A Card to tho Public. sevi-rnl p.'-i i-rs in Nortli tt;;u v.'i-ijitvij.J, d opfuniK a KeeJ.-v N. We sai.puso a sjie\s' out cflli'' III,-; !h:i. wo are arriuj'^iu;,' ^0 Oj.M:u oueiii r>. C.,(iud.mo h; Bakiiaore, JM. Yv\’ iiuvc' uo lutin'tiou of opeujusr an liisiituU' iu li-.y o'.i'o'.-tuwn in North Caroliud at (.ri-sent, a.-i «•» h;ivc amplii iicyonimodations f'u'ail tho>>:> \v1k' *oijD'' to •JS ia our uaw aud wi.')l iii.poiuted Jnstitute at Greeusboro, N. 0_. For furthyr iulor’i a- >iOLi, addi'Oi^rj 'ihe KeeJty Institute' Gr'-'-= '■or('. or Lock 3ox 166. ’ Anri now s(.'ioi;t;sts have disoovered tnicrobes in ink. Tbey should be sen tenced to tho pen at once. Why Vot Gi';i\v Tipets? lif'rtii.'uiy l.Iii'C.iKKi ar-rys of laud :u siipi.r anil Fraiicc lias 1,700,- '0(1, Ti’:-! Of t\\i.!v(> tons of boots can 'oe growD to the and -will yield a "on of stT'ta!'. >')no mililon acres of sufrar lieets civo a crop worth $50,000,- ,Xio. One iiiiljlim ai-res in corn at pres- ■'n; i:ricos civi’ a crop worth $0,2r)0,000. nn -rmv siiL'ar beets?—Leaven- '.vonb I’i'V'i'-;, INDIANS OF NEW MEXICO. Prof. Starr’s Maq:nifice*it Spec!nietjS of Men nnd Wotnr'n. ; Prof. Frederick A. Starr, head of the ! anthroi)oloicical department of the Unl- I verslty of Chicajfo. has returned from ; Netr Mexico, where he has been pre- ! paring a probably new and valuable contribution to ethnological science. I The trip ■was made primarily to ob- I tain life masks of Pueblo Indians. while It was yet possible to get them I in such numbers and from such Indi viduals that the easts -v^-ould be charac- Immensityof the Lumber Bus'ness in Eastern Counties. KAOLIN AND TILE CLAYS. l’h;> Souti! i!c,pI,!"' Itself. "Mr. ,1. K, _\iac ;o\vau, editor of the (. U;ittii!iaoKn '[ iine:;. ia a recent article ■>u ■■>(.'.ithern (,'otton Textiles,” shows i'y facts auu fi;jui’es the phenomenal fc.h iince (jf the ;south in the manitfac- 'iitre oi outton gootis and demonstrates "hat the Soti!i> is steadily progressing towards the viainijiicture ol the finest i,iwi i-i;, :w,j. !u ifj;)!) tiserB was tot a b.aaL'Ucry I'l the Hoirth, aii:d all cotton "Ddil.- manufactured in this section '.oi’e sent io tho North to be ^itiislietl 1 lierc are now several bleachei H's ill the South, aiidl\lr. Mac- 'iowaii belicve.s that a year or two heuoe ?he Sontii \iiil !',;ive linishiufj caiiacitj"- sHilicieiit iur all the coods inannfac- tured there. The fact lliiil Sotithern mills excel all others in colored ;400ds, cotton towel- Juff, co'.ton i>lai!kets, itc,, is brought out lu .’lir. ?-;;u'.iowau's article. The nio.'^t iuterc.‘;tiii”-part of his article is !iiat in \vlii;’h he exiioses the fallacy of liui ^'euerai belief that tho recent won- derlul advance of cotton manufactur- in"' ill the ^'onth is due to the advent .Northern enterprise and the invest- “^npit of Northern caiiital. He says: • ’iiyfar the largest jiart of the new vniUs built since J-jasteru spinners be came actively interested in the t^oiith- "rn oiitton tiade are Southern proper- tie.