mm I’*»e Four Vocational Registration The following fftvlft 00 the vo cational ff.^ vartout »ay» He repre- iio,u«.»c. »UI Om n^.i€.i Ui Sophomore boy* on U«»U «:^
    rUl. mini w;. . ' . . ,1. Ihe Hoy » Dormilory Council hi» lilic«l -1*1 UMl rvluiiMtt U< Urn B*- ' ’ i«t.vr !«rvR. »iU»m i«n Sophomore year. Thia year he Odji aftci itmr urn rocivaU It repretenling hit cla>« again lhi« ><«iio<.«l r«g>*Ua>u>n u g. Junior repretcnlalive. Mr. b«u>« >omily by Uw defeated Hill Harper of U'rittcU .Sl*»tr« S«rv»c« likC Sci«*.t4V« hcrvtcv ttyiWcn, (•> ift> . .(Ic iftf>>rn.4ikjn t'^r ih# u m twu U^t U\m S#« I Deep Kun. Mi»» Hemby ha» taken a very active part in the camput activi lie* during her three yeart at A ciety in !..r .Scivu^c .Sx>tciii MuJ unm tut _ . _ '.»i i„ >k. r.ii ... . the spring of 41. In Ihe [all I I.ii.lnJ Mat* Llii(>k>xn.«t>l r " of 41. the «at elected vice-pre»- l.,r .1-jol U>* r»«t»- idem of the Junior Cla»», and Uaiii I pt««rfit bia « aaIia hini to | ^hcCT IcaJcf. kit.ti uf Hork f• a« p4*i U Ik* Ihfl Cii.trU hui« lUnpWyn^it itr Th« (4^9»tti>iUiAir«m a^k htitijMlI bc»| ((ttcd, whvthtff This year Mim Hcmby has ,>.,t Iw a rmpl«y«l at •» Jun'"r reprevjniative on the Girl‘» Dormilory Council She ha^ worked on the aiaff of the Collegiate To become Tretidenl of the tuih worh. In » chacli any ^ » u»« >n wmch lh.y h«v. hjMlifi'fl* Council. M.»» Hcmby de- Us.niftf or vxpcrMpm* aiid indi-jfc*icd Virginia Lancaster of rate fur which they ara ba»t New Bern flttvrj AppltcanU wh<> rx*^ halp In filling _ ,u i\ » * . .u , . . mer. the Dance of Autumn, the Irrtivr Scrvicr lur thia »ervica. Tin I’an Alley ICunlloucd from Page Three) Dance of U’inler, Ihc Maypole Dance, and Ihc Court V'altz. Special features of this gala occation will be the dances of Mrt. Belle Hinnant'i dancing clatac«, who will perform Ihe Kainbow V'altz, and music by Ihe Siring Fnscmble—Mr and Mrs Kd Stallings. 1‘rofessor Kobcri F.. Smith, Mi%s Mary kccautc no hog* live in this vi ciniiy. 11 Wc have made it a point lu go lu breakfast and be onl,, . _ . . V . _ i, i Herring, Miss Madeline Smalley time. »o »« not lo have to make “ • 7 .. . . . . and ,Mr. Hilly Wall iiur entrance through the kit | . chcn lo our respective place* 12 The back door of the Li brary ha, been excluded ,„m ' our list of exits and entrances, IMvDanieU. director of music; .'and ,Mi5» Madeline Smalley, head of Girl's I’hysical Educa tion Department 'I'llh May jusi around the cor- U'orking with .Miss Denning are Helen Mills, chairman of l.i hen in Library we shall not whi»per or chew gum. (We shall remain perfectly quiet.) 14 We shall no longer con sider U 45 to lu IS as "social hour. ' but will remain in our rooms, ctcepl long enough to go to the "Y■' store and come back with our merchandise. IS. If any one is down stairs at 10 IS they will immediately retreat to their room< - by tip toeing. IB If we are responsible forj the lights going out we shall lo replace their banquets with immediately go fix them and a Spring Formal. | there shall be no yelling of^ Three commiltees, composed "Lighis Out." If not responsi of members from each sorority, bic wc shall "wail our destiny",are busy at work completing the in the dark silent plans for the Formal. 17 Anyone not obeying these With Ihe money saved by the rules shall be subject 10 the jur- Formal, the sororities plan to isdiction of the E, E. T C. A. purchase Defense Bonds for the ner. the whole campus is alive with ' mummerings'’ and ''buz zes" of the May Day program, an annual feature of the first week end in May. Sororitiesi (Continued from Page One) KdiKiuuM EmphaHU Proicram Here lOnlinued from Page One) ginning of Keligious Emphasis Ueck .Members of the clat« directed, acted, and produced this play as a data project, and their contribution to Religious Emphasis Week This play wa» reproduced on Sunday evenins for Ihe congregation of the First Christian Church in place of the regular worship service. Wilma Williams acted as di rector for the production Ihote in the cast included Preston Parsons. Lib Stoney Flugcne Grove, Madclcnc Den ning. and Virginia Lancaster. Technical Staffs included V'elva V hue, Katherine Deans, Crc cia O'Neal, Avis Keene, and Elizabeth Yavorski Thin drama was well received by both the students and faculty as an excellent type of Keli-; gious Drama. On Tuesday night at 10 o'clock a Fireside Chat wa5 held for the girls on Ihe cam- pus. On Wednesday night to: the boys. Personal interview., were scheduled each afternoon from I :M 10 2:30 The three Sororities anJ three Fraternities entertained the guest, local ministers and professors at a lea on Thurs-' day afternoon from 4:30 to S.JO in the Girls' Parlor. The presidents of the organizations' ; presided over Ihe punch bowl,' Cakes, nuts and mints were > •erved by other members of Ihe groups •Members of the Glee Club and Students from the music department provided special music for