THE r O T, I. E G I A T F i PACF. FHT 1 Local County rs To Hold Meetings By Xmas SliSlF’ ASSOCIATION HELO VIEWS AND OPINIONS -. - EDITORIALS - - - >RE HOLIDAYS IS AIM pers in WiUon, Johnston, tt, L«ncir, Martin and li x> Countiea, Where al Chapter* Are Now ^l^unct.onini, Should Start OTheir Plan* At Once; Alum- f- In Naih-Edgecombe Coun- a», and In Other Counties, *»c*4 A* Sampson, Washing- .•m and Wayne, Should At tb<* annual,fall me<*(lnf of ttit< Alumni A^WM'latloo on Hom^om- nic !>■>, AiMorlatlon vot'd to rontMbute $1,0(0 a« It^. utiar* i< vard .t j nt-w girls' dormllor> th' Tho proptwal wait rarrl»a li> a uiianl mou» vole, many of th» alamnl urictnit Ibai tJi<* I’ollo*.* b<>icio tke urw ilor ! r.jln>ry pruje< t at onr*> If pmulhJ', r^rtalnly during lh» |>r*‘'-«>nt >««r. I A loial of 1121.00 paid and plrd«»d at th* m<Mnlnit, whi. li m»anc that a t'nth of ihr isoal In prarll.-ally Of IhU amount. t&S.OU na> paid IB caih lloin»>-omlnic r>«v, th<t r'malndrr b<'lD| |>l»<l|t<*d lo hr paid In most r»»«« by Ffhruar>- llrst. Slnr» Ian year's »rT»Tlfnr» was th»i : ! ilM> alumni took raff ol thHr pl«*dfr« almost o»e hunrtrrd pi"r r»ni, th'rr jh *n‘al probahtllty ittal all or prnrtlrally all of Ihr plwi^'-l «j|l b»' I paid durlnx th<» y»ar. I lJi«i year approxlmatfUy |400.fl0 wa« rolliH't^ on ch** .iltimni*' ItTSO.uo pWite lo thi* Alumni l.oyalty Kund, of whKb liUO •■a'i tor th*>| Kymnaxlum. .\bout *ljly /ormor of ihi* Coll*-*' look |«ari In ihU ' i'toj«s t. I To Ihi^ should Im> added about (40.00 In gn*. oil, mailinc _ 0(*tft. and otber ei|M»ndilures lnrnrn*d bv alumni who made i*fvt‘rai trii*-* rt At Once' To Set Up Robert Grady Chosen To Sue jlnt. r^*t of ih.- x. nerw alumni as.o^lailon or for certain . oun.> ceed Z E Brinson ai New In trip" «*-r^ plvfo a mon»'y v.ilu**, th** npters. m no%' until ('hrl«tm»*» rv#‘ry county alumni rhapt«»r nhouM lo hold a meeliiiK. and in rouni^ - wh^rp ih^rp are at nt no ofKanlx^l rhapti^f'* ni In thoM» rounll»*4 «hould with Id of th#» (;i‘n«*ral Pet r^^tary aet jftAn orKanUatlon for their -ounty '* hold a meetlnpj ai»»o. Ih Head of Association; Thad j}4H.00 should he at»oHt douhl<Nl. Therefore. ; matirr of fart, a fjrofw total of ahout ICOO.OO wai* col- Cherry is Selected New ' irried and expended In tbf'iniereat of ihe Alumni A>«^Mation*»* aymna^lum First Vice President; Asso-j»nd other project^ laj^t year. ciation Votes Suggestion! Home«-omini: Day a louil of Zi per^jn* paid or pledged to pay, That First Game In in P j mom rajie« 15.00. Of lh«‘ 24. 11 made ih**ir f^aymenta al the time, and - y-i. » Iremaining 13 plcdced tQ make their rontrlhullont althln the neit two nasium Be Between Old and , or three monihn. New Students. j Ten of the 24 Individual’ contributed to ihe Alumni l,.oyalty Fund — I lant year, while the remaiftder arrt new roniribulorp. Of the alumni ap The General Alumm ABftoeiation [ I**‘»>'*n(r In the lUt for the first time, four of ihem are graduates of Inst meeUng «’la»ia. 1934. What are you able to rontrlhute thi.