(f=- SUPPORT THE BULLDOGS The Collegiate PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS VOL. VII. ATLANTIC CHKISTIAN COLLKGE. AI’KIL 18. 19:U NO, 7 May Day Festivities Commmctmmi To Be Celebrated Program In Rustic Gold Park On Tuesday afternoon. May 1, at five o’clock, Miss Maria, BriDHon of New Hern and Mr. Jack Aycock of lUack Creek will be | crowned Queen and King at the an- ! Quftl May Day Keatlval of AtlanticJ Chrl^tian College. The f"e«tlval is I lo i>f held at Gold’s Park, near the j wllejr#*. The park will afford a | beauijful background for the varl- eoloft il costumes of the participants. Hert'tofore, the front campus has ihe site of the May Day Kxer- cUe^ This year, however, a crowd | of about two thousand art* expected 1 to attend the Festival. The park is j better able to accommodate the rrovkil than the front campus of the j Tt; proKrani this year consists of the glorification of the Seasons, Au- tumu, Winter, Spring and Summer. Thii* differs somewhat from the pro- (fratn last year, when a historical of America was prest*ni*>d. Th- Personal Attendants are; Miss Glad> Charles and Mr. Oscar Hrin- '•*11, Mis- Ina Uivers Tuten. and Mr. Hayd' li Wlggs. Th«‘ Ladies and Oentlemen of the Court are; Miss Frances Stott and .Mr. liilly iUackman, Miss Mary Hremr and Mr. Clinton Murray, Mi*f KHzaheth IJelanKia, Miss Jessie Wethington and Mr. Klberl South ard. Mis Sarah Loftin and Mr. Hus- sti{ Jefferson, Miss Kathleen Kagles and Mr. C. H. Hinnant, Miss (leral- dine Itryant and Mr. FJenton |{ose, ]{!“•< Mahle Cherry and Mr. Donahue Sntunlay, May M:OOI*. M,—.JoiJil IJl<-rnry S4k <’iety l*r<»*;nun. SuiKbiy, .May U7 I 1 :1. ^ iUKi \.\\ . V..\. \ H:(M> I*. M.—I'arcHfU S«'niuin. .Momlay, ,M«) liM >1.—( Iji.ts |>u3 I*. M.—.\tuiiini uiid |{usiiies.s i«»K- , H;00 l‘. M. - lia^ iM't'u started, to make it not oi;iy poi?-4ihle fiN* Atlantic ('hris- lian College lo aerioil of ’^♦•veral years. WUhin the 1 past two years the enrollment has! j incrased approximately »5% despit*- tht* liepreHsion and despUe tite fact i tlial other ('oliegeu have been hav-j ing to l September L'ollege atiminisiralion been ng on way and means lo im- ; prove ihe situation. Within the last lew months a ten'poinl program has been preMenled, discu>^*“'d, and Ifl now virtually perfected so far as plans can be perfected. i'he eampaign to obtain |1&,UUU, w hi< h it 1h felt is the minimum neces- T'O SPEAK HERE ics t<» determine what parts of news- Til- Committee Chairmen are: r.s are ii^ont wideiy read. In ('halrman of May Day, Frances Stott Uu.-. invesUgation, it was found that Dan-‘ Lalah Driver pt.dpie almost invariably read storle.-i Co«iinies Kmma Laura Barfool Kl(i. 're Margaret HuUington Fri. rnm Mary Blackburn Chi! en Doris Bass Lyniond Angel Wujur . _ Myra Joyner ."Uay Day Kestlral of lt»3 4 is On March 21, Mr. 1*. D. MacLeun, managing eoi, Tuen.lay inorn- ,\la< l..'au further Hlatea that a “ur-. ^ v.y ,.as conauet.-,! in - tple.-i Church. Indianapolis, in- ;uina, wa^ ‘.er ■ in fact, he wa« on «J‘ ‘«1 to be a great success, and wlt‘i the cooperation of the students it ■ "I be. Miss Holmes Charms Enthuiastic Audience Mibo Eliza Holmes, pianist aud in 'll: ror of piano at Brenau Conser- Ta y. appeared in a delightful re- r two other storie.-: without illusiralions are read ou the .name page. Pictures of well known in to the Hlone» Alouis TfTTl 9-H aiul dellTered thi.s line of tliouKht. (leck« under „,,.i g, a.l.lr.-, lTa*tdenl aid the eye l,y sradually outlined the program Kepre^ niaklug the Bhin between large and of various part of the small type. In order to inake the |,ri?B,.nt niadti known th«lr gen- nee..«sary blending of advertt»em. nW . .Machine. w«. evolved and with the rest of the paper, the adn ' ^ j,,, •should at least touch some readln* artlole. niattf r. ■ i.nitilemM !iirr«*asr. Prb hard’ addresn was a gen- papers have their special fields, havejj.ruj ;" "“f In summing up the prerequislteB of ■ »hlch the College (treat newspaper men. he Includes ;' ihe "ability to gather facts and pre- | I'our S«ur<«i of l'rl^‘slraum,” and the spectacular Tart, Newton Grove; Treasurer; 'Rhapsodie No 6.” Miss Sarah Loftin, Kinston. . ^ . Recalled again and again Miss The class representatives will b<-|ele,ted Sei-relary. She was student Holmeg concluded her program with elected (luring the nert few days, . oum ll reprejKriitatlve last year from three encore*—'■Polonaise A Flat, and the officers and representative. ,sophomore eld.