XI. ATLANTIC CIIKISTIAN COl.I.KlJK. OC'TOKKK If., NO J ome-Coming Day To ]e Observed Here On\ Saturday October 23rd NEW PINE KNOT OFFICERS LMNI luncheon 1 :00 i Concert At 10:30; iM’mbly In Gymnasium At 11:00 A. M. iiiDUiil H<>nu‘<‘oniiUK l)uv ill 1m- h» I<l on caiii- ..rday, ()■ (olur a<- ,• 10 anaouno'UifHls iiiaUu . ( lijcials. The pro- _ill at lo::{0 a. ni.. -olU‘n»* will 1h* host at a -- :i' 1 o'flock. + Sophomore Boys Put On Council JAMES, EDGERTON WIN OVER MOYE, JOHNSON The b( ys‘ (ionuitor> assuciaiioa I In a KiK cial iiHM iinK callt*<l by Prfshlrnt A. J. .Moye flcrttMl two 1 H0i»hoinor»* rcprcm-niatlveH Mon- !‘lay nUht. S**im*i«h<T 27. nl' is mu- of Ihi- 'acancif., wcrn cri'al.-d whPii ih* lolh'Kt* y»*ar. Alum- • • fri*inh; from all ])art« of ^’iroHna art* oxjMM ted to bt* , will formally 111 a. ni. Satur<lay, »; !!»;;«- hand. un<i«T th<* •r. of Mr. .Millani Hurt. f<irn*Tt on lh«' front cani- ; ‘Mutt” Sub<>r failed to rtiurn to Kchool H« a canipUK r<*HJd»*ni and Jarvis Daniels dropped out afK-r th<* 8<'cond Thort* sft'ins to hav»* h<M*n soiut' Irri'Kularlty in ih»* first ♦■lecticn, which waH held a w»‘fk i»rlor to th<* dat** mt‘ntion«‘d abovo. V Hi'oinH to hav«* developed that a< ThU Mill h»* ihr hrKt pn*s-conHtltution of th- ?n of llH' band thU year. i asso<|iation that nominations for •I 00 o rlo«-k a K«MH‘ral aa-i‘^‘* ‘ pres«*nH'd to . will »“• brld in \hv Kvmna-I association by th<* sophomore All mudfiUK ar<‘ asked to ^hat such nominattoiis r -»t. as well as alumni and noi t-xreed twire as many Th* Hp* erh of welcome ofhcers to he electe«l. AiM ord- inu*l»- by president of thf,^*'*' by-law I’rewideni Moye decent banqu»*t li H'-^ociation. John A. \\'ln* ruled the lirst ele<'tlon unottlcial, Stu b a proJe<-t on Ihi* campus an<l called a ajM'cial meeMn^j of,},;iy gotten no further than the the sophomon* boys to select Uielr J di«, „sMlon sta^e ho far The da-s nominees. Th« action was taken trying lo ftnd some place on th after severe pressure on the pari of mapy dormitory freshmen and other meml)ers who atten<le<l the first election. This pressure was brou^iit to bear by a circulaM* ir petition, drawn up by sonu* fresh* inen, and Higiad by a majority of the iu«*nil>4‘rH of the actMKiatlon. The nominees selected by tlu* sophomores were presented to the called nieetiuK of the associa’ion and Jarvis KdK(‘i*ton an<l Keltam James emerR(‘d victorious over J. (). Johnson and Klberi Moye. K<i* Kerton and James will serve on a council <ompose<I of only upper <‘lassmen, due to the fact that the freshmen class is not represcjited until after the first Bemestcr is in ihf (iiniuK hall al II :M.-, The coundl niembcr» er K. Iir. parr for th,-alumni 1 ar.. RcrviiiK aloiiK wllli Kd- Kerton and James are: A. J. Moye. president: Woodrow Surr, vice president; Klmer Mottern secre tary and treasurer; Robert Carr and Millard iJurt, senlcr repreHen- tatives; Cyrus Lee and Howard Koblnson. junior representatives. The council has its rei;ular mwt- lUK at S:00 Thursdays and han dles all matters of discipline con- cernlnK the boys. ( Ill icit Purpose To Raise Money For The Annual Banquet. PLANS BEING MADE It huH been rum(>red aruund th»* ('umpUN that th** Juniors ur' nrow/ ^h '"i" inone)-making I'lctur#*d above art- thf new I'l’ie .roj-rt, Th.. pn.J. , 1„ ,h.. form | ^..11 U- .-.lltor un.l Mr, ll...h I'h. rrv of a junior Mtore. Thin ba;; *‘ee« j a smc* on the campuiw^H of j many other college)! According to Mis= Hill, the "Junior Sh«)p‘’ ^OLLECil A Tt SI A^ F HKL.O wa« a rack of salvation at W. C- ; PARTY LAST NIGHT * • N. (’. If it has worke<j at other ", '■ ; Th* C.>ll. slat.