The Colleeiatf ^cctdtoT Sidney bulldogs Beginning Spring Baseball Practice ^ By SID foUi. I'® ended at High Point when the Bulldogs were defeated icason e ^ '948 m the North State Conference Tournament. *‘Pro" ** Vinct Colombo and "Pete" Bryant led the Bulldogs in scor- They were followed by Chapin, Kelly, Smith, God- Huston, and Hicks. Here's hoping the Army doesn't ‘.(VBU’V f of our basketball players. fancy naturally turns to baseball. utbe¥""? ^ t^fkmng has been working on the ball team for about two weeks -kJ It IS rounding into pretty good shape. 5ofjrtlK Bulldogs have only one road trip this year which comes Coach Herring is trying to arranke a trip L tie Easter holidays with Camp Davis, Fort Bragg, and maybe Jteii. Coach Herring surely can swing a mean bat. He was ■■^jjjj^tohit a ball out of the Municipal Stadium this year. Davis is hoping he doesn't have to play second-base for the outfield too much. He likes to make those fancy shoe- wWi-h would be impossible if he played in the infield, lujpes that the coach won’t tell him how to hit. He claims he coach changed his stance. Last jtith t*« weeks left before the season ended, Ed Smith was hitting £ and his roommate. Milt Huston, was hitting way below .300. ^ tilt season was closed Huston wound up with an average well ,j50 jnd Smith's was well below the .300 mark. Ed knows coach 3 bw, though he took a tail-spin last season he will be ^Bjn to get out this year. Troy Godwin was hitting above .300 tie last couple of games which dropped him to .292 which isn’t Jfei freshman. Pit Gainey is getting a lot of enjoyment out of catching for the ji (tmng practice. He knows he has no chance to be the regular enjoys playing with the boys. Coach Herring is hani to develop Edgar Thomas, because he is the only left j prtcher on the squad. If all the baseball players would work as hard as “Pete" Bryant Ip m ihape, we'd have a championship team. Arc you listening, 'rsj and "Pro"? W. qA. qA. La Grange and Goldsboro Win Coach Herring Reviews Flock Of Hopefuls In Wilson Park Underrated Goldsboro Team Tops Broujjton To Win Class A Title An underrated Goldsboro High School team took the hnal game in A class by the score of 40-31. thus gaining the championship for this year. In the preliminar)' game Golds boro defeated Hugh Morstni of Raleigh by a convincing score al though the Morson boys put on the steam in the final half and especi ally in the last quaner of play. The Goldsboro boys were, with exception of Pate and King, rath er small for a city school team, but they made up in skill what they lacked in size. Throughout the play the team was sparked by Captain King, Center Pate, and Guard Huddleston, who proved to be a mighty mite. In the final game with Brough ton High School the Goldsboro lads were slow to start but they soon pulled up to an even score and at half time held an advantage of nine points. After the half, LEDERBROS. Dept. Store “Shop with Confidence and Wear With Pride” S. Tarboro St. Due U) ihe lack of iipace. the pictures of 1^ GranKe »nd (loldsboro had to be umitted —EDITOK By “CREEPY” Tie »'omcn haven’t been very busy in the athletic field lately, the news for this column is scarce. UsoMt the only thing of interest lately has been the class tourna- slasketbail. Most of the girls participated in this tournament this ; ud jhowed a very cooperative spirit. All the way it was a long I ight between the Juniors and the Commercials. Neither the' 'T! nor the Commercials had lost a game before they clashed, so Ian easily imagine the anxiety of the two teams. When these * id clash, the Juniors got off to an easy start and they couldn t The Juniors were crowned champions of basketball. An all-star or varsity team w;is chosen from the class tournament, sprls, m the opinion of the W. A. A. Cabinet, are; Forwards: 1 Cjitwright, Dolly Lincberger, Eleanor Smith, Luna Johnson, : Le^^■ls, Lucy Adams, and Carolyn Parrish; Guards: Margaret a, Cassie Mae Cowell, Adeline Bowen, Victoria Williamson, ! White and Helen Mills. : that basketball season is over the girls have softball, shuffle- l archer)’, and tennis in which to participate. The pairings for 1 have already been posted and various ones have already > to play tennis. There are rumors that there will be a spring (tournament, but there is nothing defipite as yet. rio Jure all of the girls enjoyed the dinner at Dixie Inn recently., i food was grand, the awarding of monograms, numerals and stars mooting, and Dr. Hartsock’s poem was very entertaining. that the Bulldogs are engaging in baseball. I'm sure the W. girls will go hiking to the Municipal Park quite often. Here s P*Widerlul hiiseball season. Bulldogs! The W. A. A. will be there! Broughton again threatened and when they were only three poinu behind. Captain King whipped tl« cords for a long shot which j seemed a signal. In quick order : the Goldsboro quint threw in six ' long shots without a miss. The final count was 40-31. I Only a few momenu later the A class championship award was j received by Captain King in be- I half of his team. Your Patriotic Duty Today your country needs trained nurses more than ever before. Each day the call is greater; each day more and more women arc answering their country's pica by enrolling in an accredited school ot nursing. Write today for full In formation. Address Duke University School of Nursing Durham, N. C. SANDY’S Esso Service Washin^r and Greasing ESSO HK.VT No. 1, No. 2. No. 3 Phone 3451 Wilson, N. C. I.a (iranKc Hoys llattic To llard'Wun ;tU30 in In Cias.