Pa(« Two THE COLLEGIATE SATURDAY, MAY 15. 1943 The Collegiate Published Monthly by the StudenU o( ATLANTIC CHKLSTIAN COLLKGK Wil»4jn, North ( ■rolina T/II-: coi.i.ixnA TE rKiiSEyrs' Editorials Letters Features Sub*cnp(>o«> Rat* 11.00 Per VeMT EDITORIAL STAFF ADA KATHKYN COOK , Editor-in-Chief CARO IJ-;K M0K<;AN As«oci«te-Kdilor MI.S.S MARY J. NACKOS Faculty Advisor BUSINESS STAFF DIXIE SMITH ..Hu«incs* Manaif'T VERA LOKTIN A-«i*t«nt Huninejw Manager .Ir»o. K»ll«r. IJorothy H^ry I^oulw K«*p. l»ro- tbr lifMO*. Hrrao lUKIIp. liUbcb* Itaatuo. Kubcl l’«t<r- tia. A»l» K»<inc, lirmrr, mil. tIoUoo. U>*t« lirmrd. VlnlaU l^snrMisr. Uiadr> Kovbnirk, CUudIa Liicu. l>ur- oibx rr*«m>a Bill’s Column ll| I'rt. lull I Collegiate Book Review of Zbc Ipropbet H) Kahlil Gibran WE SNOOP WITH THE SENIORS t Vrw ot ui h»»* attempted rhlldren, and many other phase* to .Inile out our fa»orite book, of human ll/e. Never 1* the hu- becaUM we our- man Intereat angle omitted: It perbap* that la Wall. I'm In the Army bo«M And bow'!' Thai far I Ilka It Sn<- Of . •tittor I bate onir b««n two we<-k>, and mjr baalc traln-^ ■ , _ ...i,. nt the ... 1. . , .111 •.lYM are not born writer*, for appear* from the coming of the Tk/.t ll«- them.elT«i often pick ship", the opening of the book. ■' , , ^ ,K ' from ihelr many acbleireinenU to the ‘Kireweir’. A* yc-u know I t-nirred thf irom ineir wmu, bBl thpy ronilder ibelr ' be*t. j.*or an example ot this apprals- Thla li the place which Kah- | part-quote from his He Mid LeCs Be IVise Tb«r« ar* iwo •ttrvoiM Id tb« wajr atudeoU lake #iam w«»«k. rir«l. (hare u tb« aludfnl wbo takM U loo Mrluualf. or. aball w« •Mf. wt) UkM II uowu»lr. lU forgeu lo tludr uotll viamt. lb*o hm tip all nlcbt and irlM to Vram" •oougb to paaa. Tb« n«it day b« la tlrrd aod worn oQl. and rannol poaalbly do bU b*v( work Then tb«r« la th« •(udt>nt wbo iblnka of axam we«k aa a Ta*’atloo il« puts aald« all tbuusbl of atudy. Slnca he haa no reialar elaaaee be ruri«t« to amdy IIp forg«*tr lb« Importance of aiame L«f • be wlae !bla /ear Let'a lake exam w*»ek aerloualy. Rc:s3«rtiber the grad« yott mak» un an esam may drtermlnr wbatber you alay on the fence or fall ovar. I think I’ye neter been ‘ when lore beckons to you, fol- Itbout Tlw I*n»|»l»rt alnce I Oral > him. wm< »*UiKl the Idea In Mount L«b-| ‘ ThouKh hU ways are hard anun ll to have been a . uteep. part of me—. I kept the manu- j ^^en hls wings enfold licrlpt four T«»r» before I de- ^ •’Though the sword hidden hl> pinloni may wound Lool^ing Beyond the Duration In far* tit war byBterla, there U. a likelihood that many of u« • bo ptae now lo b« In a<bool nail year will let rzrit^mcnt and rbance of a job keep ui from rontlnolns our cullrge education If any of you are ronlemplallni getting a Job or In aome olbef way dUruptInx your < ollege rare«r, think iwire before you d«^ it Think how lurkj' you are lo b« able to come to colleffe whrn the «;reat«>9t desire of hundreds pf young people la to be where you are Will your Job b« go«>d ' b«yund (he duration"? Many people wbo are bolding Juba now are going to be without Joba after the war when (be demand for worker* U n<*t so great Are you going to be able to get a Job ihrn* <’an you walk Into an office or eUewbere and say. "1 am a college graduate and I wish to apply for a >ob " You will not be able to d>» that If you don't k«>ep your head now and go through with this thing you hare started. perhapa from the time you were a child your part*nta hare bad as tbeir Ideal for you. a rollege education They bare prob- •Ul; sarriflred for you that they might raatixe their dream |‘oiU*i»e eln* I* yoy wfire In grammar srbo*^ and hiaA arbo<ii you bare aaid. "t want lo get a rollege eduratlon ao I can aland out from the arerage peraon 