- Mad h swlm;- ThM Hlori- iH to W riin cnilrp ,,,i, v. ur v Itii •’ Ik.'" "f J""'"'', ih.- luaUKurutloii of r. Kular m.-t- manai;er and ansi.‘<tHn( Ihrh and a hit of ?ioc1a1 life ((H Ki;i I I. I N.S.F.A. HOLDS Activities Of Student 13IHC0NMI0N Government To Be Published Monthly ly class. Th nuinaR»r to be elet te.l. The othi*r stndeiiiR Arork In uhlfin. arranRlm; them .HO the store in open at all of ih»* college do not have to ro lluHs. In thiA way the stud**nt« down town to buy their school suppUen or refreshments. At tli‘‘ same tlm« they are supportln:; the junior class. Kverv year this store Is handed down to the incoming; junior class. It does away with all lh*> trou»>le the typical juniors hav.> to po tlirouRli In ord*r to give a ■^il of i’aniet'tj. H S. Ifilby. prfshlent ol i'M’utlnu. will brinK a hru‘1 on th*’ proKf^*ss of the . •liirinj; the past few years h- p!;:r>, f(»r the immediattf F«»llowlnK Dr. llllley’s there 7=111 be a round ta- -uf^Hin on “ I'he Value ot '•tiiil AsiHM'ialion.'' The <li»- )fr^ W Hr f' rr of Karnu'ilie, C. ' }'Ar at the Homecorninu ■I ni'«*tln«. .Miss Kva Perkins rhf--'n full thne secretary • ttlunnii association. The ■ of a full tlnu* secretary to cr»-ute a bener alumni ily proKram and encourage •luriml to participate in the • !)f the college, s'udente; will be served -n, a> It Is impossibh? to -'II the itiud<-nis and alumni • f'uuf-. The .students will • their rej;ular 12:45 lunch and the alumni luncheon h*‘ld in th« Hert Hardv ’‘!nl dining hall at 1:00. f^nain ial seiTetary of the a« ;;; iaiion. Dr. C. A. Jar- of Wilson, will Rive a re- Ofher business of the as- - V. ill {». attended to at ‘1 of th<- hour, after whi<'U J .M. Wa'ers will make an meeting will be the customary room and op4-n house from '’■'•1‘xk to I;no o'clock 1). m. ' iJ^ual custom prizes will ‘ n til th«* most attractive ' *he ^irlH and boys dormi- ■ of Z:\. ’3fi *'■ plan reunions for the •'^roritii's and fraterui- J r*»ini»>n and the frater- “III hold open-house tiu*rLaJnme/u of alumt^ bu.^inesH meet in ■■ ■■ "f lh«‘ most Important 3t *i-ar- an<l Is expected J' an unusually larne - Msiiors and frien<l«. invitation have been *t to >;ra<luate8 all over urKinK them to be UBKEIIS II cprai Freshmen Elect Yearly Officers On Tu«-sday morning. Septem ber 21. the freshman class held i’s election In the Rymnaslum. The cla.s.s d<*cided that the oflliers elected w«re only to hold office until January, at which time an other freshman election Is to be held. canjpiis wh*r«- a '‘tore could be set up. They would Uko a place that wMiuhl be conv*-alent lo both the boys and the ulrU. At pr**«cnl this se».niH to he their major draw back. If th'v find a pla'*- to y;t» into bu.‘^in<*ss. I hey plan to l arry rol ler** stationery, school supplies, Ptamps. cold drinks, candy, sand wiches. and the like. Thl-j store Ik not to enterferoj with the Y. \V. stori* In the girls'! dormitory. Tlu* stock »lll b»* more varij'd and th*» store will he | open any time durlnR the day and j on speiial occaHlon«( at nlj;ht. !»?* ; havinc stamps and sta'lonery in i the Junior store, the students { would not have to Ro to the office ; or wait until tho b0okst0r»* op ened to Ret them. Then, too, It w'Ouhl not be necessary for ko many students to go over to th<‘ col lege (;roe«*ry. This would b«‘ a creat help to any students who happen to be “on the campuR." The idea, if properly worked out and hooHted. would, undoubt- edly, prove an asset to the col- le;re. It v.onld help develop mor‘* j campus spirit. It would b«* somc- 1 thinK definite for every Junior class to work on. and w(>uld pre vent fh« li IntcrferluK with th‘- money-maklUR plans of th» other ’ orsanixations. l4tst nlKht. (he Mtaff held itf first social In the form of a thea- tie parly. Kvery memb*‘r of thi* niaff with hln or her ore Hr)** enjo)ed a half hour of fun nn<l reneshments at Illi'-fietle n druK store. I.jiier ihe Rroup went In » body lo the theatre where they' '■njoyed the picture. "Hack In Cir culation," H'arrltiK I’ai oilrlen. Mar;;aret IJndsay, and Joan Ulon- <lell. ('hanerons for the ••venlnK >^er»* -Mrs. l.