>i I) Finals Tlinmghoui a hard schedule the K)>-s from Lilirange haltled iht-ir way to gam a ?.'->0 victory in fiiul play mvr M'"-> Hill whuh netted thi'm the B cUsa championship and a K'autiful trophy In preliminar)- games La Grange showvd power and speed to burn. Oach "Buddy " Edgerton, form ally an ACC, student, had formed a maA-elous fast break system and It payed olf The La Grange team made every di-feat ctmvincing al though they played Kceral eki»e games. Tlie fast break .lystem of this team was led by Captain Charles He.<tcr. Captain Hester pnn-ed fast and sJiifty and throughout the tourney he di.<playid his talents by ! dribbling past opponents and Kor- I ing the hard way. Wilson Drug Company Shaeffer Pens and Niinnaily’s Candies “An Ideal (Jift” 114 S. Tarboro St. BRUCE LAMM Styled Men’s Wear Rex Shoe Shop For Finest Service, Dial 3371 S. (Joldsboro St. WE DELIVER Hy VINCE COLI’.MIU) IVitcKill pra^lKe has Kci;un and .«! havr CWeh Hernng'i wxirne*. i The viuch had about a wxvk's breathing S|vll hclwcen haskethall i and haseKill. His worries are to! tty to develop a green buiuh of frestuiKn. with rnnie experience, into a hustling, aggressive and wnining ball club IV kM of "Red" Treadway makes the out- tkld problem the Kggest of all. The inbelJ lust ivt-u gixij keystone performers when 'Dutch" Miller )iHned tin* Marines and "C»itlon" Webb joined tl>e army. This lea\-e» tlw infield in none too good shape and replacing (hose men is going to tv a difficult job "Curly" Davis has K'en minrd into the second base position from his out | field |y»t Shorstop is still open' and tlie person wlto can show the I ciuch that he has what it take*,' will have the position. I The catching department ha* a i (.jpable receiver in Ed Smith. The strongest point of the team this year *eem* to be the mound stalf In "I'ete ' Bryant, "Pro" Lassiter, and Johnny Hicks, the coach ha* three experienced veteran* who know how to throw the ball with plenty on it. and in Lyman Grey and "Lefty" Ed Thomas. tl*e coach has two fine prospects. The coach lias been ut>rking especially hard to get the K>ys in slupe for tlieir tiikt nud inp which comes the last week in March. Coach Herring himself has been vx-orking as hard as (he b<iys, for he 1* planning to do a httle "fly- j chasing" of his own for the Tub* this year. The leading candidate* for the catching Jssgnment to far are Ed Smith, Pat Gainey, aiul GorxJon Manning Ed Smith did (he catching last ^-ear and u likely to do mod of the catching thu year IHher caiKlidate* for pitch er are Lyman Gray, Edgar TW mas, and "Spider” Lewu Fir*« ha»e will be handled h>- Milton Husiimi, the only .300 hitter left lr«mi last year Second base will K- taken Care of by "Curly” Davi* unless "Al" Ra>.kley or "Wi*nly" Tlkinias can take it away from him. In this ewnt Davu will be moved lo hu regular ptwoon a* an out- fielder. Tliird base will be pa trolled by Troy Godwin The shortstop ptMitum i* open with ■Peewee" Grantham and Kether Kelly the leading candidate* for tin* poution Left field and right field are (lie coach'* big wome*. TIte leading candidate* are "WiKidy" Thoma*, Henry Howell, Horace Grey and Elbert Harn*. The coa«.h may play one of the pitcher* in right field when be isn't working on tlie mound. A* it appear* to date, V'ince (xilombo w-ill nxim in the center field HE WISE— Shop at I'enncy’s and Save J. C. PENNEY COMPANY CLYDE BATTS .MENS (’EOTIIES TAILORED Distinctive Hut Not Expensive The smoke of slow'cr-burning Camels contains 28% LESS NICOTINE' ''rHB /A' Mother and Daughter Store 101 E. NASH ST. “The Fashion For Thrifty W^omen” than the average of the 4 other largest-selling ciga rettes tested — less than any of them—according to independent scientific tests of the smoke itself! HOWL FOR HEALTH at Nash Street Bowling Alley B. J. Tcm™ T PERRY LAMM WATCH REPAIRING 118 S. Tarboro St. 10 Per Cent Discount to A. C. Students branch Banking & Trust Co. Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation HE campus favorite is Camel-the cigarette X the smoke! Yes, country-wide surveys show that America ite cigarette ranks first with college students, too. Youni find the answer when you try Camels yourself. From the first puff right through the last puff in the pack-and pack after pack- ameU give you the flavorfui smoking you like with the m.ldne» thaTlets you enjoy it! So make it a point to try Camels-the milder cigarette with less nicotine in the smoke. Camel the cigarette of Costlier Tobaccos

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