1 want to serrip humanity In the beat way poaalble ’* Are you going to disappoint yourself and your parenta by allowing mob psy hotogy and hysteria to orer-power your "bett*’r sensaa *? I^t us aa students take the advt«-i« of thoK«t who know from ntp«rien> e, and make plant to l ome bark to •« bi>oi next term. It’s Your Paper, Students Many rritlclsms harr been heard from students this year, aa in former years. atKiut the ('ullr«cij»ir>. Moat of theae studenta harr nerer worked on the aiaff or participated In any way towards helping (he {»aper lo hef-ome a better one. They do not realise the limited resources wa have to work wUb They do not reallxe that it is hard to get <<M>peratlon rx>ept from a few faithful stu* denla They do not know the amount of work the ataff puts on the paper. Perhaps If aome of thoae siudt'nta * ho feel ao prone to :.'rlticite Would <ome to staff meetings and work together, there would not be so mu«h critirUm, neither would there b« as much room for criticism We want to sxpreaa apprv^'iallon to the out-going editor who haa carried on her work so admirably and efTlciently. and to her ataff Plenty of credit govs to our fa< ulty adriaor and to the Jo'jrnallsm ^las.« loo When the fall term open*, we ho)>e more of you will t>«come Intereetrd in Journalistic work, and leare an opening in your plans for «'oUrKiair work I’ome on students* It’s your paper l./«t‘a work together for a bigger and better Ootlniriiu*'! yt-.u Kort Jackson Rt-Teptlon (Vnter on the l»th of last month. • bad a rather dreary day. both I" word* on lore: from the standpoint of weather and of my particular mood in »b)cb I waa. I waa »■-urted to my * room", which In reality waa an upatalrs barracka bed—a hard tie^l ml 1 was shown by an^ orderly bow lo make up a b«l ; '• '» Publlaher army- .tyle" Thia I. a »,ry^>« »“•- ' “> ^ ' ln>rlcatf pro<-«« Inroltlng ui» wanted to b« rery »ure, t at of aouare corner, and creaain* lee« blankeK I gueaa I madej^* • **“* offer, my bed up K. .ell that the «,r- , *"<« “>•' " K-.nt In my barra. ka had m. I >» -• ■^ulmlnallon of the beat of make hi* for him er.ry morning, IW'*'*' Ka. h morning after I fini.hed I Phr. Hfe, truth, and majeatic de- maklng mine, he would yell In^**’’®® Krery line rings with an un- And I an*wered.}-«‘-'-"<-d rbytbm whirh leare* In the [the hnarls of those who read 4 It a Binging as of music born wlth- I In the soul of man or woman. I (flbran writes hia philoaophy on lore, marriage, friendship. I crime, puniahment, reaaon, paa- I slon. clotheH, housea. work. joy. Letters To Editor P- 0. popular WITH STUDENTS hia booming role**. "Hey (*ome here "Yes sir!" and went on double , The aergeant In rharge of sup plies told me to atlck tight to my ii4rracks in caae I waa called for. And he further Maid that •*a< h time a formation wblatle was < bloan I should report on the ^ double out front. 80 from then |on I llred In mortal dread and' .fear that 1 wouldn’t hear the .,. ^larn whistle and get cuased out , Kdltor: I by the top kick (aergeant to you). ’ Although much haa been said I I was In the army a wn«k be- roorrrnlng the problem of cheat- fore I got my uniform. MyiJng on Atlantic Christian College I p*i|H«rR were sent to Hragg In-. Campus It seems lo be occurring Ulead of Jai'kson, and because of as frequently as erer. that I was held up. Finally, Students cheat more on dally when I got the "green light," and monthly tests; howerer. with I really trareled. 