<lmomlson. c»*nsor for th«- “('olleKlate" and Miv.;; Jenkin*. UeporterK are asitlKneil to . p . ar«te storb’M and asked to covi-r that ^tory In a th< rouKh and ex act nuinnt-r. Ka<h oriianiyatlon on th«* s« hool campuv ha.n Ur. r* ular reporter, his <luty iM-lni; t<) 1 “cov»t” alt ni'W.s, activities. e|th* ; er s(»clal «)r otherwise, of hU par^ ^ ticular urbanization. Kvery oti- ^auizatii.n repurt«T If ur«ed to 1m- . prompt and coo/x-rative In ortlff | that wsj<»»*d Mn>“ and «*fTort ii *y Im* ellmlna’ed. This will alle\1 ate the duties of the reRular Uall and will be greatly appreciated- A ofhclaN Mr Dnnie (’‘ i-K biinln* niatM-;.'r, Th»' i«* tifrtnlti‘1' »f|e ted. WORK BEGUN ON 1938 PINE KNOT Th«' ‘taff of the I’ln** Knot bu' b MU Its w»»rk on th«- book Tb>‘ stafT K iookiUK forv^ard to • ' )f the moHt "-sful >»*ar-'- in th>‘ publbutlon of th** IMutt K ii'it Thl' yt*ar th'* IMn** Knot ulll ha.'- a n*w d«>al Thi* siafT Ini’* «■!» -.if.-d the J«din anil Oilier <'»MU' piiiy of ChhaKo to do Its enxrav* In and als«» n«‘V» companbv to tak*> the plctuft'H and do (h> printinR. Individual pi«iuj»--: will tM* ti ; - n the luHt wi-« k In Nov« inln-r .\-x far a« the ntaff knt>w-'. n"w. ih* pi lci‘ will be the im)> ii'. In'*! . it, that U, one dollar and IV.! nty llv** c* niH. Th«* si'idfut must al^o i»ay f<ir hi pictur'- in the orKanUatlun t«iiiur> . and thirty flvr «-entH for tii4> after the flint that he Individually, iircr each student to have hit i<;itur4 In th«* annual for to th<* book a 4Ui‘<«’ h llu* '>taff t*’=- full cooperation j>f »*a« h ‘tiuuul. Al»o. if any Mluilent has any b*' iro’»l'l Ilk** «*• U^vt: t'Ut In ihe f<*alnre sfctlun. hi* a-»k'*d to hand U to Auiikm Kutn*ll. the phoin;:iaphli’ editor. <(K I U Religious ilmphasis Week Being Observed MANY STUDENTS GET WORK IN WILSON STORES The merchants of Wilson have The nominating committee. | j^hown unusual c»op»*rath»n and appointed by Miss Sarah ihilne jnterest in Rivine Atlantic ('hrls- \Var<l, presitlent of the Student jjan (’ollece students part-time Cooperative As.sociation, consist- w'ork in their store**. Many of ed of FYances KoebiKk. <iiair- fh'Tri, reallzinj; that without man; and (Jeor^je Loftln. Julia f w-ork some Htud^nts would be d»- Rev. N. J. Robinson Speaker, I3 Spending Several Days On College Campus. PROGRAMS DAILY I). I’aschal. and IrvlnK Harker, asslstanlK. After hearins the repcrt of thl- committee, the class ele(te<l the following oflicers; Irtna Spen cer. of KIns'on. president; Clau<le (Jarner, of Wilson, vice president: Julia D. Paschal, of Wilson, sec retary; and Sarah Mae (Jreen. treasurer. prived oC the opportunity of ^ei- tluK an education at an Institu tion of hlKher leiirnlnK. hav»* of- fed»* to hire a.-; many student-^ as they could pt^ndbly use durlnK th- W‘*"k-«*nd and In the aft^'moon dtirlnt: the week. Several <»f th“ manatfers said th#*y working colleK<* students becaus< they w'ere more efficient. Initiations Take Tumble . p.v CYRUS lp:e 'N ORGANIZED TWO Years ago. ■ K\CTS , , , Two yt*ars - /■»'|ue>»«< of educators, ''fninistrators. and out- ■ii^••n- of ♦•very type, ♦established the Na- / AdmlniHtration. kov- ■ y to help youim ■‘»rHt vh'tlms of the Hulking large In th«* \'V.\ wa?> the student .ihlch enabled many ‘-.vis*. 