improve the COLLEGE The collegiate r 11< -s r ISbUK ve* Past Half Decade phows Many Changes I On College Campus ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN < 0|.l.KC,K. SKITKMMKR 17. T.Ki? N" I I NHW ('()LLIS fnded program Planned for future ^ning H»ll, Gymnasium, ,i Heating Plant Are rcatest Improvement*. ... Atlan'ri t’lirls- ->jU‘icr roiiHihl«‘U of iwi) tiialn thf ilorinUopy. t hou.H«*»l th«* larKiT part -pU'*ro«in?. ui!(l the boyn' rofv. in which wuh Io8ts .•Id here. The phyKical (mIu- II :■!;•.> - a alKo use It daily. l>rt C. Hardy Memorial _ hall wa.H coinpleted and ■ jioon after the comple- it the KyinnaHium. The build •. :rtm'i< ally (lirorated and i« .rol.v *«juipped. Includlnfj an .•rt lIshtinK Ryalem and other • nifncf*. n ai* Cfii neiossary to a has been further im- •d i> u raillJis which has been aiound the shelves of v’dI- eirl5' parlor, which was iff ! th*? old library room. . n »vrv beHUtifully furniah- A towu girls’ r('On) was also " -^l this time In a former 9^-n made into very nice /•♦innr. tvpinj?, anil Bhort- A larRe room for the to rehearse in will be cf>n>- t»on in the basenjent also. [ Hilley. and several other • "ho are especially inter- ■n ’h«* welfare of the college. dillKenfly working to raise ff>r hiiildiuK a new dormi- women and also a new H'fore live more yearh '’Untie (’hristian college ex- to show even more uxtonsive ‘•flieiilb. forensic Society To Be Continued I to the revived Interest in ■ |DS f»u ihe ranjpus an active! club is Ke to put "inning intercollegiate de- team for this year. An at- made to organize such year, with only moU- . V', the principal weak- '■'< the failure of members "0*1 and to aid in the chance to make the team. U wtf are ever g'-ing to • »uccifujful team it will have ■ ^«ked by more than the intercolUgiate debators. we some reserves. \Vc * . challengers for the on the team. We cannot *hc best out of debaters not c>&!ienged for their = no reason why Atlan- ^•olleKo <-annot have ; debating team if the •^ally want one. Now. • *^e interested In learning ^ abou» this art of argu- ^♦;aiw come to the ttrst an- m.eting of this club. ®'^HaUon Ik ettpeciaUyy ex- i^’>&tiDued on page two) Classes Elect Yearly Officers Committee Appointed To N o m i natc Temporary Freshman Officers. Tuesdii>. September 14, after Ihe rfu.ilar charel period, das-, meetings v«i> held tor the pur- pOHc of eliM tiuK offii ers to till all I Hie vacancir-s. The ;*-nlor and Ju nior <‘lasse>i cb'cted olfifej'r, l^si )ear. but the Hophomor*waitel i until this year to «*le« t their b-aii* * rs. Si»>ce all the officers eU‘rtul by the senior c|;s; •. returin'd to >«chO(d this y«ar. they had n » vaianci*.