-', linilt with ^'otithern money and '>r’'.'rated by f-'oiithern managers.” A >in7i«i't‘.si*;j| Niofitjn. U>i!y l-oliovo th;it llior can ouro II),tht'l[->j:o:ivu-h.s. it's on iis .‘I vMi ih.'r.-i-'M of tho iriau who np;i,‘v‘s. ‘ ■;). lu'i rt.usi' sravH rigiit ’:her'\ Siny.-; liioj-f' till Iv'nHC3 Tottei'iiie. Jt's the OTily .-Kii'd -\)ro lor 'I'ottor, R-inp- worin. ,'i Ml} it -h^'jri'it-itlons. Good •U.r iMiiafurt'. to... diuiz s^ovps, 50 cents, or VjT mall j’rom J. 'j’. Shiipuiiio, fjavannah, Ga. Klplinsf. Ha.« Tvrittc-ii CJK'nf iii.^ stc;ries f;r The 1898 (if j'f;-’ Yoiith’.s ('ojHTiaiiion. }»!) (ff il S’lrab is its tit f hi t.hH tweive-coior enlendar for 18yy. 'X'hQ Com- pauion’s yearly recognized as among the nelif‘R'a *' exarxipjes of this form of - of the voiar'’ wifii fih \m u.. V; kr- W ill:. \i s'\ Sudden Interruption to iJIoin/.ite 3Ji!iinii;--A Murderer .Arrest d-- Other North State N'ugsets. TYPES OF rt'KBI.O TNOT.^NS. [1, I’fttrico I’inor. or ra!ov\'abte, os-Oovernor of l‘uel)!o of Z\5ni: 2. l>omiiiy;o ConcJin. oh]- p.'it cliief of tlu' 12'^ ronr^' o. tin Ariiina ^.\evv Mexico^ wuinaii witl) \vt\ ter jar. ttn’istlc of tlu> raoe. whioli is rapidly dying out or losing its distinctive fea tures, and io secure e.’tact measr.re- ments of one or more of the I’ueblo vil lages of each of tlie dil’fcrcnt types of construction for t!ie purjiose of rcjiro- ducing these tiniipie placcs oC abode in plaster inodels. The Cueva Fiufada, or painted cave, is perhaps the most remarkable temiile of the Pueblo Indians. It was once the home of the Cochitis, and is regarded by them a.s sacred. The cave aud its surroundings have for them a peculiar religious signific;nice. The cave is a natural hollow worn into the solid rock, near the base of a precipitous cliff that rises vertically from the base of the canyon. The opening is about, fifty feet from the bottom of the gully, and is reached by a series of rude steps and niche.s. The entire width of tiie cave is be tween 50 and GO feet, and it.s depth is not now more than 12 or 15 feet. AVhether the protected front of tlie cave has been worn away since it was first used for religious purpose.s is prob lematical. The back of the cavern is practically covered with paintings that show' no siuall degree of a-rtistic skill. '!'hes(> for years Iiave lieen exjioseil to the weaihcr, and at (lie present rate of cdilileralion cannot last Jong. Among - ' • oT«rv r»>-«olo- and a. procession of religicus dancers. The oldest of the paintiiigs are in red ochre. The red an- 'aga The report of the commissioner of labor statistics gives some interesang insights into the various industi'.’es in Xortk Carolina. The chapter on cotton mills has alreadj- been reviewed. 