4,lit. to remain NYA «p**nt soni‘- ' --Vf'niy million dollars. := its Work, by the d**- ■ 'h croups (hfit>i( con- » <ippropriated to ’ a maximum of J'dlar*." I'p to late An- * •• 1 uri Atlantic ('hristlan <*ollep:e. like many other collejjes in th»* coun try. has almost crushed the Ide.i of ■•crashlnK” the Freshmen. No longer does one h**ar the old phrase o “Fresh Meat * thniwn In the newcomers faces. Instead the Freshmen who «'om** to A. ^ . Col- leAf^ are welcomed with a fe**linK of equality. They may he “Kreen * and may have all the iiualltleH that the name of their clasn .sls- nlf^es. hut they are beinK Riven a chaiu-e to learn witlu>ul ur**at em- bara.ssment. Now- whether this Is Kood or whether it tends to caiis«^ cr)llefie to lose .some (»f Its Iffe and <oIor is a ijueMion worth considering. Do Freshmen really want equality or do they prefer to he th*» *'p<)at" this year in order that they may b** the "elite next? In other words, is the pleasur** of being the 'top'’* worth the pain <»f enduring a year of "jroat”? There ‘ieems lo b»' a f*‘HlltiK many of the stud<'n(K here that th» mftv«* that hare taken ha-* rob- b^J Uj of lU'itli ul our lulU'.c The we»*k o Oct(»ber lo-lti is being observed throughout th»- na tlon a^ Ilellglou?; Kinphasls Week ThJfi w>ek. emphasis l>; belni; placed upon the fact that religion should hav4* a definite relationahip with our «|ally lives. In observance of thin week, the College has b* en fortunat** eiMiugU to obtain U(*verend N. J lloblnsiHi <if Ualelgh. N. to offlclat.* at dally s»-rvh'«‘s from O<iob«*r 12 to fije ISlh al Ihe school. Uever«-nd Koblnson Is speaking at the regu lar chapel p4rlodff and ev»*ry ev ening. Iwglnning at 7:15 o’clock. The student bo<iy is turning out to hear him in large numbers. The meetings are being hel<l In the gymnasium. At the (hupel p*-rlo«l on Tu«'s- day. October 12. U'wrend jtobln- 4on spoke on “Kxcuses.” In con ned ion with this topic, h** ■‘alfl: “Sometimes when we are chal- leng»*d to do a dlffh'ult task, w»* offer 4*xciises. All of Us can find them, iiartlcuarly. if the »a>k U to our liking. A gr« at danger come- . from getting lo the point when prefi rred I ofT*T exctiH*--* *<0 Uiiie. that we I'Ven b**llere th» m ours«‘lves.“ WItli his topic as ‘ (Jod" and taking his t**xt from I John 4:12 and 1;1K, H**v»*rend Koblnson re- mrked: “(Jod revealed Himself little by little lo th** fathers, th»*n to prophets such a> Amos. The p«*o that tfm“ thought of flod (;o<l of vengeance. Kv« 11 to day. one may hear a person say 'Why did (Jod tak** my l«»ved on*- onfronted me with this questhin after the whe«*U of a heavy truck had <;rushed the life out of her child hare hmi pb^ spirit. Surely something but on the oth**r hand the gain tends to oul-weigh tlw sacrifice. The feeling of the up- per-« lassmen Is apparent and even away?’ One woman the faculty has not completely out* grown the old l<lea. The upper classmen are ♦.v«»n given the privi lege of marching out ahead of th>* Freshmen from chajnd. Iful t7»e few privileges that are l**ft seem TO BE GIVEN NOV. lOTH Th<- ()'iolM*r monthly meeting of th»* Dramaih- club war; hebl Weduenday I'Venlng. Th»* pt‘d- <|ent. Kobt Johnston, ju* ddj il and presented the program parti cipants Tin* program arranueo by May Main** lonslNled of a nuiii' lH*r ot talk-' by iiienjbers of th'- V'agabons <»u soiih* of th«* pre., ••nt-day acl«»rM and aclr‘ss«-r, Th» first to be (iliicuK^ed that great actr«-is'. stage and ;.<reeii, Helen Hav‘*H. Sarah Halii Watii. the j«p«*aker. told of ,Ml»< Hav^’ Ideas pertaining to acting both on the s<-r«**-n and the bgltlmale stage. TIm* dfs^ufflon was <-x treinely w<*ll directed and was »‘H Joy**d by all those preH«*nl Th ni'Xi a<tr‘>« dlncuv'ied was Dm ( lair Mis*' Clair**. a««ording lo David l^ wis thi* di^'ui * r. Is an urtisi who iHdb v* s in - If ••xpr<" Hion aiMl human *lem»*nt In her act|<»n;: yMfr<*d f«und and Kwine Fontainiie Nicr** v"r% Inter^-ttting Iv r»-vued bv \largai«'t Oiitla'.s Sind Dorotliy Hotme. An lniere--< = Ing thing brought out In the db fussion of .Miss Fontainiie wa.s the feet that ln r original siu“- “ wa scorwl In th<* pr<»durtlon 'D'»l- cv.“ This play wys u*wd a- tb«* roninit’iu prodndion by th' Vayabondf- la«l >*-a* ’.vlth Mar jorie Dew playing the covi-ted lead a- Duby. After all of the dlnu»>sloi.> -Miss Kleanor Snyder th*- dlie«toi' an»l advisor of th*' Vaga!»‘»nd (ommented on <b<* actorr and told Pliins Arc Bring Made By Lyle Saunders Chairman of N. S. K. A. AT ALttERQUERQUE l.yie S-undfis. National Siu- d» nip FetbMallon A-'-o. i,»ih»n <’oi» « ';;li!nun and Kdltoi \«*w Mt-ii;I.ubu, ba^ iM iirlv *i>m- pletid plan" f«:r X'M’ ('bri^tm^*- g«thi*rh'K n( F .\ mrmln*i^ as AIbetqu<* Th»‘ n« %^h npfii- «-d Student I'nlon butldlu;^ and rcKulai dt>rmlt«>i i: .. ulll b«‘ n-ulv : til l'*«e|\»- lh-= Ml'- ts of tin* thlt- t**i*uih Annual C<»ngre"< lu)p«’ to Im’ itble It) ent«*r tb»n th*’ ili*lejat«-« for « n*glsira-. tbni !• •• ' f a llttlf m >re than tw»«ut\ doll.ti H llpl' « ^ Suutl' dfi'* “This iongtc-'s iv going to I tmi null h le -i than tU<^ prcctMil ^ Ini; OUry " In a unlqu** v j‘v, th** a«tlv|tb - of the ^iudt*nl itiumiU. will b« lhorougbl> studliMl at thi> con-' gji .-., ai<<>i«lln» to thr program, tlrav. n up by Saundet s and .N S , F. \ pi ••'-•5:S«-nl .Sorlhward ovi-i ih»‘ sitmni'T An **ffort 1MII madi* to dl->tuv>*r analn tho func ! Hon of th«* Htuib'nt roniiclU In Am<*ii< III hlxin-r «d\icatlon Once, this h.:^ b« < n i!Uie«*cl upon. Hi'* vuii«>u“ Hctl\itii't of pM'sfUt conn- ril>H will be raiefull) anal>t<-d f)nl> wIh n (*.grei fu» nt h.:'' Imm*ii l«'arb'*<l i«s to what tb<* count'll, n’loultl llo, will .*Ip HtlllitUM* be dKcus-ftl? Studfnt Coiiiitil pt**-.ld''nf^ who an* tiylng to Mnprovc th<* iM-r liii- nel -••jviif-' [)ii tb'i' own cam- pUsf jrlll In- inJ: »t'mI III a liamphb't put i»Ul b> lie i>-aq (*«»nn<ll Iff Kdiicatkon, '"Ihf Slu- tl>^ ■-sun ' .'M • .»f Vie.'. “ li, • outali:^. man. :d«M« that the hnr ra • d pt'i--'id<*nt nin\ find h<*lprul S« tur«* II by 'iding t«*n c<‘iift. tt» Ibe CiMin* II, 4il 7 n Ja« K "u riac**. i Washini'J«ui, D C ! Statist!'14‘i« .t-.4-«l bv N S !•* A '1h)W that folb :*" h*-.iltli InMur- unit* ha> proved Itself useful tti stijib-nt' ul Dartmouth Colleg«* and Hit* l<nlv«*rilty of Kansas ai • rdiiu to reptirti of bt*alth i< i \ i»«* illietlm at tin- lwi» InstltU' tltii^ Tb*' lijlletl m.itf D^'partnii'iit of Ilih'lioi\ OfTKf tif Ftllh-al Ion, f ha:< jiisl published a bulletin ilfnl-j Jfi,'" “Sfud*-nf il'.iltlj ill liitlltullon- of liiglH'r K<lu<-a- tJon. V. hli h piovlcb : a compK -' : hejiNivt* Natltnial \ <»f wt»rk b< Ing tlonr In thi*> fi«*bl. In th«* stut|i*ni field. Ihi** cam paign 1^ Ixing i|lr«*«t*‘d at pi<Heiit l)y tho National Slucb-nl Fi-dera- lloti. th<- Anii't'baii Sludi'iit Ciiloii. tu- V M r A and V W (' A. co(»rdinati*d Ibroiii-'h Ihti AmHrIc.ta Vouib <'onr.i. if a '«tu<b'nt a o'latlon ha^ noi Im • n itfTillatfd a lib the Na-*' ilonal Sititbnt Fi'd>‘iation In the, pa-^t, art- invited to Join a (‘oiin- rU'v. M«*nib«*r«b[p wUh a «u.t «ifi iwti t«*niM p‘*i ••nndl**d *«tudtiii.! ‘.viih .1 mlnitnun) of fH) and uj jnaximum ■)( Sii.'t no. j Glee Club Expects Successful Year TO SING AT CHURCH CONVENTION IN NOV. Striking: the tMiniliar ihoidH tjf, thi* (d«l ma■<l••|^'. till* (*|e«« iiub once nior' pr«pan*' I«»f