I*AGE 2 THE COLLECIATE COLLEGIATE . l*ublUb*r llirh*nc« K<] . . . . Alumul ICd itu«in«M M«o«c«r W#lgm*oo TIrtlalA TorbM CAtbarlM Wftf* I . ChAri** . WMVvr .. Kutb MaooIoi ; Jmamt tM«ch«rtjr I 8«rft A«k«w .. iaiDM Dvoar I Honor Association Is Vdy Much Alive Is Opinion Of Many I., ih.- . • tu ■I-' ■If hxi) -i. i.> liiltn' lit (o (b« ud"fit («ov»rt>* ih«( th«' Karoltf tt« 111 upholdloc «r FUi«m B«t* CAtW mmd Mi W#« •! FMvllr Tvtr Opl«Ui A* !• AMMtollM •! tltaite- • IMi« ClbM*l*« •md •< C—la Olk«r >—ycf t AM %*r ‘nrM* to Ftr«l ft«l *#• Vm4m*i4U Ml, fttolMola A# (llj MAIJJHO.N) k&owf bU dlrtloDmrr pr« tty well. The Dnxi on« bM lb« flror k To oumb«'r onr h* b*«a a (real Impro* quallfiea hU AD«w«;r ‘Tb« prr cent of t'. 1^3. "tbere b«i rr.»*nt,'* but b« the n^ood. rntUAtioo has ofi«Q oo« b«ar« tb«M \h*^u rfinarkable, bi|( 1 will not umy qoMtton*' cb*>«(tnf bas >>«•'n done away Tenth Anniverssuy SALE Entire Stock at ONE-FOURTH OFF THE REGULAR PRICE WITH K.tCKPTION OK NATIO.VAL ADV. GOODS on lb« rampat U tb« Honor Aaao* elation functioning? la It allmln' atlas cbaatlnf. aa It waa lat*nd«4 to do? la It aiding In otbar raap««." rt'pilaat! Tbla Improvement reaaona. Mtatea Jam»' i 1) The fear ol which w^m« to exIiA ' degree with «tud« to wbat extent? a p..of *1- • fi-l'-rit U< ■ - t »hr for thw ImruHf Tbey m to thhili that th«' fargtty want ’ {., %i,f i.n th«m durUx f'K*mUiatlona. • Vf’h many mrm^«-r» of the fac*! ^*** following oil, lh. lr f.iih II. th. 111 Uo jfoa think lha Student A»- l.r |..iin« It.- rUMroom *“ d^itinjc a miiii Iffsi, and r*«mina-j ii*»ii VVn irtrth’.i Bay lhai IhU am-nd- m*'iii »n» d*’f**otrM who ar« la It aldlnji In otb«r flalda 1.. th. h .nor .j.t.m, for tb< »l>.r« honor and hontNitr ara In- .Impl.- ffl.i Ih..’ ..,mo who toaahl It »‘>'»»d toward ralaJni tha itandard m.xi l.iii..rl> ». M. th'.«. who (ought •tudi.nt condurt. or toward the hAFcIrai fi.r •fii'l.’iil K'lTrrnmnnt wh«n *'r»atin* o( a batt«r moral too® and It lant y..ar W# roll*** aplrit? mu.I »iirll.iii. Ihu. I think, to a ’•>. aniwari ara Inrurmlng and wr.,i.(t , th»i in held hr Intaraatin*. To nnmbar I all an- maiir ..r Ui- .r i l.n-, Ii 1. tha old •" 'ha amrmatlva. nambar two hiKh I-!, l.,...ihy th.i tho pro- »»>■<« 'fom 1“»% 'O ‘bout Onr.ann> f»-i-a.,r i« mu I ntll we !h»re ara both negative and af- '^l*«ble rfnuli ran rl.l A <' rblldUb fancy, flrmatlv. aa well aa undevlded an th**rr !■ iko f«*r govrm* •War# to number S. nr t futprt ati‘>n I»«t»r<'n Faculty lu ov«>rwhelm- • lart Jam^s. du*? to two ;.c^>c >OC >0< I I*rr»rli«*r » .ln%w»*r The Hev. H. N. HI: r iiit haa the following to aay: 'Tb** Htud**nt A orlation haa benn a factor us<'d li. ‘h>‘ College to promote moral laeu* It hac gon« a long way In ellmli tting cheating, i do not mean to ^A> ‘>y tbla that It baa entlr*>ly ellmlna d It. neither can any oth«r orgui» atlon, with or without lurh an cr. lUlxation, but what ban M)me rh* »■ an orgaiiUation d( < dency to eliminate • "It muiit be rem*' Student A%*oclatloi Uation In A. C. (' . ■uch ten- and Kfu«i<'ut hf>'Iv Ity lU.