'Lhat on woolen mills saj’s that while in IS70 there were fiftj' establishments eugtiged in the manufacture of woolen fal vics they operated only 806 spindles, while now there are only fifteen, but iliey have looms and 5,088 spintues. There are besides tweutj'--one vcol- carding mills, making a total of tl;n'ty- eight. Tliey are located in th -ieen western aud middle counties an I one e; stern county. Four make blauksta, Tlio cliaptei uu '.hi.'s mineral is found iu considerable (jnan- traes in Burke, Catawba, (iloveiiiad, (fasten, Lincoln, McDowell, I'olk and llutherford. Its value consists iu the aicaiidescent oxides of the raro earth it contains. One of these, thorium, used in the manufacture of the Vv'els- bach gas burner; another, cerium, by, druggists. Monazite mining is q.iite new, and iu several of the above-named counties became a^ important indiistrj-, employing* several- thonsaud persons. But suddenly the business ceased with startling abrupt ness, this being due to the import^t;oil of monazite-bearing sand from Br'e^it as shill’s ballast, ai; prices so low tl^ competition was impossible, and heiifee there was immediate jiaraly^is of ■ the new mdusti'y. ln l8ol the pricewas high as cents a pound, while foi iH ferior grades it v/as a;-’ low as c u s But owing to the decline itraugea li oiE: (! to lOceuts in Congress, al its last session, through the eflorts of k!t.u- ator I'ritchard, imposed a duty cf t> -ents a pound and it is expected thafc as .soon as the large stock of Brazil'aif sand now in this country is exhausied. there will be a decided advance in , i- cea and a revival of work in the Inoi® Carolina mines. Ju ISilS this State j-ip* duced .■)46,(i85 pounds, which sold tofc S3ii, 11)8. i Kaolin is another product of imnort- ance. It is said to have been miners soon after the settlement of this fcjt..te,- wasliiug and drying is shipped to liie” coast and shipped to Eurojie for use ifc the Kiauufacture of porcelain an'd ehiuai-: It is now mined on a considerable scale: Near Webster, in Jackson countv,' is one vein which is neftrlv ' a -TOLD IN A PARAGRAPH. Tlie SouJ li. The Western North Carolina Confer ence is liow in session at Asheville. A mob shot and kilU d a negro desper ado, Josh Kuf}’, near , ^ibson, (’Ja. Mx. Joseph Vi'ylie, of Chester, S. C., ’las presented i'’rskiue Collesie with ,540,00.0. The manage iiont of t‘ie S irginia pen itentiary rei>ort t'liit nie institution made a proiit this ye;r. of .>'i4.184. :-54. AtAsbliind, .\ris:s.. W. ji. Harrison, sditor of the .'.shland jfegister, was stabbed to death by -f. Tj. >’'ci>onald. . Theauutiiii conference oj. the "Meth- 1 odist I’rotestiint church wil; be held at fTigh Point. N. . on the 'Jith. ' The “Can't (iet .Away Club” of Nor- ■olk, Va.. lias liioi’e a (lonation of o the yellow fever .sufferers at Mobile ‘nd Biloxi. A nicb broke open the jail at Luiaw. 'lia., and lynched Bud .Beard for out- •^ging n 7-year-old daughter of Farmer (Jrock.er, at Hcform. *t Marion, N. C., l!ob Fleminins. a ], ripns burglar, rtin over i'eiu.ty .oi'iff-iames Finley aud made his es- ipe. ’le I’^pulists of Alabama propose to after cut loose fi'om the silver i.>em- :s, and will nominate their own ■re ticket. I ^ * 5ii o'. 1 ' oUiil ^ i _V s.'iT iil t«,) .1V i* ' Labor in session in Louisville, .Kj'.. ected (:biciigo as the next place of eting, Xovomber, -S';i8. Jumare suits aggregating .fHilO, OH), '■wing otit of the Cababa bridge dis- nvfu .