COLLEGIATE Volume XVI. Atlantic Christian College, Wilton, N. C., May 15, 1943 Numb<>r H New Organization RepiacesY.M.-Y.W. All Students To Members Of Student Christian As sociation. I\^ew Publication Heads The approved plan for the new Student Christian Association lakes the place of the Y. M. C. A., Y W’. C. A., and Campus Re- Uglous Council. Kvery student of Atlantic Chris tian Collef^e will automatically bet ome a member of the Student Christian Association. This or- ianUatlon will be headed hy an Advisory Board composed of three appointed faculty menibers who are the Religious Rducation Committee. Then there will he two representatives elected hy the student body. This Hoard will act as a Ruid- In? f?roup. Members of this lioard may attend regular Cabinet meetings and offer suggestions, but will not have voting power. This Board will approve any major program or project of any rouunlttee or group before such <,au be put In action. The head of the Association will be a Chairman and a Secre tary elected by the student body. The Cabinet shall be composed of the elected officers plus the head or chairman of each com mittee. The Cabinet shall act as a desiring house and a suggestive ^roup for the work and plan ning of each committee. This Cabinet must know of and approve all activities before nr are presented to the Ad- ;y Hoard. Chairman shall have t (Continu^'d on page three) A Pictured abovf are the ne» publlratlon heads and the chle» • marshal for next year. From left to right they are: Miss Mary I.rOUl8e Hose, **dltui I of the Knot; Mls>* Ada Kathr yn Coor, Kdltor or the Miss Charlotte Thomas, rhlef murthal: Miss Dixie Smith, busiuet^ manager for th»- and Miss Mary J. Nackoj*. faculty ad* ’. visor for the 1 MIhw Vivian Denning, chairman ol May Day, and Miss .Mar, Jennette. business munauer for th«* Tiiie Kn(»t wttre not present | when the picture was made. ' Golden Knot Sponsors Drive For Refugee A drlv« for $3&0 U lM*lnK spun pored hy the (lOld^D Knot Honor ' to rnabh* a refugev from one of the war-torn countrlva to study at Atlantic ('hrliitUn I'lil ; leg** At a reocnt chapel dlscuimlon jMtudents and farulty enthusiastic* ally supported this drive. i ' ‘ \Vf shall be helping a refugee I by giving hliii an opportunity to [learn and w<* will In turn gather ;a belter understanding of oth«»r lH*ople and of other uatloni*. ’ de- ii lsred a* studfnt memb«T. Graduation Plans Aie Cam pi el ed SPEAKER Freshman Class Gives Mystery Play May Day Has Patriotic Theme Hlood-curdUng screams and wild, screeching noises emanat> ing from Howard Chapel doors, windows, and cracks on the night of May 1, marked the presenta tion of The Ghowt of Gnx*n Man sion, by Clarice Wardall, a mys tery play In three scenes given I>y the Freshman Class. Spectators entered Into a dark ened chapel and were ushered to their seats by candlelight. An eerie atmosphere was provided with the playing of organ music by Celia Crawley. With the striking of cymbals, the play was announced by Rachel Jones. Screams and horrible laughter, sounded as the curtain rose. Two university students, Irvin Nichols and Rosalyn Ml- zelle. found themselves accident ally locked in an old deserted mansion supposedly haunted. Frightened by weird sounds and the sight of a ghost, they des perately try to find a means of escape. The ghost, placed by Guy Dlx* on. was one of our professors who invented the haunted house story to scare people away from the mansion. Henpecked by their wives, they did this so that they could secretly have their weekly card game. Robert Jones, Greg Herring, and James Beatty played the roles of the other three be wildered and confused professors. When the students and pro fessors discover each other, a merry situation evolves. Both groups are terrified by offstage screams and grating sounds. They realize that someone else Is In the mansion, but soon discover that the noises came from a parrot which had given their secret away to their wives. Jessie Turner was the scream ing sensation and Bryan Haislip took care of the nerve-wracking noises and other sound effect. Staging and lighting were und- ^r the supervision of Johnnie Green. Make-up artist was Mlr- James. Lula Purvis Gray was iissistant director. The play was under the dlrec- of Miss Mary J. Nackos. The annual May Day Frolics were held out on the front cam pus Saturday. May 1. at 4:30 The theme of a victory gar den complete with vegetablen and flowers and infeated with bugs, wart carried out very appropriate ly. Mis; Pr.inces Sermons, daugh- it*r oi V»‘ ar.d .