< >*ear toward the |1.0«)0 <r<»al ^ei h> ne^ icIrN* dormitory? If everv one of 200 former aludenta were to *:*ve $5.00 each, it wouWI take only thk number, ilowever, it i^ certainly irue that Home rannot afford to KWe th!« amoum, while others can contribute even more than of thoi»e eontrllMHinr on Home«'ominit l>ay, H^o pave h>.uO, a few lef^n than fli.OO. «hlle the majority Kave $$.UU. waH ai-repted Two alumni. . the Idank below At on<*e and mall It In, U >ou rao v ve -ome- V7n ''un.l Thad fh.Try, prln. lpal of ilbini! now, mako U a* miH h as you <an an4 nKnd ii In; if you »r. not now \itii and SampHou eoJinti s. and ; |»rt, iolu>4 {liah S« hool were noml- ^ |»o<iiion to make a rontrlluUlon. he «ufe to aen<j ia y««»r pKkipc. |> n pr ni-o... Id fill Ihe varan'ry and (!rady I ft'''"K 'he approximate lime you would like lo sond it lo. f* Itis »t < OI I Ft.I \ l I lU INti HirNT ro M\vv Hn.H M HiMti.K lU'KtitiuuK Hiib ill'll an cffttrl I'k iMiutv* i«» at le.tvC oiir cf»p\ (»r i*at'h of ll»c I olliii» etrr> biiiti <■« b* •»! Ill I .i»i4*rii \«MrtU i *r«4liui. or an) pMri of N«»r<b t .-tndiim f<«r iltai iiuili«'r. ulM-r«' mo for* titer Mu«b'iif« l«M%«blnK. i*r fr«»ni «\hi«!i mt'ttilier^ of ib** prt'^hi If f«»r an> rr«i»oti y*H» f« ae( tHM* ai >«»ur blKti <m bo«»l li* i’rarj laol numih. ilrtkp iIh* %ium* Hi S«N'r«*tar) a carit «n<l he will M*r iliNt H «op\ ibi% momh for«(4«r«le«l i«k )our llHnu'). tfi«e full iMtdmM. tnrlnd* itits natiK' aiitl «»f thr hivli In ubiiit ibe |tn|>er i*» ««!• drf*^«MH|. Individual t'opien, nf «>our«e, mn* kllil •M’fil li> all altiiiini uIh m' nddriH.^ ba>r. If wt* arr >oii, Ju«t lei ii« liN%e )«Mir nddr<‘»«>. \No, Mould if In* A»kiii|; !«»«> niii«-b If >uii ^^rrv* t<» >t»tir t'otleniMie oil to MUiie bluti «4 b<H>l «»tiidi'Ui «tr pint-o It in 'Mime litsft •mIhmiI llbcar>? COLLEGE NEWS IS WELL RECEIVED BY SIAIE NEWSPAPERS ih* present lime local i • i. i- o.n are functioning In John«ton .. '* ** i v s \i- i /-« tkit. /'« .« 12:1;» on llome«'omlnK !»ay. Novem-j t.y: \\ilM4»ti rojm ^ College auditorium. ! the Alumni ARaodailon a.«i Im part lo^rards th« cooi.truciion of the '•noir f ouniy; ann Martin I . . _ . » , ,t . .... * - — .. . s.. I with Robert f;rady. acting president. the near future lo*al chapters *” chair. !d bo net up In N’ash and Kdge- The r«'<(ii7nation of 7.. K. Rrinion. ••;; In TMmiioo^'rnd I *ho has h.a.l of f,a»Hn C'ountie,: in neaufor. foun-'A-»<x;iaii'>n for lhej,asl -even.l t^.land poH»*ibly In Wayne and liar yen r«. al chapter head*< are urce<| fo j i WHS ele<*ted ^ ((•uee, before putting the paper a.>«ide, and if you can nof make your eon* meeting of their iMiardM of of-1 tiradvV election to Ihe nre«l- irihuilon now. be certiUn to send us your pledK^, for li will not only <aus« ». «»... .n.i to me presi drfinile plan^ lo meet it In the future but it will also plvc u itn Idea as to how near wc are nearlnj; our goal. - at on, H and mak.