\lai)ama, iiave been settled for ‘lie.,Wheeling Iron aud Steel Com- y,-!pf Wheeling, W. Va., has ad- '.©i,the wages of nearly two thou- .. emiiloyes 10 i>er cent. \©ur'^am, N. C., Henry C4reen, rfcilleiV a 10-year-old boy and an ■or in turn killed the slaj'er iu at- 'iting to arrest liiiii, '•6‘Midftiesboro Fotindrj' and Ma- 5t%’orks at Middlesboro, Ky., has . btirued. Tjoss,,-:;'iOO,OOU; insurance, d an’Lo.’idou, §100,000. rto 'firn of J. E. BeiditCo., of M'con, (;a., has been placed in the .liiads of a receiver. The liabilities are .^50,000; assets not known. ■ ien,' [Jenry Wattei-son spoke to a audience at the State Xoruial .College, at- (.h-eei'sboro, X. C., last w efc Tfi '. matchless eloquence held tlf? audience spell-bound. lovetnor Atkinson, of West Virginia, hat dnuornced his candidaojr for the 'XJ ’|ed h;fates Senatorship. This, Itc is conditional on the with- sal of Judge Goff from the race. ^ fisaington, N. G., has just organ- iniid fire department modeled of Atlanta, which is one of t" best in the Hsuith. An Atlantafire- •t. jFiii go to Wilmington to tiain the U rijb:er-s of tlia new deMarimeiit. {Mfiil c-'l VTc" 'Mi iV'a .■ .'b.-if -o- ."A '>>1 ■\i\ rA'\ '\ ’* ■ i " I'l' , i\\). :i03. Tl)'" n'lav- ojik dc-k is r 'i- i?hc{\ a piano. Jt bus a be in iv Vj'l-i'.v. Al~ T;- !T? Krcnoh r.j in’ ]' , — 'V.) ■.rrv (:.f nU . U. ' V atMl V.-' •• 'i.j roloii ’- It C;Mi.OC , i! us t'c. hi is iia Toa-'-'H v,*ln* y-'M ^ yrSnr ]'*0>U 0 '0 P P’H.tJt. wiu'Q V'!! C:n bi:y fr- ni ;:'j xi=- r.r.-l. Vi\}\) a U?;o now to ihir I jilLluV'HlNES & SON, I Baltimore, Mel. rif'a?"- meiii i07i t'-;S paper. if V..11 i:i ril ,1 ^a mill, any size, write me cUewhere. I have till' m.'si i-iininl'-t.^ liue of mills of any (ii-.ali-j- :..t i-nn'iiifacuiror iu the South. i.j 1. ! i .Til ; '■ I] C i ^ (■,: I' '. i. I- 1 !i" .i;.-: M !! 0 v.-a. r.-l. in- Very lii^r'aast i^rade Stones, at unuBual- ly low j.T.oes, Wa0B-W0et(!li8 HSHClilHERY, I'iaiier.^ Moulder.*. Edger-;, Re-Saws Saw.^. Laths, eCo. imm liiB BOILERS, ■j',i!!..tt aiiil Uddpll. E:i.:i-'..“r- ITuUer, in stock, qnicl; it'-Ii'.-.'rv, low priJOS. ¥. €’ No. Main St., Columbia, S. C. P: '1 .:>'.''rir rHix.'V, !•*■>!{ 'K()CKKUV yikinoiiniu, i-a.mp,., PE.XD TO OR CALI. ON ' MOORE & KYLE. Vo, 8 . I'riSde St., Charlotte, X. re.sponds readily to proper fer tilization. ' ’ I. I.• ni -.v/Ji.; *, iM'v.niOl.D TARhFF f*i?5C£S. Inotir t'M;l ’.-jrry tlu' ..nri'lsomtjst n': DirjH'.rwjiri'. Cut (tl.-i-?? 'V‘:l.:ownnd, {'ric-a-t'., ;w.' a.iul Furiiisliiii-.Ts canicfl •,i‘- ;-iiv hon^^e iu tho »'Uf ]ni(;os ar>- tho 1- 1. iOMY IH efllCKESS IF YOU OlVi; THh:»l HKI.r, containing at least actual I 3rO'Cr CrOOS rilllcr cars ai'cl you un lpr^t^n'l rhoni .tr> ' i ' ’ ' ^ Rij.1 k:.o\v :i')\v i«) to iM.'ir rt* j'.iironfu(s; ;nit:l \ n j 'i yoai aU'l -ioIiOr.H !»»• . . y ■> \ ■■.I -t: Uie ;v.^n i-,j | lar;^cr {^rain are sure to result i..- rtiic..*. wt'orft.'-ihistoyouforouiy.'.veeuii;. from, a liberal use of fertiii.t:rs . YOi^ PAY their cvf>:i ir^on as livofHioo. In or- C* r lo i.;n iie J-Dsvis ju.lioi. tisiy. y«n mus- kriow S' ’;»'■> \';u>ou! th'-iii. l'.