l-AiiE TWO i.iiti-n- »thi >:th ri.i ii \>irTHKI( »l l < II. »K\ll THK CXJU.WilATi; open horum I qutU tt. • <r ibvtn hav*' a(«rtr«i work* : o> fHal Ibr tmlj mitfbt , 4 ifFvarul f^*r ;rtl*r i«ty vtHfrt* arv «•(! r w«;. aii«S b«>th ar** felittf lo •!» ibr ■ bamplon* : tp !•« «am»* Umfm bw-'M play»*«l V And tb« Dlb*r* will b* pUy*d Ar at) r^rty ilat* ffj. C’Ub ba« •p4>o*«r*’*t •«'T«riii rub« iinna ibu y**ar r.»‘h H«:uritay tttornlnc a ffoup at I -It K<»« b««it gothc util lo br«*ak- /a.r Th* group* ba»» b*«*n aiimr • hat }i«naWapp*<i <lu« (o lb» la<'k (<t u(f>n«>t* llowvirvr, Ihlt hanilhap • a* t «rr«i>rn« rtMt<|}t|y wh»o th« riob •TAVf • bkrib<)ar parly utx Krldav z€, «l «h|rb tltn« I'arb l>ruu«bi a pr»'»«'nl Ho now • Vrf^oBe !• r«^4> to tlo big thing* 1:. (a. (. IQ m «*'«k or two tb** rlub t« f t»K. to pull a bl* party Tb** r^a ,..f< t« I oi>al*lr>r« tJ big la that b«r'i ■ ill l>«- inviitil to go along AlbtatM To ib» ludllor t^at )rar tb* rampQa o( AtUntIr rhrl*liaft ro))*ca waa lb« arroa uf h ttorli ^n4 artlflty If one bad ( OM.I^.C.K MKN MI- JT NOV. 4-1 TO l»lt%W II* |M»KMIT0HV HTI l»l>AT I*4»VKIINMKNT ■ <(’onilooa4 from paf« 1) iiiitning •ophomor*- claaa. . . . Tb^ ■ f[|t> r« of tb» organUatloD ahall b« it** of lb*- Iba preai- <l^nl Mball terTe aa Judga, Iba vtce-■ THK MK.N’H HHOI»”ir>0< :ti>iulr«»d aa lu lla rauM*. on* wuu!d prf>alil«*nl aa pr<Mi«<uling attorney and NEW FALL CLOTHES ARRIVING DAILY Adkins Clothing Company • gl AIJTV WITHOI T KXTHAVAGANt'K" t n| I H It INV/I I I \T t'OI.I.KOK M'antlnu»d from paga oUMTfoa wrong In IlC* and lalma It upt>n hlm»#lf lo Iba* (hi* ar«fttg U <'orr«'l**«l. aod In doing fhl». a««ordlo« lo lb* ■prakft, A< htrtra ' bl* qu»al (or Iba baat ' Clt trig •«««» c&atnpl*'* of blatorlcal i'h4|r* a< i«'r« «ho havv nIimmI uuI a* ao' l<-() • •a»an< Ipalors and b«*n'*fa4'lora. Mau* gavr «u. b (lgur»a aa l«lt) ti.lo wbo rightpd slawry. Huram Mann, who dl«'d In publu rdu«atlun. giifrt) Virtorla. tb** bind h«ar, and ian« Addam-. 0»und*'r »f Hull llouaa Kvldrfira Ibat tb* training r«»- tti tb* on« wp«b uf '’ltjlt‘nal*»* living ai youib * onlrrrn* U b«ir- Iah Crutt waa glvm by Mr. lurclay «ho •lai*<l tbal prartl<ally all of the ^u^tday bool ib«lrut'ilon In a«>T«*ral dvpartromta In bit rburrb la b««lnc by lorni*»r ConfaroncllM, A ilmllar opinion waa rtpraaM'd by MUa Hloni*y wbo ttatad that an- <»l|ji»r gr**al »aluf» of youlh i-onfrr- rn<«' waa th« •niargf'mrnta of one * cotti-rptlon of rallglon fn>ro Ibal of a l(H Ai i-buri h lo a national or world vblv rt>llglun (ioorgi* W riynl. of U*ln»ton- Half'tn, anil prr^idi’nl of lb«’ Youlb ( onf»rrn< p, pra«ld«'d at tbr banquat. «hU h waa «tt«ntlod by •«'t*'ral IMa- «*lplM Iradari. prontlnml In tbr na tional organiiatlon llcaldoa Ml«* Mau*. Ihra« Include*! K II Quick. .*4oull)f'fa liralonal nirtH-lor of Ifllg* i«>u« Kdui'allon tif Atlanta. W H- ('Irmmpr. rbrUtlan llt^rd of l*ubll- <«iion«. Hi t«ouU. Mlaa Martba Otb- •«>n. jApanr*# Xualonary. Hurt Wll* Min. H*«r«*lary of lb«* I>l*rlplwi l*f*n- • Ion Fund. *nd I J (.