1 wandered flnal semester exams staring us fur uiil«a lu uuUt* UAkad* Iht^fact^.j think It is well to nt§m among army doctors; I madt |ihenti«n the honor syatem again, ont insuranee p«p«r«: i was pro- . U has b^n eaUmated that 25 •*s^ed and lnterrleVe4: I look’S>er t«nt of the studenta on uris notsaraus tects to datarntae my i'ampito cheat oo teats. Whether mental ability; I waa treated .this ir aemrate or not I hare too uughly by the clothier’* who took [ way of knowing, but whaterer I away my cirillan finery and gare the rate is, it Is serious. Who ! me the ollrf drab of the army, is to blame for this? Is It the My shoes are so large that Uncle student or the teachers' fault? < ould rent them aa gun- ' We ll admit that some of the .■ boats! Then 1 was transferrers teachers do not seem to see cheat- among you. “And when he speaks to you believe In him. “Though his rolce may shatter your dreams as the north wind lay.*: waste the garden." So. when you’re lonely, when you feel deeply the need of a friend or the need of comfort, when you are tempest tossed in- wide, f)nd a copy of Th<‘ Pn>|»lu‘t and And a lovely country hillside. Here read to your heart's con tent -and your heart will find content. Mary Louise Rose ' to ('ompany C of Jackson and Ing under their very noses, how- plaied on the -iblpping list. My ever, it's the student that does name wan railed out for shipping the cheating. I the taut day of April. That waa Cheating is unfair to the cheat- a momentour day for me I got **r and to his classmates also. . iwelvf letters from my friends. If a person gets a higher grade Wbal girl can beat that? It ! than he deserves then the system make, one feel awfully good when ' of grading that we hare is inef- • <»ne gets letters from one's friends, fertlre. When my shipment left Jackson ' A 8tud**nt should not work !»e had no Idea where we were ,„prely for a grade. ;:olng. We were going North and towardi: the mountains of .south Carolina. When we neared His highest aim in study should be for the acquiring of knowledge. With out knowledge, a peraon is liable .Vow as well as anytime the mall must come through. And ' come It does to A. C. College. On an average mid-week day, over i 20U letters and 42 papers and packages were received at the college post office. A hurried #jJance ihrouf^h them wH] show that over half that comes In haa ihiy unmistakable In tfee upper right hand corner showing .the service men don’t forget the A. C. Girls. And the girls don't forget the boys, for of the 231 letters going out on that same day around two- thirds of them were addressed to men in the army, navy or ma rines I I Stamps are bought too. At any time during post office hours one may see someone at the window buying stamps. Orer 1607 worth of stamps have been sold since January, 1943. The war has stepped up de fense and production and post offUes also It seems, for the A. C. College station certainly does u flourlHhlng business. our de.ilnatlon the lieutenant In lo fall In later year, harge told u. we were going to : It 1. queer to me that ao many Ibe n. w air baae at (ireen.boro. | *tudent* think only of an "eaay ! .North Carolina, to take our w.y out. To them cheating training In the ground a> hool of j aeemn to be the aolutlon, but they It Mystery Reign* In Caldwell Hall Do We Want a Refugee Student? Mi>«i of you harr b««rd about lb# drjre that Oolden Knot Honor Ho^i«ty is spuoaoring Pvrhapa none of you hare thought about bow Important It Is or wbal It an do for the students at the Col- Ufe. and for the paraon whom we halp Ho far In the drire. students harp cooperated aa they usually do at the beginning of many of the drtraa held on the ampus. but «e wonder if this cooperation will last You know that our goat is $200 00 and with contributions from the rarlou« aororlliea. fraternitlea. Y W A . Y M C A . and other organltallont tha Indirldual quota will not be so much, that • If eTer7on« cooperates and d«>«s his part. A refugee student on our i'ampus will probably do mora than any* thing ela«< to ellmioale such a