- to till. Tho‘^- e|c4ttd last are. Onnli* ('ockr» ll. Wilson, presideut; Klizabeth Kuluhum. ^^■ilson. vi«e j»reshleni; Hugh ('berry, Uock.» ’.Mount, treasuier. and Martha j.I^rlnson, New Hern. sM-rejary. Mr. Cockridl is editor of The I’jne I Knot, a meniber of baseball and t)ask«‘li>all ti*an>s. and a< tiv«* mem ber of Sigma Alpha fraternity. .Mr. Cherry is biislnvss nian* ager of The |‘lne Knot and a men»* ber of !’hi Kappa AljJha fratern- I Martha BrlnH«)n i:-' vice-president of SIkum Tau Chi sort>rlty. The junior clann elected their ofllcrrs last year, but Wllliain Hudson, the elected presiradner. a mlnlsterinl student and mtMiilHT of Dramatic club, was ♦ b'Cfed president to /ill the oik-u Ing left by Mr. Hudson. Mr. Hrail- ; ner hails from Charb'ston. S. C. Martha Nelson, of Vanceboro. is vh-e-president. Miss Nelson ik also one of the two student super visors of the dIninK I.all. Woodrow SuKg. of l’inetf)ps, U vlce-presi»lent of the Men s DormI tory council, and vice-jiresident of , I Smoka Pipe club. ; Kugen** (>i;n>dowKki. from New Jersey. Is treastirer. .Mr. Ogrod ^ owHki Is a member of the (iU: ‘ dub and Ministerial club. The freshman < lass of last year ' of sehofd for the prisent year. They wcie ebcteil as follows: Kl- mer Mottern. Asheville, i)resldent: Selma Arner, Wilson. vice-pr«-^1- dent: Robert Wiiulham, Karmville. treasurer: .Mary Kllzabeth Hllley, Wilson, secretary, and Robert Jar- I man. Kinston, sergeant-af-arms. .Mr. Mottern is a m* niber of th • bf»xing team, men's chorus. (;i‘- club and secretary of Men’s D»)rm- ft<»ry coufirll. Mi^s Arner is a representaiiv-- on the (’ooperativ<* ]»oard. Miss Hllb.yls an honor stunt their nomination report at the next niMMlnp. 1‘uesday. September lil and the offind Thoma* C lYArnt. Bishop of »>a4tern i'arolina. delivered an Inspiring me« ace lo the 4tu«lent« of Atlantic I'hrtstlan coljeir.' and iheJr frlendi^ at th*- annual conv‘-s«‘cl apprec iation, in U*half of the stu den*s and the faculty, for his \l^ it and n»e. tau*- i»r ||ille> aN«» *-xpr»-isef| III:- iHTsonal appreila iH>n f»»r th** cordial wrb** m«* «x tiMnl*‘d to th*> colb‘Ke by th«- chiin h. Bishop Harnt v«Ty cra«’bMisly rc-iponfb'd to l»r. Mtlley. In con elusion he :4ald. ' Though I am n«»t a UHMulwr of your parth'ular de iH-mlnalioii, 1 have always obs«*r\- e top may r«ach unto heaven ancl b't us mak«* us a name; icei we be scattered al»roa«l upon th*- fare of the wh<»b- earMi.” In dw.osing this t«>xt. I’lshop Darst chose »»ne which wan <‘.speclally htted to the ocm in conformity with (iod's |itan. H<‘ pointe<| out that the early eJvUlration an»l modern civilization hatl made mone pro- ur»*ss along Ihly line, but t'ulay ih*\v 8*” III to have falb-d and the world sei'iuH to l>e ullpidng back ward, bei-ause the^“ civilizations have had no definite obJe youth U th»* land still believ*'.; that b*au*y and p* a< e can com*- Into a br<)keii world He ex- ! ,, his thankfuln*--^ lor the faur pn*juU Is ht»- second Ikum* the palH'r Ba^il Bolden, upp^ r l*ft. teadnig in the capacHy of Bunlnc - Maua|{**r. Leon R< ebuck. upper rir l:i. itt a^'lsting Mr. Carr us Man-; SKlng Kdltor of the ':*T. . nd Riind'dph (’handler. M.maclng Kdlt<»i AIJ th**- of the?