-s *rf, f)i.- •ttiilmt lx»dy baa tabi'n upon ih*' full rec:pon»l* bllltj Ilf tii« rt)>>ral tout' of our col- Irgw 'Ih' jr h-»tr rffu««*«| (b« help of lh« fa«ult) III makltiK (hi* Inatltu- tli'ii ( rT* '11 our : • * >atnpua wtlli (W acudaa'a au l f«> ii?«y work- IM lMui4 la baad fnr ibe t r«>atlon of • aav gptrli aa wr.i a« nr« buiitf- Ul#*. Thta art baa <•]•«' . <{ ,%ni*w (be oli bf—cb b«t»rrn tx-dy and fTMttT that tnaay h«il th'>iirbi waa ftDfwVer airatn ba« i tisC. •., vtlteul lb* ail«l< r (t •-tp«ri*'nrfi of (ba oldv^r g»Q'-ratioti Wi» bav« tabaa tb« t'tu'xt”. **’ mu'*I aink or ■via by i*ur non «tr-ti«th h wi>amaan haa MH'n. that It U a fa. can prove the vaiti riovi'm»*nl.‘' l*rr«. OMTry’a f^lnlon Which gtHU to n'l Wa aball begin by giving the f*re»- conn««rvatlve. like n Idant of tba Htudant Aaaoclatlon'a but (h<.'refoi«*. morv* opinion. Ha taya that tha "Honor ract. ■yati'ra of atudmt government baa Improved tbn moral condltlona on tha tampua, In claaa rooma, or wberc«*ver , I A. (* C atudanta ara to ba found It la op Cheating baa baen eliminated by at ih; A ( fo%. In my opinion," He adda, "Htudent (Jovernment baa bad aiora lo do with Ibo craat- log of battar aoral eondltlona, a ftn*>r oollaRa apirlt. a greatar ra- aponaibllUy and mora democratic but !;uve ivatliig. iVi'red that the H new organ- t <1 It muat be V. berauae no n radically Time alou<' • f ttuy n«w thut II. .V in pr»arhfra; .ble to !>«• c) Ulth I<4>ng N ittif \Vi* now rellnqul^l. t»« flo.>r lo Mr. R H S Hurrell (o rwipv. Itay- moncl lUrvard Htu ‘-y HarrelU, who i<*m* H forward. and aayn; Cheating han N»n .imlnated to a certain «xt«iik i b«- -:>’t >M*en any tbla yaitr Stud'iat arc tMklog It tbla yaar a» :i m|tt«r of honor nM to «*baat Tti** almoaphrff rrM.iji'd Amerson-Boswell Co. E.\(XrSIVK FUNERAL DIRECTORS & EMBALMERS AMBULANCE SERVICE taatd«* 'ha( I III* w!n‘ 'III. •• • I.; ’ :ii H«iN > ►: r >n. • of nCol.a be Itr' hl> kln.'iloot ruled u r ^ Tor 1' k-.'|> d- p h! rii dr« V- A' hi thr* h ■ brigbt- T*. > rnad*' earth • b>^> *»hrftl. 'tit A ir«w world and to llrloc oa tha A. C V. caapui thaa | •’J' •"“l.-nta/u ni .klii* ch.aiiim aur othar ornnltalloD hara." I**' ti^ibr b.«t lnli'r.*if I and tba public offTnlnn of the tampua' Halloa Thompeoa'a .