PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. The collegiate PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. VOL. X. ATLANTIC C'llRl.'^TlAN roLIJCGE. FKHKUAUY 21, 1*J37. NO. 6 mmm be HELDINlliPOlNI Third Annual Tournament High School Basketball Starts In Gym Tomorrow Looks To Youth of America j Entrants May Develop Any To Carry On Work That | Phase of Peacc Is Started. j Question. prominently ENDORSED | CASH PRIZES OFFERED Twenty-two Eastern North Carolina High School Teams Enter 1937 Event-, Teams Chosen On Basis of Season’s Performances; Many County and Sectional Champions Among List 1 of Entries; People of Wilson Again Cooperate In Furnishing Rooms To Visitors. IN COLLEGE GYM BY JUNIOR CLASS “No Foreign War’* Will Be Slogan of Spring And Summer Activities. aruuH‘‘ in huilding up uf inti^rna- tiiiiial fri«*iulshjp8 revt*ala a rt*al of world peac**.” wa« the rfi»‘nt sian lU’ Ht ot Mrs. Kh aiior UooHfvelt. .‘prakiiiK at a luncheon Hponsort‘ci jninny by the KmerRency IVace 'Vomeu’s Int*‘rna> tioiial L«aKU»- for Peace and Krco- tluni. In WanhinRton. iKrlarinK that young people of today -ple of today ar»* t»illiuK to Rive of themselves as those vounK people are doinR.” she said, • then I think we may reRard that ffe-1 as a very hop‘*ful siRn. Certain ly. when I was younR. none of us would have thought of doinR such a ‘hinR.” Th»* meetinRS to which she refer- r**a w»*re staged by younR volunteers ..ho w»re placed in the rural areas of Che country for eight weeks last Kijuimer by the KmerRency Peace ( iinipaiRn. They worked at produc- iuK plays, staging demonstrations, holding forums. speaklnR In church- • young people's societies, and r.ilirV places, in a concerti?d effort to make more articulate the will to prj*r4* existing in America. They have already gone further thsn many of us,” Mrs. Uoosevelt biated. “The befit we cap do for them is to give them all the help we c.ui. They may one day achieve wtj have . only wauted to achieve.” As the tirst definite step toward cr> MallizatioH of a derision he reach- • (I during his solitary vigil in the iry wastes of the Antarctic, Hear Ad miral Uirhard K. Byrd, U. S. N.. Ke- fired. announce that he has accepted »h«* Hf>norary Chairmanship of the i:merg< nry Peace Campaign’s “No- Korcign-War-Crusade,” to be launch ed Y\pril 0. Awer of war propaganda, saying it would flood this country “attempting to arcjuse p<>ople to an emotional fever high enough to plunge them into another ‘holy war.’ ” ‘ The American people,” he said, “must b»* prepared to withstand the fliM>d of propaganda. We must be prepared to withstand what Presi- d<*nt Ftoosevelt at Chatauqua, N. Y., < haracterized as ‘fools* gold.’ Noth ing is more important than that the Am»*rican people be made to realize the wisdom of sacrificing foreign trade with belligerents rather than biiiiding false prosperity on war inark‘*ts. The cos:t of war la three fold: cost of armaments In prepar ing for war, in human life, and in post-war depression.” Admiral Byrd’s decision to take a h ading role in this nation-wide Cam paign for peace education In the cul mination of a series of circumstan- c‘ ; which, he inferred, changed his ‘•utlook on life. It becomes partial fulfillment of a promise he made himself as he lay “on the edge of Jiff*” within the shadow' of the South f^ole during his six-months’ lonely vigil at Advance Base, the world's last outpost. During that time. ’»ht*n he iay hovering between life