*• graduated iai*f ►print iind. wHb th»‘ **x««ptloi» of L»M»n •{iM«l»nck. none of Ihe above lo-w • ofricial^ ha\»* had pr« viou» colb’^e itevh np.iprr exp**rl* t4ce, l>ut th*’y ! nr*“ ♦•xi»‘ciing a iicc*- -.lul ni’w»piiM»r *a>*er i The annual faculty rr* ception of Atlantic Chris tian College will be held in the Gymnasium this ev ening, September 17, at 8:00 p. m. The faculty reception i*. one of the outstanding so- cial events of the College each year. The purpose of this occasion is to give the students and faculty a chance to know each other more intimately. New Professor Joins Faculty DR. MORGAN ADDED TO SOCIAL SCIENCE DKPT.( Vacancy Created By Re>ig nation of Mr. Wilson Now Filled. Brief History ! Alma Materi • ^ ESTABLISHtD IN 1902 Though Young In Years At- ^ lantic Christian College Has Made Progress. ' For 111*' ;;cneral Informailoii of '' lileuoH of th*' Colb'^e as wt-ll tor th»* K'n«*ral public, th*- fol loN^liiK is a brief hlstorv of llilt (i^rowlnu Insillutlon. It is tak**u ^roni the collet** catalouu*' and , ; ' ‘^••d by spe»*lal permb don >;rant ' >d by Ihe colleg*- admliiistrai|oii I “The l.fty ■*ev* nth North Caro ’ ' lina Christian .Mb donary ('onven Ion iiM't ui Kinston. .S' (‘ Uiioln’r • i.'i to Nov**mber 2. l!>ui The Com '-* • on Kducatlon, i-onslstiuK *>f W Havlh, B H. Milton. W J , ittipJer. K A Moye. and Hr H Hirpei. made a favoiabb- r<- f ihe report of r*>mmltt«’e, which was »luly 1 'I’ti. iM-’iliinm- o, s;i, ■ n tl<‘ year lind f**ssor atlde*| to the teaching st«f of Atlantic Christian collect. 1^, Raymond Morgan. wln> Ih the nt prrjfe.H.sor, cf>me.s from Kvasdc Hlin*ds. 1*1 fill the vacaiwy in t! social science d'partnwnt cr«»at' bv the resignation of I’r-f*»> Wilson last rhristmas. hr. .Morgan b**can his 4tjd»* at Kureka college and r*sI*Ioii he has held for Ihe past four yeat> Although this Is his first t*'achlnK ♦■xp»Tlence, his ••xiMrl*‘nc*' In pr**arhln« si well as the k*'»n In terest he f«*els In young pe«»pl.- :tnsent position. In ad'lltlon to these lnt«'rewt:<. Dr. M»»rgan Is als*) keenly int»*r i.- ninimiu*’*’. wni«'ii wa?' *iiiiy OplHil. th«* Hoatd of .\!miagers Y*' lhf‘ N C- M C. W‘l»- ^ct n “•li i'- . t- properls, und w«'re to appoint four tiUKle* . to h:ftv*‘ Immediate supervision of' 'he t^db’ge. TIh* lnstllu(b>n was nam«d Ailanilc Chrlsiian Co|]*'r«- |tnd iiir orporute«l May I. I!h»:j. Mr. j <1«»org** Hackney, of Wlls*»ii. .S' i' . , wMM made treasurer of the colb-K**. , an*l shout $4 erty bofidefj for lh/> orlcloal < in*lebt(^lne - . of about $ll,ouo ini IfHt;;, whbh was fully pitid In 11*11 The itaym«*nl of this *l«*bl i »!ia*l*' a**‘*Kslbl** th*‘ "W. N. an*l Drpha Hackn**y M**morlMl Kund.” i which was b*qu»*athiMl ••f*»r th**: jeduealton of won by y*ninK m* n I anil women'* and which (‘onsisteif 1 »»f r**al * ^»fMt<* In W|Is*mi to th*. > vaht>' of nbotil In I'M I a. ; niur ; larKeinent Campaign In lh“ turn i nallsm. Whlb* at th«- Cnlversliy yi,.