PACI FOUR THE COLLEGIATE WEDNESDAY. MARCH M. CONTINLKI) FROM FRONT PA(;K WALTUI milui 01 VIES tsrt • f tvm l'r«M ) mf pimiyti WkiW Mr M.IU i« •• •**»» with •biilf; I* aittf «Ii tfpmu 0^ W U t«ciM4 iA M Wtftll • auMtor of O^rsMMi !*«^r TVi r*iC4.aU4 of th« bf Hr MilU ]Uar Wmgytmr iy b»Ak tt»i d«T K«r llsSMial W«l«f Bof Jolt—iKi i^pums* SJhpft'udi' Br«*4 Wolfs W«r« Y<»9 TWcw ? T%m Cryimg uf W»u»r ljimpbaU«Tip^^ TW n«r»i tMiK* M T\m fl«rTM< W»r« , TIm cDttpovUioaa pUyvd ^ Mr j 1^9 f wmt9 Ars^wqu# L*«rh^llk: RMunc« . . .Slb«Hw tMtsr^sj MiMimiaA i.kao •Tl DKNTH IN MKKnSC.H fC9et;AMd fr««i Kruot ffMliinMiU • frirfuUlkip rircW C»ClhvrtJif ««kS«4- Ti*#*«U]r %h» f)r«t p«rv«i r—o« mind lowr- tiACi<;*n«J Allman Tito m«iiib*r« of UUs dt«ri»»rto> ffwp ««r« Dr Mr ( Mr lUr> l«jr, Griffith Hamlin. Cim^r Mott«m. William .ShinifMoo. J«mc« Mubvr aiwl Hmry N*«kaii: In th« mtimr- mo*fH prutfrsrs rnrui*l«4 pf dt*. ru«*^^a froup« b«lr># run vimu) OfM mO **l*rtt)r«r'' WAS Wd bjr Mr < ook and IIm otH«r Ml ''V«r«tjona| CuktAoe*** by Mr tUrrUy Th* rvvntns •#rvW-»* ««r« ('•^iMlort^d with Kvrmit Wh««Ur pr«*tdlfi« ftud Mr Roh»r. *«Q pf»» UtJoM l« (‘onditrt And Char»rt«r " W*df>««d»ir th« p«A«l Mibicct h«d b ruirro««d from * and |nt«rfuhl{**fuil AffBln** to "Hr in Ogr NalK*n ** part in thta f||aru««ion war* Mr. ( ••«. Mr. RnbUon, Mr MaahUim, K*-rm(t Wh««Wr. Wil ma WtUiam*. Jam«t Koir«ni. t><>r(> thjr Roum. ard S«tma Arnmr Th* • flarnoon dt**'Uj«ibn yrt»up4 w^r d«voUd to “ll >bfcW».'* Ird by Mr Roblw^n. and "rharartvr HuiM inji" Ud Mr Hamlin Intl<«w«d thva# dl« niMton*. TIN** •v»i»inf •»rvu*M wvra c«adortad with Orarv Hod •oA prwldtntf and Mr. Warrm pf«acK . r .n "lr«tUutl0fta mf K*> • n " I>v« fti«l (itty o( Um ^rw* mm «. Olitrta Fultfh^rn. And Jim 1'^ Mil«^ pr%.ui«M>o irtu«p« will b» h«ld in lhi> aftvr noon on "Why b« a C’hrlaiian'* AfxJ **Wbat (*olWff« M« " Th#»# will b* l«d b)T Mr Warm and Mr Maahburn. With tha rrvnlnif wor •lltp Ui'lnff M by Wilbur OoUaw and I ha Mrmon un ' Id*aU of f'hriatian lavinf** bjr Mr (’•Mjk. th# pru^ram will and. Th« mlniatvrv on th« rampui for Um fuur day (jra^ram war« th# •pvcial jfoaats of tha colIvKf’ and mmdrn lhair atay with vartnu^ faniHy mamb»r« Thay ifwlu«)«Ki Mr liarrlajr. pastor of Wtl»4>n. Mr Mjuhtum, pastor al Karmv:!!**; Mr, Hi>hi*un. pa«t<>r al RalvifK. Mr C'ook. pa«tor at Kintton; ami Mr Warrvn. pait4>r at Win»lnr Aalam RIRHY VKUK Ht'K.\KH >'<>l R TIMKM TO W|Um>\ At DIKNt h r 9arand. h<>w murk la a man an- tJtlwd lo* All k*> r»n t»t i» popu lartjr ar««pt*d Third. rtMwpattlion f tha naior- al Ufittmat* aad narr«Mry math od far *c«nAmt.*« F«arth. Ihr »dva of A«>iv«arnm«nl and ■ct>- "flimtlarly lh» «am« hiaaa arr applivd U* th« tntarnallonal r»ta. W# arcapt nallofMil mtaraat •a tW tmatf dnw f.»r affrrttvr wtwmmmv, natural arquUitiufi of matimum pow*r ai>d pfiviUffa lAtarnati.^I e*^patilM«i hrmt tef ahv«i« (“laAh of rival Mnprnal lam« arid aniitartam*. and th* ktra that Ihr ».