\1rt Leslie R. ^^»;rnnH' i (I- F Barnwell. N. C,. ■ -I’" I ' U'ft*.. Mr -i ■ '' , (Citrb ' i' . - of Micro. S. C.. rnl<»U ovtT It.' Festival, Miss SermonH was dressed In an angel-skln white satin gown, original design with inserted Im ported late. The gown had a basque waljit and a flowing chif fon train. The sleeves were pointed, long leg-of-mutton. One strand of pearls was worn above the sweetheart neckline. A plain flnger-tlp veil fell below the crown of white flowers. Her maid of honor. Miss Lena Howard (Bill) Sermons, sister of the queen, wore a yellow gown of taffeta and net. Her head dress was small with a short veil. Miss Doris White. Vanceboro. N. C.. and Miss Carolyn Baggette. Wllaon. N. C., wore identical blue lace gowns, with pleated skirts and short sleeves. They also wore small head dresses with veils. Ladies of the Court, which in cluded Misses Huldah Rowe. Wil son: Klizabeth Browning. Wash ington. X. C-; Charlotte Thomas. ?;im City: Rebecca Cockrell. Wil son: Ava Gray Barnes. Kenly; Frances Hemby. Maury; Ann Walnwrlght. Wilson; Earle W'll- Uams, Zebulon; Virginia Dare Atkins, Wilson; and Kvelyn Rus sell, St. Stephenn. S, C.; wore Identical dresses of taffeta In shades of yellow. Blue, pink and lavender. The Heralds: Misses Kaydcen Sasser and Merle Jackson, both of La GranKe, N. C.. wore identi cal short pleated skirts of white satin, with long sleere blouses. Their blue satin capes with white IlninKS were knee length. Flowers for the occasion were donated by the people of Wilson. The throne was decorated by Pbl .Sigma Tau Sorority. Miss Celia Crawley. Wilson, and Miss Madeline Smalley, Director of physical education, had charge of the actlrltles. Mis* Crawley is a senior and will graduate In August. She is a music major. Faculty Entertains Honor Students The faculty of Atlantic Chrl** tian <'oIlege entertained the ttu- dentil making the honor roll for the last term at a Salamagumtl party at the Woman’s I'lub on Friday night, April 30. at 8:30 o'clock. M«mbers of the faculty greet ed the guests at the door at«d dlrecttd them to the coat rooai and then Into the main parlor where tables wero set for mixtd games- •, A Salamagundl party consl- - .1 !>'*.»/mu ,****- garnet, the winner* of e«^ gar) • moving to a different t^ble at the close of the game. The player winning the most games automat ically be< omea th« winner for the evening. Tallies were drawn to determine where a guest should play first. Bingo, anagrams, au thors. old maidit, pick-up slicks, rummy, dominoes, checkers, aod oth*T gameii were played. ProfesMor Perry Case, registrar of the < ollege, welcomed the hon or stud»*nts. building his speech around the V’s—V for vigor; V for vitality; and V for vallance. Miss Margaret Farmer, speak ing for the students present, re sponded to his speech of welcome. A ( ourse of respberry sherbert, rakes and nutH was served. The clvlr organltallonn of Wil son will asked to contribute to the drive. The students set their goal at |J00 which will leave IlSO for thi* civic clubs Many Individual pled«et ar«> Im«- ing made also. Boxes have htM*n placed In Kin- "t‘y Hall, the "Y" Store, the Col lege Grocery, Caldwt«U Hall, and the dining hall for any donations the students feel frei» to glvtv The refugee will be selected by faculty iind students. They will havH the privilege of selecting th •tudent from (Jermsny. France, Holland. Japan, ('hlna, Italy, or many other smaller countries. The drive will last for approxi mately two w<*eks or until the goal is reached. DH. MOKNKI.I. H \UT Women’s Council : Elects New Officers Margaret Garriss Gives Recital ( .