PACe POUR THE COLLEGIATE NOVEMBER 17 Continued From Front Page OlTVTAHblHt; tUIMUlU ARK |M—ky U ikra tiuU CM.«IKXr«l«WHir»1*HO ^ ^ 4CMMia«4 mm •*«*« a»sm hwtwt»< • W »*M of Um UwU laiKM itl4 mot ikow Mf |»n)ir»- !•/ 4lllmt)Hm TIm 4iffm«c« la tW nnnU ot iiHji>«4a«l •(■hImiU mn ttUt mon •frtku>( l« a eelleew grtdoMUng * a*4 MadMM g«i ir»—■>. TW Uur4 r»qa>f»«»««« M eritole»»fc#|i. TW («"Wtfc I* p<^^, iMUalMtM, Um w, ■( fotar* w*- fajMOM la taaU> tW l%i KapfW AlpM fraunxty Ha taraiaa a aanaWf «f IW varatljr W*kaiball Umm. Iftatnt Mr Bow 4aa'» )iar jraar W *a> alacta4 trmm^urwr vt ku frai'raHjr. aad Bw*>b«m Maiia(«f of IW '*Coi- laCiala * t>arta( Mr. fkxadra'a laa tor r«ar W waa alartad rW-praal •Inl at |U< fratrmitjr. Ha wt ma4m AMlataot B«*uma Manacar of IW *CaUa««ato’* aad «aa ohri- ad «ic»-p>aaid«nt of (W C!oopars- 0*0 Awocutltoa. Cjrraa Laa ca«a Is IhU talUc« froar inlaraal In daWU las la bia Mf^kaawro yoar Mr, Im raprweeelad IW colWc* al Winlkrop ia IW Novtk Allaaltc KoratMte ToomaaMtii Aa a Jiuitur Mr Laa daWlad al IW Aaaorialtaa i>f El ('al. Tkal Mma |r«ar u« btm lakan lata IW 1%) t>alla Uamma I'ra tarnilx, and aiao aladad Juntor raprMwnUllva la IW Bojr'i Donn. Itsr]r roauxiL Ihirlnc bia aanior )roar W baa allaload tW poallioa of pmtdani of IW (r- •orlallsn. TW f>«Wltn( Clab b bainc k an a^- Ihra pari In rullasa Ufa from tW vary ba«lnnin« by >oinlD( bo(h IW Wnd ai>d (laa clab In bl» fr**b- man yaar. In bia Mphomora yaar W »aa placad on IW Y. M. C. A. (ablnal. A» a Junior, Mr. Hamlin barama i*r«urtnc IWl yaar W barama a cbartar mambar of tW Ooldan Knot Sociaty. Aa a •aniot, Mr Hamlin laada tW mln- latarlal club aa lla praaldant. TW Sanlor Claaa W* alao alartad blm claaa Traaaurar Ha haa baroma a mambar of IW daWtlnc elnb and a>aa alao placad on IW 'Collaflata’' •taff Kofana 0(radow>kl cama to At* lantlr ('briallan ColUff* a* a ftad- uata of Soatk R)*ar lltib Srbool In Now Jaraay. In bl* frvabman yaar at rollaca W barama a mam bar of iW dramatic club, (laa rlub. minlatarlal club, and Y M. C. A. In bia aopWnwra yaar Mr. Gyro- domkl »aa atarlad Tlca praaidanl of IW lUapartan Lllarary Sorlaty, irira praaldant of tW mlnlalarlal club, and «aa placad on tW Y. M. C. A. cablnal. la kla third yaar W araa alartad traaaurar of bia claaa, praaldant of tW mlnlalarlal club, aoparrlaorof bolldlnva. and waa put o« tW “Collartata'* ataff In bl* aaalor yaar Mr. OtrodowaU waa alactad praaldant of IW aanior (bua. praaldant of IW Goldan Knot Honor ftoclaty, (hairman of IW Kapontlaon’ Hoard, and waa aaada mana(tn( adltor of tW “Col- Wrala* IUKJI HII.IJJT f;iV»at or TAij(8 TO .'K.vr hoi»v (Coatlnoad rrom I'm* Ona) *<|aipn>ant of larfa numWra of atu. i^nta TWy aovar all tW aub- )acta of a arall-roundad aduratloa. conaiallac of bundrada of qnaa- tloaa diTtdad Into aacUooa. TWy allmlnata IW poaalblllty of ga»*M- um and crammmc Wforakand. TW aaawan cWrl IW alatua of tW In- dlaldval In aarb *ut>)acl.iaattar flald. and tW aartatloau froa ooa fwtd to anotbar raflact kla Indl- atdaal Inlaraala and abUillaa. aa waU aa tW klad of aducatlofi W haa bad froai all aourtaa. In and out of claaaroDta* Wkaa IWaa taala wara (laan o*ar a parted of tan yaar* to a total of U,OM *ti>daala. IW raaalta aWwad atrtklnf