H- t'Oi ri*H*^ Tli«r»* b> an *ariieMt jut-p Niat|t>n ftir tbf Chib’’» >« iiih musi cal pr<igram at tbi« Ntolh CarullHit Christian Con>«-nHon Thlt \f»i‘- r<inv«-ntlon will b«* h«*ld <«t <<<dtlsbott) I'be Cire Club \«ill b<* tin* featuie altratlton al th'* Allaiillt (itriKllan ('tOb'ge Y«»uth ll.inqut't, iiii annual arTuh,| also. I'l ofi-*^'»or Font4iin«*'s v\«»ik hboultl Itf biKhh c<»mm«*titlfd He ha*-- \«ork>«l uiM-easlngly (t> f(i( in Vhf " •I*’* >*1111 n« u inati'ilal from thf Fit dinun iia'<' 'I'he final Helftllon of ni-w m>*mbei-> has bi'«n matl«< .^iitl tin* oigaiiixntlon now niaiids fvtn larger than last I BELIEVED IMPORTANT Everything Conrrrning Sludrnt Body Patkrd To Hr Publithrd. 'I'll'- Kk'-« lit 1 It 11‘j.ii i| pti-^t'tl ttl eb‘\i-n nil iuIm'I ‘ l«i e- ' ha ni I W Tb. M Ki year : i I’host* M ho haVt* h*‘ard Hh bai mtiiilc; dtirlni: pinctb** N%oubl. r<*adll> agi«*i* Itiat til*- Cb<<* <’iufi wi'll till liK to another gr*ul vcur. K>qU{“«lii fen con-, icrls \t\ Ibf Club liMVt* b****n le ; tflvi'tl bv .Mr Hllb*> ••^*‘n b» f«»r ■ till- full club lAiis finally -bMird and oiKailiZi'd A iliMible i|Ui(tlot filled one tif tln*;'» fUgaj-<• in« nt' : r*t**nlh On Hi** ufi(d>-. til mJ wJ;ii lilt ^ h pb-a'^tMl with llr. favorable' promlsi- j Y.W.C.A. Plans Varied Program The Young Wtiiut-n s Christian AssiMlutlon of Atlanlit Christian ('ollegt*, undi*r the h*adeishlp of MaiKar<*t Outlaw, has platini'il !•' havt* >arlctl prttgrains this y«*ar. d<’allng with subjf<tH ami prob- lt*m In which the stud«'nis an- In- ter'*Ht«*d The lirst HiibjtMi p»<--t-nlfd toi th«- piesblflit ft»r tllMUssion »a “Ith iilK “ Th«-n “Mys«*lC* was hiik gfslfil bi-tiiilsf It U om* of Ihe groatest ptoblt-nis p<M»pb‘ h.iVe t<» fact- lotlay Aftt*r “.Mystif" i .iint- th*‘ bb-a <»f “Myself and My| Frlen«ls“ 'liiU topir dlscuss ed at the last m<*«'tlng with Annnj Sounders lending tb«* dls<u*s|oi: I MUi' Saun<l»Ts ga\‘* k«»iim« i«*ry in- ti-rfstlng and vahiabit* points on rrl. M(M.I|. . .».■) t' i Tin* pn-slt!i»nl of Y W f A ' woubl a|ipit-i i,iii knowing any, MubJ*-rt or ptobb'in tb<* 'lud<*nts an* inlet i-stfil lu hihI Invltfs « vt*i jf young Momun to the m<etiiii;H m the louiire #*v«')y Mond.iy nt 7 o’tlock. m* inb«*i> ln< lutb S -*iib \\ artl, 1*1 estdi'iit . M • ‘1 rice pt t ■'hb-nt, M.'m t.j. *> tary. .Mtllai d Iti.i 1 ;. ■ ui S«-lm t .M ner. t« i-i • ^.l i\. --f ouisitb* iludtnl". ' 1Mllt lt< tb’ii, pMr'Itb'iil of D-'iniM" t 'ouIII II. A J .M'‘> • pi' It Men'-^ Dt)intltoi> f.-ui:. i., >^1 l';b*i(ntii Snjitl»T a?.' M» I-' Hotlgt N. |.Mult> nii-tiibi-i' (*!; !• . b) slutbnls. .Mi'^ 1: ' -I I.'bill :=! ami Mr C A J.unt.n ta uiiv lfl>ieM-ntattv«-s el«.l*il b> lb«' faculty Th<* piitptiKt* of tlii« Ho.ird k it Hi'l'Vi* Ul an linbht 'd b- ail o{ t;.. Cnop»*inllve tim'i I iitiM'iilal ti ni whiih ha<i bt in t rT< t; this tuuipus ft>r u hub' ni>- >• i« yt«ai lih Jurlsdh lltiu imiu«lf« .iiiy tjisf- vshlch mirbi Ih M*f<*ii'<! lt> it b> flllM'r thf M'-n‘’» to \\ • ; . n'0 Doi'inlliON C(tun'il> It al<*<. mo tluili'« fotniing 111'- budiet i the i*xp>>ndlluif« wbith ■ ■•U d* r thf bejul III lb;- ‘limb n' llvil> l-f<* IC» uHKln.ft ♦•Ul t lonal po«i> f| ;i:: ludc ill ^ . ••! thi'iitliiK. gambliiit-. I. lo. ■ :i*td otbi*. mtitlei wtii< : >ii >-.tt pn»- vld(*tf fttr in cllb' i th< Nt« m'k <>i \\’«Mn* n • < »»uni ' i'"n ttinu.jii-* J'riur i t III) liin> ili*' •i‘<tnu« . . - I . . 