chapel and Ve->pcrs during the week. The String Ensemble, directed by Mr Ed Slallinis. provided the hal'! hour of music which preceded i the dramatic presentation on Monday evening. | ! This year, all the plans for Keligious Emphasis Week were made by Ida Earle Pierce, president of the Y W. C. A., and her committee, and ap proved by the Campus Reli gious Council Mr. Drash and Mr, Swear ingen were much appreciated by the students. Mr Drasli gave the boys quite a work-out at the ping pong tables, and Mr, Swearingen did the same on Ihe tennis court Both were found to be old hands at swing ing a baseball bat, •Mr. Drash mad^ a very defi nite impression on the student body. His inspiring lectures and pleasing personality made the week a highly successful one. There’s satisfaction in knowing the revenue tax you pay on every pac o cigarettes is doing its bit for Uncle bam And you’ll get complete smoking satisfaction in Chesterfield’s famous blend of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos. This superior blend is tops in everything you like best in a cigarette. It is definitely MILDER, far COOLER and lots better-tasting. Try Chesterfields today. See vi^hy millions say:“Kou can't buy a better cigarette.’ Saturday, April 18,1942 vrioi More p. 1 U s T Weeh’„ „ for buy ’ o/ie year: WHIKEVft YOU FIND A YOU'U PINO CHESTItFtllO. On PT-boot. iwb O' . wogon, giv« tmoktrt o tot mot* pl«ctwrf <0 CAROLYN CASSIDY, Mm A/n*ri- con Avttrfion. From cooit to cooif Our country's air lines ore ploying a mojOf port in Notionol Defense. From coost to coast Chesterfield gives smokers more pleasure. On rHE , _ f^/iT/oNS Front WE WILL WIN. We did it before and v/e'll do it again. Once 0 smoker hoi enjoyed Chester field's cooler, better toste he smokes them again ond again. M Chesterfie council SIGNED SARA E Bl'NN MARGARET L JAMES JANET GRANTHAM lX)ROTHY L LATHAM BI TCH BARWICK ADKl.INE BOWER MARY MASSEY JOAN I'MSTEAD KIwtiiinji (I'oniinued from Page One) termed on the (iirl's Dormilory iiouKsil ihis fear as its treas urer ,Mr. Jones, a member of Sig ma Alpha fraternity, was elected "vrr Billie Adams as treasurer of the Avsocialion. He repre- ■'11* the Sophomore Class on Ihe Djfer.ij Council. jimiii) .Millhousc was elected future use of the Sororities or' for some other school purpose. The Fraternities have decided to go ahead with their banquets, but to hold them on a modified scale The fraternities have been asked to hold a banquet that will cost each member not more than five dollars. M U I. LINS Harl)or Shop lUmeath the National Itank Kulldinc We appreciate your patronape di kp: univkrsity SCHOOI. OF NURSING DURHAM, N, C. The Diploma of Graduate Nurse is awarded after three years. Quali- fled students arc eligible for the degree of U. S. in Nursing after an additional year of hospital and university work. The entrance requirements are mtelligence, character, and one year of college work. The annual tuition of $100.00 covers the cost of maintenance and uniforms. Decause of the urgent need for nurses the next class will be ad mitted July 5 instead of 5^ptem* ber 30. as previously announced. Catalogues, application forms, and Information about requirements may be obtained from the Dean. Murphy’s Esso Station usso pr?oi)ucTS Di'liciou.s Sandwiches and Frozen l)rink.s W N. C. Copyrijht 1942. LK.ctTTA ft ] HUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS Theatre Soda Shop SCHRAFFTS FINE CANDIES Wilson Drug Company Shaeffer Pens and Nunnally’s Candies “.An Ideal Gift” 114 S, Tarboro St, OASIS THEATRE Sun. - Mon. - Tues. “RISE AND SHINE” .lack Oakie Linda Darnell BRUCE LAMM Styled Men’s W^ear ROV .MOORE’S Drujf Store. Inc. WILSON, N, C. W 1 L S O N T H E A T R E Again Today and Tues,— The Orioinal Nrxc York Stagt Show Sow on Sertrn “HELLZAPOPI’IN” Starring OL5CN and JOHSSOS CAROLINA T H E A T R E Last Time* Today— with •THE WOLF MAN" CLAUDE RAISS DICK FORAS Txiesday— with GEORGE HOVSTOS ‘The l^ne Rider Rides On” SANDY’S Esso Service Washing and Greasing i ESSO HEAT No. I, No. 2, No. 3 Phone 3451 WiLson, N. C. Huy Your ('lothes .\nd Furnishings at MOSS & CO. ■Treat People Right” 132-136 S. Tarboro St. Wilson. N. C, THE PERFECT GIFT FOR GRADUATIO}^J DIAMONDS AND WATCHES Denny's Jewelers EXPERT TENNIS RACKET RESTRINGING Em-Jay Sporting Goods 106 S. Tarboro St. • ■} jWHEN DINING OUT| I VISIT jMonticello Cafe! and THE NEW M. & J. RESTAURANT LISTEN--. every night Monday through Saturday, 6:45 p. m„ for Elmer Oettinger, Jr., in an analysis of the news, over WGTM and the Tobacco Network. Clear, con cise, a new viewpoint. Pre sented by . . , BISSETTE’S DRUG STORES COURTESY OF It Pays to Pay A Visit to RED’S BARBER SHOP 113 S. Goldsboro St. NATIONAL BANK OF WILSON WIMPY’S BILL1.4R^ 109 W. NASH The Best Spot in Town for Clean Recreation Quiclc Delivery Within City Limits, ★ HOT SANDWICHES — COLD DRINKS * FOR SERVICE CALL 4134 * SPORTS RESULTS FROM OVER THE NATION