dlffvranraa b*- twaaa eoaraaa. cell*«aa, aad Indt- aldaala. For aa axampla, claaaify- lay 0tadmts aa fraakiaan. aopb» ■Mraa, >ualora, and aanlara pr«*ad to Waa *a»y llttia «Maln( a«- rapt aa a raaiaaaiant way of rata- bvolac IW many aladanta. TW •aly aapactad raaalt waa tWt tW ■ •dtaa arora of kick ackool aanlon waa tW lawaaL eeUafa aopkoatofao Ball aad aoUaca tmtan kl«baot. WWai IW aludaata war* aafracal- ad acaaadm* lo coaraaa. tW r*- aalU wara diffaraal. Tkoaa aoplko- mtotwm lakiac a tww-yaar rarUft- <«ta «Mr«a la adaralioa la taack- ara coOacaa ackiaaad a tcoia e< Tkl* claaa waa jodcad to aoa wWl would Wppan ll tW ra<)olra- nanl for (radualloa waa a acoca cf Ui) poMla, inataad of tW con- aonllonal cradita Un tkla Wala, tkraa-fourtW of tW claaa would not Wra rradualad la a claaa In which aaaryooa mada a acora of 6M p»inl*. it aanuira, SO juniora, 49 aopkonoraa. aad M fraahman would W«a vradualad. ApplM to atudanta antarlng collar*. iWaa laata Indlcalad that IW amount uf aducatlonal waata Ihroufhout tW yaar moat ba anor- m«ua. TWy alao Indicatad tWt da- aan'lnc atudanta ara not abla to (o to colW(a TW raaulla point to ward IW naad (or a lundamanlal ravlaton of aducational matboda. InroWlns a tWroufb ablft In am- phaaia from IW maaa to IW In- ijitldual MriKI) TK.»VKI.»U< l*m-:«K.\TK KIK.ST irrt tlK.NT « ON< KKT (C’onlinoad from KronI l*a(a) aya It waa mada mora raallatk by IW .Spanab muak tWt waa playad. Mr. Rulh want on to axpl«in aoma of hi* axprrlancaa with tha nalivaa, tWlr waya of Iwlnf, tWIr cu*tom*, thair work. H* ralatad tWt at ona of iW hotala at which W aloppod, tW manacar mada IW miatalia of adding tW room num- Wr to the bill. IWcaoar of tW acarrlty of caao- llna and tW lack of good roaM, Mr. KoCh waa not abla to (o to all IW pUcaa W would hara llkad lo aaa. IlK. VI HOl'l'KK'H At>l>KI':M.>« (Conlinuad from Front fara) WWl you will W drpanda on what you do with your opportunltlaa ba- fora you now. Will you W Intaraat- Inc and W abla lo rat alonr with otWra? Today ovaratimulallon la our rraataat handicap. Tha many thinr* that wa can do ara vary danraroua to ua, bacauaa thay will rmwd out IW thine* of impor- tanca. t>r. Hoppar furtWr pointad out that today thinca of laaaar impor- tanca wara rrowdinx <>*>t our com munion with God. Ha rara ua a cWllrnrv 10 maW a placa in our llTaa for fallowahlp with God. Ha aakad ua to try and not lat othar thinfa crowd thia fallowahip out. Earn If w» fat llrad of trying lat ua stick to tW ta*k of havlnr fal- lowahlp with (iod. Tha mara thought or maan* at having fal- loatahip with God la tW moat auilaclou* thought man haa aaar had by tW tW European tonntria* are alactad awta mg mock improaamrnt under aaaparanaa batwaaa tW adauaia- daatocrat*. J ktfk*twTare le/ UatMs aad tW troupa I fa*L alao. TW SaoaU wa* 00 *W i al tW ipead at whKh they Ikat n win W a kalp la baturtag nloa o'clock on Satarday moraing -p,, oiain differmrt ,D«ch. IW ladlaMMl «oooa.> o«r aUt«« wm' TW bill m-not W»« trodocad oaar tW air waa »pon- „ important »l»<»e"* . xe dalaga-' Karrrand Hobba concluded wth tbaa, word.: i ^ in^Bl on tW bill. Mr. MOaa waajj^n an uiapiration apintoally, appointad to aarrr oa tW financa ^ j, h,, incraaaad my »ppr^- taaportant placa of laguUtioo u,: commitlaa. , tion of oor own L’nitad coaw bafora IW Aaannbly. TW b«U I TW collag« rrprr-^tad w^: j .v irf.'