Pif e Two The CoHejtiate Wednesday, March 18,1942 Paragraphs Rnl mr/ii » mn ilw tmctM, bui in ilw cn- «lr4«uuf n* vl^lk itui lenl • iDwiat tliJun'i »lw4y» luxp (he beat itoK. Jumptnc 41 ti*wlui«i» 1* i>« nt4rfjr w p»*J t (tirnl«l firtLMc *t tt40C<n( (•» f-u^u A l*mc *I iu<h« bufrn up i (ncrjy Si«i» prufilr tuw t**i. •<hrf» iry t<> tell the irmh T>ir bright at \tn>niKc t* li> hrlKve «ll tkarfi tit bunrtri TJir Wit U> 4W*«J g(f4l (4uli« I* u> hcwirr o( ■mJI ona IVrlup* thr hra w*y u> livr K»pt>«lK evti tftcr M n>* U3 be ttui umi mukb Editorials Sugar (^mniy rci-fntly PROPERGANDER By CHAKLKY NACKOS Thu artitU u mtant tu enttr- Utm and mHhmg mvre EJjtOf, Army ctJtmDuniquc R7 1-2 re- VC4J* ihr lunling ocwt tKu Ai- UnlH.- C^tndun CuUrgc ■ now in the lunJt o< ihc "YcUa* Pcnl" The High CumnuntJ nurvrl* <t the ingmiou* mrthixJ u*ni by the jap«ncfr to grt puMdnon u( ihi* vitally Mratrpc i4>)cctivc It $temt tlut 10.000 Jap Troop* rquipmrtil *nd all, were pjckeJ in- the mlertcholaiCJC tport*. 2 All the "impocted" jthleto will be iml abruui to further tbetr , rJucatiun J The eleven o'clock curfew w tu he ^biluhed, and brcakfaM will be ducontmueJ (ReluMc iourc«* . •ay that the Latter will be a great; biiiw lu Ri4)ert Brown aiK) Elbert Ra^ kley ) 4 All femalet (girU. un) will be rrquimJ to uk yelfcjw powder. HOWARD ADKINS, Inc. THE MEN’S SHOP Senior Personalitte to 4 ihaw bii* labelled ' Fr>ed j riHjge. Iipoick, and 6n|(email pol-1 CkKken Fragile" and (hipped Eyvbruw* will be plucked at to a Mudent at the college (To, 45 J^gree angle* «*ve an innocent pertcn fnwn em-1 5 All Kudenu will be required biraiMDenI, the fludcnt't name u Jjp best-«etler, "How withheld ) You can imagine hu Ch^ick* in Ten Eaty •urprwe, on opening the box, when L<r*#(xu." I «t fumped 10,000 fully equipped 6 Howard Chapel will be MADELINE DENNING "Muaic the best of life, the changed to Coward Chapel. (In grcateft life ha* for me.~ No one can »ay that Madeline Jap» St«jn the entire campu* wa» un honor of their leader, no doubt.) der contnil (Even the third floor 7 The Y-Store will aboluh the of the dormiwjry) The Jap | «ale of f’ep«i Oila», Anyone caught; ^ green r e ,.ommander deKroyed the old Gm . guzzling a PepM «all be given time ■ when »he made her appearance on Wila« (^lunty rei-rntly announced that it drafted a new one ' cleaning the yard* around the boy»’jour campu* in the fall of '39, for would give out tugar alli<ment lard* C)f6cul» rumor* floating around IXirmitory. (I’oor Pat) |even though »he had only grad- have alrrady received the card* and have figured out met v^ith the full approval j 8 I’oliticking during election* 1 from Cxmu High School in 4 •y^ein for dulribultiin c>f the itudenl* ) The fir»* few ar-iwill he aholuhed; only one candi'ii)^ *pnng of that same year, *he Allantk. t^wcun (iJlegr, lik«r every hi>ine m ^re below. 1 date for each office will be «I- [jij wa*te ncj time. She r«*hfd Wil*i«i County, will have to hll out an allotment | pong and marble* will lowed card What dor* thi* mean* It mean* that no mat' Kuketball and KiaeKall a*' Icr him »weet the college would like to make it* dutknt*. the»>- w only a certain anwiunt o( *ugar for each Hutknl Ljch itudrnl vcill be allowed a little over a half pound a week. What n»»w would be the he*t plan for fair- play m> that rach Mudent g^U h« amrnint of *ugar? Mr* ('harle* ct^Ui give r^ch itudent a half-pound fa«g at *ugar at the hrrt of cach week But if they did thw the girU would eat it all up in candy the fir»« mght, and the boyi would play prank* on each i«her by putimg it into cach i<her’* bed* Thu *y»- tem could hardly he worked out tatufacti>rily | The iwily denvvtatic thing to do 1* to place | each Kudent un h» hxmr It u not a qurition of the coltrge wanting to mjk.