\I.I ,MM! .\nollier gratluiitlon dny in fHMt Hp|ir(>a4 lilng. Vour old \lnm .MatfT 1h rorfllally Invlt- tng y<»u to t<» tlie iiK'iu emrnt K*<tc1>m*m May at 10::io in th«* HowanI >l<*nioHal <‘ha|H*l. .Not only thal, 1m to b«- an .\lunini Lunc)i(*<>n for you that vrry day in the ficrt Hanly Dlniiig Hall at .\lunml F. \V. U eljpnann all of you lo come to the rani|>UH for a K'xxI lonif viftlt. Miss Margaret nafriss, an out- slatfdlng member of the senior class of Atlantic ('hrlstlan Col lege, gave her graduating recital In voice In Howard Memorial (’hapel on Friday evening. May 7. .Miss (*arrls. soprano, was pre sented by I*rof»*ssor John W. Fon taine. The program Included numbers from V'erdl. Handel, Arne, lyoe- eve. Arditl. !>«*<hmont. I^ng, Bis hop and olht*r well known music writers. As an encore Miss Gar riss sang “Coming Thru the llyo.” Thf stage was decorated with early spring flow«*rs. .Vo other propt*rtles with exception of the piano were used. .Miss (iarrlss wore a white Jer sey gown, sprinkled with sliver studx. Her flowers were a should er corsage of red roses and valley lilies. i'rofessor Fontaine, who accom panied Miss Garriss, was dressed In formal clothes also. Ushers wore white evening gowns with corsages of mixed flowers. They were: Misses .Mary Taylor Gray of .Margarettesvllle; Wllma Williams of Wilson's Mills; .Mary Ixtulse Hose and Lyle Reid I Starling of the college. .Miss Garriss Is the daughter ' of Mr. and Mrs. .Marcus A. Gar- ' rlss of .Margarettesvllle, N. C. Miss Ruth Bllxsard. senior, wan fleeted by the girls of Atlantic (‘hrlstlan College to head the Womens Dormitory Assm’lallon for the «osulug school term In elections held Monday. April 19. Ske su» Mltf Frauci. Hem by as pr«Nildeni. Other offtc*‘r* of the glrl’f: a< Moclatlon wore named Tu«'«day morning, April tin- 27. Th*'y ;ire: .Miss V'Ictorla WllllamSon as vlce-presld«*nt r •• p 1 • ^ * MIsn Huth UUtxard; Mist Kll»ab*«th Johnson as necretary succiM'dlng MlS" Kleanor Blow. Miss Caro Lee Mornan as treas urer taking the place of Miss Kllzabctli Johnson; Mli»s Ad«*le K<>e aii house president of Kinsey Hall following Mias Madeline God win, and Miss Isla Mae Phipps as house prenldent of (!aldwell Hall replacing Miss Haxel John son. (’lass represenlatlv«*s wore chos- on Tuesday eri-nlng by the glrU of i*ach respective class. Sen ior repreai-ntatlve will be Miss lr«*ne Davis; Junior representa- tWf will be Mis* Horothy Jarvls; and the sophomore reprenonlalive position win b** hold by Miss l.ula Purvis Gray. Misses Jeanne Hllley and Claudia LucaH will act as town TopreNentatlveS. Miss Klhel Kugenla Stlckley and .MIkh Kva Mao Whitley, douns of tho two dormitories will act as faculty advisors for the coun- cll- SENIOR ROLL 2:(H) p. 1 PLKIK.K Ah new e<lIlor of the Coll©- ^{iate I to: Work constantly, and as ef- fiH-iently v* I can, K<'ef» the jMiM-r open Ut rrltirl^m »nd repro^ nt e<iually all organlzatlonH awl Individ uai«* on the canipuw. (SI«n«Nl) Ada Kathr>n ( EXAMINATION SCHEDULE SKCON'I) SK.MKHTKR 1942-43 . MO.nTuY. may 17 All Hev-tiouM Kngll^h fl All MM-tlonn KnicllMti '^1 TrK.SI>.%V. MAY IH H:<M) a. ni. a. m. Phy« I»oI<»k> 4H p. ni. - W. K, a. m. «laj»*M-« WKD.NKSDAY. MAY 10 K:(M» a. ni. .------T. Tl». H., a. in. |l:(Xl a. m. V All MV^lonn liibir B Te«4 liinK of Healtii i'Z p. n». -.--T. Tfi. H., 9:iU) a. m. cIjuwh*« THLIIHDAV. MAV iet> H;(M> K. m. iC pljhTP.nL .M. w. K, ii:<Mi .. in. claMMrM II.W) a. '*'• I*- All and Hygiene p. nJ. V M. W. K, p. in. rImMtee Hlll>AV, MAV 21 a. m. - •-.T. Tli. 1I;0<) a. m. cl^aar** ll:(M» a. in. W. F., I p. m. riawirw p. m. . —_T. Th. H., 12:<M> p. m. ciju»*e« MATrKI>AV, MAV 22 a. in. ...... ..._..