- <l"rtni><-i .ie,„ y i,.ft the first vfre prosi.len.-y . toward the regular fall meet-; „ ^ Just another meeiinK Khoutd . ,i„ II m.ans l,e avoided and it Is ,h,. niid Thad Cherry d that Ko.„e es, altra.--| event w II he made the main | ,,r„,,.|^„,. The se. ond vi. e pre>i- wln* .ard of each meetinn. BuR- vvii- tiamslon: while ihe irea«iircr Is Miss AgneH l»ee)e. Much di^cMS«lon \v«H piven the proposed new projects for the Col lege, with the girN’ (lormffory pro* je<*t b»*lng !<e|erli*d ii'< the AssociationV main endeavor thl4 year. One olher projeii, the con- tlnuallon of the rriJlegM publicity protcrani, whh adopted at (he fiprlns meeting laKi May. I It was hIh voted by the Asstwia* ' tiou that the first game to be played in ih<* new <i*ymiiashim be hetweeu members of the jiresent team and ' former Ktudentfl of ihe ('o)Jege. The ' Gymnasium U lo be dedicated with »pj»roprlHte ceremonie M<nnellme in the near luiuie. Approximately 4rifl persons wero , j prcseiii at the barlicj ue dinner. ; A I**Vrs^ro/^n hnif lalvoMl 200 of whom were members A ( Pinkie ) J ffer.-.on, . hn r-! , „ I iTL leave- a remainder of about 250, and Sa.I^ Oreene seererary. , , i„el„ded f«, ally members, l*-irm.‘»n Uoyeti^, M.CraeU.n, "^etary;^ j «Ho ».r.. ‘eut a! the p-enMpI meetirtff of the j AJunini rAsrt<»ciatV>n w#r<* jf^ follow®: . PHI KAPPA AlPHA PLE0GES$100F0R GIRLS’ DORilORy time lo ll*ue thw >'‘ar, other •ipri' 'fciil Im* prewentetl rtiverlni; HtMslal phas«*< of roller.> ptiblicity and ke«ptnt aiumul unil friends of (hr> t'ollcgr polled on the puldUilv pro 'trunx for the prc<«iu arhofW y^ar It is retailed ibst thr Alumni A^ eo<'J«tion in li" ^*pr»Mr merUnjr ibu >**ar vote«l a nuin of $2:^0,no with which lo flnanc** «h»' publicity »c. ilvltbHi of the t’olbtir this year This, whh the tlrls’ dormitory pro comprise the alumni‘r nmln projc. t-: for the prc«cni >ertf 1 rp to now we have rccor«t of I ubout 100 ntori<'a %itih plrtUiCN Ir- jcliidf'd appearing in r><ate pap'T' ; * lnc«* iho o|»enlug of «ch«»ol, Thli U« flh average of over omo picturr ja tl«y -incc Si ptcmber Ut. Wc have ayeragcd shout 20 new« iieiiu a week since the opi-tilnr f.h«»ol thin year, ubith Rlvea us ;i At Homecoming Meeting of nlH»ut iKd new* li'nH *o f«r Fraternity, Both Old And|'"'' "f D . L rv -J ■¥• ! "• pnraie from tn*' Present Members Decide To Contribute $100. Toward i,,.*-. miitier from Ihri'e to Hix limes a Wi-ek to th,- fol- :.i.,| n«-j Itrm- In th* Chr.Miin K«ann»li^-. Ihe Ridincli' .V* . N‘‘ ■ . .ind ■ '‘le other paperr < ->pl^« 3f i>veTT dallt and w.'ekly I'.i ., .-j. r‘‘- r llsif.l slw^ve ar*" r* • ■ , llar’i h\ lllr Vrv III, r<'au. alt bui tiiret' nr four <*t «hbh .trn '«fit fr.*.* it» •;< l-;\. .-tK'.Kr the Km«fnn |k.tlli l>fe l'|. ». ,,nil Ih. i:i. . iivlllf nrri.,|nt. all Ihe nr«.|Mp«ta llst.’d r»rr\ Olir ni.ii.tisl reifu|art> and u-e , |»r.i> fhrtlly all ii-’ Oi Itt iberti. , 'pe. i:,t l^ II II hni> lo. j1 ini<rr<i About lOOStorira with Pictur«a' N'<aI month we >hall tell >ou be* of Students and About 200 ■■■“ help u. in >.