HIGHLANDS, NORTH CAROLINA PHONE 526-2066 A MIMEOGRAPHED NEWSPAPER 100 PUBLISHED WEEKLY \f)(f DURING THE SUMMER SEASON ADVERTISING EDITORS NEWS EDITOR DOTTY DENDY, SUSAN WHITMIRE BETTY HOLT Thursday July 10 Marcello Mastroianni-Pamela Tiffin in "KISS THE OTHER SHEIK" in Color Suggested for Mture Audiences Shows at 7s35 & 9:30 Feature Approx. 8:00 8c 9 s Adm 50^ & $1.00 Friday July 11 Burt Lancaster-Janice Rule in "THE SWIMMER" in Ctolor Suggested for l^iature Audiences Shows at 7:30 & 9s30 Feature Approx, ?;50 & 9:^0 Adm ^00 & $1.00 Saturday July 12 Hank Williams^ Jr.-Shelley Fabares in "A TIME TO SING" in Color Suggested for General Audiences Matinee at 2:30..Night at 7:30 & 9:30 Feature Approx. 2s50, 7:50, & 9:50 Adm 500 & $1.00 Sun-Mon July 13-lU Julie Andrews-Christopher Plummer in "THE SOUND OF MUSIC" in Color Suggested for General Audiences lyktinee Sun & Mon at 2:30 First Might Show at 7:20. Due to the length (3 hours, 5 minutes) we won’t run two complete shows. However, you may come as late as 8:20 and see all of the feature. Feature Approx. 10 min after show starts Adm lyiatinees 500 & $1.25 Nights 600 & $1.50 (MOVIE SCHEDULE COIITEIUED OM PAGE 2) Anyone who ventures up the hill to visit the Highlands Community Theatre will see a busy crew of actors and tech nicians getting the Highlands' theatre building ready for the first production of the summer. The play, an old-fash ioned ”raeller-drammer ” entitled "Only an Orphan Girl," will mark the opening of the Highlands Community Theatre’s thirtieth season. Reservations are now being accepted for the gala opening night performance and the three remaining performances Friday and Saturday, July 18-19, at 8s30 p.m., and Sunday, July 20, at 2:30 p.m. by calling 526-2695* Board members of H. C. T, are urging everyone to attend the opening night in costume. The play is set in the Gay 90’s, but audience members may wear costumes from all eras. The cast of "Only an Orphan Girl" includes Highlands resident Bob Vinson and summer visitor Kitty Bryan. (CONTINUED ON PAGE •Tl'ffiNTY-OI®) ARE l/E LOSING OUR LIBERTY? BY REV. Lm STEWART TJhat is liberty? Webster's defin ition: "Exemption from slavery, bondage, imprisonment or control of another, etc" Prohibitionist on meeting a drunk: friend, you are in a pretty bad conditioni hadn’t you better go home and get sober before some harm comes to you? I’ll go with you." Anti-prohibitionist: declaring promptlyi "No, sir; I’m ag’in you| I’m for personal libertyi" and on he went tofimrd full enjoyment of his freedom. He loved his liberty, to go x^rhen and where he pleased, when not trespassing upon the rights of others. The liberty of the debauchee should be abhored. The debauchee who invokes the law of the land to support his insult and injury to the moral sense and aspect of the community. It is the libertine which plays the leading part in corrupt ing youth, under the sacred plea of per sonal rights. There is no such thing as liberty or freedom (CONTINUED P. 12) THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1969 HOT BUSTLING wiTH ACTIVITY GALAX THEATRE 18TH YEAR OF PUBLICATION