>% araiyn «tata la a alatr fra« frQM any rwalraini ** Mr l*a#v pot forth an iiitar*«t inff ()ti*«tM»A to tha •tttdanS b*w{v by aaktnf whirh w«« mora bn«i for huaaan viaturv to riv» •rif fta*‘rifM'» t>p *^|f i:- Uraal Th# anawor* warr vanrd Rvl. ari-ordinff to tka Mpaakrr. (Ka‘ Aipinilid upon lh« atimulu* H*- pnmlad o«i that a rry for halt vwnld rail for ImMaUiata •arn fWial a^km o« thr |>art nf v./.an t»*r* to 4anth Saif InUr- wwild. in *vrh hr Ip ih* bnrkjround On tks« a*«wffipc»nn. M** Pl»r» huUl th» framework for dt«‘>«ur*«> I ak«wln(r tha h'^pafal a«|>»rt wi’l whirh lha ao.^nllad tfhn'>l><’ t»lf« mn ha vtawad lU rlMrtjr U>dirkU4 «h»l lK» tn-,r pnmi— •Ul«4 »r* njtur»l tnr to fiva a3iprn«*iii?Tt to |ik» wIm. |h* pi#Mtta» ary> ^a?nra’ fof nation t> Yat, •^''Wod pf tof thaaa accapl«d, fa^a« pram*aon tha fpi* mwtunl for anU mUraaC amon« pac»»** ax*d nniWi, fair •hnr« |«M» idm. mtamnlM'rm. wrgammti'.^ in mutunl b***arfila fwr idM cMpatilMin, and. in- icrnntMKMl cooparatkm baintf avh* Lo tniarnniwal law fpr praa. mi (daa of uJHtPVchaW* Mpar- •tntua.'* *ThM cniU for tha atminc i^w *««da Wa hnva ihn dilvffmn prvMot, fur, thla twnmrmlHm muat •*>w lb« iaad< whik it la rvapina th* eona«^u*Ot»a uf tha bad mmmU 9om» b)r pur forafnth* Wa avoid Mima uf lha aiu yi^*«<4iMOcaa uf tha pnal tow* itig Th< • halWftCa ramntna cUnr. Hvw lan wa llv« U) aoeh na bour wh«n |prpc««Ma ot Ufa aoom to ba u:Up«mtf^ How can wa prucaad m an hoar *t trini -aowms th« iww >««d« in lha fnca ol tha ctmaa* m>rrvc»» •jf tha pl4 aaada? Hoth aftanioon maarims* nt tha Nvgru High School and nt iba In- larnattuenl RaUtloon Club wara m->rw mf >rmnl Thajr w*ra of tha («n«ral di»cuaakm typa. Tba ft.fbl »aaalun nt tha Cnro- llti« R»*m olar>ce lUr* tha dnngara of war and ita aff». mora bittrr than avrr. Nothirt^ ha* bran iattltKl by war ” .NOMI.NAtlONS M)K NKXT rKtlMIOKNT IH |-<)MTKI> ((■onlinurd Krom Front f*agr) '*am# a rn*mbar of tha l*hi Knppn Alpha Kralamity. and wna atH pomtad a»aoruita.adllor uf lha Tnl^giaU. Ha wna aWctail Haf ratary of tha Man's Dormitory rntinrll and conlinord hla actlva fiarl in tha YMfA. th. CIra Criub ar»d tha boxing tram. In hla ju nior yanr ha wai rlartad ad'tor of lha CoiUgiata and bacama tha cap tain of thr brmilory Coun cll. Ha la vlra-proaidrnl of l*hl Kappa Alpha. Robart Jarman la fr»»m Kinaton and l« a mlniiitrrlal atucirnt. In hit frr«hman yaar hr wa« an a«* tlvr m<*mbar of tha VM^'A •r>d thr Miniatarial C^ub. Hr wn< aUo a m«‘mhar of tha (*lrr ('lub and thr Mrn’a ('horua. During hl> •oph4imora yaar hr br« amr a m»*m ‘wr of l^r |»hi iWlta (iamma Kra tartiiiy artd wa* rlr^'trd a« a rrbt n*-* .)ffii-rr of thr Hr wa« appolntrd a« a«- mana^'rr of thr l*mr Kn**i Hr ronlinurd hU nctivr part tn th* Mtmalrrial Club and wa« rln-trd Traa«urrr ..f hia fratrrnlty f>ur. mg hit Jur lor yrar hr wa« rlr«*tr'l a* Mana^r • f thr l^n>- Knot and wa« madr vicr |>r*'*idrr? >f ihr YMt'A. Hr hr>«*»m«* a mt-ni bar of thr Hrhglou* Kducatmn Ium'^ i»*r*r and took an a«*tivr part m thr Rrilgtou* Kmphn*is Wn k Jim Kd MU<^ l« from WiU*»n •nd >• a tranafvr atudrnt front (’ampbrll <'oilrgr. (>urtng hl« two yrar* a« a «tu>)rnt al ('amphrll ('o'lrgr h** took an nctivr part in drbating and wa* a mambrr of th* Law (lub * t whirh ha wa* Prr»rdar*t during hi* aophomor* yaar In ht« yanr al A('t* ha ha* tak rn an activr part In r.a! KvlAtH>n« ('lub. Ji>mr« Sul>rr i« a Juwor and !