and d‘*ath from the effects of poison ous fume« from a faulty oil stove, he wrotf* is his diary: ■‘The distance and detachment of this place seem to soften some hu* •lan follies, others take ou added •'igniflcance. But from here, the KTf-at folly of all follies is the amaz ing attitude of civilized nations to ward each other. It seems a great madness. If this attitude is not changed. I don't see how our civili zation. as we know it, will survive.” A little later on. he made hi* promise which is becoming fulfilled now; *‘i( I survive this ordeal.” he wrote. “I shall devote what is left of "ij* life largely to trying to help fur ther the friendship of my country '"’ith other nations of the world.” Admiral Byrd believes that the •xpiration of the Naval Limitation Treaty, the armament race, and the 4»eoeral construction of military ma- (cuutiuucd ou ptteC* 4; Winners Will Compete In National Contest Held In Ohio. Til*- third annual High S«Ihh)I l>ii%i». d*t-id«Ml to hav** tiko dl^UUm* Hoy'h Haskctball touruMUK'nt to t»« in th»* lournaiit>nt tUi« yc«r Thli heUI Ht A C Coli«»g«* will b«*giu |K>licy wan (ollowtHi during the 1535 Thuthda). February :!5th and coit lournniiicni bu< ut)t followed tiniie f«»r three day^ Th* tournAtnfnl duniur the 152*^ l*»uruament Amons during ihH past tw«» years has In-en a the teami> futi-i d thi» y*ar an* Stan- tr«‘mendnuH making it al- tonsbun:. t*i*ui«'lon. Muhh Hill. moNt im{M-rative that the »i'bool hold JamtHvillr. SoMihw(H>d. Ingold, l*1ne anoth Thf entrants; in the tournanifiit includf* sch(M)lK from Kasi«'rn Cart»- lina of both ('Uhk A and ('lass M standard, and duplicat** prizi>« art* awarded th»* w{nn**rH ot ra« b cIm^k Thr* first roun«ls of the t'laM H Ramnj* will be play«‘d on ThntHday after* noon and night The rtrsi round of Class A games and s^'oiid round *>f i'Uss M gameK will playvd Friday aflt-rnoon and night, and the s,.|ai dlhtilrt at Ihe same lim*' .... ■ S»*a«oii tickets to Ihf tournament wiM !«„«,„ fl„„u m bothw.u ..r .7.ri/sC-..":: t’ir« L MijmnaBium. Th«*y are s.*vnity five or II... I, ,a.h for «iu.l-nin mu.I * lar twenty-rtv. ernlh for adultH The I licre will ji. '(('parate trophies g«‘iierat admliiNion ^ill be t«M*n(y five gl\«*n to i«]nn* < of «*ach «'Ihhh. The| <«-ntik for afternoon Ranu>H and thirty- and night. The schedule for gam«H han been arranged by the tlnt College on Tuesday, May 4. It has been announced by Mist? Snyder, Instructor of SiKM-eh. Th» contest here will Im* sponsored by the Inlt'n'ollegiate Pe;»«*e Assm-la- Hon. and all colleg<»s in North Cari>- lua are invited t<» participate. A first prize of ftfty dollars be (»ffer*d, followed by siM'ond and'b.- played Saturday aflerhmui ihird prizes of thirty and twenty dol-' lars, r<*«pertively. In addition, the first prize winner will be eligible to submit his oration to regional and national contests. The national contest offers a tirst prize of sixty dollars and a second prize |l«ay. Kum Hill. .Middle- ^a«x. Lucama. Calypno, Kim City. l»»x«*n. \s uisiiMihurg. Smith field. Aim'x. Dunn. Kr**moni. Murfr<‘«*hhofn, j (’ary and The*-e tweiity-(wt» teams ^ere ph I e,| from numertMiN applirautj. by ir nt of th«*lr ret-ord-^ I during (he prr»ent Mason The , team.-, were sear‘s ***' l’«'bruary 11*. ibe Jun louruament will h.. entered in thl-i‘***‘ '‘P<'M«‘»»‘»-<1 their annual year’s tournament beeause of con-j night The pro» » ed« are to nicling -rheduler, CrtM^uvtll.- !