‘abltl. t>t Vlrt*- l*r»«id«Dl of lb» Tnltad Tbrlatlan \li«a|i>nary Horlrty. both t>f Indiana- tH>IU bat* iH-rn told tbat alt Iba work wa^ part of tb«' plan to b«aullfy Iba ratn (.u H h«’0 Iba alud^nia )r/l »rbool, (h<'> vlaton»«l raturnlng lo ••• tb* ■ aiupu* aril gra*M‘d and bord«r*'d *ltb flowara. How far from ibal waa lb« rAalltv ibat jcrtrird th»lr i*yaaf p**aa? r«*a<’ r*-4t bav«* tb^lr plar** In a paa field liijt lb**} ar«> n«»t aultabla for the )>ruutl(lrallon of a rolkge rampua. l*rrhap« It waa n«N •’•■ary to plant tbi* P«..» to ultrog*-nlfr tb» aofl. but. 1 n< llrTt* tha viuilant body will agera a Mb Rif in aayln< that It la tlm» (or ibi p**a» to tx* ri*mof*Hl, and (hing that will Und a batt«*r app«>ar* an< •• to tb* grounda ■ulMtUut«*d HIgnrd William W11U-' To tbr Kdllor r ba««> o(tcn brsrd Btud**nla apaak lit! ab«*ul rh*^tlng on rlanii*^ h*rf In i*ur (olU’g* 1 fa*l tbat (bla la a •limitra** to our atuil«-n( body. K*T«»nt- I) t wa« •p«*aklng with a p«raon on (lil<i qu*-»(lon. b* aald tbat In . .... .Iti-Kr, whkh hiia a murb larger I iHly than A <' (* . Ibal br> saw 1«*m t heating In all hla rla«ar« than In on* claaar*M»m h*rr. H<»m*lblog iiiuat Im* don* about It la our Htu* .(••nt <;oT«rnm*nt a (allur* tb« reg- •<»n ( hi’atlng la ao prevalent? Or. la li** (art that the •tmlfnta fall lo <'o- • >tH«ratr with tb* t'ounrll. la It ne«'ea- ary for lb* Xtud*nl Tounrll to rlgld- > tMifon*' tb** ronatltutlon r*gardl*aa of tTtll< lllrn. to gat reaulla? I feal r a g*ntl« man a agr**m('nt ahould be mail* that each atud*nt aupporl the < onailiulloo b«*tler In th* future than hav* In lb* paai I would Ilk*' to hear what someone i»aa to aay on tb* mailer la Iba umxi .•411* of the t;olleglate A Council K«*p 209 E*at Naah St. the rvtary-treaaurar aa dark.” ||j M< mt>*ra of tha aenate will cooalif \j ^}i m*-mbrra ib* flral aeroaatar, O taro «*l*rt*d by and from lb* aenlor ^ ->fv ~>n<~ two el*4'ted by and (rom Iba Junior claaa, two ele<'led by and from ^ i-(’LASH the Mipbomora claad The fr*»hm*n |{\|*11»I.V AIMI*TIS<i ITHKLF > {«•« <ihail elwt member at Ibe TO (‘OlJ.KCiK UKK « nd of tha »«Tond a«*meatar. . . 'Tblf | til don waa amend**d l» ibe effort fhat the frt‘«hm*n cla-i g*t a rhan« e to •■IfN't two m^ifilMTR at th* end of tb* firat a*m*ater. The authority of tha Senate waa «ub»ldlt*d to tba • ollege atudent i>oMn>-ll, th* I>ormltory Aaa<M'latlon to tlvltit-fi give verdlcla only on minor offenaea Kreahman boya are ahowlnit a keen and lo r«*«-ommend tu fb* (acuity con* intfreat In the atbletica of the tchoot. •'*rnlng major offen***, which are They were the vlclora In the Inter- t*rm*d aa ■'Ihefi. drinking, poaaaa- CJa^-. Tujc-o -War held on Home- «lon of Intoxicating drink, card play- ( omlng day, Nov. 4. Many of them Ing and gambling.*'An amendment to are playing on either the Alethlan 'h:n waa mad* to th** effect that rec- ar Heaperlan Soccer teama, aa well. Wilson, N. C. The claaa of *37. which Is the Ur gent Kreahman Claaa In the hUtory of Atlantic Chrlfltlan Colleae, Is raphlly becoming acclimated lo col- leg** IK*, and the memberg are al ready taking part In many of the ac- • >mmendatlon ahall b«* mad* to the •tudeot rouorll lnat>ad of tha fac-, ulty There U alao tu b* a head In «*ach building who la to be elerted by the m*n living in tbat particular dormi- lory. .