I’«fe Four The ColWiate |ElUS.n.HilUORLD.rReLIG BV UJ.UJ.ReiO T' N'rf‘ fftj II - ■/ ih Lt-ir<* ’•■n i> til . 1 M. cl» Sou 7 4 <" kiuU * mtxt t twu m I; l«ll =f l'<-*2 lu help pfcpaic Bj - (or ihru Mitittutul rr IIIC* M ChfMum in ihc wt«kJ MltMtkxi 1V«r , «rtU be bcU m 1*^ >or=lirJ i.«K» (he «iMi »>U J**** "Me ut (he «blcil ciwitch tcMlcr* «raJ >l<4lir:''; in iht „iAUMry "Tc*in» '.I will ukIuJt pn«mi>tnl mud* *u»tc*, Uymrn iin<J v.ftirn, «nti r«<tuliVT» Ifi iHm time ■'( (‘hiru'i jtiJ Jc4lh ' **y* I’icm- Jem Y (■ Ving iM S»xhow Un wnily. C^ina, u Mtxiki iccin luiuril that the whiilr vuunery <ikt>uki hr <urLh4rKfU with W4r (i«yjKiliiKy Ikrt (hr lulxm • ftt hjv* i¥< AllowrO imnKUutc pnMesu lu cnmO inM (hr rju kjticvul 4nJ iwiTjI drvcliipou-W (Iliac whii will Kr (hr IraJrri in ihr future Thry rr4liu (hil (^iitu « grc4t«-«t hil(lr u In hr fixiKhi i» (hr rralm of (hnoghi 4Ih1 (iilh Thrrc u « non inlerm in frb|jii>n *nd 4 grrairr apprrt,!*- tmn it( (hr t(niilu4l valura •<( titc (!kin4 I* rarnrtily h-tkmg lighi 4nJ (rulh 4n<l * Chrut w>h» \:4n Mv<r 4nJ rtilrrm Spiruually. (!hitu'« ryr» nt (urmm; m OdJ N'nk (hr (^rulun chunh hoi i(< ■ ippiirtunily U> •ln'W lh«- C;hiiu»r iktl » (hr S4vw>r imj RciJrrtncT ihry nrcJ " ■n»- HiMfd nf Fiirrijn ihr I’rr^hytrrun Chuf\h m (hr t! S A rrpofU fhji u n<iw hut * (.4*1 firfvc «( tlRV muwxunr* Of (hu nuinSrr, IH 4rc <m rcg uUr fuikiugh m (he I 'nited S<4(r*, V7 h4vr hern rv4<;u)t(d (■> (he l.'nKrd Si4(rt Kri.4U«r t>f w4r o»uJilii>c«, 4nd |0l 4rc •« c»- (rndrd furkmgh bu( pUnniiii; (<> rriurn (■> miMi>mw<«li I Hi thr ti-vrr4l mu«K<n bclib ihrre 4ir 4.(u»lty 9>6 muMonurir* (uday They *re m Rf4ul. (Thilr. (!hin4. (!huam, Coltmthu, C>u4lrm4U. In du, Ir4ii. Ir4kf, j4p4n. M.iui’. rhilippiiirt, Syrwi, ThaiUnd, S en- r:urU 4nd Wcm Afru4 t3wu(uniiy 4iul IVmncr4^y m«M( hr privlKrd 44 well 41 hr Iw-vrd it (hry 4tr (o win (he prr»- rni wufid tlrugilc, in (he opinion i>t Mn J. W' MilU, vwr prr«den( lif (hr Wtiiian I Div«»ii»> ■>< <‘ivri»- (un ServKC i>( (he Mrtlifdi** (^urvh in 4 ment 4ddrr>a tlx mkJ 'WTiile wr 4ff he4rmK »' mtkh 4l«Hit (hr nevcMKy f<>r in ■.reurd 4rnumeiiU, 4nd 4II hfe venw (o (.efXi-r un tminrdu(.' (hingt, iMir vuxin v( (he (ulurr i> 4p( (» hr ck>udrd Tlie wi>rld will hr full of bi((rrnrM 4n«l h4l<' Whilr wtnMn muil hrgin wilh wlf'dik.tpjinr 4nd irlf i4>.n6o', the mute imK m >p wi(h her tell- j>l|u*lmen(, •* her own ht»iv. "r ht-r im-n annmunKy. or hrr tn»n tulitm She muf* are (hr np (■•wtunKy *nd »ct m m>i<Kvi 4n over wHknmg .irvW of frtendthtp whk.h thall rc4vh fn<n her tnull hone to (he wi>(nrn of Atu " Thr UUnd of Amhniu m (hr Dutch Ejd InJtr*- now 4ppt-4r ing in (he hc4dlinrs of AmrrK4n new«fv4p<n (or ihe hx* (ime K44 had t ChrMun