|.ir*| the roll*'g.-' nt (Chicago, h»* b#*ld a r»'»jKj|j«Jbl‘-. f.f,,jowni**nf In chhU ntul g/»od I |)oslllon on th** publications staff 11 r)*».«77 7<». The colleg.. of that hcbo*»l. ; was r'c*>gnlze(l a stHiidnrfl A Dr. Morgan, who replaces Mr igrs'le crdlece In May. h> Wilson of Alabama, Is l«achln*: th** North (*ar<»lina Sl;ii»- Board *»f ♦M *»nomb's, rnli***l .matcK and for-| eign g**vernm**nt, and sociology ' “in th*' Boar«l of Trust'-e. He Ik using Ihe same rlassroom as InaiicurAted a <}impali:n for * n- Thlr r -r. 1537 mali»s the f»»urth VI ar that Ihe Kurek.! Sye t«'m *»f help lo •tuilent'f haK be**n UHed at AtUntic V'hrUllaii t'olb'i*’ This pUn Ir called iM-.ause U orlKi|]al«‘d la Kureka <*«»Uege. Ht The {dan b n«it nii <»ld one. but . It ha.s recelvi*! fav«»rabb* ct»inment 1 from other iM-ho«d»- It Ik a pUu; whereby III*' -«tud**nt<« ar*’ iM*rmlt ; le«i lo tio lh»* work «>f Ihe colb'ge cftmniunlty, and lh«* aving of la bor coti lo lb«* Cidlego |h hand***! on to the «tutleiit In IoW4'I*m1 ral(*ri for tiitthoi, b*>aid mid looni i Since thi ' plan adopt<*d al > .\tlantic Chrisiian CoU**gi*, ib*v itud«*ntH lio all the ('o||*‘K»* »«uk except ciMthliitf. whoh In done by n*‘Kro *«»ok‘' und«*r tb»* sui***i vision of the dh'tillHli, Min <«(ady- ('larb- Kach student desiring work placer, an a]>pllcatlon v^ltb' Di HHb*y «»r Ihe ttUp**r\i^t»r/ Tlio | Jobn are avdKiO'd by th*' -ttutlent board *if managers, which super- vis«H all th*' work done. Tb**r« an* many advanlagt . of the Kureka plan othrr thun the rediheii cost of HchoollUK. which Ik probably conaldcred tht* iuohI important p«til of th<- plan. Some of tb«* wi>rk alvcH oiu* HpiMlal' training in a partn ular prof* -‘'.io.i; buch an library and ofltco work.. This plan affoidi eXielb'Ut train ing In nocial planning, and th'* w hob* sy.-.l* ni Is ba'«'d on tlio edu> < atlon theory of learnliii; liy d*»liu , 'D)i* filudeni biMiid of maoaK*'i<' are a|)polnte«| by th** Ka< ulty anil' ea< h mantiK*-r ban a faculty ad , vImu'. 'I'hi* 'itud< nt maiiai:*irr. are; Sarah Bain Ward. Kinston, Supi'r- vlsor of officr Work. KuK**n»‘ t»K rodow‘«kt. N''w 4»*rs**y. Su|H*rvlsor of Butln, Vanii'bu|i>, Sti |H-iv|Nor of Dining Hull, and Rob-^ **rt Carr. Sup* rvlf*oi 4»f (irounds. Till- Kureka plan Its b«»*n very| •^ucc<‘ tliil III A. C*dlrj;»' It has, helped iiiHiiy ritiideutr who would *ili> 04 •< *o«'«vii aub’ lo gif till* to .til Institulion (»f higher b'lirnlnc without ai*l. A commlitee of (ac