■ r own I.*.all!,, Non-IIIuatrated Stories Car. »»«""* n.w.p.,i»-r to 1 c- c I. I ^ J ean> nur n«w>» rv'IcHi^*** if it oni ried Since School Opened, ... I welve L/ailies and Six >*» i moiv nr^ ^ pubhsh^d In your Weeklies Carry News Mat- . loi al |Mi)ier II I) i'»rrt. » <>nl> a smsll ter Regularly. i pi n ..t whai w- hOH >rnd am to ih<* I Hnte pre*« last month a -hort summnrv ofi Kollowing that we Kh.tli «|e*.rii.*» Ihe publirlt) work i»f the pa«t ^«ur fnr \ou Just h*>« the \rws llttreau was c^trritsl on ihli» p;U‘.e Krt»m »»l»^raieii. ecpfclally Knw ii v*\. »he tor> prepared, how h ndspls m to ihc fprs'iAi pnr|M)iic.>< of i^r pArtlru- Inr pnpcr for which It Is iui udtd. wild hoH -|K*< (nI <«pv j- haiidb .l IJllei we ^hsll de\rliip |n a spccldl anlilr «»•>».. which nri bvaJ ii»d, I c. .ihoul -iiudent* In s ref lain ar«‘a Ih whbh the n< wspnprr lo whirh (h«- :uHc|r ]S weul circulate inn illu''tratoi( I ions for this include some prom t pers<m as si>eakf*r; the Ool- Glce Club or (.‘oljege Band; or upeclal entertainment program on by lo<aJ nhimni talent, he Secretary standn ready lo av in every way at any lime. He a book on suggestions for con- ting lo<al meetlnps, and will be 1 to - nd this to any officer of a I chapter. hurs<iay and Friday nights' would t the general alumni Hecretat*>’ |er. slnr^e he tea» )ie>» on Monday Wednesday niehts, but he can le on one of the latter nvenlng^^ If other night In the week (an be nhged. liOcal f'bapler f»ffic<»r»4 I Officers of fhe lo<-rtl chapters are ' follows; i “|fon nis< kmah. ondenr. chairtnan- of* th# Colli*gV anrf r' Tvniiug'■ *** .sn/i . ■ I'll _ A'_ ■*?.? I HT^rnj"“ ’ fl.KTMil: OK rONTRIRrnoN (1) I am eiM'lo*dntf Uerewilh 9 or, (13) I am ple<)f;ing; h<T<*ullh to im paid <»n tlio followinK flute. (.Hijrnc«l) — (.^d<VrcHx) (Tresenl Work) — -- Tills Year’s l'«»nlribtitors The list with present address and occupation of each per'"^n for the Vi present s« hm>l year, 1934*35, is a« follows: i-wl.i (-.mlrlbu.«n. I. K. O. Arnold, so«lal ra«e worker, Wilson Co. Welfare Dept. ..., $5.00 contributor lasl year also ,Mr<. W. A. D.ivli, hoii»el.(<-per, Clayton ..„a. . f^.OO contributor lasl year also Sidney KiRies, insurnnco Kalesman, Wilson — —tri.nn contributor for first time c 4. 1.. H. Kills, farmer. Wlntervllio . |!.00 eontrilmtor tor first time k 5. noherl Crady, publlHher Roanoke News. Weldon .......... IJO.OO contributor last year also «. E«sle Humphrey, business, Kiruitoa contrlbulor for flrsl lime T. Mr«. Ontberlne W.illsre l.illey, housekeeper, Plymouth ... contributor last year also S. r. II. Mnshhiirn, minister, VarnivlllA -r-. rontrlbiiioi for first tliii.' 9. .