■ 'r-»m N r IU« fr^hrtuan \emr ki- !ivn| »m Ihr «ampu« mutl *»t a mrmirr of tha VM<‘A «n1*) itu'rnt During hia Sophoiu'm' >f*»r hr wa* An Activa mambrr of ha Mrn*« Quartrt and of th'* In ^rnati>»Tal Krlatums 4'|ib HI Jwniur >f'4i’ ha wna a ^..anibri of • he .M<‘n » Qunrtal iin«i wa« rl^ctad rrr«M|rnt of tha Irt^rnaiionnl Ka !ali >r.« r?'jb i:*»NOR sn DFMH <;IVKN H\NMiKr n\ * n- t 1 .J h r. Kr n*. T.» cl M-Tgan. I a h Hrrrmg. Mr H Hairi n. Mi«« Martha Kdm »r .**r.. Vr« l.’iX)b«'t^ Vavofaki. Mm* frun<’p« Hnrprr, Mi«« rt\ lU-prr. Mr J W KoM'.n*. Vi'* ^gnaa r#aW. Dr 8a Ik Jrnl.n .. Dr KiitaSrth Wtgnr^r, ami Vr . .1, r T^• V. *r; Oii-.ia Kj • ‘ Am - M:' ;r f *; • ? . K.^|. V. Nr,.r 1^.- Kif- * l«-'W Gi-»id H*Twar, I &arl>»t*-' Brvwha, Mnry Knckoa, BaCt^ Lajw, Mary l^rmn^a* Bmhop, lUrnJi Kulghoan. Soaaa A1ac« WnU«r. Jac^ovitfta Dnfti#!, nad Mra. Sot Coo tar Maoara. Cyrua Law, Crtfftth Hnmlia. Coira*M O^v^idowaki. L. V. Godvtn, JttliAn Kohock. WiiUmr .shir.glatxra Cha p«hlic m pirtura of tha •prjrta aituatioa At tha collaga. Appmmnng on tho procrnm wara ftad Rogars. ranaatioanJ bnakat- bnll atnr; Chick Andrvwr*. boxinc 'oA-'h; Klmar Mottam, hanry- wright boxar; Clbort Moya, atnr pitchar for tha hnnabnll tanm; Ar> rhia l>nnlr'.», cAptnln of tha tan. nia tanm. and Humay MeCoit«r. naauiant aporta aditor of tha Col* Wgtnla Th* fantur* of tha pro- gram «a« tha rabroniirAat of tha flnnl mlnuta of tha ACC-<.'Atnwbn hnakatbnll gAma Tha announrar wn* Rohart Wmdhnm nnd ha gara n mpid-flra dancription of tha gnma Tha l^lblkelty Commlttaa thru thaaa brrjndcnata la Attempting to put tha Ufa At tha collaga bafora tha public and atudanta nlika. Tha aariaa will continua %r|th brond' cnaU by tha Glaa Club and othar orgAnliationa At tha collrgr. And aattling on fnrwa. T^y will proh*h(y aurt *o»a modtm math* ad mt tmrmuiM. mad Ihxm wiU hm mn impmUu to • grant ch*ng« to Chi- naaa liviAg. WhMi Mr Bnrclny finjahad lha lactnra. h« AAoranrd (|Oeatwaa * whuh warw pratantad to him by m«mbara oi tha cinb dkhatk tkam mkkth w a m. <('oftt>nt»rd From Front pAifr) Jartrd plana to ratum tha dabair maat At Norfolk In thr nanr fu> tura. In tha manntlma. with only lha poaaibillty of aaaaral mora foran* •It roaata, tha collrgr tanma ara dlllgantly At work for thr GrAnd FAatam ToumAmant to ba hald In tha middia of nrxt month nt Rock Hill. 8. C. It la raportad thnt Atlnntlc Chrlatuin will ba r^praarntad nt thla tourriAmrnt by Cyrtu rAptaln: to ba with Kuganr OffTodowikl on thr nfflrmAtlvr, •nd Ray SUvrrthomr to ba with Jim F^ Mllaa, on tha nagntira. Hugh Krlly will mnka tha trip aa An Altarnnta. Mlaa Snyder, dabata conch, pinna to mnka thr trip to South Caro- linn with tha tmm. RF.I.ATIONH CM H HKADKD BY SrilKR. IH RW>R(;aMZH> (C«>ntinurd From Front PAga) thnt wr should help Chinn,** atatvd Mr. liArcUy. **whAt will wa do to halp? Tha following Action hai bern propoaad: that wa refrain from helping Japnn. by refuaing to grnnt them lonni and rrfusinK to sell them munltiona; that wr grant lonna And military Aid in rhirui.** Thr jApAneaa Ara continuing to puah further into Chinn. Thr ( hinaar Ara alow moving people, and hnrr hrratofora been reluc- Innt to leAVa their homea. Now lh**y arr being forced wratward. aUMM news Tha foilowing fund* Hat* been r^.^ad by th# Trnmarrr »inc* lha Inat iaaoa o/ The CoUegiaia: Amu pr»»ioo»ly rtporU<) riomm HmU BraUb * AnT»lW Fr»nJu 6 00 Unoir Coonty Unit . • * ( H HAMU.N WBITKS WMiKI.CT (Contiftuad Frw>m Front Pnga) "Thrmt of Ger!n*n*World Poli tic*** on tho an me bAAU Aa £dith Abbott'a *'Dvn»«cmcy nnd Soi.;nJ l*rurraaa in Cng.and**? Tha author makra clanr thnt nc> A«iamic frnadott n daniad in An>er> icnn collagea d»f50g wnr. Accord- , l ^ tog to Mr. HAm;:n, only HArvard ^ Alumni who bA« not contribute Among tha Inrgar Inatilutwi# of ^ Ara urgently requeated to forw higher lannitng to thia counto' j their gift* to the Secrelnry. look A atnnd f«r nmdemic fra<-. On Snturdny, Febninry 18th, m dom thnt compared fAvorAbly with macting of the Alumni in the atnnd of Bntiah univarvitiaa. Kvan tha AaAOciation of UniTvnii« ty Prufaaaort gaamad to fnvor the diamiaani of ‘'ur.pntnotic** inatruct- ora for Inck of ^thuaiaam In an- doraing lha wnr Ona of tha m>«t mtareatmg »ec- tlona of tha pnotphlat U thnt dr- voted to tha atody of **W’ar Work of Woman to Collagea.** An Ac count of thi« phnaa of the quaa- tion during tha next wAr will prob. nbly hnva to ba expanded. But thay had thought of moat avery* thing bnck to 1>1B thnt it ia poA- •Iblo to do to mteraat women to tha WAr bualnoa*. It will only re* mnin to put theaa idena into apredy pmctke, unleaa . . Mr. Hnmlin haa written for a purpoaa. He ballrvea to educa tion na a anving proceaa. If we Are Informed nb^mt whnt hna been dona in the pA^t perhapa we ahAll not ba ao enaily **aold** agnln. That ia tha only hope we hnve of Averting nnothrr AmrricAn WAr. How well founded U IhAt hope? The Answer cnn ba given only by thoaa of tha younger generation. Rending thia pnmphlet will help you fmma your anawer. ToU) Tb« Steertn* Committ** u qu'«* plnJMl o»«r the »bore fiiUDei»l r«port. Enou»h fund* »r» on band with which to p«y »11 ■isndinc eumrnt bilU. Ho«ir»er. there »« only » *«ki of th» prewnt ichool ye*r and (Dort fund* will be needed before tb* «ehool ye»r clo«e*. All loy»l ■nd l*»roUco Counties wu held »t the Broad Street Chriftian Church. Xficre were thirteen faithful alum ni preeent for the meeting and ev. ery one reported a .plendid meet- ine. New officen were elected for the ensuing year. They were: Mr». J. E- Witherinifton, Vance- boro. President; Miss Maria Urinson, New Bern, Vice-Presi dent; and Miss Florence Heath, Alliance, Secretary - Treasurer. Miss Beulah Franks, of Emul, Mrs. Bessie 0. Wade, Morehead City, and Mrs. John W. Cowell of Bayboro were elected as reporters. Twenty alumni residing in or near Kinston met at the Caswell conm^>Y OF R. E. Quinn & Co. OF WII.SON Vbit our H.\RMONY HO.ME ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦I > >♦♦♦♦♦«♦»♦*»♦♦♦»♦♦*♦♦■ SANITARY CLEANERS — FA mONI/.K OI K ('A.MIH’S SOUCITORS Telephone 2991 506 E. Naiih St. Howl in Kinston on Monday even ing, February 20th. The meeting j was quite a successful one. Coach W. A. Herring of the College (poke concerning the athletic situ ation and Professor J. M. Waters outlined the present activities of the College. There was an enthu siastic response from the alumni present. The}- voted unanimously to hold another meeting at the —tw— place on Monday, March 20. All alumni in that area are urged to be present for the meeting. The following new officers were elected: Miss Delsie Turner, Deep Run, president; Mr. A. J- Moye. Kinston, Vice-President; and Mr. Bland Worley, Jr reUry-Treasurer. Reporter* ed were: Miss Essie Mae H reys, Kinston, Mrs. C. C. J Pink Hill, and Miss Sarah Kinston. New L'nit Orgaiiiied Plans are now under wi| the organization of a new unit the W'ake County area. A ing will be held during the part of the month of March u home of Mrs. M. C. Todd in dell. All alumni living in Wendell, Clayton, Miw Knightdale, or any other I, near by are urged to lend support to this worthy pro Ral^i iddl«a^ COI RTESY OF N.\TION.\L BANK OF WILSON t^^^+++.++.<.++<.++++-;-+-;"H-!-^->+;^j^-!-++^-:-^+++-;-+++++t4^ | I CAMERA HEADQUARTERS I 6-HOUK DEVELOPING AND PRINTING SERVICE :: Bring Your Films To Us I BISSETTE’S DRUG STORE I DiaJ 3131 Compliments of BRANCH BANKING and TRUST COiMFANY Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation TO OUR PATRONS Our Aim It has been our aim to have our goods represent greater value for the amount of money expended than can be supplied by any other store. TTT" THEATRE SODA SHOP THK HANDY J*l..\CK FOR S.MOKES — CANDIES — .MA(;.\Z1NES — DRINK.S .....JGHT Combination is Chesterfield tr^en ^ouYe bidding Afore Sniokinq Pleasure Ky combining (biending together) the right kinds of mild, ripe American and aromatic Turkish tobaccos. Chesterfield brings out all their fine smoking qualities and gives you a cigarette that’s outstanding for mildness... for aroma ... for taste. When you try them you will know why Chesterfields give millions of men and women more smoking pleasure . . . why THEY SATISFY esterfield ...the blend that can’t be copied ...the RIGHT COMBINATION of the world's best cigarette tobaccos COLLEGE GROCERY DIAL R. E. TOWNSEND Insurance 121 S. Goldsboro St iwfr m coiorfiUF master bridge authority combination dini and skillful play of the kands ihat takes the tricks". ^