ulty inemb'-i' meet ouc** a we<*k with tlifi Briard of nt man- aK*TK to giv*' atlvlc** and offer siik- Kestions to niak«' thf plan wolk smoothly and suc<*‘: 'fully, j Enrollment Statistics Students Enjoy Church Reception; Captain John Barclay Wei- j comes Old and New ' Students To Wilson. YKAH BKGINS SM*T. 2ND. Dr. Jarman Wrlcomr:. liist Year Mrn and Women lo Collrge Campus. Student Body Comes From Wide Areas. .Mr. W'ils*>n an*l ;<***'ms well plea* ed with his pr* )«*'nt ar:-iodatlon with this colb'ge. Immeillately after th** renlgna lion of I’rofensor W11s*mi Just aft er ChrlrMnas last year, Mrs. A. I) downi**nt and biilbllnK'’ With th** aid of a Kltt of $100,000 fr*>m .Mr J. W. lIlneM, j»f Rocky Mount, < . fh*' Christian diurcb*-s of .\»»rth Cnrollna j'-eui^d a total fiine a mystery play. ThiK announi’e- ment was Rrceted with much ap plause and thlF will be one of the elub’s first produrtlons of this type of play. At the *ame meetinK the new members of the orjsani7.ation were Initiated into It^^ portalf by belUK requred to give pantomim< be- (C.mtlnued on page two) New Officers Take Charge; Ogrodowski New ■ President. i Ain"n« the more outstanding nrKanizations on the A. '' eampus 1,4 a iluh for those students wh J (xpe.i to KO Into full-time <;hri»- tlan serviee. Kven tho,iRh the club coes uniler th<- name of Min-, isierlHl flub. It is noi held siri'ily for thos • who ejpwi l„ ,lo a> t(ve pastoral work, but all persons ex-. |,»^!tlnK to *o Into any line ofj fhristian servire an a life work. Stiidentt deslrlna memlHTKhip I must ihow delinite Interest in Christian service as an aim in life. ^ then the club will w«r|,ome them. Into ith ranks. , , . The chief atm of th: club Is lo Bfilsi lt< member!" in any w»» P„,,llde toward a l>e't»r under- Htandln* of th-ir undertaking-. Kealizinf: the |mr>rtanre of in* minister in every pereon'.; life and Uos«- ami .MIsk Kva I’erkins look The < iil/.‘ ns of Wilson i;iib«, rlbed over his teachlni; d,itieH, even IhouKh It meant i-xtra work lor Ihein. Hoih .Mrs. ai,d .Mi>" I'erklns hailed llr. .MorRan's ar rlvel with pleasure. a< It reitcv.-d them of Iheir extra duties. The va,ant posilion eoul'l have lieeii tilled at the iM'KinnlnK of the ill- ond semesii r last year but Ihe ad- nilninlration felt it could re4-elv. a mui h lx.l','r proIeMor by wait- iHK until thl»- fall. AIlhouKh Dr. .Morcan has been on Ihe campus only a Hill*’ more than one w<»k his p»p,ilarlly •suitw uhfiun fund of $100,000 t*>ward lh* **r»*»’tbui *»f Hi*' n< w plant for th *i (olle^'f. Th*' U'llson tiymnxslum waK. bnlli durlntc th** years j 35. The -Men Hanly fMnIng Hall . anrl a c**tilral h«'atltiK plant bav* been rompb'ted thb y*-ar himI ar*- now In tis**. “Th*- n<'it «t*p In the building program call*' f*»r lh** *'r*'*ilon of a dr>rmltory for women an* r >01 IfHiX; J. C