-_Oilldr*fi’» Literature 1 ll:fM» a. - of ftloloK) « Dr. Howell Hart To Make Commencrment Address. Plans for graduation of the rlaait of *43 on May ;{4 are In 'ho tlnal stage* of cotnpletlon at thU time Dr Hoinell Hart of Duke rnivei»ll> will dellvor the iimment oment addi e ■> On Saturda>. !3. at 4 00 p m. the program will bo^tln with tho Cla» >• Dsn Kxen laes prr -< ntod by the senior cls»s, With iho vuilouii tnombors of tho cla»> ■ »n the one, tho >'luss Historian, Miss Naomi Morrli* and clus« of- ric««rN ^111 feminist o The class poot and the class prophot will ad dn-M the group, sftor which Mlfi5 FisnroN llomby will load the Last Will j»nd ToMtamont of the clas» (f ’43 ThU will be followod by tho traditional St^dutmore Daisy (‘hain and fsrowell aong, and tho Honlor cluHH ^ong I'ho muiilc- department of thr coIloKo will glvo a recital on Hat- urday night In Howard t*ha|»e| at K'30 p m Tho first psrt will be the volco tind piano itudentii of Mr Fontaine and Miss Druek ormlller, whilo tho last portion of tho urogram will consist of numbi’rs sung by the Knsomble undor tho direction of Miss Druck- ormlller The Knsemblo will offor two groupN of songs. In the first will bo Kdiucn My >lotlier Tauitlil Me by Dvorsk. M) i.litle lUnjo by DltUmun. Th«’ Hwjin liy S.ilnt- saem; -tnd I'he >tM4ii Markrll*4B by Woavei lu iho sc<ond group will tpp»*4T. Tilt K«HM*ry liyNevIn, S)l«la by speaker and Come To 'I'lio I'lilr by Martin The liaccHlaurouto norm<»n will ho glvon In iho First ('hrUtlsn (’hur*'h by Dr H. H Hllley. This will bo hoard at II 00 a. m. Sun day morning. Sunday ovonlnc at 8:00 p. m Dr. T T rtwoarlngou. minister of Iho First Christian Church of Wlla«jn, will dollvor iho farewell mormon to the senlom In Howsrd ChstM'l. Tho public Is Invltod. Tho highlight <if the ontlre graduation program occurs Mon day morning whon. following Iho graduation addrenn. which will be (lollvorod by Dr. HornoU Hart, of Duke 1‘nlverslty, tho prononta- tlon of diplomas Is made Dr. Hart Is sn eminent sociologist snd Is tho author of sevoral Imoks on soelology. Flfiy-throo rtonlom will recaive dogrooH at that time. Immedlatoly following tho pro- a«*ntatlon of diplomas, there will bo the annual proiM*ntntlon of cup* and awards Thet«o awards will bo glvon for tho bout all- around athleto, highost scho|ai»tlc average, tho Denny Kitsay Cup. esssy on the Collogo .Motto.Msry P. ('burchw#*ll Trophy. Waters Cup. Faculty (’up. Organlxatlon Hchol- arship Cup. H. H. lli>ss. Jr., Ton- nU Cup, Phi Kiippa Alpha Ath- loilc Kcholarshlp Trophy, Phi Delta (»amma Kportmanship (*up, and tho Dolta Hlgma Kororlty Hcholastlr Trophy. Those who have alroady re- The followinif Hi*niorn will (fraduate the 24th of .May; Carolyn Baggette, Wilson; Mar garet V. Barnes, PInetops; Klea nor F. Blow, V'ancftboro; Kliza beth Browning, WaKhington, N. C.; C'assle Mao Cowell, Bayboro; Jcolvod degreos before lM*lng called L. C. I>avls, Jr.. .Micro; Katherine 'Into the armod for‘o« aro- Kay Doanit. Wilson. .Margaret Farm- ('arraway, Bruce Davis. Albert or. Wilson; Theresa Fisher, Uocky (Jalnoy. John Hicks. Ambrose Mount; Margaret Garriss, Mar- Manning. Losile Murray, and Hap- KaretaVllle; KfTle Ko||y tlllrhrlst, | |ro (J'.Veal. Cam**ron; fiarah Mae (»reene. Bd- i — - havon, Charlie Harrlstjn, Wll- llamston. Franc«» Hemby, Maury; Hazel Johnaon. Kerr; Mary l^ls Jonen, Klliah»‘thtown; Kuby '(!. Jonet, Konly; Virginia I/ancaster, .New B*rn; Huth .Matthews. Wll •on, ('arrle Davis May. Wilson; .Myrtle May, Wlnterrllle; Klsle V. May. Uocky Mount; .Naomi Morris*. Wilson Pluma Narron, Kenly; Florence pacu, Bailey; Carolyn Parrish. Wilsons Mills; Clara F. Parker, Pine Mvel; las sie Johnson Howe, Wilson; Hal* (Contlnuixl on page thre«> I i*r<»tfrNiii 'HHliirtlMy, M«>> 22 I tMMIp. III. 4 litkM Da> Fter<lM*«. I . p. in. Itwlial of Munli ’ ] iiM'fil. Kundiay. May 221 ll:<Ml » m . liai < alauroa(«^ H4*ntH«n. H.iHi |». in lar»*»«**ll H*^non. Monday, .May 21 10 lUi a. in. i*ra<lua(lon Ft* on 1m*» hIiIi a<tdre4i«» !»)- Dr. lUrl. p in. Alumni IVam|uet and .Mooting

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