- the Kudent* do without •ugar It I* wmply that the college, like everyone elae, will hr able to buy i«ily their allotted amount \X'hen that allottment 1* p rs.' that * all there 1* It then brc«im«» n.-..«ry fur the Mudent* to cue down on ft!-tak« Vt *ugar Each Mudedt will n«ily he rrquettrd n«< (n'hr waMeful in the u«e o< (ugar Thi* plan will he •lu-.mful with the pa- triuCH Mipfort that th> *ugat allixtimnt meanire i*| *ure to get. S> iiudrnti, let * let that •vwct tooth go on a diet lor th<' duration Know Vour Candidate | i Thi* I* the time ol the Khi>ii year that de-.'ide*. the (uccra* ue lailure of neit year The people I wheat you, the Mudent*. elect to office for neit year! will be the one* whiae duty It become* tu lee that you are v«ll repreicnied and well terved Thu u a fact that every ttudenl ahoulcl keep in mind a* he ca*t* hu vi<e 4t the poll* during thu week and week* to follow It u up tu you lu ie>' that the right one* get into ofiicc tveryi«ie thuuld and mu*f vote If you fail to vUe 4nd the wrong pertiin u elected, you bccutne directly re*p<auibie il tlut ttudent fail* to aervc you Here arr a few qucatxm* to a*k yourtcif a* you »«4e: 1 Are they a* Mudent* capable of aMuming the rcapunaibilty’ j 2 Arc they qujlibed (or *iK'h a poution'’ ' l>o you htneMly think they will give then bm tu the piaL)iii«i 4ik1 to the Mudent*' 4 Will tliey w<wk fur the gixid of the Mudenu who elect them’ f I* he >« >he the beM candidate running' IS tki they Mlut II )uM aiM<hcr candidate' Then, too, thete art the when you v\*e 1 IXm t Kr (wept m "line" by letting other pet^ile leQ you how to v»<e 2 l>w’t v«<e fiie 4 prr»«i only bccauae he <« the I* your (!reek.Letter beuher or iwter or tmly hrcauae you like one organuatnei better than you do another J IXm’t be a "me. too" Be indepen dent 4 IVm't let petiple »ee how you voted IX*i t M<e foe Mary j>«w* only becaute Ae M pretty or foe j<4m Jtme* imly hrcauae he u ft ft and ha* brown curly hair The End ' haatily off to college and the one I *he chu*e wa* our own A C.C. AMERICA, MY HOME What'* thu I hear 10 loud and (trong i’lercmg the land in mighty throng? That Amenca cannot live or Um, Amid the *truggle* of the cannon'* bla*t. I* thu the land to which you belong? They *ay we're on the downward *tn>ll That lead* to deMruction amid family-fold. Luten not to the bla*phemer'* idle thought- - Victone* are uron and never Kiught. 1* thu y«>ur "haven" foretold? Clone* and victorie* may pa** u* by. And trouble* and defeat* color the *ky. Have no fear, hate, nor fnght— N^ght u alway* daxkeat before the light LXi you think America will die? I* thu victory or defeat in the morning breeze That America pour* forth in *uch degree*? Ah. 'tu victoryf and defeat u pa*t! Honor and freedom are won at la*t. Do you give thank* on bended knee? Thu the *ong and here'* the cry— "America cannot and will not die!" Amid the cheer* and victor'* *ong That'* (welling through the mighty throng; They're giving thank* to the one on high. —LESSIE MURRAY CON LOS LIBROS JOE FRANK DRAPER ■'A man of greatncs*, a man of couragc, a man of patience, a man of love, admiration, and a swell personality." We thought Joe Frank was a green and confused person \vhen he enrolled as a freshman at A.C. C. But isn’t that the way we feel ibout all the people when they first come here? At any rate Joe Frank had the "spunk" in him to show us that for once we were fooled. The fall of '39 found Joe Frank Whispers