f!ajdr^*dl. ' wilh the students is easily shown , I 1916-iaiU, In the tael lhat he has alread) ■ lM*en wb cie*l as faculty advittor by I ** ^ 1**'* >■ L s.' IV^"''’is“onl.'’of‘^^lh^ l• adm^^MEN’S CHORUS RESUMES erganlratlons of the campus and It was wi'h pleasure that he ac cepted the hfryit' invifalJon to t>< - come their snp^Tfisor. Dr. Morgan plans to mak» hi*' home here in Wilson, Mrs. Mor gan. who Kraduated from r»nn- sylvanla college, and his seviro- >e«r-old n will join him here The.M*‘n’:'. ^’horus of AHantlr Christian Col|ef»» re-oimes tlx work Ihit- year. The chorus was organized last year and did mu* h In arousing Interest In music on the campus. Hev«Tal program* were given and vemed to in- en joyed by all attending. The chorus will ning iplrMuals J (Continued oo p««€ two; shortly She is still In ' and folk songs and other four* where she Is terminating ; part sodr * this year. It whs business affairs. Dr. learned lhat they are to hopts lhat his wife will be ai';“ ready for presentation In about to join him here sometioie in th^ ; weeks. near future. i Mr RuF/eij Owings, the orga- The college administration and nirer and original director of the the atudenta welcome l>r. Morgan chorus, will be back again Ihl^ and hfs family to Wilson and bcpe • y«ar. After Mr Owlnxs left Wl!* that their slay will be profitable son last y«*ar, Kay Whitley was •o them as well »« to th«* coll»-i^' e|«-< ted t* inporary dire-tor and j Mrs. Yavurski, faculty advisor. Th*- enrollm* nl of students this y«ar Is on** of the larg*st in th** history *»f Atlantl*- Cbtlstbui rfil br.*-. The Ntuilcnts hall from twenty- nine dlfT*i*ii* *f»unHeH in N«»rih Carolina and from a total ot six ad«llllonal slater The represent -| *'d (riitntieH Includ'- Beaufort, j HertI**, Cartar*‘t. Craven, <'urrl j tuck, Duplin, KdKecomb**. K«(rsyth,i Cn«*n«*. Hallfan, llanM'lt, Hyd**, Jobnst'n, l.en»)lr, Macon, Martin,' N.»«h, N«’W Hanover, Dnnbiw. I'am llco, ferfiuimaris, I'lff, f(ofiesr>n, ^ UocklnRham. >^nif)s*»n. Tyrell, I Wak*-, Wayn** and Wlls»in. Thea« c*ninlJ»’K exienil ovi-r th** slate ho that practbslly ev«-ry part Is well r*'jir**H*nl*d. *-M|Mc|ally lb« *‘ast- <‘in and sfitilh <*asti*rn nfcilfins. Last y*-Hr stud*‘nts came from ' nly thi'-** *>utiildi- stai**s t*» swell tb‘‘ marks of lh«* Miud*-nt body, but ibi^i y»*Jir. b«’sld*-M .N'orth <'aro- llna C<-orKia, .S*iii'h Car^Hlna, .N» w Y*»rk, .S< w Jers* y, Maryland aiwl Alahaina ar*' repre*** iit«*d. Th** fr*shman class, /me <»f the larg*-st i*> n<* hiinrlrrly iwelng made for an extensive progrxm for ibe A. C*d!ege hand Ibis year. I>a»f year the bsnd asslsl/d at basket ball gamen at K. (’ T. C., IXMil»> burg, and all the h*»me games. The organlr.atb>n. under the cap able dlref'tlon of Millard Burt, Mdde<| much fervor and enlhusl- a^m at the games. The band