church f‘>r DKirr (kjin (wo hundred yr4r\ lone hrfore ct«mn( under (hr civuru) iV (he F4j« Iitdu Ow>- p*ny StTKc 1M7 It* rrligkMM bfe K*> hern mrrjfrJ with that of (he Churvh of Indu. 4i>d i( h44 hren irKirpentlrnt >4 *uppi>rt (nun (he NrthrrUiMli Mutaunary Si> i«eiy The Prt*r*int mrtnher rfup m Amhwu m I9)S «'4« III9.I4I Fmai (h4( c&uKti b4«c gone Bunjr fniTr*nc» tod, ^ u, ne4rhy uUttib, e»pr 'ully to New Outuca *nd Hal* auheri. The K<» AJben U Suuf U D. pulur o< ih* prom uirirt Flytnoutli Cungreg4Uurvti ( hur.h 4( L4n*UM(. Mk.hi(4n, brcn clet.lcd Muuaur of the Cuun>.>l of CoogregatiMV 4] < ^Mun ihuiLhca m the United M4iri Thi* new putt wiil aukc i.im retpunable (or directing the prurmxtunal 4ttd beld 4>;tivttM:« i/i the three print ip*l ' tervtce 4gcn>.w« iA the Congrejitiowil dctiijauiuiKJn thnac dealing wtth li'Tctgn mu«oo», home miMiun*. 4iui in.ul 4itnjo. Hu hc*dqu4r- (eri will be in New York ifter Juix I A graduate of (he Uiu- vern(y of Wucumin and of the Kv4iigeU4l Thcologwal Seminary. l>r Si4ufl4thrr held patcoraic* in , lii4wtey. Cal, and in Wathing («>. D. C, before going to Mwh ' igan. ' (auc?«t Speaker To Ik* Here Mi»< Jimmie Woodward of Chapel Mill, North Carolina, will vitil our iampu» (hi* week She will 4rrive ooWcdiietday 4((ernooii jiid work wi(h the Mudenu through ThuinUy night Mitt Woodward i» the preKiU tc<.trf4ry oi (he Y. W C A m Clupel Hill Slir come* for the I’urpotc ol helping tolve (he prob Irmi on our >.4mpu* that cunfront ilie Y W C: A and Y. M C. A 'Hk: tilirdulr lix Mit» Wood ward lu« hern workvd imt a« fol- k>Wi Wedik'tday p m Campu* Re- ligu>ut CtmiKil Mrrdiig W'rdiictday night A tpecul aKcdng oj (hr Y. W. C A and Y M. C A Tlmr»i4y 4 m Clat* levdirc* Tliurtday p m I’hi Sigma Tau Sorority (Icrmany (Ict« Frcnrh Ships Lairtl rrpofU fn>m a Rutaun 4|frncy ny that France lua lurnrd iner to tJrrnuny 40 war-| «liip« ll true, thrn Gemuny willi (>avc 41 h4iid mran* to control the' .Mrditcrr4ni-4n Sr4 and thereby be 4bl«' to 4tt4^k the Altie* 4long thr luti of AfriC4 to the Suez (^nal Alrr4dy wr 4re told A»u »ubi are taking 4 he4vy toil of (hipping m the Atlantk; Any 4dditmn to ihrir m4rme power will crubir (him to nukr more he4vy inruad* <1 .Mlird thippmg ^ KAKStart« SprinK Drive For Mvrr4l dayt the RAF has made 4lt4cka on l’4ru, German mu- nit«m plaixt and have threatened to 4t(4>.k pUno and air6eldi in Fr4twr Thr bomhingi grtjw more intcnir c4ch day l( u taid the RAF « arrkmg (o dritmy every aid to (hr (•rrnun prrpar4t>on for (he in%4>it«t of EngUnd in (he tpnng Herr are «omr (UggeitKxu d- (errd h>’ no lei« 4 perwn (ban I>an A V>'cu, dire\.'tnr of the Office of Prwr AdminiJtr4(ion Contum- rr I>ivuaon to help f4milie* meet (hr 4dv4n>;rd cott