\unes Peele. conimiTcial InHlruiKir, A. C. 0., \J^iison - J i-ontrihutor last year also Mm-HIuuiU k'airiuuKl New Girls' Dormitory; About One Third Already , Paid; Many Old Members! Preaent At The Meeting TO WKATA penny $10.00 |,'.0u tS.oii I'llf ( Ollllly • ontrlbiitor last year also Weaifr, (ea< her, lied 0*k cfwtrihutor last year ala* Thr rhi Kappa Alpha Fraiernliy. Of which N*. C. Iilrtckman. Jr., of .'iUe OMerver. Sejma, Is presldeni, has plt dged the | Arsus. Klnjtlon ►um of lion.on lowsrd the new low lag rei*ii)nr of n* aMp/«pcr? |kallie« Wilson Times. lto< ky Mount V'v eiiiHg Telegram. Torbi»ro Kouthern- er. (Jreennboro Daily News. Italeigh Tlme<«, .N’rws and Ob*»erver. Kayette floldsbor<» .Vew** I>slly Krce.frr- . New Item Tribune, New Hern Sun Klrls* dormitory nt the TolleKc. of j J«*'rnsl. Wa«hlnKfon I>«IIv .\Vw« and thN amount, about one-third has n« * *'*^' '’^''*1*** il^tl*‘' lor. luftllv been raised With a great po« ' nddilion news mailer Is sent slldllty that the remainder will all **' f**' lowlnr wieKiy newspaper I WeeUlleN I Nash County (<raphlc, lioi ky Mount Herald, Pmlihfleld Herald, Selma JohnHtonlan-Sun, Washington ri<>Kre!»N. ramllco ('ounty Herald, land The Wendell (»old I.eaf Karmer f Occasionally Mem* are rarried in bo paid in by ihe beginning of the ( hrlHimas bolldnys. The utMmber^ of the fraiernlty now al school are paying $ while, the remainder is iHdhg; raNed among alumni of the ('o|legt< who were members of the Ktaternlty w hile at S( hord here. So far the alumni response has lM*en very gooil, I other papera, as l»rof. Cecil Jarman The «hov.« Hc(|<iri was iftken al ihe^plrtrjre in ihe North Carolina Chris* Homecoming l^iiy meeting of the ] Hun. the pb iuren of rrofn. perry J*hl Kappji Alpha, when li held opeujund llolsapple in Ihr -iame paper, hon.-te fro'u live «o six thirty for FOUR BIG DAYS Wed,, Thur., Fri., Sat. R OY MOORE Dllt'Ci STOItK s _Mrs, W. S. Ilermlon, Kim <'lty: n\"„or?'’s""reev""''”- Pinr Hr,.: D Hoor*. secreinr\. ,‘Sadle Holle Brown. IMneiops; Mar- gare( Karn<^. Tineiops; Mrs. Kath- l/^molr-^ii^MMie CountleH *Trudle Dawson, chairman: and j ary I^fml^e ■Caton, necretary and j *WKpai>«‘r corre'^pondent, .Martin County 5? I.. Koberfwu. chairman, H. M. Insley, first vice chairman; Mrs, itherinc Wallace I-JDey. aecond ce chairman; and Ksther Harrlsoji. crelary and Treasurer. I^anillco ('ounty .\rVlile Ueel in temporary chair- an of the Pamlico group. A N[W.DORiIORY:;:: ryn Wallact* Idllv, riymouth: K. O, < I Arnold .Wilson; Jow*phine WilllanH, 1 j Wilson; 1’. I). (Irady. Jr.. Kenly; | • Neva Hanks. Alliance; Mrs. W. A. { Davis, ('layton; Mabel Silverthorne. Lako Landing; Bill (lillette, Nash ville; Itobert WinflebI, La (irangc; Annie Wallace Lilley; Vernon Bry- janr, .Seven Kprlngs; Margaret Sllver- jthorne, Kalrmont; K-de Humphrey, ^ Kin.«ton; i.aurle Kills, WintervlUe; I Agnes I’eele, WlUon; Mrs, Mabel |jeffer?«on, Wilson; Mrs. Violet (Jod- j win Klsen. Wa'‘hlnston; Bichard . Barnea, Crifton; K. C. .Miller. Uich- !mond; J, B. ilose, Wilson; Sidney I Kagles, Wilson; S. T. Cherry. Pacto- hts; JesKip Wethlngron, I»lnk Hill: Mabel Cherry, Reven Springs; Doro- tlhy Joyner. l>u<lley; Uohort (Jrady. 