Having already made a name for herself on the campu*, (he found 1 among those initiates of Sigma Al- I It an easy job to settle down for pha fraternity who were sporting : the winter'* term of vwirk. In the 1 dark coats and short pants. Since ’ spring of '40, Madeline realized j that time he has served his fraterni- I for her*elf that the had made many : ty in varied and many ways, among friend* on the campus. In the|thi«e Secretary-Treasurer during : spring elections she was elected ! first semester of his third year, i Treasurer of the Y W C A and ! This year Joe Frank has really Junior Representative on the Wo- shown us what hi* capabilities are. man's Dormitory d^uncil. • Recently he was elected Senior Representative of the Defense It was this spring too that Mad- 1 u l • * * , Council which is a new organiza tion on the campus. ' eline wa* invited to join Delta : Sigma *orority. After all the cu»- i tomary "thu and that's" of initia- I tion in the fall of '40, Madeline I became a full-fledged member. Another recent election Joe Frank has won was that of success or to Joe Holliday as president of the Senior Class. As a member of the Intemation- The spring of '41 brought more ■ sdffflBtn Madeline. Tn the spring al Retations Club, Joe Frank was election* of that year, she was recently elected to steer its coura# elected Chairman of May Day. | as president. By the side glimpie* we get at But say! We can't forget that varied interval* we know she when the festival of May arrives has in mind one of the best May!none other than Joe Frank Draper y programs out ‘will crown the Queen of May. He We aJted the members of the '"" f iKal Rotary Club about Madeline, “'f' “ They know she's swell for she'stcrni. dcnic a lot for them. They'll tell: T y.,u a* much. I “ I much in four short years as Joe We need more pupils like Mad- Frank has d<mc. Yes, we salute him eline who will give their best toi—“for his greatness, for his cour- the school at all times. Best wishes age, and for all his admirable qual- to yt)u! You'll (ucceed! itie*." By .MAKY C’OLONES Sea.Honed Timber by !>>rolhy Canfield AMONG THE GREEKS Timi<hy'( pet theory i* that the trouble with High School student*' cotnprrhenuon u due to the lai^ Around Timothy Coulton of proper lupervision of reading ip Hulnie. PriiK'ipal of a unall town' the third grade. 4c4dcmy - Clifford Academy -j Su*an contracu pneumonu. who find. him*clf deep m a »ec-'cu„by Hunter *tay» by her sick ood youth l.>ve affair, and who her illne**. and vein* her. later become* involved along with p„,r Timothy bear* all thu very lake-*" « art theyjbu MudenU and the citizen* ofjvctll. and at the end of the book I Windward Gmnty. Vermont, in ^ IXm’t* In cwuider all the utuatioru of a hut unall- |town election. It u thu theme whkh IXmxhy Canfield weavr* m- MARY CX1LC1NES lu her Mirnng novel. The election turn* on the iMue of race prejudice of the Jew* and in the pasuonate argument of a concrete problrm, all the cKaract- cn of the village are clearly re vealed While and acqui*itivene*» conaervativt, yel fret thinking traditions that 1 praue the Greeks this month They arc doing their bit. too, in this war Every Creek who accepts a bid has in one corner of hu mind the excitement of hi* first sorority u inxiically enough- holding Su-*.or fraternity banquet. The Soror (an and Canby * child on hit j iticj have a plan by which they can cut expenses that will be revealed Merely to mention it setnv> not entertained last weekend by spon- enough, but paper and pen art my soring a charm school on Friday only means of praise. So it is with