> tl'is kVuni we ai'a •». -,ii v-tW-.* c;u>. It. \vrts'V11*!-ti ■»_. uniim wnopui a:! I ; I. an i a-i'l »•> a suc- i-'i i‘*i\ i-ut a-i H II, •' i; v'u wiU ’'iMiif mv-Ills I •A’cnty-iive >Vin’\ :ui «!'.'/«: 'Pi;'ly 5 a«i>uiaUy, -••.'J •, r, ! «>.vN lor you. Tli« i. i ,,1-ir u':-r lu'aUl*^ fo trouble Ici I;.* - - u.-.-v \ ar { i.f •• o > 1 '}■• it ai>in*.ir:', nutl know i .-.Ml* I.- iv, ':;! btVMt v/*tl y-ju, ,- Ms t'> u\‘ to reed for I ^ ^ ,v lU'i' f‘nvl.-i losavefot t.iv-.t;ir 1 • ; ■ ‘ ^ ■ >-ry.:i’:vr. you I: ••■i iJ ... N I lUik'.i It i»rc->(itiil>lo, '.iu'a ii.i’in stamps. Our books arc fr> GERM A.KALI WORKS, 93 Kaisau St., Yc.'k. pfTmlWMEFiEie, Cari b.' con.'iu't:-1 i‘; '■'fc'.r-r' i:i ..■V | 0f^AK!^.0'r■y^:, N- O. j !Vo. 509 North 'ii’s'yon Street, ; On a'\y week ’;iy Ki9 | practlci'lo i;i;:Oasty of tho j House ■( > i sio ST.. -N. Y. City. liV ThfUl, LADIES !r iVAZC OUT Trrn.. EYE, m, HBSE AiiB Tiif n—1--5—• -t' ! d of ¥4.000 in op.sn. j eS f :i C f to. _ m s 'CAS Cot .s..., -I. OfiENBY makes oath that he isti Sfiiior partner ot tie firm ot F. J. CH>?N-fiY ^ l.o dojiig biisinesshi the City of Toledo, Coun*^' and btato atoresaid, aiid that said firm will ur.'' the sum of one huxorkd doi.lars for eai>' and every case of oatarku that cannot " fured br the use of , i aWs Catakbh Cub »«' „ .... Frank J. C'HENEv hworn to before me and .subscribed - ' • \ — I presence, this 6th day of Dr- "',mj SEAI- t A. D. 18&. A. \V. GLiSASoS.™^®" No>ani PuKv... Halt s Cat.irrliL Care is taken internally, and ^ blood and mu!oussurfaces 'it the system. Send for testimonials, free „ F, J. I'HENEY & Co., Toledo, O. .‘> aa by Drunccists, 75c. Hall’s t'arailyrais are the best. for children t ,«tiiiD!„ softens the gums, reducing ihfta'r.a- tion..., iiiy.s i>aiu,curos wind colio, 2oc. a bot:;!e. r, rT ■ ’" ^no rvoua ■ ne.ss, uf her fii-t.tilay’s us:' ot Di- Klinf’s Great Dr"R ?r'‘“r',V’’«t*lsand tre-stisefree IJI. K. H. Ki.ink, I,t!..8:n Ar; h.St., i%ila., P.^. I cnn re^'oinrnerd ]^i;o's Care“for Consump tion to sufU-rtr^ fr„m Astlnna.-E. D. Town send, it. Howard, Wis., May 4,1894 CORED Gettlns: VM-y Soon .‘Vfter Taking Hooil’.si ?!t;r.saparilJa. "My son hnd catarrii very badly and we could get notbiu;*: to do him any good. He was much run down. I decided to give him Hood’s Sar.sai>aril!a and after be began taking it h© was soou .gettiag better a.nd i.s now well.” Mrs. J. M. W. Hills N.H. ave executed a, a comparati •, ely re cent 1 -.riod by Mexican'!. The cuts ?ceompanyiDg this article are from photographs taken by Profes sor Starr. A Heavy Fine and Sentence. At Norfolk, Va., in the Corporation Conrt, Judge Hanckel decided the case of.Tos. P. Cannon, E. Gny Hall and ^ Smith, charged w'ith conspiring ij eoaucii ,,|OQ’g w'ife. Cannon and -.lall were each o sin jail, feentenco v,o, g^gpgJ,(-1_ el i;i tne c^e of Snrith, who turneQ ■>tato’s evidence. The ca-.. i,„., attract’ {jJ mnch interest; througbont eastern \ ir^iuia aufl Marvlancl. Antrira, Bemember Is thf! parilia i-’rue Hlood Purifier. (Jen. Maisiptot! to ’.Vriti- History, A special from Wasbiiifeton of'the litlisays; (ien. Hampton !eft for Co- inmbia today, expecting to return here early in December, .ft is understood tha. he will now devote his time to the !