HIGHLANDS, NORTH CAROLINA PHONE 526-2066 A MIMEOGRAPHED NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED WEEKLY DURING THE SUMMER SEASON 00 ADVERTISING EDITORS DOTTY DENDY, SUSAN WHITMIRE NEWS EDITOR BETTY HOLT THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1969 jCj, JL GALAX THEATRE Thursday July 2k Rod Taylor-Claudia Cardinale in "THE HELL WITH HEROES'* in Color Suggested for l-feture Audiences Shows at 700 & 905 Feature Approx. 7:^0 & 9s55 Adm 50(^ & $1.25 Fri-Sat July 25-26 Gina Lollobrigida-Shelly Winters Fhil Silvers-Peter lawford in "BUONA SERA. MRS. CAMPBELL" in Color Suggested for jyjature Audiences jy^tinee Sat at 2 s30-Wights at 7 s 25 & 9 s35 Feature Approx. 10 min after show starts Adm 500 & $1.25 Sun-Mon July 27-28 Oskar Werner-Barbara Ferris in "INTERLUDE" in Color Suggested for l^ture Audiences Matinee Sun at 2;30-:Mights at 7 s 25 & 9 s 35 Feature Approx. 10 min after show starts Adm 500 & $1.25 Tuesday July 29 Richard Burton-Elizabeth Taylor Alec Guiness-Peter Ustinov in "THE COMEDIANS" in Color Suggested for tkture Audiences ShoiiTS at 7sOO L lOsOO Feature Approx. 7s 10 5c 10:l0 Adm 500 & $1.25 Wednesday July 30 Rex Harris on-Rosemary Harris Louis Jourdan-Rachel Roberts in "A FLEA I£ HER MR" in Color Suggested for Mature Audiences ShoT-TS at 7s30 & 9s30 Feature Approx, 7sU0 & 9sU0 Adm 500 & $1.00 HOSPITAL BAZAAr FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Plans for the 1969 Hospital Bazaar are in the last stages, and Friday morn ing at 9 a.m. door will open at the Ed ucational Building of the Presb3rberian Church. The combined efforts of many people make this Bazaar possible, and proceeds T-rill be used for the purchase of much needed hospital beds. The Baptist Women under the leader ship of I'^ars. Echol Rox-Jland will have a table of baked goods and condiments. The Catholic Church will send a donation. The Youth Group of the Episcopal Church with Elizabeth Worley in charge will al so have a food and bake sale. la*s. W. F. Harris and lirs. Richard Harrison have led a group of >fethodist Women in making aprons, wrap-around dresses, Christmas decorations, dustcloths, croched polish ing cloths, covered coat hangers as well as a. spool doll bed. The Women of the Presbyterian Church have held three bake sales and will also sponsor a snack booth on Friday with Ifrs. F. T. Gardner in charge. (CONTINUED ON PAGE Tl-JENTY) VELMA ROGERS DIES Firs, Velma Johnson Rogers, 51^ died last Thursday morning at her resi dence after a long illness. lyi-s. Rogers was a member of High lands First Baptist Church. Surviving are the husband, Edward M. Rogers5 a son, John Wayne Rogers of Highlands5 three daughters, lirs, Char lotte Reed and I''i*s. Elizabeth Billings ley, both of Satolah, Ga., and l'3?s. Lucille !4;Clure of Williamsburg, Ky.| the mother, I'frs. Ada Johnson of High lands; si:sc brothers, Leamon of Hope, iiLchigan, Leslie of Scaly I^buntain, Kenneth of Lehigh Acres, Fla., Louie of Copperopolis, Calif., Willard of Tama- ssee, S. C. and Bert Rogers of I-Iighlands; five sisters, IJrs. Burdell Marshall of Media, Pa.| jyirs. Lois Reirdon of Oak Ridge, Tenn., i^frs. Kathleen ^^’ilson and Mrs. Leila Wilson, both of Highlands, lirs. 1‘^tle Lauib (COOTEvTUED 0?I P/iGE 23) 18TH YEAR OF PUBLICATION