WHO’S WHO names five thanksgiving greetings the collegiate KIKST HO.MK (JA.MK NOV. 25 Vol. XV Atlantic Christian ( olleKe. Wilson. N. Novcmln't 18. 1911 Nuniln'r ;i WHO’S WHO NAMES 5 ACC STUDENTS Rev. Swearingen to Pill Vacancy at Christian Church Replaces Dr. * John Barclay, Now In Texas TV’ Reverend TilforU T. Swear- j u)gen, of St Louis, Mo., has been jecured hy the pulpit committee of the local Christian Church to ■ 611 the vacancy creatcd when Mr. ; John Barclay accepted a call from Austin, Texas. The Reverend Swearingen was bom m the country near Glas gow, Missouri. He went to high kKooI and also took his first year of college work in a Junior Col- Mrs. E. Groves Visits College Campus Here Nationally Known Lecturer Declares College Splendid Mrs. Gladys Hoagland Groves, nationally known lecturer and writer on marriage and sex prob lems, was brought to the campus JOTK in a JUIIIDI ^>1' ; , n i L on last week by the Campus Religi- Pritchett College. His I ^ CCA Has Norman Cordon The Wilson Ctxiperativr Con cert Assiviation pri vnted Nurman OwJon, baritnnc i.f the Metropoli tan Opera Company, in the first concert of the winter >iasoi\ in the auditorium of the Charles L Coon Hit;h School, November ordon Aldiidtfe, V^'ilma William*. Joe Mavi» Through tlw ciKiperation ol mmr hve himdied American I Iiu ver.Mtu’5 and Caillcge*. lhi» bonk i« j>ublu)>ed >Tarly In (jive natmnall/ wide recognition to the ouiMandiiit: «luden(> clxwn by an unprejudi>.ed ci.mmitlee at each (ailleue or Univeiwty f In oiilet (o br iiuluded in thi> Seniors Present Skit at Theatre Mr Ifgc there—rrucneti rcond year of college was done | Council and the Guidnace m North Central College, Na-1 Committee of the Faculty. pierville, Illinois. He then went of Dr. Eifnest R. to Phillips University where he; Proves, member of the graduate received his A B. and A. M. de- faculty at Chapel Hill, Mrs. grccs m 1923 and 1924 respcc-i Groves has collaborated with her lively. Since that time Mr. Swear-; husband on many books related ^^^.,rop,,|uan. He is a mgen has done one year’s gradu- marriage and parent hood. She : Washington, N. C., and ate .study in the University of Clii-, a«s as director of Marriage and Unnvr.iity ol North capi. Family Council, Inc., which has ; headquarters in Chapel Hill and | Hi« experience includes tv.-o pas- Q,i„raJo Springs i His program c()iisi.-ted of tug torates, Waukomis, Oklahoma; and Uthrop, Missouri. Mr. Swearm- ( Ren was m Waukomis three-years, l^jjressed the student body in two as a student minister. He had Wednesday, been in Lathrop five years when ! ,„„f„ences with the dormi- he accepted a call to handle youth work m the Department of Re- ' ligion Education . in St. Louis, , Throughout the day, Wednesday Youth Banquet Closes State Convention “We Shall Have l,il)erty” Given In Cinema Missouri- I Students arranged personal con- There pre three members of: ferences with her Much interest was shown m Mrs. Groves' scientific and sensible approacli to the problems of men and women relationship. Frolicksome Christmas Fete December 13 th his family, the third being a Ift’elve-year-old son. Mr. C. C. Ware received word recently that Mr. Swearingen had been in an automobile accident, but had not been seriously hurt. He «.nll take up his duties here on Januar>’ 1. Mr. Swearingen has been for twelve years working in the youth' ■ Department of Religious Educa- Hcmby tion, during which time he did Chnstmas Caberet which young people’s work, leadership Campus training, and general curriculum. i ^ . .l Since 1936 he has been executive program of the Social Committee for the whole year 1941'’42. All those young 'gents who have I been desiring a little “Night Life will really get a chance to show their gals around to the haunting ! strings of a Christmas Caberet in all its glory! That's one date to • 1 lish folk songs, semi-classical songs, Negro Spirituals, and weral serious songs by Brahms. The audi ence was very enthusiastic and gave him several encores for which he sang: "Water Boy" and "Lindy Lou." His interpretation of the Negro spirituals was particularly good Mr Cordon was accompanied at the piano by Mr Frit: Krist The next artist to be presented by the Ass«iation will appear in Howard Chapel in February, head of the Department. Photography Reveals Fact It took powder but they are not sissies. L:ist Wednesday Ro bert Brown and John Tyson Rrolled into the Town Girl's room to be marked down on your social I calendar as a night of fun— Eat, - ^ Drink and Be Merry!" Refresh- ~ have their beauty snapped, disposal (for They were well dressed, but they , ^ pennies). There will be no had a day’s growth of beard. In i charges and if you ’’ain’t’’ order to prevent their beards j can enjoy tl>e from showing in the picture, they ; (he superb "Floor Show" had very artistically dabbed pow' on their faces. As explained by 1 which will consist of famous danc- jcr on tneir taces. As expiaineo oy j teams. Blues singers, violin the ph of the convention Two %'paratr b'\noui*i'i were TK.