\lao. Hcveral new boya show an un u«iual talent for baaketball, and. with the new aymnaaium that ia to be erected aoon, a winning team should be produced this year. llie Krfithman glrla are equally as active In the life of the campus. In !Z>OCZZ^OCZZZ>OC^ ritOK. J. M. WATKKS KLK* TKI> rUKS. FAt't l.TY CI.l'H prof. J. M. Waters was unani mously ele<'ted president of the Fac ulty Club, which held its first meet ing of th year late in October. He .'lucreeda Mi>«a Martha Kdmonaton, the retiring president, who called the meeting to order, and conducted the seaaion. Departing from the usual proced ure. the meeting was held in the late afternoon at attractive Slron- wood Park, one mile from W’ilson. The refreshment committee having provided everything needed, the club nu-mberH cooked supper over an open fire before proceeding with business. As ita name indicates, the mem bers of the club conHlst of the facul ty of Atlantic Christian College. Home o( th* major by-laws read the Henperian Hoclety a program waa that [planned an<i carried out by Fresh- ■ No r«nl pUyln«. drlnklnK. or po.-'oiHn ulrU »lone. In the Alelhlan ..uluo Intoxlrallni; drink will be | I •'I X •x'lh the boyii and Kirl« con- loliT«t>'<l In lh» ilormltorjr or «nnp«- 'ribiiteil to a ’•Krenhinan I'roKram." Boy F'rlend from Nashville: (as they drove along a lonely road) You look lovelier to me every minute. Do you know what that's a sign ofT I>alah; Sure, you’re about to run out of gaa. I I^.|.U>Uh||||* IlKM MKH IlKil I. \ll \l KDNI- SD \Y MOIIT MUKTIMiS T«o JapaoMa Atudeota at a Call* fnrnla (o*>tball gama al«x>d up wh*o Iba band plava»| ’How Dry I Am ' Tbiry tbnugbt It i National Anib«*m VallvT Havtaw aa th* Am*rlran Kdlnburg <Tex ) Ml>M>%Y TIIK laTII MutwUy Ihr lHirtr««lh mmm a «rt-| MMlwt lii f»ic "!**«■■ Il^wl Hr mmt r»rlwc thr »lrr»f lo hU riMHM after hAtlim JwU l«k*n a btUh lo Ihr ha»y‘a <|«icmt* lari wtvrw he iMrvrrv^j ctti hbi fwH om a hrtArti bollle "I’t#** wwa IvMriiM Hcrrv^Ary rerbti**’ lh-« lt*c H.mlh atxmW mvmr llwt ■I'hlUaa" will br -rhUlw* ’ mm IT^»fi~ir lliunlln %tl>l wHrw h of the arr** <|r«l. ■ ri**’ ttMHmht. howrver, IlMl He r«>«M rwa fjMtar wMlM>wt hl« • • Anyon* Kullty of th* al>ove offen* a«'H may be aaked lo l» »ve aald dormi tory or ann*x*a, and ahall l>e recom- m«*nd*«l to the f«rulty an undenlr- able atudent " In thU the word "(acuity” waa stricken out and the word "atudent council" Inaerted <n .NHA Ita place. Tb* lawa govarning a atudenl's privilege* aay thii: *'A freahmao muat l»e on tha camptia every evening lH*gtnnlng at 7 I’ M " This wa.« amended to glta the slud**nt the tight to li*ave provided he haa per- mla^lon from tb«* president of the -••nai* or the h*ad of lha bousa. ''A(t*r the firat quarter a freah- man making a grade of 80 may he out one night ia< b week In addition He must be In not later than IIP. M." rb* Krade of AO In tha above aectlon waa lowered to 7S. *'('pp*r riaaiimaa who maintain a crade of go will have no reatrlctloos I .»n tbeir leUur* lime. Thoae whoj fall below KU will reatrlcted to one I night *a< h wtn^k In addition to Satur day and Sunday, and must ba In not ^ iMter than HI* M.*' The grade In O thia aeirtltm waa llkewlae modified tO,|| r*a.| "7R." U Tb* last major i-bange lo be made S m the by-laws which raad In lla orig- || laal aa follows 'All aludenta muat re>glat#*r before leaving tba campus for the night or (or more than three houra Siudt-i.ia who work down ' town may ragister with tba prealdent I* at th* brginnlng of Iba aemeatar for 1 (hr houra th*y are working." Thlajy waa changed It. read. '*AII sludentajn mn«t r*glater with bead of housa In I which h* realden before going out for \ q more than alx boura.