-reparation of “The Hi.story of the I avalry of the Army of Xorthern Tir- t;:nia. ” The greater part of the mate- r’ui IS already in hand. To Denounce Bicycic Ki!in;. 'The Woman'.s National Sabbath Al- Hance has urged clergymen to ;u'each !i! uennnciation of. bici-cle riding and -ther forms of Sunday annisements. i.-, inined from a depth of from . Uo U. fee£. There is a iiassing allusion to brick and tile clays. Grover, Clevelp-Ad county, vitrified brick are being made: of clay taken from near- by beds. A very interesting chapter is that cm the lumber industry of eastern No tik1 Carolina. The commissioner says tiirf while in 1880 the products of all me lumber mills in the State amounted only 241,822,000 feet, and tiie value of-' »11 its wood products to only .S3,G72,71 inthfceastern counties alone in 180;! tl increase, was so great that in 42 of thi' n' there wc:e 823 mills, with an output £ 4:i2,880,0(Aieet, and a capacity of noi than 014,000,l/i(j feet annually. Th e mills sawed l.'),iiy,oOO shingles, 42 of the being esci,q,TTQ]^ q1,; ST. 1\*.. hv LiMM.lNT art; '. iicral i ’.AbK (:K M;:Ot l^rciul. .Vo tiihik !,:r ‘;i :.;u- ri;:r to ii. .Beilin’s K;9ir« 6 S.3iS H.re the m!y pills to take iviih .tJood’o d.irsaparilla. li. U.—No. 4«—’y7. Young J^ady—You are a wonderful ; master of the piano, I hear. Professor j von Spieler (hired for the occasion)—I I Way aggo!iipanin3Gnr.s zomeUmes. Lady—A o^-onipaniments to Professor von Sp!,]a» a loung singing; EQIG.""" loblolly pine and long-aaf nine and r v- press and juniper (whitt^g^^j, f„,. .,h Popl° >-■ Se cut. ihe savannah and 8h«.f_ip„f a.re included under the nami, Jobloiiv Since 1893 the increase has bt-,n In'vTQ and steady, and the lumber .iidrArv now lanks as one of the .'.rrGatest in eastern counties. In order to show t:ie number of men employed, aud the out put of mills of different sizes, together with the principal kinds of timber sawi d, the labor bureau has selected 2.5 miiis| located in 1.5 counties, with capacity ranging from .3,000 to 60,000 feet dai;y. The 20 show an annual output of l!o,- 075,000 feet, of which 74,310,000 were of pine, and employ 1,472 men. i'acts and figures as to the lumber i'l- dnstry in the western are much mor part of the Sti.t. difficult to obtain. It is not nearly so large as iu the east, bur is yet quite important. In round numlx'rs this industry in the section east of li;il- eigh is said to renresent something ii';e §lu,000,000 annually. j During October in Ealeigh there were ,„i„oro.: xne defioieu:tv I tJJis year IS 18.04 inches. J.HS been stopped at Girard o, iTiilaeIphia, on iccount of a iavuif:; kis bg broken. a . .... - -- Koe.'ier has bem caught Bfli' stealing '08 horses and bug- g nou‘‘ the s reets of Incianapo- ^ Ind Sied labor of Chicago, III, de- jEfl.8ls that .