«tlNGING ... f^rat kUM m tW Somu. but Atlantic ChrUtl«w tK:-"""! <»XM»Kl) (»KI*H A> AOt SI. G . - — • i l.A.vS GIVKS (Contmued >-rom Front Page) g.rat Moora. Following thia waa a abort aketch of Kcmpe *. entitled •TW Hot Dog Band.” which wa« by Marie WUey and Troy Tucker. A ahort muaical aelection of ••Humpty-Dumpty and Me,” by Allen, waa ‘ung by Winifred Ma- ■on. ‘'Flitting Firefliea," by Wil bur, wa» aung by the whole claw. Another of Kempc'a recitation*. "On >ly Way to Hollywood” wa* given by Margaret Moore. A little toy -Rhythm Band", made up of the variou* member* of the claaa, played 'UaUn to the Bella” by Vandevere. In concluaion the "Sa lute to the Flag” by Vandevere Mck aa •rgaaiaalMM aad fa*) rtoua offkaa war* It artll laad toward a batlar caucua. All thoaa tW ladlvldaal groapa.” UKUa;ATKft ATTKS U M«M K LMaHLATt KK AT BALEIGH t*o«i. Mr. Laa mad> a bnrf com (Coalwaad Fma I'ag* Ona) upon raaomnaadatioa from tW Unolr-Bhyna. 8ut». WaW Foreat. It waa raconaidarad and t n,vrr*«y irf North < arolina, S>t. Mary'a. Mara Loulaburg. Maradllh, W. C. T. C.. E. C. T- C.. Appalachian .'^late, Campbell, Paaca. High Point. MitcWll. Duka, arid Wmthrop. paaaad. TW otbar bill that iW dalagatloa praaaatad araa writtaa by Mr. Slhrartboma. and waa da- algnad lo aWliab mandatory cap ital puniabmant for capital fal- oolaa. TUa bill waa paaaad In tW Houaa aad waa killed in IW San- ata by a ahrarwd manipulation of 1 parlianumury procadura on tW part at Ita opponanta. Sanator loum. The mo- tloa waa carried on tW firat vote, whkh m affect killed tW bill to aboliah capital punlahmant In tW atala. TW bill tWi araa prepared and preaanlad to tW clerk by Mr. Lae waa not conaiderad barauae of tW heavy .Sonata calendar. Many btlla war* paaaad and many dele- gatea aaw tWIr favorite place of leglalation killed by the oppoai- tlon. At a joint teaalon, the aaiembly voted to a«i>d a telegram to l*rea- Idem Rooaevelt aaking that W put on hia -muat" calendar for tW next aeaalon of congreaa a bill di recting tW Interatate Commerce Commi*alon to eliminate "unfair freight ratea now burdening the South". OtWr adopted raaolutiona called on state authoritlea not to ralae tuition at atate inatitutiona and not to allow acboola to suffer because of any decline In revenue. BmJford W. Black of Wake For- eat. Speaker of tW Houae last year, wa* again elected to head IW Hou*e Ihi* year. Other officer*! of tW Houae were Kalph Houx of Duke, Speaker pro-tem; Mia* | Daphinr Penny of Mar* Hill, clerk; and Adlai Hoyle of Wake Forest, | sergeant at arm*. The officer* of the Senate wara Joe Tally of Duka, | preiident: Charlea Holloman of) ('ullowhee, preaident pro-tem; Joe' l^nard of Wake Foreat, clerk; and John Bonner of tW Unlver- *lty of North Carolina, *argeant at arm*. The nomination* for tW va- HOKKK KPEAKS ON Kl M.MKK TKAVKM I.V Oi l) WORI-D (Continued From Front Page) nearby stream. After taking a Wth, tWy fill their veioel with water to W taken borne for drink ing purpoaa*. Tourlata must buy their drinking watrr. Say* Keverend H'ibb* in com. paring European government with that of the