'Weldon; Clam Hass, Alliance; ' Meeda Weaver. Hed Oak; and Uandolpli Munn. Pink Hill. lU.KTON l?L.\(K'IAN (;or.S TO (iBKKNSIiOllO roB(r4lnrt«r* ^ JR 1. I)orI« Ba'S. teacher, Sims Sc hool, Wilson County .-li,. ^ contributor for first time U|3+ Uifs) 2. Floyd Beli, Jr., insuranoQ saleKmaa, WiI»oo .i eoniribuior Inst year also ». •T. Jack Brinson, farmer, Arapaho#* ^ J-V.. eontributor Inst year also 4. Vernon Bryant, teaeher, Seven Springs ^- roniribnfor Inst year also 5. Sadie Hell Brown, teach*T, Plneio]».^ . contrihutf>r for first time 6. Bll Gillette, teacher, Nashville " contrihutof last year also 7. I>orothy Joyner, teacher, Brogdon School. Dudley - S. K. C. .NHIIer, Jr., student. Virginia M#;dlral College, Ujchyoiid eontrlbutor for first lime ti934 fla-<«> ,\. B. Munn, prinejpal. Pink Hill High School, Leuoir ('ointy eontrlbutor last year also 10. JeH'Jie Weihlngton, teacher, Hnk Hill — contributor for first timo (lft84 rlaaa) 11. Rva Mae Whitley, teacher nobersonvlllo rontrlbutor for first time (1934 « las; 12. unknown contributor - l.' Oo J3. Dr. C. L. Hlackbfirn. Jr., physical ©docaOon logtructor A. Of f?. l.'/.oo jontrlbulor for first time retiirnlnK alumni members. Ahimni members who h.tve pleilged or wiio have made a contri bution. luwl the amount, are u«5 f«d- low ; Clvd** Hraden, puMi<»r Klr'*l (’hrlftlan Church. Wilmington. . pb'dged |.'»,ou, jtald $1.00; Cccil A. |r»,00 • dean of men, A. C , imid Jiok Hrinson. larmer, Arapa- I hoe. pledged paid |l.OO; 18.00 1 Hobert Oradv. publisher, Weldon. I paid $r».oo; Ja-'per Ha**art. bti«lne«»s,» fr;.00 J Wilson, pleiUcd $r».0O; uoh. rt Win-[ j flel<l. teiii-her. Whent Swamp. i plfilRcd imid II.Cbm-I cut .Miller, Uielintond .Me4llcal Col* J.I.OII 1„|„dr. -l ».’’..oo, piilil $1,011; IV II (iniilv, ,|i-. iHwyer, Kenly, pledued J.I.OII; Meeda Weavi'r, leaiher, lleii Oak, iiaiii $.'1.IIII; Sidney Kuuies. In surance, Wilson, pleii|!ed $rt.iMI. F. \. IltMlKes. honorary inemher, Vald $r>.iiii: imllnH MHiliiiin, honor ary iinmlnr, pleilKecI IS.oil; aiiil Joiin llanlay, honorary niemlier, ple<lKei| 15.110. Acilvi' members of ibe Fraiernliy al Ih'' nieeiinij Imiuded Doniihiie Hryanl. riinlon Murray, William WiiiiM, OHi’.ir Ilrin"<on, Hryau l>ean«, l.oy Uoners, Uandolph Wlliinms, IIIISS41I iioeliiii k, and ll'-nlon i.lver- innn. >oc::^ocn3ocrz5o<zn>ocr30crr>oczr>oc:=>o<r=>oc:rr SEE R, E. QUINN AND CO. For Kurnitiire, Stovei, Kelvinatori and Phiiro Radios Trade Where Your Dollar* Count Most $.'>.1111 (.'’>.00 tri.on $.'>.00 $r..oo $r>.oo SEE OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON COATS, DRESSES AND SUITS AT Lucielles DUKS.S siior ■■M’llKIlK .SMAIITN'KHS rilFVAM,.-'' 205 E. Nash St. PHONE 730 Wilson. N. C. $(13.On ! Numen of I^t Veiur's Conlrlbui/iTH • The names of those who contributed last year, without a ly other in- r- 11 \i/ i« AI ^ . I fortnatlon are a^* foBows; Vith Enrollment Well Above Carleion niackman, who cradu-1 k. O. Arnold, Mrs. W. T). Adams. Virninla Hoswell, Z. K. nnuj«>u, W. the 300'Mark, Further year before last, ha^ moved up j t. Boyette, J. W'. Blackman, Jr.; Jack Brinson, Floyd Bel), Lu her Bardin, . ^ «.A<a *• ♦/» a Inn |n the]- *>•- ^ ^ . ...... j hiAoiit (;iioi p siBM IJ» hi: (il\ I A Ml < II ( ItKDIT >oc=>oc=>Qcrr^o<=>o Alih<)ugli this credit comeM rather heltttedly. If Is >.flll n<if»c the Iosh i due to tlie meuibers of the Lenoir-[j (Jreen#* Chapter who pul on ••uch un exrcllent program lost <prlng, w h»*i» j jih4- high vchool seniors of Lenoir | pansion of Student Body " position tn the j ^ Bryant. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Case; S. T, Cherry, U»ttie, Carawan, | County met w ith members of the I,..:*.-.. A. A« (ireenshoro City Schools. Carleion ^ Christine Whitley); Trudic Dawaon. ^lr«> A. U. ' chapter at the Cordon Street Chrl quires As An Absolute r>ie* jant year In the c.lendale cessity A New Girls* Dormi tory, If one U lo be perfectly frank, the lormitory capacity of the ('ollege as completely reached when the • nrollmeni was around 2o0 or pos- «Wy ‘■•omewhat above that figure. High School noar Kenly, where he did a good job coaching and leach ing Knglish. Munn. Neva Banks and others of the Lenoir County Chapter Mr<. C, 8. Kagles, Mra. Luther RlJIs, Bobert Cfrady. Rill Oilletta, Sadie i:r<en, Mary Harper, Annie Harper, Margaret Hall, Fred Hardison, f>oroth.. Joyner. C. , , A. Jamen, C. L. Landrum, .Mrs. Catherln Wallace Lilley; Klsle lleyora, W.(^ Ho Ih remembered on ' .Manning, Jr.; .Mr. and Mrs. Jame^ (\ .Manning, .Milton J. .V<>ye, L. H. lampiis for hN work on the Mlllis, A. fl. .Munn, Donald .Mldyelte, Hatton Nee; Merle 0»en. Mrs. J. late and the College Annual. j jj |>arrlsh. Asnes 1‘eele, J. ,M. Perry,-Ksther liicks, Ilachel Uo*er“Oi\, Ar chie Ueel, Mrs. James Karp. (ne« Annie Simmons). Mrs. James i:* (ne< WKDIHVf; HKI.I.S TO Ul\<; S(K»\ Vet tod;iy the total number of 1 KHial>eth IteianRia, of Arapahoe, udent.i enrolled is around .Hr.,,»ho attended «'-h'>ol J*;” Hh about l.'» or 20 special students lian Chureh in Kinston. Cre«ll! gocK particularly lo Trudle Daw'son. Mary i,,o»tHe Caton. Mrs. Bnndolpb .Munn and Neva Banks for fheir exrellcnf work In nol only airanwing the prouram without a hli^h «nd in giving those present Kuch a good barbecue dinner, but I addition to this numl)er. Of *or«*, a good number of ih*>se are ay itftudenta and town students, but ■ e capacity of the boy-i’ and girls' ormltorles are greatly over-taxed t (he prc*ient inani«'nt. and year before last, and Ja<’k Brin son. also of Arapahoe, who gradu ated here two or three years ago will Im* married on Friday, Decem ber 2sll at Klizai>ethhome. It U rumored that anoihr marrl- Itige will take place about the same Jlrrberta J^tuckey), Margaret Silverthorne, M. B. Sadler, Mrs. B. 3. SfKncer hIko In meeting all expense* and (n#e Selma Wise), Bettle W'hlte, (lladr't Whitley, .Meeda WV;tv.r and F. turning in » halanci* of $23.00 to the W. W'legmann. gcnersl alumni treasury. I .ILK'K JOBhAN .VIAKKIRB Alice Jordan, who has at<e«4ed summer school for several summers, q and now taa<-hlng at the Hansom j||:x>czr:>o< In'lieverailnsiam'eV'thre.. students!""'- letW'-^-n a .lose friend or rela-j vllle Kcbool in Beaufort r«un<y, was :|] e llvlnK in one room, and there live of Klizabeth’s in Ihe same town, marrletl recently in W ashlnRton. [U re re Junior dormit<»rl»*s or dotnliory;- i tvtiexe';< for both the boys and girls., we could have had 4ou wtudents this or the girls there are -two, the^year. eele house, with about ir> girls,: The goal of the College is a , nd the Hearne t**ach»*rag** with; dent body of 50« siudents wifhin the !(| bout is students. For the l>oya, I next three or four years. I'nless jere ar* three dormlfory annex<*s. ‘ economic conditions change very I .»e Bennett House, the Crockett materially. thH i« not a wild estima^ ; .ous**. ,{ud parr of ihe Burton ' tlon al all, bui actually a conserva- L Ilouse. t tive one. In som' ca-eH. the Junior dorml-' But it Is doubtful frankly that we ' >rieg arc loi’Bted '^•v* ral blm ks j can hold our own unless we can get riom the r.'tmnuH. hui thl« Is the beflt; «)me new building*, especially a 5at could he done thiy year. How-1 girls' dormitory. •’er. wirh which nre far away, I This i«« the next Immediate roal 4rs an* avallahb* to hrlng the stu-fof the f’ollege, T*he gymnasium. JMils up In th* mornlntf}* and take I which ha* lH*en the main project for ‘^em lMi«'k In the afternuon.n! ■ the pa.^t three or four years, is now The inciea-ie i in enrollment «lur-, a renllty. the basketlmll team this the }»asi four or five y«*arH has‘fall In-lng Jii^heduled to b«*gin pra<- < reas»*d approximately 10u<^. The lice in it within the near future. 4<Teas<* thlj? year is about Next month we shall write a short ;h^re are exceliont Indications to' article on another aspect of this •VLke the College adminthtraUve offi- pressing need for additional physi- *4rs lH*ilevt> (hat ha<| we bad the!<-a) eiquipment, e^tp^rially tor ottf- and all MONDAY O* 0\ Branch Banking and Trust Co. BRUCE LAMM’S HABERDASHERY The Men’s Corner WILSON, N. C. .S/v- Oul fall Nl>le«* In CLOTHES AND FURNISHINGS lt>% IMsrOIAT TO .tl,l, < lH.l.i:<iK KTI KKMH THEATRE SODA SHOPPE Next to Wilson Theatre ALL KINDS OF MAGAZINES Soda*. Tobacco and Candies 0 ^y.«|cal eguipment. i»artleular1y | ces for the faculty, student*^ gildings and ‘*«*f>ecially dormitori#**i. j dlvi«Jons of th*' college. i O ‘MRVIN SCANLAU’ 20—PEOI*U:-.-*» ON SCICLC.N “One Ftclfing .^dretitore** rw^nie^ llam«>** .Veil HiuiiiBfin TUES-WED.-THURS. The Immortiil Ktory “Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch.” Safe Btwkinji^ Service >ocrT>o< Phone i;mi Laboratory Radio Service J. W. W, THOMPSON W iK4*n. N. ( iali<*t<» in \n> 'lake Hadl<H—-Pnlilk Ail<lre«*% We Carry a Complete Line of Tubes and Parts M. W. \VfM»ir>. n>linl<l»n v:^oc=>oc=r>tK=r>oc=:3o< >o<r=5ocr -r !30<-TT7>0g=30<-r':>0< IV

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