‘Si,2.')0OOO worth of rtone piAmfior Chicagos postoilice be :lone 'in la ortj’’. jTS Henry Paj'Sjn was burned to cfeiiat Clin toil, .iova, iu a vain eff.irt to iV'e he’ 4-year-d,d daughter, Anie- 'tiiJge C-iosscup, o' C'licago, has held tijd^oild s Cohunban !jx])osition Co. resonsiula for the .'■■.7 -..no losses to exhibitc.r.: uv reason of :. l-e beet sugar niannir.ct'f.rers of Ne- :bisax.a.:'have askpd Assis‘ant Secretary Ho- ii. v.for a j'.eariiig before 'ae gives ,liis version on the countervailin? duty oil ' cli B’^gar. ;; . i-tb received at Boston, r'lass. ■at lieavy snow continue; l-> fgjl iS'of ".'onnecticut, ^"ermont am^ ’lusetts. Several inches cover nul 'wV' /V .. ’.AbK W "■ ' CO., (ain-HN; ; ^ i .,#lfi«fc^V4't,,..-,;,..,Jl..:vc.rMcdi'Oi!!0. lii’l'iit' The prieo of Cotton in at, iO\ tiraes? ^tontrolk-d by a few Ne?? York and Livcvpooi operators. I am fully posted ia advauce '>f :i.U thc'Ir JiiCyiit3or.'=?, J cmti show you how to iaa!c(' luomy in Cot ton, with. non€ of the risks r:i {pc-’CTi'.utloii. ^VrUp for fuU pji-vtici’Jars. H. 1/., F. O. 10-14, York. J’vY C-iiA?. '"'P ( r-M:.ri:ac}; stf Ma' the or Colds, for Asthma, Bronchitis, ing Cough, and ail Throat Troublf ea^;es, you can’t beat and you can’t better ' A Croup, V/hoop- Lung Dis- Half size bettie, 50c I IVili over ‘"-O ‘‘'^*1''''murdered 1-- ^rother-in-luw, \\ill i-tui-ho,, on Hig Kock cree, j Mitchell county, has been arrested ! .OetectivA .lohn Campbell in .Kentuci v' and taken to Marion. The cause the killing was that Hughes bad been un duly intimate with Stanley's wife and Stanley got mto a jeaiyusia^-6 tlUl’l shot him in the back, when Hughes was nofc j aware of his danger, killing luni ii:- ttantly. One hundreil andtifty doil«r.^ reward was ofiered for the cajiliire of Stanley. ^— - ■ A remai'kable barroom to evade th.: Sunday law, has been found at I'iir ham. it was oq th'fe top iioor of a liniM- ing, and from it whiskev was ]ft d-jwi' by means of strings. All its ot'«ra4o.-s ;;re under arrest. • Y The fourlh annual convention of ii|ji ^North Carolina Society ofcSons of the iievolution was held in iiaieigli last week. .Dr. Peter T,'. Hines, ot iTalciub, Was elected president, vice I : iirr, w ho hai removed from i:ale'::4iV- I : homas S. Kenan was elccted e ‘ pi »;'.^uient; ^iar.shali i)cl,aucey l!a\ v.ood, secretary; 1.). H. ITill, rei>i:ttur; ! iierbert W. -Jackson, treasurer; i:ev.'i .liooert l>rent Orane, cbapli^iri^ I A eiuff’s ,P."v in Brooklyn, N. Y., .ga’: verdict: for gf;,v,0()0 to Mrs, Ic -26' v&n fecliaftCix lier fatl in-law, Peter Van bo.,,aok. fti- the agnation ot her husbanu-.. nflgg. tions :;i3 . At atson City. Nev., in revenge for an. a«g6d wrong to his sister, .lulia-a Gtiiifij ^aged iii years shot and killed Charj6-Jones, il'nited States district attdfey. Guinan surre'idered himself at tht^heriff’s oflice. At Jlevaland, Ohio, .1. Shipherd - Jtx&s ben arrested on a charge of em- iii®'?*?’ '”’™onrl V V-'III), n, u\ .r. i >. Eobi'^ tl and a receiver has been asked Icr hMirm, which is alleged to be in- Bolve t and owing -S2, UOO, 0(Mi. Ssittle fmmMmiQ IliMdiki '^EATTl-r,, KT.r;Nmur., '' -‘ M.A. 