%aawrr jla bavlrg In my claaaaa, ll "W*hu. -"IT ~*'T ‘-||» ■■ _ ' •track la Walton Thompaon’a aa-1 Thera ount h-^mothlng to Kay-, • af>ra "Tna, cbaatlag baa baaojtnond'a ^tatcniari, for tt 'I^llvered rllmlnatad to a great extent, bat llHka a l.iwyar, 'bt'b he would b*- If do not know bow mucb, Wa are i be waan’t i^u«M u medicine. w«*i| oa tba way to racoTary. It | To atimb^r ttr* e be nuyt. "Wellowa Mtf'mrd ilka a bigb acbaol laat year i have a fe^ltib&of '•'aponitt>ihty. It'a aad now ll aaaaa like a collaca." Tolhacomlnr j tradi: m not to rh^'s* (he third qaaatlou ba anawera. "Yaa.'placing ((hu to <»th*r fialda ' bringlaj about a moral conacloua- > Raymcind naid .il of thi^ without n^iaa. a matual traat. tbat goaa over;any comptinttion rom anybody. Into other flalda of aCudaat aada*' I »or It ta eraatlng a eartaia aiaoaDt! _ *"**' lUraiKX ^>»» of moral raepoaalbllUy that waa I ‘1".miou the dlgnifiad PHONK: DAY »10 J. J. .4.MF.IUH)N. MAXAGKR l‘H()NK: NIOHT fl7l 1586 WIIJiON, N. C. Xi'i 'ur. 7. A NAnoN-wtoe iNsmvnoN- It Wtt' a pr- S!«'m all ! to the rnd ll .1 ! prowm {•tudant aetltrlty.** hla llfp, hll' loV«*, r;o*ll » tti* b«>tm pUre thera'Il place. w. ::d and. Vrr^ -•» the ;!d rrair; Ai « Ai d May he ba a« hr rule o>r tha miiy he ^nd the rrnwn. the . r.>wn fif! Marjorie Ellla. Peace To the flra( oth.r wl«. Uckloc. that la ba,ln»l.» I »“• *'7 h« Jb- /-'llow-' to pro*, kaoartclal la othar Ilnaa ofl^ “> T"'*''"* '! balag eiioHaatrd gradually, and !tbat la tba goal twf« ' working aUh<>u*h 1 hare not n^eo i Hilary anawera In tba affirmative' cheating myju*' thla year." ® to the firat quaatloa. atatlng that To number thr« ahe haa nothing .tbla year abowa a very dacldad Im deflnita to aay. aa -»a organisation U provrment over tba laat aavaral 1 very much a >tungaler but Inex Tcara Hilary haa baen with ua off *■ hopeful ’ >(»», Vrglnia ^ Virginia Payne .« unqualifiedly **tand uncompromla‘uly for the 8tu-' * dent Aaaoclaialon and b«*lievea that i tha organixatlon li functioning well , and la on the rkht road. Thla, writer tried to ga' a atatemant in | {Writing from Vlrg-:tla. but aba waa* I In a hurry and atr.ad that aha had I written beta in an irtlcle fro tha Col- i ' leglata, and so w« refer readera to jber writ«*-up. whlcl may be found In jthia laaue or the oa preceding thla.' ] However, dcj^plti Virginla’a pro- 'aattatlona. the wrter hookad her Nash and Tarboro Streets Wilson, N. C. We Operate Over 1,000 Stores Where Savings are Greatest I and on tor manr jroara and la (row Ing qnlta ancient along with tha In vtltutlon. and aoma faar that he It btK-omlng a permanent flxtore, ao j knowa wbat ba la talking abont. ' From what Hilary aaya. be haa aaan quita a little bit of cheating In hla day. and aoma of It took placa oo ‘tbla rampna. but ba aaya thera baa baen a graat change alnca laat year "Tbla doaa not aaam Ilka tba aama •cbool; tba vary atmoapbara la dif ferent Lattlng tha atudanta allm- Inata cheating tbamaalvaa la patting them on tbelr own honor, raaulta If Ita 1 work^ rubt In eooparatlon and j tafor. It went to pr-t. and It be baa cui,d th. Jollowln* I that banga Ilka a pall placaa of learning.