night and jointly sptinsoring a fash- satufaction, pleasure, and honor, ion show on Saturday night. Phi Dr. Vernon Na.sh To Speak Here Guest speaker in Ho^^'ard Cha[> el on Monday, March 23, will b* Dr Vernon Nash ,Executive Di. Shrewd Yankee humor'rector of the Natiorul Peace Coiv feretvct Dr Nash, a Rhodet and Scholar from hu native Missouri common »en*e are shown the au- u one of the moat dynamic an4 THlNlt EVERYtlNE thot pwlure* a Vcrnxint which u owitrxKiive speaker* in the field of at a later dale. The fraternities will have their banquets but on much smaller scale and at a saving; so as to help the government als<i. These arc really worthwhile doings by the Greeks Reporting individually the »oci- etK'S have been keeping nght up to their usual style Sigma Tau Chi and provocative speaker on the (ymbobc of an Amerxa where hu- intemalKHul relation* ttxjay. Huj'^******''’'’ •After the War- WKit?" Exerviae man value* and freedom can (till atfilutim with the N4lHinal PeactI ^ Nash, author of "It Must THERE IS ONE SfKH LD IX» VirrE It la ynu pnvtlege and duly to Mand agamM ptwtr and material Gmference, hi* ktvicc with th«(®^ Done Again", and "Education On* Um wiird. NV*t year's hutory u being advantage Brituh Army in India and Ea*t I ^™"P'ler of "Tnn- matk by ywi ti^y VC>TE A FREE BALLlTT ' Dnnxhy Canfield s^nkle*, Afrwa in 1917-18. hu vwirk the use of the I throughout the KnJt aU the h»p-'C3iina (mm 1924 to 1936 a* tha|®“"‘'’‘' dictionane*. and co-draft- tXi«n give too MKh credit 10 fellow* whov pinr** and Mruggle* of a country | reprt»entati\-e of the Misaoun-j" Alternative to Intema- pttrtKiain 1* all ulk (^onfiirmity ■ the «gn of the *chool teacher and Pnncipal Tim- YeiK-hing hxmdation in Yenchinj ’ **““1 Arurchy". ha* had a wide w»4k The (utrtm* who buiUrd thu rrpuMtc did «*hy. confoeubly middle aged, u Univemty. Peiping, together witlf] expencnce as a lecturer and vnll *n agree with each i<her Pairvk Henry did m love with the third grade teach- hu exteinled travel*, give him probably bnng one of the most nm jgree with jamea Madwm A trw paln.4 u er. Suaan Barney, a former *tu- breadth of view and depth of «n*eruimng and mformative ad-1 llong wiih”otL« m agTveuuiK .»iJy wtth that whk h *(cm« gimd for j dent of the Acadcmy, who u very *»ght mto the contemporary dilem- drt**es the (College ha* ever *pon-^cam that beat ;>n tk. hia country.— RKhmimd Tiwes Dtspduh. {young and very pretty ,ma that make him an Mthoriutivtjoveil Sigma Tau gave the Bulldogs a fine affair at their annual party on March 8. 1942. This is a Greek i tradition. Sigma Alpha seems real-' ly to have a team when they get some of their members on th« b^ kctball court. This five has chal lenged (Cveral opponents lately and won about as many as they lost losing to such teams as the Wil- liamston All-Stars. They also have been enu-ring tournaments in the state. I*hi Delta Gamma had two former members in the finals of the High School Tournament— 1 Burney McCotter and "Buddy" Edgenon coaching Moss Hill High Sch«»l and La Grange High School. These teams clashed in the | hnals; La Grange won. j Last time it was printed that 1 Sigma Alpha had elected officere. | Those mentioned served a year and ] ihe folkmmg have been elected to! «erve next year: President: John-j ny Hicks; Vice President: Robert' Jones; Secretary-Treasurer: Jack’ Manm; Chaplain: Aaron Fussdl; Sargeant-at-Arms: Bruce Davis. Back to sport*. Phi Kappa is re ^ fitting "Huck" ready By DR. SECRET Last year it was a couple and this year J triple. Everyone wonders how that Fannvifle, J boro and Wilson case will turn out. From