of living due to thr w4r 4nd the nibacquent rue m prvr* ' | Srt up an exclunge to paM ilong artK'In of childrrn'i ckxhing :ha( have been oiugrmvn before W1XH out. M<-iid r4iiKo4t» and nvenhoe*. New Senior Prexy Chosen Joe Frank l)rap«-r Klerted to llixh I'oMt jor Pr4nk Ur*per, Conway, h^^ rtccrtfly been elected Senior pecttdrnl (t> tuc^ecd J<ie Holliday Mr HoUiday rrogned after h.tv- ing hren rlrvtrd preadent of (K Mudent body to ttKccrd Gordon Aldridge Mr Draper lame (o A C in (he fall of i'J He haa been vnth u* for f<iur ytart In that time he haa done nuny (hiiigf fur the s.<j|lege, fur hu hctt fncndt, and for hit clat* He hat rn(ered (Ik field of athletic* whi>leheartcdly. having made for hinurif a berth on (he varuiy (cam m haaketball in ycart pa*t He ha* dixie numerinu thini;* and held nuny piaitioiu in the variiiu* org4ni:4tv>ii* on the cam- put in pan yr4rt and ctpecully thu hu trmiir 4nd bu«ir*t of yejrn. F'axhion Show (ContmurJ from page one) order. Camput V Sportt Clothe*, Street W«-4r, Aftrrwxn Oxtumrt, I’l4y Ckxhc* 4nd Evening Wo4r IVtwern each group of Kyle*, the 4udiriK'e w-4* entrrt4inrd by a number of tcudent* Tho*c who contributed to the mtrrtainmem Wi-r.-. Eliubrth Whitr, Mary Hrr- ring, Hi'ward jamr*, M4rgaret Oarrit, Eliubtih Soney, Claudia 4Ik1 Sally Luca*, Mr Eugene (jrovc and the College IX'trt I’roKihly Ode of the mutt uiiiijue thuiK* of thr collejje yr4r wa* thr Mek>dr4m4 given by Lib Stoney With 4 mu*iC4l background. *he appeared i.n the Mjge in an old f4*hioned, buxle *tyled drc*» and in 4 very dr4nutic way recited thr will-known hilUd, “My Mother W4* 4 Lady." Her cottume and her chara>.(eriuti<in gave an en tirely new and different air to thr •how Thu dramatic interlude added a touch of humor to a »uc- ce**ful Style Show. Refrr*hmi-n{t were lerved thnmghout the evening by the hn«t- e**e* Tlie Dimni; Mall W4* li);h(ed by C4ndle* entirely, wtth the exception of 4 iixxlight on the model*. Throughout the Show, *i>ft puno mumc wa* pUyed by M4deline Denning (ame I>4vu May. Pres ident of the Soronty. wa* Narrator. She announced the model* and defcrnbed the coMume* a* they ap peared Wednesday, March 18,1947 W" \ou\ There’i tatufacdon in knowing that the ff/i/ revenue tax you pay on every pack of twenty agarettes U doing it* bit for Uncle Sam And, when you buy Chesterfields, you have the satisfaction of knowing you are getting a superior blend of the world s best cigarette tobaccos. This famous blend gives you a smoke that is definitely milder, far COOLER and lots better-tasting. Make your next pack Chesterfields. You can’t buy a better cigarette. more 4^' for I H into the USTr ^ i^eeJk s '^Idb^y year: torpedo boats 5,20037“' FIRST TO FIGHT k vt