“ ap<»aki Hilary. over many | T^e late afiernoon van caata meiiow 3l'>ar on the quiet garden of tha Sii^n«*rv Here all ta caIn In I th!* c«H-iud»d iar?1s»5i. many tired j next b«ftf:j hate foiJTid tbelr bavan of [ raci At tfcSe tlrae tha placa la i spraka .m»i7 nt all oa». onr. a .l.iar W. bar. baan »ary mnch Int.r- aatad In tba repllaa that fraabman gem; ,w.! ’*Cartaln Imporlxnt accompllah- «ow ror tna memi bava be«*n r allied from effort on part of the S glent Aaaoctatlon., and will contlnae tD be." I Virginia mak*-« the atatement like ' a woman. Look it. you boyt. who} Wc Have An Attractive Lin© of Christmas GIFTS NUNNALLY’S CANDIES ***•" ha». ^iTmak'in(~to'7b. ijuaatloiH !•''* >uk.warm or ..ttaconlitlr In this italra. All of tb.m apaak .ntbua-' hftc |i^«t cnma from mai '■ ”"*^1 '■"1*"'.. .““r'I Mira.'’ViiTrth;in”.;>;;k'Vnthu;.; , W hen (hf counting la flnlab-' ,k« m^A\ ■»j* ohlfn. nolhlni tba rarr-' „,k, —k/>u ihi» aMm m '• r"«»al. HaTr The o nth. whola lh»y warn to hara. mor. of a daalr. to eooparata In | py common coDtant wa give the’ a Imlnatin *<-h;«tln« than Iba uppar- rlaa.m.D^ Wa hara IntafTlaw^ ,„atlc. Hr Hamlli, who an.w.ra aararal. but only ona • anaw.r will, ^ n.rtn.r: (1). • Yea.” P Wilson Drug Company L=>o 2fiy I ooc:^30c^ fet»f gaea chlfta. nothing the vary lug of the retreat Tlie gar- dao& In Ita beauty, forma a fnr th!« laaral. flawlaaa aad ^ara. T>.» dT'r-g »J3nI!fbt raata ror?'S«el%^i7 on h«r b«^au(ifal faca. oid otlr in the wi*d^':m of tha ayaa ISLhe t» a awe«^t flr^war tlvlag to bl9«s cthr^ !n ita Ivtvauty ]q ber ra^isoar la nn air of tranquility 8ba bA# foaad p»acr aH nv^r the world COI RTKHY OF ba given aad may ba takaa aa ra^ raa^ntativa. It comaa from Altoa Barnhill; "Tlila la tha flrat lima that 1 bava baea la a acbool whaar tbara waa a ! j^tadant Honor Aaaoctatlon. bot alnca ^ obaarralloa baafcommltal on many i^ubjacts. h< haa an<^ Indlvldaal fight baan that It la faactlonlng batter put blmaalf oa rrc.jrd aa follow?* It- tbaa facalty*«oBtro||ad govarnmeat j **1 balta^a tba 'tudant Aavorta-; woald faaciioa That la tba waf It Uoa ta faactfonlag to a conaldarabi.* ia working bare. Aa for myaalf. I; axtaal. It haa t rrad to craate! pablk apioion a« pat ebeattad and} (I). “An Pmctk-ally." (3). “Undacldad.* Prof. (frtia on Rr^orti Howbalt. ProfevMjr Grim li- non BUCK RAWLINGS Aad The In for J*. ati» Ic thf flchtDig All -oeH obtain thU rare treaaora b»| «it'jdyf:sg thU nan. who luka loiiPd that !h«.r fan ha no PMra ni>- hara do« mra’ay fia«ra’nt or artiai tu np. haa Ih* loTi. of Ood aad bU e»—» of rh»atlni tbla ya*r." MI>>wBaB In tha baart Altoa la a iradoata of tha Waak- —SalUa Rowa L.aeaji lactoa CollacUta laatltata aad ka It ll growlBc. bot public oplc t'oailB»..d a] pa«a B Dunlop Tire & Rubber Co.