■ kepi ' *» Iwntinel out by a tournament h**id in their VARIED PROGRAM Phi Sigma Tau Sorority Awarded First Prize; Sigma Tau Chi Second. sirengih of (he lo make and to be wiuner^ of t Unn will h*‘ given, five lents for night gamate.. In addi tion, no student may participate in more than one conteHl, and his or;t tion must not have been used in any cotest spouKored by other orgHnizu- tions. Oscar Brinson, a last year’s grad uate. repres4riutcd Allautlc Christiau in the contest held at Guilford Col lege last year. Last year's event was won by Jack (Jaw of State C«»l- Icge, who has recently won national recognition for his forensic and ora torical abllltl(*s. Minnie Lw Barke r of Wilson, and Itay Whitley of Wendell, have re ported to Miss Snyder for instruc tions as lo how to prepare their speeches, etc. The material to be used in the field of these orations Is very broad. It is customary to deal with the problems of international relations, munitions, and war preparation, but any topic which is directly related to the furthering of world peace ii* suilabh*. Further details uiay be obtained from Miss Snyder. ELEVEN MAKE HONOR ROLL FIRST SEMESTER ()nl> Students ^\ ho .\verft««-ve .\r*‘ Im lud<-<1 The honor roll for the first semes ter has been released with the fol lowing students placing their names j on the esteemed list. j Freshmen; Selma Arner. Wilson, and Mary Kllzabeth Hilley. Wilson. Sophomores: Madeline Brooks, W’llson; Kstelle Carter. Flm City: Kugene Ogrodowski. Sayrevile. N. J. and U*on no«d)uck. Washington Juniors: V’lvian (Iriffin, Wilsou; and Hazel Gunter, Coats. Seniors: Clyde Deans. Wilson: An nie Morris Parker. Wilson; Karl Rhodes, Ocracoke. leglftte Debating T«*um of Atlanti ('hrisiian ('ollege will l>e entfreil in The South Atlantic Fon>nsic Tour nament held al Winthrop C»»llege In Itock Hill. South Carolina. March 4th. 5th. 6th. Th*‘ query for Ihe d(‘bate Ibis y»jif will he the one selected by PI Kapii|| Ue)t4. national debating fraierniiy Will Probably Be Presented In Woodard School Auditorium. ONE ACTS CONSIDERED PLANS GOING FORWARD The lo Im* given nevt nprlUK lf entertulii ing All organinallonH and Individ uals had b< en invited ti» parlit lpa(>* Th** "SHutlmcntal Serenudern.” (lie collftge orchnaira. pla\<-d be|«^ei-n Htunts and off«’red a>* a »*P''« ialiy (heir own arranRement of •White H'u( * The program ii(arleii wtih a pan (omime of "Blue B< ;«rd.“ given by (be Sigma 1'au Chi Sorority Del«ie I'uruer took the part of Blue Ibiird and Lula Haidy look (he psri of (he maiden «ho disiovered Ihe boriible fale of (he other wives of BliU' Itearil M'T resruers were Kfliej WaUton and Martha NelMtn. j This was follotAed by a ^(unl of, an entirely diflert*nl nature Th«* Phi Kigma 1'au gave an Imiialion nf a "human ford." Kach girl servid' as some part of th«' vehicle, excepi : (Im* seals, which were ( tuiirx Marl ' j ella Whitley (he lioy lio had, Ladies and Grntlemen of The "***' " '"“/"-I, ' iey, oul for a n^iii Moweyi-r, ih>'' ■ spin * (Urne4| oul lo be a series of motor and tire irouble-i for (he poor lad. I The n<‘Xi stum an a Jugsling exhi liition, put tm by John Itaclndor li<' ataried otT with four apples How ever. h«' Rradualiy increasi-d (lie nuiu4‘r until he has '‘xen t^oing mI one lime. 1'lie out si .mdlitg feature FOR MAY DAY FEIE BY SIUOENI POLL Court Will Dance The Familiar Minuet. auditorium of ('n! VN'oodsrd (iraded ticbfMit tJir propostvi plays ar«' “8ham. ' ‘ X Thumpku t. snd “i?pre ikJiu tin News." bv