rh« U S FItST l0* lot* M0 MPfthf '» SAFELY BACK from a raid or dog*fight, rt’s hoppy lending for our otr fighter* when they light up and tnjoy th« cigarette that Satitfi^s. PATtlOTtC WOMEN’S OlOANIZATIONS or* doing o reoJ ^ o« the home front in ovf fight for the Ameficon way of life Model* wcr» the following stu dent*: Ruth Lrwi.i I’eele, Marjorie Barne.i, Ruth Hoard, Fr4ncc* Ser mon*. l>olly Uncbi-r^’er. Virginia D Adkin*, IHilly Swindi-ll. Mar garet. Cilover. Came Mae Cowell, Carolyn Baggrtte, Ann B.irkley., Karlc William*, Ml Harper. How ard Chapm, B. C Scott, Lyman Cray, Troy Godwin, Ru*«ell Ar nold, Elbert Rackley, Brucc Davis M Chestermd hk; kastkr sale Now in P’ull Swing Suit.s, l)res.scs, Coats, and Kvening Dresses At Kcmarkablc I>ow Prices at LUCIELLE’S Dress Shop 219 K. Nash St. LISTEN--- every night Monday through Saturday, 6:45 p. m., for Elmer Oettinger, Jr., in an analysis of the news, over WGTM and the Tobacco Network. Clear, con- sise, a new viewpoint. Pre sented by . . . BISSETTE’S DRUG STORES CflfTngh t»42.bc6m* MmiT«MaC»| Murphy's Esso Station ESSO PRODUCTS Delicious Sandwiches and Frozen Drinks j Wilson, N. C. WILSON Theatre Now f^owinc^ C(Uob<th Brrgrr Randolph 5cotr in “PARIS CALLING” irlth Basil Rathbonr ON STACK 8:45 P. M “Salute to Rot'k Ridjje” Friday • Saturday— fMjcilla Lane Brltv Field Richard Whorf In “Blues in the Nijrht" CAROLINA Theatre Today Only— Seabee Hayworth AND HIS rVSMAKERS on Screen Top Sergeant Mulligan’ Friday - Saturday— Bwek Jonet Tim McCoy in “ARIZONA BOUND” Fmiturv No. 2 Jane Withrrt m Very Young Lady” Morrbon’s Drug Store •COMPLETE DRUG SERVK'E’ Lir Toni’s RAINBOW GRILL Wibion's Finesl Place to Eat TH()M.\S ZRAK.AS, Prop. 132 N. (lOld.HlMini St I>UI 3210 Wihofl. N C. I WHEN DINING OUT! i VISIT I jlWonticello Cafe! and ! the new j M. & J. RESTAURANT j SPRING GOODS NOW ARRIVING DAILY BRUCE LAMM “STYLED MEN’S WEAR” See I's For Your ('OMPLETE EASTER OUTFIT MOSS & CO. “Treat People Right” 132-138 S. Tarbcro St. Wilson. N. C. Theatre Soda Shop A Handy Place for Drinks, Smokes, Candies and Magazines COlRTESY OF NATIONAL BANK OF WILSON For Expert Watch and Jewelry Repair : I — Visit — j| Denny's Jewelers It Pays to Pay A Visit to RED’S BARBER SHOP THOMAS -YELVERTON CO. AMBULANCE SERVICE Dial 3121 W'ilson Compliments of CAMPUS“Y" STORE OASIS THEATRE A I omplete Line of Tennis Rackets We Also lie-String Old Rackets Em-Jay Sporting Goods ; 106 S. Tarboro St 113 S. Goldsboro St. WIMPY’S BILLIARDS 109 W. NASH The Best Spot in Town for Clean Recreation Quick Delivery Within City Limits. * hot sandwiches — COLD DRINKS * FOR SERVICE CALL 4134 * SPORTS RESULTS FROM OVER THE NATION ♦

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