United HUtaa: "I find waa given. I'KKKY L. L-V.M.M Knjcraver « ATCH AND JEU'HLRY REPAIRING 115 S. Tarlj<«-o .St. Wit «m, N. C. FOR CI.OTHI'X KOK THK YOl NCi .MAN, TKY ♦ FRANK LONDON’S | 107 .S, T«rlx.r» SL WiNm, N. C. J W. I.. l)i(UKlan Shitw Fortune Shoe) + ROY MOORE'S DRUG STORE Prwcriptiom Called For, Promptly Filled, and Deliv*^ PHONE 2101. tor yolu barber work visit ■ RED’S B.4RBER SHOP 113 S. Goldsboro St TRAVEL - VIA NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD RIDE FOR 2c PER MILE E.M JAV Sl’ORTI.NG GOODS CO. lOi) W. Nash Slre INDEPEXDENT ICE & FUEL COMPANY Ice Plant, llerrini; .\ve.—('oal Yard, Tarboro and (Jold Sts, (Quality and Cn.slallizalion 2I«<; — Dial — 2187 SANITARY CLEANERS _ patronize OUR CAMPUS SOUCITORS _ 506 E. Nash St Telephone 2991 3138 TO OUR PATRONS Our Aim It has been our aim to have our goods represent greater value for the amount of money expended than can be supplied by any other store. COLLEGE GROCERY CO. DIAL 3139 Li’l’ Tom’s RAIN BOW GRILL 132 N. Goldsboro St. Dial 3240 Sach Meat^ in BI.K ATION IIKADS »;o TO CONVI’:.NTU)N (Continued From I’age One) where the registration waa held. Round-table diacuaalona for edi tor* attd buainaaa manager* of col lege naarspapera, magaiinaa, and yaar book* ware conducted In the afternoon, with Dr. Walter Spear man, llarbert lllta)i. and A. M. Heck and olber* leading the jour, naliala in their discuaalon. The bualneaa aeaalon of the con vention waa held at the Waahing- ton-lhike Motel with the reporta of varioiia commltteea. It was de rided that the Spring meeting would be held at the Woman‘a Col lege of the Unlveralty of North ramlina, and thia meelmg would be held the first week-end of May. Atlantic ('hriatlan Coltege araa repreaented by Elmer Mottem, and Robert Windham of the “Col legiate"; and Olivia Fulghum, Agnea Futrell artd Robert Jarman of tha "l*ine Knot.” II waa felt that the meeting waa of great help to the member* of oar publlcationa that attended In aiding them with their plana for better publication*, orphanage l*AN-IIKI.I.I'-MC COl Nril. (Continoed Ftoib Front Page) ell. On Tueaday night. No*. IS. the ronatitullon wa* preaanlad for ap proval. Thia movement waa started by - membera uf the different organl-; lalMMia Id cauaa a more friendly | aplrit of cooperaUoa between or- ganitatlooa, and between organi- ■allona and the adminlatratlon. It alao baa a* Ha abjartiaa sooe ■wana nf (topping dirty poUtles fonaerly carried on. t>r. Hilley *a4eed kia opiniaa of Ike aoveatenl by aayiag. "I tkiak Ikal Ike Movement vUI ba a good IktBg. l^»ra0aaUy, 1 look wnk faeor the word t»M» LiMn » MfMsTceeccoCOb ^^killful is the word that best describes Chesterfield’s can’t-be-copied blend It is the RIGHT COMBINATION of mild ripe home-grown and aromatic Turkish ... the ^orld’s best cigarette tobaccos ... that makes Chesterfield different from all other cigarettes. And it s the skillful blending of these tobaccos with each other... for fla\or, for aroma, for mildness and for taste, that has made Chesterfield the cigarette in which millions of smokers find a new pleasure in smoking. esterfield . the blend that canH be copied a happy combination of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos