ELCOME SK\y TEACHERS WELCOME, freshmen; the collegiate WEI.('()MK NEW TEACHERS VOLl 'IK XV. ATI.ANTK' I HRISTIAN (OI I W.f; SKITKMUKK 17. M MliKK I Class of 1945 Participates in Atlantic Christian Freshman Week Rev. Barclay Leaves To Accept New Position in Texas l^al Church and College looses I nique leader >Vt- church and were urged to take an active part in the affairs of the diuri h Thi Sunday Sc1ioi.j1 of the Air was begun mainly for the K-nefit of the college and liigh school students. This was some tliini' new and a great deal of ;n terC't was manifested in these pro grams. During Mr. Barclay's pastorate. See HARCLAY, Page 4 MR. BARCLAY Mr. Grove To Direct Band Under the direction of our new Music Master, Mr. Eugene Gmvc of Mount Carroll, Illinois, the co' lege band is planning a very act ive year. Mr, (Jrove has had mu.ii exix'nence ni band and orchesfa work ' . year all was quiet i:i o ir gy/iina; oOi at the baskelKill g .iru Hi;f d ; L'ai ur ar’ h. r.tin ilvl the huid will be there, Iv.itim: forth its victorious music to .idd to the ball games the needed toucii that a band always gives. All students who are interested in the hand will meet and decide what )ic or she is most suited to do at the first notice given. Teacher Injured In Collision ('onvalesct'd at WwKiard-HerrinK Mis-. Ocortiia Br-'-vcr of Ncu Bt^rn, memKr of the Atlanii. Christian faLulty in the modeni language di|)artn-mt, ^ nou‘- ly injured im Sept 4 whin a Ur^;-- Ir.tiiNtiT truck wiih th var m whkh sht* uus rnJin^ Mrs Hftwor uas hnn^fin^ her iJau^htor up tn WMsjin where shi' \va< ti iiMjrtK' hiT tcachin^ rt.‘sipotisihih tu’s the Nimc (Jay, anJ was unin jurcd. Tho Hrt'wiT car wa.< struck truni tho rear at tho curncr whiTi W hitchiMiJ Avo ruiv^ intit Na?: Tho r.ir Kidly dim.i;. ■-'d and Mis< Urowcr, wht) was rid in^ in tho Kick with tho Wa'^ rui^Jwd ti) thi* W<»odard Hornng Hospital where slw ro- tnainod uiKonjkKius for sjinu* time. Friondi found a ‘No VjAiror.-" sii^n on hor door fi>r 5-voral day? Sho 5uftonn^» from shtvk. hruif- and a slight ‘«'ncu5iion. She has n<)W rocovorod vicntly to resume her duties in the MtKlcrn Language dep.irtmeiu MISS STAGC MISS LYNN Activities Center Around Howard Memorial Chapel * null Sfs«.M)n Hus m Korina! ()|M‘nin|{; 1 lli Krvshim-n MR GROVl MR WORKMAN MR GRAFF Fire New Rejylacements Made on A. C. C. Faculty Campus Religious Council Holds Meeting Discussion of Plans For School Activities i-asts Four Hours Representatives Dine In Carolina Km Tlie Campus Religious Council, an organization compfjscd of the officers of tlie Y M-Y W. plus tho representatives from all student- liwelhng places, met in the parlor of tho Carolina Building Saturday Sept 14, and for 4 hours discuss ed a 7 point program that touches every phase of College activities^ The meeting began at 6 o’clock Mth the iierving of supper, after which a total of some 10 people *et themselves down to the business of the evening. Members The members are chosen from different dwelling homes. Several orgam:ations have yet to send a representative. Those already chosn are; YM Officers: Preston Parsons, President; Albert Tyaoir,- Sec. Tres.; YW Officers Ida Earle Pierce, President; Lib Stoney, Vice-President; Irene Langston Treasurer; Earle Williams, Sec.; Bill Harper, Phi Kappa Alpha; Kirby Watson, Phi Delta Gamma; Jick Martin, Sigma Alpha; Kath- ®^ne Lewis, Town Girlo, Theresa Fisher, Peele House; Au- Rouse, Stephenson Hous-'. The Facuhy representatives are Jarman (elected chairman) Grim, and Mr. Waters. Prof Cecil E. Jarman was re chairman of the council and Earle Williams was clected P«nnanent Secretary. 7 Points ^ f»ur hour discussion cen tered around their 7 main points: 1. Program Planning. 2. Rehgious Einpllasis Week. 3. Worship (winch includes chapcl programs) 4. Social Service. 5. Social and Rec reation. 