l.4»rs, prot.uhly .o Im glv« n in th» will dance the minuet. As has been the custom during May Day Kentlvals of f*>riuer y«*ara the QueenV cnurt will be made ui» of' iier atUriidunlH. tliose of th»’ king, and the rourliers. These cour ller> ar»* ele«*|ed at a gen<*rul elee under a ureal handicap, removing J •••d come from the Junior and the niosi convenient place for pra< -’ ticing and producing iheir plays Practice for the propo»»*d wrif^ will proliably be lield in (he studeut par lor and ocrasionaliy at the Woodard hfhool to familiarize the particlpanls Hith the slaK*'. Senior clft'-.eM No girl or boy Is hup posed to serva in this cspacity for moro itiaii one yer.r. Among those elected were Dare Itarnhill. Slokf^; Tillle Bowd**n, .New Bern; Kdna Barnhill, Hlokes; Kdllh Harl. (Jrlffon: H»#cl Hiley, A* th*' January meeting of^Dunti; .Mary K Outlaw. Houlh Caro- Supreme (Jourt. and the agitalion of j |j,,. <,rKanlzation Miss Josephine Oet-jllns; Dorothy Aycork. Black Creek; certain labor and partisan groups toward Improving working conditions In Industry. After Ihe lournam>'nt (n lto<'k Hill, Ihe debating (tam will engage; in several contests with individual schools. At the present only on*- debate has been arranged: A non-de cision fonl^'st with Massachusetts State (,'oll»‘ge here April Hth. The team this ytar is composed al most entirely of d**batorH inexperl-* ♦*nced in college competition. Mr. UdfbiK k was Mil alK-rnati! i.n iHst, t„„|, r. qiilrliin nnifh tim year's t. am; iioiih of the olliwrH have | ,.,„.rKy. aiwl r.riKlimlll)'. Th.- (IlnT- trl.Ml tor lollcKc debating bi rorc- UiIk |„r „f iln Wlhon l.lllle will xiicHk at the K'. liruarjf mi'<‘iliiK. lii.Ki r. a forni. r ineinli. r of the Caro-1 |i„ri,ihy Cri-iM li, WIUoii; "Hlir' Ty Miia l-laymak.ri at II..- l iilv..rBlly or'Koti, WlUori: C. C. WalliTii, Janieii- Norlli Cardlliiii, Hpoke lo tli.' Kn.ii|.! y|||„. Millard Hurl. Ualeluli; Marrh Knotl, Wondell; Hugh (!herry. Rocky Mount; Henry Davis. Kin ston: Onnie ('ochrell. /ebulon; and Randolph ('handler, Robersonville. on the leehniUuc(ion as employejl iiy ih». plftyniakers. She outlined (he proct^s fr«»m the op**n- iitg tryonis to ihe night of produ*- Sh»* also siM>ke bIh»u( th«‘ Lll- tl< Th»*ai**r group In Wilson which has pr^^duced one play and Ik al prcn- enl working on anoilier on<* Mis*-. Oetlinger emtihasized the tMdiits that play production was a serictus and Th»*so courtiers will exerute th« minuet in (b<‘ manner of (h« Krench. The festival will be h<-ld oa thn front campus as has been dono fii form**r years. In addlllon to the perf(»rmanre l)y the rourtlers thero will be folk danceM. All tho dan<'f*s inrlnding the minuet will be dlr«ct- ed by Marieila Whitley. Y.W.-Y.M.C.A. SPONSOR E#ffl(IOLIO MUNSELECI !PH sociEiroEBnes Prof. Case Will Succeed Prof. Hamilin In V Coming Session. Martha Brinson and Bernice Farmer To Speak For Literary Society. _ I The 1937 .Summer School of Al- VALENTINE P A R T Y lantli- Chrl«tlan College will he un- I der the direction of I’rof. Perry ('axe. It haH lx*en announced. Prof. C:a«e succeed* I’rof. C. H. ilamlln. who has been head of Ihe summer^' ilon for the laHt 5 years In thin Collene. Prof. Case has been profewior of Philosophy and KeitUtrar for th- Krlday nlKht. Feb. 12 at 8:00 o'clock, the VounK Woman's Chris tian Association sponsored a Valen tine Party in the Colleue Gym. (iuests were greeted at the door by the receivini? line composed of Miss . Kloise