fe«llng of antagoniam and bate as exists toward* aome nationalities Inrolved in the war. Tha person cboa«*n lould add much to our campus Ufa by par ticipating In rlaa*-ro«)a dis« uMlons and by talks In chapel, liy this first hand experirnca the> couid tell us things (hat would be of mora raal raloa lo us than speeches, magailne artirlea and leciuraa that wr wouldn't remember. Hrtoging a student here who haa been lorn from his home and arhool will show him wbal real democracy la Ha can know that erea ihostgb many of us bare to work lo coma to rolUcs. «e are willing to glre up some of onr luxuriaa to help a leae fortonale peraon. Slndenta. tat s ahow the admlnialralion. and iba town that we can ralaa oar qaoia aod that wr will do U. If wa caa get the «• wa feel that through Indirldual pledge* aad throucii plad««s from the various civic orgaaUallont to town wa cao gat tha othar ll&O •• easily. Yea. we want a rafugaa student, and we ara going lo hare one. If •raryooe roopemlaa as ha has dooa ao far. |lh« Air forpa I waa complet»-i will llnd In later year* that ^ ly surprised to *ay the leaat. i doM not pay. i When we rea. hed <;reen«boro Many «(ud.-nt* do not fear he- |«e dUrorered the new Held waa Ing caught be.auae they do not .already o.erdowlng with new re- think there I* a rery *erlou* pun- rrult. and that there waa no room lament InBlried on the offender jfor u.. Ho we -rontlnued our . The cheater la nerer denounced loarntr- | publicly, ; Dawn came, and I had no Idea' i ,Ki„k „ * . I ^ think an Honor Council on |Whfre Wf were. Then along the .k .... “ ' a , . * ‘“^Ithe campus wou d he p to solre road I MW a 4lgn poat on which i.»_ ». _ i'/ »wifc I problem. This council would wa* painted “Selma". Instantly k- j # I *u„„d .here we were going | ^ ^ *>«"• »nd And I wa. right!! * | (acuity member. cho,en by the We arrlred here Saturday ' ^ morning, the Br*t of ,May. W* did little until Monday. Then iCxecutlre Board It would b« the duty of tbi. council to *ee that all cheater* (we «.rted our H. T. , train- P-^X'Ced. The In*. In earneat We drilled and «r*l offenie drilled and poaalbly be lo*. of credit And we hare IQ the after* aod for the s^ond offense, ex clusion from school. Perhaps such a council can be I drilled and drilled. ; done It ever since I noons wp hav« not drilled, how- j erer. but Instead we hare seen » ^ imo.le. on mlllury courte.y, bar. . ^ organlied neit year, las,.* I « ■ Students and faculty let ua I had l«*cturea on saiutinc air .. k “a iTbey ar. r.ry atrlct her. about ‘ “‘’i fluting all officer*, *o I go about T “ ‘ *“• jbunllng then, ,nd aaluiliig tbem i ! -.’tor, they reproach m. for net doing ». . " ^»®Pu«ea. why not oura? I am In a barrack* with forty j * Student j other fellow*. mo*tly my age . I»ear Kdltor: We .re aM u.ually very Jo»lal,, , ,„t to take thl* mean* of .InglnK mu.hoftbe tlmeandlell-lgirlng a word of adrlce to any Inr JokH, to pat, the time away Kre.hmen whom the rarlou* Sor on o„ KraternUle. ma, . . .ery frequent A. yH none of •m.hlng" hare >urrfred from bome*lrkne*a, ■ blrh I think If extremely good. Continued on page three) Some thought the noise sound ed like a screaming bomb: others thought It was merely a whistle, ' but whatever It was It caused a bit of excitement In Caldwell Hall one night recently. MUs Kugenla .Stlckley, dean, was the r*t person aroused a Jhort time after the light bell had rung at 11 o'clo<k. The con fusion spread rapidly until all girls living In this dormitory were out of l>ed, yelling and screaming. A few brave co-eds ventured downstair* and searched the chemistry lab and ahower room. They found nothing there but they di*covered the door leading outside was cracked open. Thl* was probably due to the fact that aome girl's date left