THE GAL/iX NEWS SEPTEI^ER 1, 1955 PAGE 11 Personals Con't, Mr. and i^'irs, A*D, Botton of Commerce, Ga. are spending two weeks at Kalmia Court, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Garland and daughter of Charlotte, N.C, are visiting Mrs, Gar lands’ parents, Mr, and Mrs, L.G, l^'Hsener in Horse Cove, Dr and Mrs, ^ugene Kellersberger, re tired medical missionaries have arrived in Horse Cove and plan to remain for a month, with the 0«C, Skinners, The Kellersbergers will show movies of their work in the le per colonies of Afrifia and The Virgin Is lands Sijnday evening at 7:30 (Sept, 4th) in the Horse iCove Church, All are invited to attend* Miss Jan Burnette, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Burnette, will leave next week to attend Mars Hill College, Mars Hill, N,C. Mr. and Mrs. Burriss of Anderson, S.C., have rented the Hodges cottag§ for a' week, Mr, and Mrs, HoLe 5^'Iack of Clems on, S.C, are occupying the Bowron cottage for a week. Mr. and Mrs, H ,A, Pollard and daughter of Uinter Haven, Fla,, are occupying the Hallett Cottage which they have recently purchased, Mrs. H .Prt Little and family of Com merce, Gar, are occupying the Hailey cot tage T^^ich she recently purchased on Mirror Lake, Mrs, Eisner and daughter of Miami, ^la, are occupying the Phinney cottage on Broadview Acres, Mr* Curnin of l^iami, ^la,, is spend ing a month at Kalmia Court. Mr* and Mrs. Don Caffrey and children and Mr, and Mrs, T, Miller Gordon have returned to their home in New Orleans, ItLss Joan Cabe, daughter of Mr, and Mrs# Cleveland Cabe, will leave September 18 to attend Cullowhee College, Cullowhee, N ,C, Rev, and Mrs, Alexander Kenner, of Wilmore, Ky., are guests of Mrs, W,S, Davis. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr» and Mrse John Wilson of Highlands announce the engagement of their daughter, Evelyn, to Chester I4ason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stover Mason of Scaly, N,C, The wedding will take place on October 1st, NEW ADDITION Mr. and Mrs© Frank Burnette Watts, of Pontiac.. Michigan, announce the birth of a son, R?:ank Burnette, born August 27th» Mrso Watts is the former Miss Ruby Keener, daughter of Mrs and Mrs# Robert Keener of Highlandso Saturday September 17 “SILVER LODE"