liryant, Martha Brinson, Del- past two years. He taught at the sie Turner and Tillle Bowden. <;<>lene several years, leaving In l.»2B With Delsie Turner actinK as Mis tress of Ceremonies, several con tests were played and enjoyed. The first contest, passing a match bon hy way of noses w-as greatly enjoyed hy all who participated and also by the spectatois. Next in line was a beau ty contests for blondes and brunettes - -Winners of the blondes were Mar tha Kirkland and Robert Windham, and winners for the brunette were Miss Kloise Bryant and Bill Win stead. Mrs. Lehman. Miss Myrtle Harper, and Miss Kannie Harper ai t- ed as Judges for this contest. The next part of the program was a cracker contest. Kach contestant was given three crackers to eat and see who could whistle first after eat ing them. Irving Lynch was the winner. The last contest was ver.r unique and very entertaining. _ The winner of this content was Klmer Mottern. He succeeded in balancing bimself on a milk bottle and picking up a cigarette and a match and light ing the cigarette. The winners of all contests were presented candy hearts. After the contests, delicious re freshments consisting of red lemo nade and iit-art-bliaiHrd uak».s, Tryre served. to accept th" principal’s position of Orlfton High School. Hi- returned to the College In the fall of 1935 lu hi."! present capacity. Prof. Hamlin, aher working with the summer extension of IJuke uni versity at Oriental, and the summer school at Neuse Forest, assumed the head of the Atlantic Christian Col lege summer school In 1931. Th<- summer session in 1931 enrolled 93 students. Since that time it hai been steadily progr. -sing until In 19.'!6 two hundred were enrolled for a new high. The 1937 Catalog, containing defl- In a m<.«'ting held .Monday night. Jan. 22. .Martha Brinson. .\ew Bern, and Bernice Karnier, Bailey, were elected a.". Hespali4>n w;is lh*» winner The Mlnlsl«*r1sl <‘liib pra^s^'nted by way of enlertalnnient. a (|uarfe(, Marvin Ja< kson. KuK* ne OcrodowHki "Ited" Kogers. and t'leveiand Itiad iier, led by Kermit Wheeler. Thi« turned out to Im* ;i comic affair when ea4'li member of (he ijuarlet ^ei-m* d lo disappear simul(an<'ouNly wlih a loud reporl from behind the curtains. Finally, only on*- m»»mber n-miiin' d TI|4- audience was l»-ft lo draw IH own ronclusions. The ne.\f evenI was a :ter|e,» of acrobiitlr stunts by Msrieit.i snd Itay Whitley. Their (*xhibitton w^as reallv remarkable and received a greal d«'il of applaus*' from (he MUdience. Th« Oelta Kigms ntirorlly prenenl- ed an amar.Ing i:ame between th<' A t*. Itulldoga and Ihe Harvaid I'nl' v«rsMy (eum. The girb< in the or ganizations repren«’n(4*d (he difTereni playera on (he |o«sl and vIaKIiu' tams. l«ois MagK**tt group stunt we|j( to the I'hi Sigma Tau Hororlly. The 'orond prl*«*. one d'd- lar and a half, went lo (he Higma Tau Cbl sororily. The award of on<* dollar for the b bad qui(e ence in tbe field Mr. k j„bnston, Wllwjn. Chap- fre.ihman and without college • px- perlence |„ debating h‘.*«»|^^r h^. j The officers of tbe fraternity are had some experience In high "fhwl ] ^ and wav entered f»r two year. the contest held at tbe Lniversityj of North Curolin*. President, lo HUc.eed "I'I' k" "“''I'-l went to Marietta and Kay Whitley, hill, Stokes: Irving Lynch, Wendell. . _ Vice-President lo succeed lttisi«.|lj Itoebuek; B. J. Bowden. I'udley. | qjj| ELECTS OFFICLRS succeed Hundolph I Chandler: Kay Wbllley. W< nde||. :~leeretary to succ<.