THE GALAX NEWS AUGUST 26; 1965 PAGE 20 THESTAOQERmODQS.,. JMIfimmBLE imCHED.. mmm SiXRlT imwmmm COLOR tyoaujj HmmfC UMTEO ARTISTS GALAX THEATRE Thursday, August 26 Shows at 7:25 d 9:50 JOHn H. C. PERRY flGEnCY, me n^ALTO^ - ommn PHONES: 3725 - RES. 2828 GLIDE MEHDER TALLEY^S SANDWIGH SHOP TELEPHONE 2626 ■f mile from Highlands on Franklin Road (NOTES FROM BREVARD MUSIC CENTER, FROM 7) Resident Opera Company under the direction of John Richards McCrae* Nancy Williams, star of "Cinderella" earlier in the season, will sing the role of sharpshooting Annie Oakley. This mammoth production has been in rehearsal for three weeks, Berlin*s score> featuring old-time favorites like "Doin’ What Comes Natur*lly'’ and "The Girl that I Marry", and the hilarious fiction alised story about the coming of age of wild west star Annie Oakley should prove a delight for all ages. Performance time is 8:15 on Saturday, August 28. Sunday*s concert, at 3:30, will fea ture Metropolitan Opera star Jean Madeira. Miss Madeira, mezzo-soprano of internation al acclaim, will sing deFall*s exciting cycle "El Amor Brujo" and three arias from one of her most celebrated roles— Delilah—in Saint-Saens* "Samson and Delilah." The Brevard Music Center Or- chestra will play Stravinsky's "Fire bird Suite" and the "Academic Festival Overture" by Brahms. NEWS ABOUT FOLKS Mr. Arthur Rogers, of Highlands, was admitted to Oteen Veterans* Hospital in Asheville, N. C., on Tuesday, August 17th. Mrs, Edith Rue, Mrs. J. M, Brown, Sr., and Mrs. C. E, Eichenberger were the recent guests of Mrs. Eichenberger^s sister-in-law, Mrs. Russell Mills, at her home in Gainesville, Ga. Mrs. Eich enberger returned to her home on Little Bear Pen last Friday after a business trip to Homestead, Fla. Mrs, Mills was the week end guest of Mrs. Eichenberger and was the dinner guest of Mrs, Rue and Mrs. Brown last Saturday evening, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Spitzer and daughters, Kathy and Linda, who own a summer home on Mirror Lake, returned Thursday to Miami, Fla., where Mrs. Spit zer teaches school. Mr. and Mrs, Olen Edwards, who own a summer home on Holt Mountain, left Thursday for Homestead, Fla., where Mrs, Edwards is an English teacher at South Dade High School, HAWAIIAN PUNCH, 46 oz, HUNGRY JACK PAN CAKE MIX 99 3 FOR ARMOUR ^S VIENNA SAUSAGE CAN NORWEGIAN SILD SARVINES CAN