1 • II f.. I ... ^^5’ More Bull. . . y y tlif )-.v al* IM *11 • .. ■ I • , I • ii tb-nt' <»f I htj i-tiib . •• V. I ,1 i-d U'ttnth lb- ‘‘j i‘Mt iti III'- < :inipiii .tin; i«! Hm* I a<>! h tIVf ifoatd Itsl'lf lu* : tli.tllt 'tl this old mor«' Tn;;!!) b><iii Ixe that th<« aitloiis >d tin* ll<>M<'t! are of iniit h uoni*-in i<» thi u d*nlM betilUHC it i|ll«->tiv .iffiitv thi'in iiiiif alr<» lift au«>- tli >. tb" htudfiiis, must abldi- In •' U< t lon», unb* : , of i imiimiv th< v h mb lo appeal to Ihe fuMillv ttr l<« lli:* Ktiiiid t»f 'I'ru^tffK i»f thf Colb*gi‘ itfiitUse of this fait It I d<*i-m •m] advl*!ibbt ti> luak: public Itt ;)t« -.1 n il nir t bt< I uIlM > ‘•r tIm I>- • >■ tlv<* lioaitl wbli h al' <'ih<‘‘lii’ ’ Altli Ih*' tiudt-ni bod', tir >'<•111'- :;roup .IS a H hob' lt<>M<v<i. 111! pt'ti^inal m.ilti-i". iiit'lniilnr dnnk Ing, g.tmbllng, i lo- iiiio , u p> n «b>n, lit , will |>niat<i a pll\iilo matter In 1 hi ni*Ai U' IK ol 'I Im' < ol l(*glatf a -umina>\ of tli<>i .i<l|oti-' will bf pubhdiid 'I'b) v>il Ih« Found undt-i it 'bo> h'-ot ' on thi- 'dilonul p.tK<- ol tie p.ip' ih<-n. ii 4I1011 ' iiniinai jr 1 u n i*ai b inonl h It i» bopi d that •till it«id lhe-< tiumi.irl'-s and think alHfiit Hh.ii tlj' Itoati : dojng, :• If 1> la in . li that 1 In will wtii h for an * s - »• gi • aii r • “ ojK*rtiiive »pJrlt Im I w«• n tb« in. » K] J "C n Mh*r Hill )e tudi'nti l!y I.KO.V KOKliL'CK “Why Ik (;<h1 ho todaj, ^hat |irfMlin-tion ard Hiuf tn th»* of lir<-at lra([<-dy7 Is your (!od lh:«i iiiily to b«> a diasRi-rlni: (••«• that . kind of a Cod? Crrlalnly. no man onl.v slio*'. havp not d>-rilo|Hd would ha»H wanti-d to take th ' romplct*' equality. NV‘- «>■*■ ’itlHrllfi- of thin woman-' child away holdluK on to xoni*- f'-w of th-- old (;imI I< belter than m.m at hl« princliile.*. Hut th<- fact p malni, lM•«f," w^ art-not hailnit i>ur fr<"<hm<n a<' U<v'T<nd Uolilnnon. pa»ior of »e oni« did, not only b<-<auw w:,-' Ihe <.-hrl»ilan Churih of llalelich. hav<- b*'cn n’l conKtruitlvely r*-- has offlrlatfd In that posliloti fo. form*-d hut thf stat>-has actually th*- past s.-rcn months. His hom<- m. t the situation with l.-i:l«latlon. ^ Ik In T.-xa«, but h- t.i t>- Surely ha.< b»-en an advam-e- «(.|| pleased with North Carolina inent in bulldInK up ronnd.n.e - and morale In our Kr-«hm-n. W- She was a hi* po1ltl<lan s are proud of the fact, that In dauithler, but I was up lu h*-r treating th»* Kreshtn**n as ladl»-s rally. and gentlemen insti-ad of a» j_.. •■^oHts ■' we Iir.. far ah*ad of most. I «imd‘T who thin fx prnnion i» o! lu., ■oll-.m., '■! U;1 I.'”. tU.-.l '-li- lK)>i iin ..11 tttllnj. the »»erre|jt of fh«'ir ninte-h*.« .\(j Snyder ilmn point'd oul the (|ual* itlen of a g<»«Ml actor f(tr the lH»ne fit of the new nwmlM'ts of ih»* or* ^anlzaialon ind dla/ u»med the cor- ri-ct t«-4hnb]u*' of th»* slave It wii» announc*-d at the < los** of th** me«Mlng that next ni'tntb's meeting would Iw (oin|Hj»wl of a Workshop, play given and dlrt*ci- ed by memlMT* of ih** <lub. Thi* annonnct'inent wan rwelv«-»l with enthn*ia>iin by all preiMMtl Th** VagalKjnds have marled the ri.K-:!7 «eason by planning a tifW pruduiiioti The pla\. whbh takes itii iif'tting In the uiouotina of I icontiuucd ou If ,\ < .ill r*«»od Allantb Christian and otlii-r <*<db*i.:'- iu»l«*nis know, lhei>- ai many dlft«i< nt and di* v>*riifit*<: I .'p and foriiiH of the ! o < alleil “l^iill" ff 1 ini > have JuHi a few inotiM nil- nf )<mr mont , laluit-dt' time I Villi end<*avor toi /nllKbi**n ilKtsi- ft'w (VKUV FKWj lot v,ho aie <(tll| In tbi- <lark | in r* ; ird ' to this J iibj**t l | To «‘.