6. Church Cooperation 7 Finance. Under these 7 heads a Student Chairman was elected to see that his department functioned. This unified Religious Council will meet every two weeks to iron out any problems that come under these seven heads. '1 hese meei- mgs will occur on the 1st and 3rd T uesdays. The Pknnmg Program will au tomatically be headed by the two Vice-Pres. of the Y-M, Y W. Then duties are A. to plan joint YM- yW Meetings. B. To plan special Services. I- Thanksgving. 2. Ar mistice. 3. Christmas. 4. Easter. C To organize a system for member ship in the Y. Miis Lib Stoney and the newly clected vice-president of the YM will serve as Co-Chairman of this committee. The Social and Recreational Committee's duty is to plan all K*-1 cial events during the year. In- eluded among these will be: A. I Saturday Night Parties. B. Hal- , loween Party. C. Christmas Party | D. Valentine Party. E. Sadie Haw- kins Day and any other school rec reation along this line. Chairman for this committee is Kirby Wat- so"- . , , Under the Worship is includ ed the Wednesday Morning Chap cl Program (which is a jo^ with in Itself.) This Committee is head ed by Miss Earle Williams with the Faculty advice of Prof. Case See COUNCIL, Page 4 Sheppard Speaks at Convocation Ser^■ice Howard Memorial Chapcl Scene of Exercises Tlie annual Convix.ation Servicc A.IS held in Howard Chapel, Wed nesday evening, September 10 at S:LK) o'cliKk with the Rev. Lee C^ Sheppard, pastor of the Pullen Memorial Baptist (church ol Ral eigh, as the main spiaker ot the ivenmg. The program consisted of a short worship (xrruxi after which Wilma Williams led in the read ing of a devotional hymn. Pmt Eugene F. Grove, new instructor of music, »ang The Lord's Prayer by Molatte. President Howard S. Hilley in troduced the speaker of the even iiig. Rev. Sheppard's topic was "Creative Living” using as a text the Second Chapter of Luke, fifty sccond verse; "And he increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man." Ttie speaker bi'gan by attacking the (VNiimism of Christians of to day, saying that creative living K)th by the Chnstian and hi' neighbor will do away with thi: condition. In conclusion. Rev. Sheppard ,-tated that the Christian* of the world today were like a water lily growing out of the slime, that must be led on by forbearance and patience to become an angel of light in this world of darkness Kiddie Party Enjoyed by Students Margaret Barwick W ins Vtita; A.S He>t l)re;->«d All .seriousneM and solemnity left our campus as the students changed ooce more into • kiddie ,)f kindergarten age on Monday night, the eighth of Sept. The girls appeared in pinafore# and short dresses, giggling »» used to do when they were "kid.. , The boys were more formal, but ^ before the night was over tl« -nev.T bashful" upper class gir • had some of the Sec PARTY. Page 4 ChanKcs Li En)(lish, Science, H'story, Mu sic iJram^fics IJepls. Atlantic Christian College ha» five new faculty members to join It' teaching stall for this year TIk-'C are: Dr. Ella Stagg. Dr John Workman, Dr Paul W (!raff. Mis Ju'.line Lynn, and Mr Eugene F Grove. Dr. Stagg cnmef to the colleg* from Meredith College where «Jie w.is profcooiir m French. She u .1 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania vihere she received her Master's degre. She recived her Ph. D. from the University ol North (Carolina and continui-d her study abriud For five year* she studied m Frani.-: and taught Eng lish at the Ecola Normall de Nantes ind the lierlit: Sdvxil She ha* a Diploma a L Elrrmger de la Sar- bonne. For the pant three year* she taught French at Meredith Col lege, Raleigh,, N. C. and previ ously at Linden Hall, Letitl, Penn. Mis.. Lynn. profe*»or in Eng lish and assistant dean of wtimen .It Si-nior Hall, it a native of Mor- ganfield. Ky. Slie received her M,i.sierV degree from Univcr*ity of Kentui-ky and taught last year m [Tiansylvania Oillege, Lexington, Kentucky. Sir. (jrove, from Mount Carroll, 111 „ IS the new profe**or in voice and speech. He received hi* Mas ter's degree frfei«rt- of Biology and B«any here at Atlan tic Chnstun College F.