ' / Af’tendnntr »>Sure. "The people hex'e ain’t as crazy as you think.” Trfeinp:. ”Has . the ■doctor . any ol.d .pants he could let'me h^ve? h^cy: , '»No, they wouldn’t fit) you, “ Trainp: «Are you rjure? ” ' Lndy: -’'Quite sure. , I ‘m 'the dcctor, A corset is i^omethihg to keep waves out of the ViFAGS. . ' , " , ' “Eliza,«said a friend of the fami ly to the, old colored washer-woDan «h=>ve you ^cn 'Miss 'Edith’s fiance? '*1^0 ma’am. ’'She ansxirered,:”lt ain't been in the wash yet. , ■ MLi; R-i:SPOMSF> The advice I^-give is .sure '‘^nd true You can’t, eat your pie- and have it too. • • you Want the men and.want the wine you must pay the price while you love and dine. If at first one yields ri-moment’s bliss, ; Why,, th'e next must be a longer kis6. ' So Watch your step >, is my' advice, If you want to be naughty and : still be nice.■ ' G-o to it, kid, wijbh your grease and paint, , ■ . • , , To make you look like wha.t you . , ain ’,t, ■ : Shimmy, find drink to lyour heart ’ s cont^'r.t.' ' . And be hUj^ged p^^nd squeezed until your ribj-are bent. Park your clothes .on a hickory' li-tib, ' - . . But never, ^ my dear, go. in to swim ; Eathe, ■ if ■ you-will on the dew.ey .; ' ' ■' . grO-On ‘ ' But ^ you can ’ t ’ use, mud and'’come' out cloan. The game you play is- man ’ s . long.. ■■suit, Since first he nibbled forbidden'; fruit, ■ '' Whatever you get, you pa5'‘ the. price. . ^ You can ^t- be naughty and . still be . nice. " . A lady\.taking .a; walk., thro ugh the woods' c.ame 'upon, a snail pond that ':loo3ced 0001, .and. invitin'gi She de-|| aided to, take of f her clothes . and' goii'n 'for a.sv/im* ■ Aftpr. awhile' she notio.ed a .young man standing a,t. the edge- of the -pohd,watching her .with' 'evident; ■.-fenj'o.y^cnt., b'ut who refused her-indignant denancsy to go HWay so that ehe'could get her' 0 let he s,. ; Aft er .a, f.ew,, minute s of frustration, »3he. finally felt, a large.- dishpan on the bottom of the -po;rido' picking it up,: - oho held 'if; in Trent: of her, .went ,,up. to'th-r; young^'mn and^ said, furicu3^.y :./. ■ do you kncvr'what '.j *ia.''th3,rJt:i.ug?!’ ” Yes sun, '• . he, re ^ •!yo-u,.’ r e tnk i nt t h e o.’s c'l- 'bo 11 o d i n .that'thpre .dlphsa‘y..*‘ ^The' dairy pu;!; 'on hbr cd*-,t ,V: To' go >5.nd .niClk the family goat.'\' She tried aiid 'tried , :,And then ishe cried,' ”0h Nanny, / r ' you be still.’S ' v' Nanny. tried and then repli-?d ’’This aren’ t Nanny, thi'-s ■ are; 3iH This sign appeared on a Montc-lair, Mev/ Jersey Boauty Shop;' ’’Clcsed for the week-end. Husband home on furlouorh, "’ - '7:^