-. Her twin *i»ter 0pm 53" by Chopin. "Humoregque" will be Installed at an installation r .Miss ■''"’■y by Zachare and the firgt movement i service, Thursday. .May third. Assistant Se'retary, »a» on the Coun- Of the Beethoven "Sonata, Opug 27." This Ingtallatlon will mark 'J® ■’Humoresque" was written by the beginning of the second year of thejof the ^oung Women* Chrigtian Polljh composer-pfanist Zachara existence of the Woman’s Student ^ Association. Freshman ■ Ibkm, wa» elected vice president. He was also Hesperian debater. Twin 4ister« were elected a* 8ec- iretary and A“^lslant Se tiorih and louth. It also Inelude one student from i;eorKia. In other words the entire state Ik pretty well represented in the clana. (iraduutlon frotn college ha^ been, and still is, the highest ambition of students, but even In the realization of this high ambition there i^ the regret of parling from friends who may never nee one another again aud a aadnes sof leaving an institution that ha?< given the students a pleas am home for four year*-: amid th<- fellowship of boys and girla who have learned to love one another and borrow each olher’a clothes. .Many have inaiated that they have tieen looking forward to their grad uation at college when they would receive their dlpiomaK and joyfully return to their homea, but now that that day Is only a few weeks off they have b^'gun to experienee a slight tremor of the h«*art which will termi nate into one big shoi’k on that last day at college. (graduation from ciillege Ik very gratifying, but th«’ breaking up of a group which ha>? been Joined together into one big family, thinking of one another as brothers and alstera. is not so gratl' fying, because it will b»* hard to ac quire bumming compaoiona again soon. The aenior class has the deepest feeling of love for every nn niber of the faers of tb‘* riaaa: Mr. Krle Dail, Grifton. S. C., president; Mr. Kldon Rogers, Hoae Hill. N. C., vlce-pre^ldeni; Miss Velma (Jurganus, Stokc^, N C., sec retary; Mr. Benton ftoa**. NVwton Grove, N. C., treasurer; Mifs Mabel Cherry, Kocky Mount, N. C., MI»r Dr. Cadman To Be Principal Speaker At Commencement 1 lie prtttiruut for Commencement thii* >ear featuri^a the (iraduattng Addre .'i ( X >• in (he ('oilege ('hapel, and that (ilfc^ht ill s ou the Farewoll Sermon vml J)e delivered. On M(fUday, .May 2K, Class Day Kxen ineM will be held at 10; 3U and .m Alumni truncheon will be M*rveU a( I o'clock, followed by a Business Meeting. At K o’clock that uight. as a flt- ing rlos to the ac'tlvities of the week, i>r. S. Parkes Cadman will deliver the (iraduatlng Address to ihe Class or ill the fharlef. L. Coon High St-hool Auditorium, and prehenlation HI diplomurt will lollow. The e(:tM!4 Is lndt«ed fortunate to obtain HO learned and noted a man a-. Dr. (.'adman to deliver their ad- dr« x A brief resume of hia life walhered from facts given In "Who's Wlui" will serve to give one an Idea of hi." eminence. i)r. Cadman was born In Wellington, Shropshire, Kng lyand in lK(i4, and was educated at the Hirhmond College of Loudon I ntversity in London. He was pas- lof tlii; the M«*tropolitan Temple dur r. ?* e;;rs/i‘' u '‘'"f* lo IVU'.and since then ha>- been pastor of the (.'eiitral Congregational Church of Brooklyn, N. Y. In addition to hla abilKy as a preacher Dr. ('adm«n haa written many religious books. A liHi of them includea: Charles Dar* Kill and Other b^ngliah lliinkera; The Victory of Chrlatmas; the Uelig- iouH Cses of .Memory; the Life of William (Jwfu; The Three Heligloua Leaders of Oxford, and Amhasaa<}or» of (iod. Paper Published By The New Editors Government Af»»ocialion at A. C., (Continued on Page Two) land the experiment has proved very (Continued on Page Two) (Continued on Page Two) In ontt of the most hotly contestH«'hool year. Mr. Phillips has taken an active pai‘1 and Inter^'st in newspaper work luring (he past year, and it la felt he will make a very competent edjior-in-chlef. H*- was formerly on the Collegiate staff in the capacity (»f ay.>«iMtani sport> editor. To com- plete (be editorial staff. Mr. Phillips ^*leci«d lo aid him Mr. Williani ' Sv lilts of Wllsftn who has had e« n on the Colleg iate staff before, but, due to .Mfaa Bla/kburn'« experience aa editor of her n