play-j ed for the annual Calapade at' Uocky Mount last year, (‘oncerls were pre**4*nted at Conlenlnea, ^ Snow HlU. Crlfion» and at the college, Tho«e students n*»i returnlngj this year will be greatly missed. They are: Hue Ktalllngs. UobertJ I>angley. HasM*|I (iurganus, Ho|>| land Manning. Hay Whitley, The menibeiN of lh«* Klii-* i litU llan church *nieriatn«'d the u anil t»» the rhtir* h l‘r*»sblrnt llllle\ r»” |»oi»d**d to Mr jIartUv's etil tiiiKlHi*i it wel come Mr i;d StslHn(;». sli\.i%s ap|ir*'vial|ve|> re» e|ve*| t»y W llfOl NU'tlenc* 4*nl*'rtaln*'d t be kioup with hla \loi)n niu:-)i .Mix Harp*; Hb- Blo:ir.oin,‘ and Ut*-. thr**' dut'tis Mlib Mi Db'l' Batii<:t j Mrs Cr«>^bv )*«.■< th*' a plc'“. m*-*-tlng:,. T*» hlH web*nu*» .Mlr“ 1'Blb* Bowd*-n, *»f ih*- c*db*i;« . re «polH|iMl, Aft«'r the ptiiKraiii In the (liiii*u tb*‘ Kioup Hi'ut lu the cliuich itt> ' I *'X wheie thi y l*>el\ed b^ .Mr Barclay. rf**sld**nl and Mr^ Hllb > and a tti*iu|i of tb«* i lmr< ti OMIIiIkm; Mlr.h rlyife I.eo played the piano, wbjie Hje gij«.,tf. )n ^mall eroupN cbalt\ wb-i :' >-me(| to |ir> only WMitliii^- for an ‘■**us** lo iihk foi lb*- dal'- M; Barclay brought a roar of laught'-r iMHii the crowd wiih Hh- leiiiark. "Mrs l.**bmhe nrst iliu*- this ymr. For many yeart th**f«> were Iwf> llt**rary n*H-letU-: on thli campUfi and usuall> ei<*r,v b*'|oiiKed lo on** of th*' two groups Tbi'y w**re naiiKsl H<‘«to*rian and Althlsn. To thi' obb-r stiid*nti' ih*‘ mention *»f Ih*-'* nam**». brin#: i back pb-arani m*-nn»rbH t»f tfi*- past. ' Th**'*' h*Mi**tl*‘« lu't toK*-th*‘ every Monday night hu>l<‘ about Ui*- AlelhlsuM Mnd the H*’sp*-i, but y*iu will never know th** tru*- Htttry of th*' HorifiUn uoDJ ib* r , start having r*-icutar m****tint: i | again Dant y<'sr after the rbsp**! ! was cond<*mn*- I Mplrlt fad**d away. Last year wax Mm* tlrsl tini*'. a far an the HtafT can leal ii that th*- Iwo societies did not have an ati ntial inter so<‘lel> (t*‘baif th** * l»^h *‘S m«‘nlb»n*'*l ab*iv< Tb*’i»' loiiat Ix' h*inj*-ibini: don*- t#» r<*vlv«* the rfu H'tv aplrii, or ibe> will finally dbt and Ix* only bis tory. I '' h ■■ (Coutinu«d on pas« two) I I New find Old Studcnls Ar« Urjfed To Attend Kach WecWly Meeting, Th*- V*iung Men’s ChrlKilan A** siH’latlon *»f Atlantic Cbrlstlflin Cot\i'K<' this years Is planning a*i extensive pr<»gram Th** *»rgant xatlon ticerlH a numlx-r of biysl members who are willing i*i work The Y, .M C. A Is the »inf *»r«an Ixatlon on the t'ollege rnmpu^ lhat Ihe young m*ii (mII the-r own. Thin la an organisation that la aervani t r M, vr^r 1 . if lb.. I > ; .1. ‘ ■ 1 '11 *• .‘^epi*mb'I • - '>■ M “ ■ Ki* ’iiM' n ' C '♦ • «•! * ur t' ^ n«»n b *• ‘.p:-i- = • mam i>-r Hi; ■ ‘ D foUMii n • tl> > • ' ' ’ It! ' \ • t:*«t It Ii . . b. - : P'n' fmi• • ' • • KTiUU 7 ?I* ‘ < '*•! ' ! no-lit i lo > , M • d- nt' m'T** u ; V • . lit** .iltd jii.'l • M 'II lo t:: J Nlltl a* « IMI ». t ! ' ■ ciiijiii Ijr bmen - I I . • : ii >:e-,t . \.