“ (0 Other portion* of the constitution I (J and by-laws are Important, but tha ^ ibove mentioned aaamed to ba most ! in dispute at the meallogs. U The conatllutlon and by-laws were S It Is the aim of every member of *he class to cooperate with their fel low students and the faculty In mak ing this a collese which one would take pride in calling his Alma Mater /OO u 0 HKU AKI>M KVKHV1U)I)Y Ul T Ht lUKH, TKAt HKK Service Tli*t HatiAflea A Garner-T arkenton U DRUG STORE >ocrz:>oc >oJ V\Ub Ibe return of college acllvl* • I.-, Ih- ►Vllnw.hlp r.,um.-.l It. salurdar and Sunday nlichta ular m* «'tlnga e«i h We4ln*a«lay aven-• ing fr»)m aeven to eight o’clo<-k. Ib(-r* haa b«>en an Increased at lendaDi* aucb aa lo be<^Aa|tala tb*, Kt'llowahlp a moving from Ita trada- lional meetlna place, the Dramatic \Ti H«H>m. to tba Collag* Auditor ium Th* lncr*aaed Intereal and support abuwo by ooO'mlnlaterl:»l itudcnia to the dlc^'uaalon of vital is Doa t-onfronting the political and (‘burch world la Indicative of the *vvr qu*ati<mlng altitude of the, rhurcb laity and »ap<H'lal)y Ibe M>ung*r m*mbera. Such quaatlona are taken up In the a«'ml‘formal dls- wuaalona among students and profaa- •ora at Fellowship Maatlnga. Th* Fellowablp following a sua* K«^llon by Praa HlUay baa deviated from Ita regular method of procedure t>y dividing lla membara Into four jtfroup* for the purpo!*e of having dla- t ua4i«»n rlaaaea on different pbaaaa of , hunday Scbi>ol work, aucb aa orgaol* ' nation, and metboda of la«cblna rb«a« iliacuaalon claaaaa beginning \ »«rmbar flflaentb will be bald at ibr r*gular time of Fellowablp maal* tug at aeparata placaa yat lo be da- Med uptm Tbaae claa^a will meet Il»r. a mon.h. lh» «ourth ,o' br Ibe regular group meeting, (or ibe ptirp««ae of dlapoaloa of boalneaa and mtormal group dlatuaalooa Goodman’s Shoe Shop SAVE YOUR SOLES SEE US —Phone 106— 106 S. TARBORO ST. The "Forgotten Man.*' accordlug ■ lO Dr, William Truont Foster, re- itearch apcN'lallst, la now the school teach**r. The NRA seems lo have planned to take care of the butcher, th* l»ak*-r. the candlestick maker, not lo m*ntlon the gangsters, pollticiana, jnd other wlthln-the-law crlmlnaH, but the men and women who teach the Heading. Wrltlna and Arithmetic, or for that matter, the Algebra, the Latin, and the Art, has been left out of the equation. ':7=X><=^OC=>OC=Z QUALITY JEWELRY EXPERT WATCHMAKING GLASSES FITTED DENNY’S GIFT SHOP NK.VT To WII.SON TIIK.\TUK L=>, o<rz:Doczz:>oc >0< DOC PHONK tM1 >o<zz. Y oung’s Mercantile Co, the bands of the faculty for tbeIr ap* prova). Tbe faculty and studenta are anx- rh. plan ba. «-l -llh farorahl. “*•' •» •«r«.n.™i may b. r^rh- *d In the near future and tbat the Men‘a Dormitory Asaoclatlon may be gin to functioQ within a abort time. I ■ rttiriam from bolb farully and ato- teoia. (or It bolds an opponooliy for educailonal and practlcml advantAget to every student lo tba collega Tbr rellowihlp invliea and argaa (h» •ludeota* aupport. It baa a<>ma> tbloc worlb-vblla lo offer which merits Iba atudeQl’s cooaldaratlon and aupport. We Can Furnish the Entire Family With Shoes, Men’s and Boy’s Clothing, Piece Goods, and Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear. Clement Smile tbat way again. o Klolne amlled. bluabed and dim-jn pi«j ju Clement Joat aa I tbouabl you iO lcM>k like a chipmunk. |Q (L H. SI LLIVAX. Hfgr. S. Tarboro St. Wi!ion, N. C. o n >ocr>

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