'iVashljiet.nn ] S-ati'. , c-riSfTi Ra\lr->a;. i Oo'aiiDcrri;).!, ; i:i'. u-iJ ('vr. j Oullit?: ).i'- o: ' •' ' ■ i-’v-..r.'ci- 5nce; LaPsi-st { I!-c. ! __ 31!!':.^ ’ BguM§ BreecivL3-;?:;r'^ Giir.fi anU F.mo3frc:Yi io . ■ volvcrs. 70 0^5, {.'p. ^'pJvos, \ J ; Scinss.Taiits,Ow-'-uj-wi Vi'! -2 • Seriu 3c s'-.:'C t nO \ J ‘ save23 ptrcv*::-^ c.;.. AlEX.LSEh;PLES..CO.i-G(;!SViii?, h i A stiffs m tiiars ALL THE RAGS, i _ f'-anipto 1'--f 5 | r* ‘ .iI'I i Jcjiifor, Ala.,writes: J ?;nve used 5>r- M. A. I..iver Medictnc» HO \cars. ^t cvired J. Ciarlc of Sick ^-.1/ and M. L. \y Powf-U of Heaviness and Tii'ed S’e'SliuS. Have us(;d Brar.gUt” and Zei- lin'.5 nej.it.'iior, but find the /i. A, Siii2«ioxis to bo ^ ilio bc'jt Medicine. Jr^/oji.4cu>'U. T/>r-0, Ark., wr’tes: H.av;: used Dr, M. A. • .V ior % .*S? 'to Sick Headache, and r cannot speak too hig'nly of it. Have r,sed ricilin’i; Jbiij, .1?' Liver P..cgul;nor, r:lso , Dr.uig’it,”’ but i found botli very inferior. Jlavt: t’.sed Dr, Ki.. A. Simmons X.ivor Yv.'i' S'iedi;5i3C 20 years' for Ine cotton picking iiia^'diiiie, now at work in .V cck'on::ii■ g cl'Uut_\. i.-. as.-crl c:i i'(-‘ meet xcquii cuicii,s. 3i iscelianoosis. Thffli’st installment of .'iOii carloads oj,pottoes has been sent to Cuba. Thehatiie of (irovor Cleveland’s son ie to b- Pjchard Folsom (Teveland, in honoru.f Airs. Cleveiand's father. The,e ai'0 S,poo Yonng Men’s (Tiris. iian .j-ssociations in the world, the memba’ship being r);V.i,(.i00. .Wiie.,' Judire Van Wyck becomes ma.Wr if Greater New York he will re move ji'om oiiice all the }ireseut cit>. ofSciaif. The ]nsp-3ctor General of the Armv recomniends that a fund be created t'o’! the bei'efit of widows und orphans of military laen. Denver t'ol. , has niiposed a .^1,000 tax on (lealers iu cigarettes. ' It wa« reported thatil. Sovereign resigneii as general m:ister workman of the Knights.of Tjabor to work u]! .“i presidential boom for himself. The I|nited 7,.Tine '■\ crKer:- ^'ill appeal to Govei’nor Tanner 'o i>iv>veut the im- portatioP-'of t liimuiien tc ‘llinois to take t]i places of striking i-oal niuieis. Wusliing't on. At sliirzton, D. C., Col, .Achilles deY'ecci'i from the cfiVcisof eutiii;:' toadstcois.'''"'hii.li Ik’ for inu-.L rooms. Cobden, in., writes; ii.:... ,-.,U ; .Mi-,.; ; Ik ... .r.uy i For I.iver Slid Fc- CO.. : ■ ' ;.S P.Vi.K !’l.-',VI,:rNCll, K. I. OS BOr: fli .:,"'S ad 1/1I i/ie. l.bvN.'.j) hoani. btiP.-.t tor ' » Hothing exceat 3Dt \ U 7:i, A. SisnmcHis >'• ]LivGi'Medicine dui me any gopd. “Black Draught” did lae no WMTEO ^ fell fjuperiaj T;-.. ‘V • ^uiOSHPrj-'S ?.i.V'(’.R Rib''-j!.A»3R! |§ is s >» •’ ' * -^lAiniK V. '• 1101 lib ■ krill';;!.!?,;'!’':': ! S'eat 8!ot;i Purifier zsii Liver BsgiilsHr. '• ■—■■f.TaFiii:- , Pfs:® Book nn.l fetiii.oiilals, PUKE. '■" * •".i; 'V'n*- 9. BLISS Cn„WssWHgton, B.C. N. V. \o. —ij7. r,' ^ S-i^QKt' SLt'D'::: C' ‘‘nRtTTES. li lOS %K » -S^P i J-Oii UQmi L. iiiesajTHj lasisr, 38 Wsl! St., i, V. 3r i V t Xi'a’i?. TTS! H S & Iks r,-\ 1. r\ -i-ii no>4!frit ' v.iit lorwarti, jK>j?tpaiJ, on receipt ot Oliiy Cctjtp Ii'i D.1J.M ti00:k Publishing House, J w V oi ii