«-merly he held a simiUr p<*tion at Concor du Lutheran (VJlege, New York Three Local Citizens Give Students Welcome Howard Chapel Is Scene of Activities Tlirec of Wilson* mo*t prominent citizens g ive an official welcome to the Freslimen of this College to the town of Wilson in Howard Cliapel, Tuesday nHirning, September 16. Pre*ident Hilley pre*ided t;v> r the cliapel and introduced tht speakers. Dr. E. C Lynch, p.i«toi of the Presbyterian church and President of tlK- Minister* A. ‘ :. ia tion, gave an interesting tcc unt of tlie ItK'al churchc*, naming each one and giving careful l.rcctioiu a* to the locatuxi of each .hurch. Student* of the college wer- wel comed into all of them. Welcoming the new Mudents m behalf of tlie civic interest of Wil son, Jamet A Payne, the Cham ber of Commerce secretary extend ed the service* of the urganiiatinn to them. Tlie Honorable Mayor Wil liam Daniel* welcomed the college to Wil*on a* a whole He *aid the town t(K)k pnde in that the *chool ^ wa* in Wil*on and end»-d by urg- j ing all the boy* to remain here in j school and train for preparedne** in a world *ituation *ufh a* that of uxlay. AVE(' I.E FRANCA IS A French Club ii about U> become a reality here on our camput. Under the very cap able leadership of Dr. Stagg, our new French teacher, the French majors are organizing thu *ene* of mertmgi at which only French unll be spoken. Thu cluh will study French plays, read French no vels, and smg a* toell at con verse generally in French Thu club will give its mem- ' ben opportunity to have a practical experience with the French language at the French really tpeal^ it. | Annual Church Reception Held A must delightlul leieption was held at the Wilson Cliristian Church. Friday night, SepteitiK-r 12, 1V41 tor (lid and new students ut Atlantk Chrutiaii Oillege Milton Adams, jr., lX-a<.oii ol the Itval ihuuh, pieaented Mr I'.rnest Pasi.lull wIh) was tiust master of tlw evening Mi.<» Myr lie Har|x'r, wIhi was a graduate iil A C , gave tlw res|Niiiae l our very coni|H-lent aiiress, . prestiited an amusing .^klt. tins was basi-d on tlie fact tlut Fresh men lerl very small when tliey come lace to lacc to up|wr cUn' men, regardles* of liow they tell wlieii they graduated from high ^IkxiI They ridiculed the faculty by charat.terizing incidents and lubit* One ol tlie "freslimen ' put tlie other three into tear* by Hinging Home Sweet Home " In ciincluHion of the ikit the four 'freslimen" danced Next on the priigiam was an enjoyable duet by Mr. (i roves and Mrs Holliday Last, hut not least >.ame the refresliments, which cotisislt'd age 4 | I |HX'rt-lus«mrn .\id In ,'Ki> •ind inliodoi'rsl tn the ctillege iiir iiculum and acliviiie; Ilie cli max was iea,.lK'd wilh tile J r.- ol tlieir R( gistiatimi on Satuiday. Fresliiiieii Week u alwayc a big iM.a»ioii . very year lu'ie at A. I' C and this year s.eiiied to K* even U'ttet lluii evei Ixloie. The Freslimen bi'gaii arriving nmie day A M alxiut V:J0 and a steady stieam (XHired in unlil I.Illy alleinoHi 'Ihe upp«r,!ii.i mill uieeltd tlu' new arilvaU and wt UomeJ them to lln i ■'liege Thi>-. leadeis helping to insk<- Frenhmeii Wo k a »ucies« wcit- (I) llu- memlvrs ol the I’.xecutive linard, (Jordan Aldridge l’r< . of Coo|x"rative AsMKiaiion, Wilma Williams Viic pres , Jewitt Davis Sec.. Howard Blake Tieas. (;) Ilie Woman's IXuniitury (?k forward and prepare fi.»r a world situation such as we luve today. Those graduating that were for mer students here are: Sybil Brown, (ximfort; CXirulyn CXirmicliel, cum laude, Rraughn, Dunn: Janey Fitzgerald, Pine la-wl; Lil lian Guthrie. Morehead City, Mar tlu Hendrrson, Maysviilc; Frank Jiines. Kinston: Helen Matthews. Smithfield; (irrthcl Mcljmb, cum laude. Four Oaks; Frames NeWm, Varkebi«i<. Mary Sott^ifi, Kinston; Meta Barnes lizzie, Wilsons Mills, Frank Wiley, (>rantsty