the J things are progressing, it looks like itt gow| -J be a couple again this year. ■ * Is it that they have something in comnKn, J just what IS it? It's a rumor that little Hcmy j J Lucy both have people at home they can't fon>d Answer to this question of thought: They oi J being together. ^ The star basketball player who has the sia name as one of our N. C. towns (Marion) reiU] had everyone wondering whom he would take to th< Bulldog party. When Little Nelle attended tin party the curiosity of some was apeased. Has anyone noticed the special "courting table'J in the dining halt? In ease you haven't, why i look it over sometime? It’s the first one on the th; row from the faculty table as you enter the dinm(| hall. I'll bet some envy this but at any rate iu nearl the faculty. • Oh, My, I'll bet a certain girl felt like one| FISHer in the sea when the boy from S. C. blew m, recently. It really was nice to see Neal again, no wasn't it? During the National Emergency one isn’t sup^j pose to HOAP.D anything. The boy from Ma Hill doesn’t seem to agree. It’s an evil WYNN that blows no one any goodj says Joe College. From the way he PHILLIP around the campus that must be true. Too, therc'ij nothing like a social to start things off. So she’s got a new BOWen this spring, time it’s one of the Smith boys to whom she's 1 ing ade-LINE. Some people like the name CLEM and somcjj prefer SON, but when those two words arc com4 bined you get the name of a college. When it coma|| to a boy transferring from there to A. C., it mika Janie have a carl-TON of happy thoughts. In the spring there is always budding romanct.J The one that is budding on the fllLL at the pn isn’t hard to gues*i Come on HUX, let us in on it.3 I’ll GRANT-ham you one thing and that uj that C. D.'s fancy has turned to love in the spnng| time. Isn’t it nice that we all have spring to lools^ forward to? The more one fans an old flame, the better Itj will burn. Naomi and Arnold seem to be freeiingl to death in this hot weather, if you get what I meaiuj If you don’t, ask them about it. WEE WILLIE really gets around! Most of aU his leisure is spent thinking of A GRAY BARN-es.! Use your own imagination. This early going to bed and getting up hardly|ll gives some people time to wash their faces. Guidjjl who showed up to breakfast with make-up on huS face? (lipstick)—clues—He’s a senior, he’s in tliey May Cburt, he’s Phi Delta Gamma. If you can't| use the elimination method and figure this out, getjl somebody that’s smarter than you to tell you the ri answer. This time it’s about a freshman and a sopho-l more. The freshman boy is from Maury and the| sophomore girl attended Meredith last year. You should know who they are by now. The MILLER from Maryland seems very coo- j tented with her job (looking after the one and only) It s miricalous how they stay together so much ind p never quarrel. One time it looked as if ME SLIM MAN wug fond of TURKEY and maybe he is still. Wonder what the girl from Fremont has to say about this. , There seems to be a strike going on in Lyman 1 V for Victory campaign. 1 When the cats away (at work) the mice play (m Kinston) how about it Mary Lib? THE COLLEGIATE W. KIRBY WATSON EDITOR GEORGE I. WOODALL .... BUSINESS MGR NAOMI MORRIS ASSOCIATE EDITOR ‘ MARY LOUISE ROSE .. CO-OPERATIVE ED arti that beat all the other team* last (tason. Virginia Lancaster Katherine Lewis Carolyn Parrish Irene Langston Frances Hemby Irene Keller Edvan Thomp»o Vince CdooiJ» Lessie Murray Charhe Nacka« C. D. Gurganu* Claudia Luo* Cherry Lancaster

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