THE GAUX TEWS July 12, 1956 PAGE 5 »THE Fastest giik'alive’* Broderick Crawford, who boasts he is the "fastest gun there is”, rides into the peacefiiL coramunity of Cross Creek, where Glenn Ford runs the general store© Ford is hinself former guninan, '’the fastest gun alive”, but has mr?,naged to keep that reputation a secret because he knows that otherwise he will attract everj" killer to the town. There is enough suspense and gunplay to permit the film to qualify as an ac- tioner, and the cast is headed by three potent nacies-Glenn Ford, Jeanne Grain, and Broderick Crawford, He rode into Cross Creek with a chip on his shoulder and bloodshed on his mndoo • •«don*t miss the coripelling story of a strange and stirring duel-fought by o, men who valued peace* ”The Fastest Gun Alive" plays at the Galax Theatre Thur-Fri July 19-20* Hillbilly Day 1956 (ConH.) Again we wish to inform you of our program - 8?00 a*mo - Hillbilly Day officia3J.y opens 9s30 a*m. - Hog Calling Contest 10:30 Parade forms on Pine Street by the laundry. Judging for the King and Queen, Junior King and Queen, best beard, best float, and this year a priz for the best group on foot will take place at this time, 11s30 - Bar-E-Que Served - tickets ^loOO, children under 12, free* IsOO - Band Contest begins - Bands wishing to enter this contest must register prior to August 1, 8:00 - Street Dance - Prizes will be award ed at this time* D U DIXIE REEELS EVERY FRIDAY laGHT SATURDAY and WEDIIESDAY String Band LET US GRAVEL YOUR DRIVEWAY SCREE^JED CRUSHED STC13E BUILDING STCl'IE - CONCRETE BLOCKS SAND - FILLING DIRT Phone ^540 HiGHLFinOS QURRR,Y Sequoyah Lake Highlands, N*C* July 12, 1956 Dear Amos8 Well-I arrived all se.fe and sound,right on schedule, I thought you and Ben and the children would like to know. It’s marvel ous being here- but so many things are different this year, Ky cousin, ”The Country Mouse", isn’t having her Gift Shop this suTumer- doctor*s orders, you know, and while the little shop looks even love lier than ever (on the outside)-and there is far more room inside for our "scam- perings", there is a feeling of sadness a- bout it-not seeing all of the lovely things that have always been in it, and we’ve lost that feeling of gaiety we had as the crowd would gather there for a bit of shopping] I miss having to help tidy up the shop and help with unpacking the lovely things that usually come rolling in fast about this time- calling for attention from all of us to get them on display for our visitorsi Lots of old friends are coming down to say "Hello'' upon their arrival, but I feel sure we’ll miss lots of the happiness we’ve always had when "The Shop" was open at full blast.l We are having to run down to the other Country Mouse shop, at Clemson, which of course, is open all year ’round, just t) check up on things, but even that does not take the place of the dear little old shop that I have always been a part of here on Sequoyoh Lake since its beginning in 1947i It seems sad, seeing the little shop not being used at all* Of course wo have had some gay little parties down there, and are going to have more of them-little "Studie Affairs", you know] It has been lots of fun and everyone seems to have enjoyed them (con’t» page 7) TFITE'S mnRKET PHONE 2395 WE DELIVER Choice and Prime Beef Try oTir Country Ham & Bacon Hickory Smoked or Sugar Cured "IT’S GOODl" WE HAVE A COMPLETE Ll^jS OF GROCERIES ALL i'JEW STOCK J* Phil Tate FORD TRUCF;^ & C/iRS A 1 USED CARS BF GOODRICH TIRES SHELL GASOLII® P^anklin, N* C* Phone 69