«.(| "11111" Tyt»on. , 1 Wilson; Ulebard Barnhill. Sergeant- at arms to succeed Ha»M llf;urgan-i« Sin< condemned there was some ques- nite plans for the summer t»*rm. and i lion ss to whether or not th**r« a list of the courses to be offered, would b** a d» bale this year but ar- will be Issued in April. All inqulrl*-)* rangementr have he»-n made where- regarding the 193t term should bejj,y of the auditoriums in town addressed lo Prof. Case. 1 ,.jjj ^ Rebate has be^n an — ^annual feature aince the organlzs- An old alumni visited the of the two literary locleties «nd r^enlly for bis first time sln* been sn event of much graduation and waif heard lo ®*'!tjiterest to students and slumni. The l»hi Kappa Alpha Fraternity I has r*< »-ntly (ak<*n t«*^o new m**m- the chapel hss recenly beenlb*-rs, Mru»'* Conyers. W'llson. and claim at the ^remarkable progre-- that had been 'made on the campus since the days when be roamed the grounds. He was especially pleased with the appcsrance of the oew din- Ing hall and the gymnasium which Th»* H#'Kp<»rlans hsre b#*en victor- iouf Him * F«rni«ir !.esd«*r.‘* snd is a lendi-r o( (he Farm l.shiu l*st(> lii IhW ctiuntiy Hp (dut-aled 4( Ihe I'liUerivliy of .Mtnn< >otN snd tb»» I'nlon TIiealoKit al ‘U ntinary and h<4» Ihm n eUKatCed hi |Mi||t|r|| lellglous Vkoik f(»r the past oe^etal yeur^ Mr Wlllisms ■lisi-iiiMl itie preneul «-onditloi4« 111 our rounliv on thn Imihih (hat they uen« uunei e«Mtsry. utid that a reitdJUHlm< ut of tlie Italae prliH'ipbvii of dintliiiutloll would valu<« (lie eroiituiilc problem iM-fore us to day He «dvoa oti the Kub)o till' peiite movenient ihul is to be geiiei ally nuppoi ted. Mr. WllliamH wn-, d<'fetttrd b> (he Kepublirsn Candidate for o|ii*e of CoiirrenxuMin in Mlune «»la Theie Weie elm-tlon Ir rej; (| la I it leN, hoW'Vel, ami tile Se||i«(i' invcsligal ioti to he bolti in Apiil may gualify him for tills position. Al II former ini'ling of (he rlaN».. Mi> KUie l»juhoi(, of Hlr'hniotid, V« , \»ho U( (he present l> th“ Kxi'MltlVH .s«ireiMi7 appoiiit< ler before the people of th«' atil# Sh* Kiive Ihe Im« kgrtoiiid of (he foru# {•r<*><^'l li. th<* ntji" n»4 Ihe pur( d« alini£ wKh f« « hlrfmluU**'! to Mh iiud insanity Hhe dis«.uss*‘rr (he ‘Murvey <»f M«'n(al Health ift C ■■ whlrh w»s mad* by hr. hinyd Thompson for the N, r. Commission for Menial Hygii*ne. Mlfts L/Srson hiiH ’.periiilirifi in this Held snd I# >iul'*' C'tpable of a<(iira(e|)r d*‘sftlh* liiK (he siOialion. Kh*» d (he pnrent><’httdren ndstlotM* and Juvi nlle de|||](|iien( r rsusei aud I eniedien I'lle pllbllr Forum wan itegun a few years ago by Hlud«diak*T, (h** Cnlied SiateH ('ommissioQer of Ldu- < »iHon in hen Moine«, |f»ws. wj»rn he wan Sup* rini'«nd<-nl of I'uUH^ H<*hool« th' re He trl«‘(| (he plan ou( with s niimbet of groups in thst cKy and wljeii W I* A fiindr were made avail, able he elleiided (b*‘ inovemeUt to len lftig<‘ el(i«s *rh« nio\o (ban Hpiead (o Hie dlffereni stiites and is now A very <-k(enslve proRrsm. Oov* **rnor Khringhaus appoln(**d a com* miiif'e to sigdy tlie sliuatlon In the Hiaie hei«d< d hy Hr Thompson ss lie,III of reHeurch (iepnrtmanl, bcfora any d« Unite Hiepn ware takew The oven countiex In this distrirt is the only loerftlon where It Is beint iri*'d ou( In rural cominunMle« snd Is in ihiK r*hpee( nnique The movement In this dlHtrld in dlie< N*d hy a re gional board made up of Ibo city jind iig of tioldwttoro, at Ms hi'sd 'Ih' re are over seventy