* •x „f C<>ld» ing in the B«-rt Hardy Dining Hall bor.i who succeed* Dr Howard with Mr y W Wiegman of S Hilley as president of the con Dunn in . harge of recreatioiy and^ vention the oldiT young p.-ople’i group! In IV.ember the C;hri»lian meeting in the (-arohna Room of. Youth I’ellowtliip group will hold the Chri.stian Church with Neville u« third meeting here DecemK'r Hrome taking charge i 2ft, 27. 2» 1‘resident Virginia Under the direction of Mr. Jar- Lancaster is already Itxiking for man. tht* State C^hrisiian Youth rixim space So. if you are away Fellowship Movement was started | Chrwmas, ai of course you will ^ Officer.-* elected wert*; President, hi-, leave your name and key with Bunting). Red Crov, Nursej, Donald Williams of Raleigh. Vice Mis* Lancaster to that she may (Kathrine Wainwright and Eliia ^President, Charles Litlohi'r of | use yc first stage ef the combined resource, of „ur; Youth. Intelligence, supplies, and : I TKc "C.ut wa-. actcd m form b was an historical survey of the events which led up to i1h‘ First World War and the events which finally led up lo the signing of the Armistice The different or ganii.itions which aided the Alhej were portrayed Tliey tiKik their places in chronological order: Sol dier (Joe Frank Drapi-r). Marine- (Kendrick Taylor), Sailor (Mau rice Holland), Salvation Army (Marilyn Boyette and ('laric Local Dramateers to Present Stage Play with our respect for humanity WE SHALL HAVE LIB ERTY’’" On November 24, 1941, it was ^ 1 . II w«a ; prevnted 46 the S-nior Class Skit j ‘•barge of difcrtmg the play for Homecoming in the Howard i ti’rutive cast was announced Memorial Chapel Joseph (.^uincy as folliwvt: Holhday wr.img Paru Liberty” George M Baker'* verwon of* Charle* Dicken’i "A I A.bbitt To Be Wed The engagement of Mi*« Mar garet Abbitt of thu city, to Dr j C W Goodwin, l«al physician, lia* been announced by her par ents Mi»* Abbitt before her re*ig nation, which became effective October I. wa* an instructor in tommercul work at Atlantic Christian College. The "Guiding Oimmittee, c<>n si.'aing of Dolly Lineburger, Brucc- Davis, France* Hemby, George Yionouhs. and Lib Stoney, will 0 I R S Have you omtribuletl to the BrItISH war HB- LIEF Fl’ND? Make your contritHilionK no«; People in other lanrlett Kirby mas game* were tho ccntcr of the pro- and iht RaiC wa« the cli- Mis* Abbitt came to tlie Col lege at the beginning of last year from the R. J Reynold* High School in Winston-Salem, N C. She was graduated from W. C, IJ N C, with a B S S A degree After graduation she taught in the WadeiboH) City Schools and the Lumbertrm City Schixit*, teaching commercial subject* Mr*. John Harru, sister to Mim Abbitt. u nov/ teaching tem porarily in her place It could not be learned who is to take the when the Christmas Caberet ofXtLs in the Bert Hardy dining hall their lips needed for playing in band. The band had an en-J ■■■ rv.™mh<.r 1} Pg^cnt for the night. NOTE at 8:00 o’clock on E^^^ if you need strength in your ^ Other been ^ lipj, DO NOT SHAVE! i the Social Committ K,rhy Watstm was Sheriff and Miss Justine Lynn was Deputy Each girl was required to grt her a man" and keep him til sundown Traditional Dogpatch Others appearing in the pro gram .n.u duction are Preaton Panon, Ed- max of the day THdk ’ fortunate ward Vausc. Sally Luca*. Claudu | gab who caught their man had a Luca*. Mary Herring. Catherine permanently Mr* Har pnie all their own ’’ Olia Craw Robbiru ley and Georg. Farmer won the Tlie pUy thu year will take ma* Treee These gift* will rrvM attractiv.- cm Apple cider and ginger snaps were which u usually ..age J each year county and will he presented m given to the poor run down Folknving the pUy. gifu w.ll be connectKx. with the Welfare Dc bo>s and girU placed around the festive Chrut- pirtment ixicilion a uludeni must be oul tlaliding in cliara^li-i. Iradi'mhip and rsira cuiruulai at.(tvilii's, «iuh a^ alhli’tii*. ukuly. tcligioti, sludeiil gowrnnKui. iitholaisliip, and poliMilialilii-« of futuri- u«c- fulnc« to business and xMcly During his foui yean stay on iho v.ampus Cordon Aldridge has K i ll ol oul'landing '••rvicc lo llx- ikIkkiI La»i year l«- very capably ■« rvi-d as ln-a»uriT of the Cxiop irativv- Gowrnmciit TJiis year Iw It giving iiulf»»I> o( hiN linii- and rncrgicfc to hii i^oNt as Pri sideiK ol the (ai >f (!oV crnmrnt Mis' Wilma Williams ha< proved her worth beyond any doubt As a Junior «he served as Secretary o( the I'.xnulive IWurd and as a Senior Vue President SIh- It a memhi't of tlie G retary of h<-r clas*. Vice President of tlie I'.ducation Club Tins year she is the Sec re tary of ihe Executive IV«rd, and a member of the (Jolden Knoi Honor S>cicty Mr James Webster is still re membered by tiv' class of '41 for the excellent manner in which he planned and carried oul the Junior-Senior Banquet for Iasi year he wa* President of iIm' Junior Clas* and a representative on tin- Men’s Drtt- hand