\V % ^ Q a u as %■ ^ Ur "k)u3 K 5 CaDu i Russell Edmondeon Cpl, Charlie Hussey S/Sgt.' Harioh Vfell*' • .Pf.c. Wilbur Sjvans Lt. Joseph Gashwell Pvt, Johnnie^PollaJ'd Ffc. Thomas Pollard McMM2/,C Horace Vifard Sgt. J.- K. Willey Mrs, J. K. V/illey (VJave) Howard S. Umphlet, S 2/o Sgt. Asie C, Bardley -. Frank Ballard Jim Partin Buddy Everett Forest Armetrong^ Julian teigh' John Pittraan, Jr., Harrell Pitt naan . . ' Cpl. John D. , Muse , ■ Jack Fulford ,. Pvt,John Arthur(C-oat) Knox; P f c. ■ Maude Le c Syke s, ' : Bernard P*. Cannon ’ ' Ashby Wiggins. / . ; Capt. h', K', Fountain’ i Cpi. R. L;., Ho Howell T/k-. Wi 11 i am.. M. Je nki ns $ Pvt, Thomas Mewborn ^ Pfc, L. 3. Hears ATTENTION >■ I JOES! I fit TALK w Mrs, Mary E, forbes to attend School in Raleigh- ^ day course sailors, Don Moore of Calif, and Wm., Ni chols of Kinston, arrea'ted for $^00. Zo~ ellcr Drug cash robbery. Sam Mayo,, Jr., ope n s s e af0 0 d b u s i ne s s North Ma i n at de- p6t. Rotarians and Rotary Anns attend picinc supper at Joe Powell' home,. Anoth-, er scra’o paper drive scheduled- for Sept, Benefit HFI\> & Boy Scouts- sponsor, Mer chants Assn. Morris Brasweil;of 'Rocky Ht.,nephew of Mr. & Mrs.. Warren Andrewjs- ror>ortod missing in action, {1/2']). Fed of Cciumbia will make loans on Land Bk farm wood-land announces Agt Darii e 1., Pre s t. Haro 1 d Myriok announces pledgo' of 1^5;'^00. bars for E Bond drive:* L.,B. Mc- of Kiwanls by club mem-^ Several have asked where we are able to get ’’ so- many snanpy sto.ries. Here is ■the secret: I contacted C.. ;RJ on e s, Edi to r of, The Crreat' Dane Mag?sSlne .of- the' Steel, Products Co. of ■Sa-r 'vannah, '3-a ., who graciouslj sends us copies ;each mbnjth. Some of ' the stories, are, rare' and we pass them on tp, you. ( Trucker Pug; Bass gave US' this • fine' conneo- tion.) : Did you hear 7 about ; the young- man about- to\m\ ifho^ apprpach'ed a cigar coun,t^r behind, wiiich ' stood ;a' cute-'> young tiling, \and .said; V .”Do ; you, keep stat’ibnery? ” v ^> Sa;id. tlie cut^ young, thing: r up to a cert^^n^point, then I ’ jus t goal^ -to-pieces !■" Car. Tel. Co. honors Miss Em Pender with dinner cpmmo mg rating .-25 yrs servico,. Dail 'Holderness toastmauter of occasionDr. J. P. Keech addressee Lions Club subject concerning advancement of civilization, etc.^ Big electric, storm hits Tarboro 10 P. M. July 2Sth. Hits several.trees,,in common, one front of Mrs.. Sallie Ruffin. Pvt. Freddie 'S. Ellrod lands \ in Italy , Sgt. Edw. F,' ?i 11man,.' USMC,; hom.e on. JO day furlough, two yrs. overseas. 'Edge- •combe County exclusive' of‘ Rocky -Hount-, ^ goes 0ver quo ta of. • by ''|lO, 000 pyerall quota of $930yOOO. was exceeded,' rtbtal sales beirig ll,300.000. '; Esbecial mention is given' V/. . J.: Ausbon) S.F., Clark, ■ J. C. PoWellMrs.' J. W. VanLan- dingham, R. K. ' Fountain, W. J, K^sch-^, G.. K. Myrick, Mrs;. Anna, Baker Fennery: Mrs. V/. Ct, Clark, Jr.,; also mentioned is F. D. Wharton, colored raised $2,^50.00. couh,ty agt, ,; who' Hews reel' of swimming meet' seeh'; ;at Crowder and Washington, ,.(by. Sjxack) . Fine publicity stunt-. Can bo enliir^d on. mak : .ing.Tarbbrb known as ' swimming"tbwn\^T Mundy, ' .formerly .with A. &,P. 'bpan;':,/ own market, at 225 Main,.St. . 7^ lawyefrs ' attend; *Bar Assn. 2nd Digt,'-;- barbecub~fc?yt dinner . -K, C,. Statpn^;' Prest;.,’-preside'd; Komp Battle; and Judge vSonO; ,speakers / Ber] ' ■ Neville' elected, next^ Pro®t*: Chas. A. No well with Army inyItaly. - ^ overseas '"over l,|-'yrs-. ' 3 tobaccb5barns . 'M burn .Hr. week ofJuly .2^th-- J. :®pQWcil; p:(ne,ar:'Logge.tt'V.and . Sd- ward'S, . Geo-,;■.M../,Fbuntain,^;' Jr,-', / electod local .. American -Legion Cominf^nder. . Pvty . ■John' T, Edmbnds.on . w^ounaed-^ In ■ 'Eurob^- 'theatre. Cpl. ..Russell Dew'v aot'lon'. Swimming Hee't -on screen,'at Xbcal mi ^ 1 '■M y.thWiatr'e, also reToprted' seen at' ;arid: Rufus . V/drsie,.y Says 'at^' 'HbnolMlair'^ Loans'* on 'wheat ..ayairabld at; Si.* ^hel' thru' -county ’AAA; Office^., ;fena. ’“i ii V A