after the door had been locked and he j didn’t close It well. During the excitement nobody thought of Ithis. The only logical thing seemed that someone wa* In the building. The police were called and the flrst floor of the building was ; again aearched. The amusing ]*lght wa* forty girls in pajamas, I housecoats, etc.. with hair pinned j up, all grouped around two pollce- |men, who thought the whole thing rather amusing. The hidden gho*t wa* not re vealed and probably never will be ‘unlea* a certain girl admit* that she was the one who made that whistling noise, (p. s. It s a military secret;. In place of our usual “dirt" we thought we’d give you a UttU something to remember abottt some of our seniors. We can’t say they're very dignified, but ue'li neter forget: l.ib BroHnlr^c and her effici ency as pn*hldvnt of tho .ntudtmt iMHly. Funny Hcinby and her ability to chew gum—and we forgot to add her love for Kendrick. Funiit*r and her won derful dancing (ask anyone) and Hill and don't ever forget her work on the “IMue Knot.'* The V. W. A. led by Kuby Jom*?* who will be ml.ssed by the Council and certain men in the services . . . . : Johnny (irtn'iio with those "isb- ka-bibble" bauds and her dozens of skirts. Those letters signed by ('a^^ie ,Ma«* Cowell from Kxwutivw lioard —She was certainly an efficient secretary and she doesn't forget her staff sergeant. Carolyn li^iKKi'tto with her beautiful red hair and her love for l><4ta Si^na. CatlxTlne IK^an.s and her slogan "Better late than Never." KvHyn Ku.s.vll and (»uy Smith —a twosome but don’t forget Guy’s love for the Chemistry lab. Klcaikor Ulow and her many baths a day and Harvey (How does she rate two?) Francfs Sernionn—how could we ever forget her beauty on May Day or Howartl. Peanut Morrl><—her efficiency In anything—regardless? Carrie (H^^I) I>avi.s May and her indifference— llule <;arri.s> and her lovely voice and Howard and Mickey. Cf^‘l»y (Su|MTlor) Parrish and > her work as preKldent of Delu Sigma. Ha/.o| .lohnnon and her ability to "Jltter-bu#f". Cliarlie HarrlHon and his calm dignity—and always ItellM. Ciinny I^nraster and her flit ting from place to place. Curlle Davis and his physique In full dress—remember May Day -and those beautiful blond curls. .Myrtle .May torn between her love for soldiers and chocolate milks. town student. .Ann WainwrlKht—the typical FKIe .May—-her wit and work In the Post Office. And last but not least those seniors here In spirit but really In the service—I.<>rs*4ie .Murray, .\llM*rt (iainey, Itnic<‘ DhvIh, Ani- bn»H<» Manning, Johnny HiekH ar»<l Hiiy Carraway an<l Sapiro ()’N«*»1. j Yes. we’ll never forget these 'students, for we say it sincerely !—with them will go part of our 1 school life. For In them we saw, |and stlil see, our future. We ran 1 to them In our first days of lone- jllness; we ran to them In our I every happiness; we ran to them for advice, for co-operation, for leadership. And now comes the parting Iti the path of college life. Some We shall see again; others we shall never see. But In our hearts and in our memories all of them will leave their special Imprints. f^'ho Done It? "Whert* did the <'ol|<>t^te ^•t the Ka.st4*r <art<H>n? It iho i«» cute!" waM one of the •nany r<>niarkN vo1c<h1 the \|»ril issue CMiiie out. Well, the (stiiff MantM ever)one to know that it helonfCH to them exclusively. Imnhum* Marjorie Little, ol H ilsoti, art and joumallHni stu- ilenl of <*lijirl«‘> I,. Coon High *Mh«x>l, undrr the dirtxtlon of MIsh (ilenn Dunevant. Journal' Isiii teH4'h(‘r, ina<l<‘ It especially for the colh>f;e pA|>er. On iM'half of the (*oII<*xlat< and the students of .4tUntlc Ctiristian Col|«*|5e. We thank you, .>larjorie IJttle. The SUif

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