« n t!i»* ‘ nal obs»*rv<*r, j It r-‘ Mn; at thi- llr<t glati'e that iIiIr articb" U an illustration of lln ijbji-rt You an- rijiht. »o far I hav'* wrltlin nolbinK but “Mull ' b**re and I will corMltiui* tr> do ho until 1 ba'.i* finlr.bitl writing thU till-: V *Vn ol you H ho ar*‘ JJ viTr«-d in thlr Him* tb'-re Is abno* liit<’: n«- neeil of voii reading any further, in f.nt I hop<* that * oil will dlsfonilnm* |H*ruNing the‘»* lines b‘caus<- a lltll** lat**r <»n I might “h> ' ld«*ntally“ «t«*p on vour toi s (of Miitrse thU will b** “a< t iib'ni Iv <nx purpOM* '. Soin<- of y<Mi fri-shmi-n. who ar<* null a little grei-n »»n >HMn«* suh- ji*cin, might al first iMjllevi* (hal this tlinn- is foneern«*d with lb* *>(»•.lib •< iM-if or "le^it whl<*h l«. n*r»‘*i T») him or ln-r In thedin*| in;.' hall • • • v«-r, nm h la not ih»* from Ii>'r«ait«r I hIihII lonflni* my-i «>«i( «'ntlr<*ly 10 th«' two kinds <»f 1 “fftill" whiih Is iiiort iutportant for th<' freshman to b'arn tif :>he or h** hasn t tlon* *»o already ••llh»r In hl« nhort j*fa* hnn* or In high s< hoi/l 1 I i»op*' that the) | fihe frenhmeii I bin* alr**ady at | »|iilr**d and pMf«ctid the habil} of 'shiN»tlng (io'ai hiill .IH It will ^ SJive Ihefjk Ii.iwh t*o.ib|e in - f Lollc,i«<I ■ * '■ In lb«* pii < '-ding hi*nli ii< • I havf m«*)ilon<*d ibe ''|ileal“ fyp'' Of Ifiill to masM r t;ood Mull or ld*al Hull may be di fined as tb«* kind which Im piu<li<allv 1mpo»^ slbb* foi th'- profe-nors to i* . */f. nizi* '!>- bi'Ui); ftiill Thu is what nlllniali'ly all “ Mull-Shooh-t as pin- lo lejiih. Howi*v«*r, pitiful HM it tnuv < tn, few, in fai l very f*‘W. rea< h this goal Moitt of tbfio stay lu thi* rut, betn.' just ordinary sIioiKits tif Just plain, i vi'iyday bull which Ih easily by any in- |e||lg nt ptofi'snor This Im tb** group •.libb sIiooIh t«*a<llly understood bull uf lh<* tuonl rhHdish t>p<* If )m 'hara' lerlzed by Itii utli*r simplicity of form and languagi*, to say noth* ing of lh«* :i|m|d«* way tts “put over" i» Htti-mpied. Tt>er«- Is aUo hn I'nllrelv <|i*ar ab»4*ni<* of ktiov^. ledge or fH>-tH (n Ihlt type. It IM well kfiown by th»« more e*p«|. b'lMi^d oni*« of thin “trade" that t(» havt* “<;ood ffuir there must Im- at l**ani a spiinkling of fact4 pr**s‘nt. atid. the |enn facts the more ter hnir|ue. tact, and dtplonu ly In n«*<<'snary. This fact must b«> thoroughly undcrstootl and prm- tbed by an>one wishing !«> fdi- tain iM'tfi'ctlon uni! proflclen<) in thin line To Iho«i*- of you who wUh tn gain p«*rf*'rilon of this kind 1 w|»h you ail the lu< k pnsHllMe biid f trust that p^fsslbly a f'w of the staal«■)nent^ t hHV»> mad<* might b«' of a<>me it>««' to you in obtaining your goal To ih<^- «hf> ar** »ii< cessful I give my mowt nIu- V PLAN YEARS PROGRAM TIm- mi'n's choiti» -l .*ilautl*' f'htisllan ('olb'gi' b.is nmilf i»>K strldis In It* pioii-'s >ilnn- ih«* eliib'w r»'organfwi"'n H»^* b<'- .inning of the st hool vi ar < oi* «!uttic| this yi*ai iiiM»«‘t thi* **'i» b*nt and »iH< li-ni li-ud* i>-bii' oi Mr UuNiMdl 0«»liifcis. oilglli.i! r o ' t he Men's (‘hot US, Um lob * » lo attoinplish muny thin 'i. fitaaon Indbatlon was nt.t'l^ II Ibi I !m»mm ma> /. =o f • b'ranin In thi* fulun* a^ '. i« -' i h, general pii*iw*ntal >•> >•= ' around thi* iolb*ge ^"irtj > ta- ililltr recall tb»* '('illtfc,*’ <‘ahare! ' whbh %»a .'«m Ui ll“ dining hull last inii., '1 li» -if- fair wa; the ii.;wnln;' •-tent of the yi 'f In Ib'- i»-t;:j^i. lion of maiw ^'io ati* ‘ TH< ( horiiR 1» miikii!- pi- ; for ‘h* i n tablishment ' ti;. “C«. I , ‘ ali areC' aic an annu ! t .‘*ii ««i 1> li, Im* p»e‘eni#*d .Mr t;wlngs. In ' ' •bjk '••ar'" work, r ?* “The Men ■“ ' » I eedi-d rn> 4'x;. i tJ5’ '-II , *’ a fiiatter <»f progr» it !• als- 'tv- fur ah^ad rf the \|. n's Cf . , iaat >ei»r I hu»e no *ioi.*'' iHr*i with the e<H>|M'rat«f I'= t b«Ts of tbe Mins rfti.ry^- Ibut AUanti. ( hrlailan ^ olbu mil liar*' if not tl»*» Ih*sI. tt"“ i • Rt of Ih** I horu"'^* ((Jvutiu'iMi ■' • j LI

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