-r to I ' I- • .t' ’ *\ be- Tin- fte bm- ■ ■ ;• ‘ b »■« «!• •nmin 11-m‘ \ m*t ati'l I’.’ d tin ‘til IHI** I'N a f«-W * ' »»t . * ’ '• ^ t ut n» «! fur ' I ’ t»> ' I'Jin ^ opi-iiHic mi‘(*it i ryjta glv*'n I*' Di .1 I Ml, • l b«’ -s "I • rom>- "Ml I- r \\ . I . 1 -t liy MbH Jtili t D I' I , I vi of WllHOi: foi III. tiiM It I < '<•[, II' alul Misa I lima l.« •' SjM-n ■ 1 -i Kin 'xn f- lb*' bi»aidln»; hiti-l'iila Mi!*i Iho Wfb om>' r« p',ii « , |»! Hii’of * Kav* a j^5ii::t tall. *»n <'*dlH{|^ • Idi al ‘I Im'Ii It'! tudints bad a . ■ I ,\i quaiiu t-d" pal ty ^ On l-'iul.iy moinliu*. lb*. f«tu, • b nlli ‘A'!' r;U'Ji a p ’ ; tt »b f ical t.-.f a i.ijuh*:' ti\ i-tal*- f*-;-:ol^ ' tlon 'Ibi- puip" t i»f Ibl l* d. '|b« \x I . , li.lui i*m1 by l't«.ff> or 1 I*’ lii'iii. load of tin- I’.ttM « .*1 Ion d. p,.-' III' ni, n l> I lo* *ld oj o;io t f,iiult\ lit* nile 1 AIt«*>’ Co pl.i' ' liH-iM t«-*i 11“ - ‘ ‘Up m''< In t Im • > m .Mnt ■ »' -‘ti Bai n Wait!. tir. Hhb nt ol the C*»op*o .* tUi- < *»ui>H. ;• *k* '*n tb“ Coop* ;*i.iilv«* goV'-iHiij-iiC 'lb' I'inu* I ’ t-iM* nt t. V ,'lv. n Ki 1' -r- - ‘ - ' K- • * ■ • ■ • J f'tt [ 11. . Ill.r I ij111 11 1*1 T I ^ »• ' ' «r«'l*M k 1 It* p ■ ol 11]! t. I wa-‘ lo dui'! C ‘‘ bno'ii Into lb.- 'lUf. M-ni ■ J ‘.I. aftvrn «'»») tije fj* -bmed MM't tn lb- gvm ml ibev wei«- i »bf<- w.i* h.k*-n on a jiluary loui, mid | .Mr Mo\.. poke to Ih' third boy* :;ioiip aiid .Mir?; |t>.w'ii‘ii |f» the ' thtid ('til' »:roii|> on DoruiUorv | guv*'Mitn Ml .iMl tub i‘)a< b oi ihi' fbf«‘ yri'iifi took a phv«frftl f‘. iniUi;iM*Mi,«- u llbiar^ lour and di < u» < <1 Ibl- dfiriultory gov <-rnmi‘iii All iK^' n*‘W .iiwb nii- w«-r«- given ’ ii < oinblliiM'titai . Ihk»’t to th«^ Wlft*oi lh*.ili' *'Venliig. I ‘fb*- *lU'bti«t 'S'Ut lo th'- thcatto j III a |m»«1v and I 'lutn*'*! t»» tb« • ‘olbi;*’ for a nbort ■ h*»ut, ^,f(iuiilay iiioiiii: Mt l*Hnule H.«tp**i atirl Ml - I. ifii i.j |i >k<* to tb«- In hm*-n oii . .tftipu> ♦• l*iueito. Af»ci fh<* tnik oh •t)(|iHtte, Ml k:ave a *li ' ' oi on fie«b ni**r Matloii ^«*ld from IJ to 4 /I'riijr'. ’I' ' ' t* w fti'tb in«*n foiniij- ‘j- Is’* '1 *ho •• un lfi tini^b P ' :'loM : Iter • l:iy fln‘'di« d r**' • ' w b' II 1^' u ftp' :' • »n* • 'lid < .• -ild ■ n. .tr :,J of bsvhi!: diiifM-i (\‘d tn ihe din ^ Inr b.«ll tb fi- I O ' u wr-i* tak« n t*» iJo d r=ii 1 Oi wc|n^ { lOM t 'llo . I' tufiH . i' lin I'*' 'i ■' *" ' • ;;rotip I, .iU itai-iiiii-ni Oi .• 'tiint 'I i'm inajoi I' -t II:* ■ u A V* |M r- f-- ; V ' - tn tb*- < O' ‘ y ■ , I i • 'O.-i M ‘1 b> B' V. * A J Hobb", of A I M.!. V' ibo'llsl * t’lmr'h, »'inb-»l He- ofli'i-il fi'iJj f lilt'll w«*}?, 'lb*' w.*'U thr. V ‘.1 « Vej, S iiioM* nui»-e »fri Bna. » ollu^’iL lb