COLLEGIATE Volumne No. 18 Atlaiitii- Christiun Wil.'-iii, N. » O. tolu-r .'to, I'.i lT NiimliiT 2 Queen To^Be downed ^ ^EW FACULTY MEMBERS TAKE THEIR PLACES ON TEACHING STAFF Dramatics Added To Course of Studies Golden (Cnot Gives Year’s Schclarshio They A.en’t Be(;gars Reaf^an and Wyman Will Choose From 14 Girls Tlif QuH<*n «if thf .itiiuial I-e Oiif Itariu'H »*«U- i..r of !»»♦• I’INK KNOT, at Ih on r‘alur«l:iy hIkIm. Novfiii- i.= r L'2. funn 7 :i«» until 12 'H». Tl»»‘ Qn**»‘n 'kill l»«* fr th** \ui loUH t>rK^ni/utli>ii?: t>ii l uinii- u^. b> Uiiiiultl itrauuii ami Jun>' Wyiuaii. |M»;mlar floMyHtuhl Ah y«‘l no ihflliift* plJHf fon I’lann ar»‘ l»elu« iiuul** to b:uf rt ihurl floor :»h >w aiwl olhnr .-n UTtalnin«*m. Al 1«' o‘rh»ck th»** II Mill li»» • rown*»4 t^u* * n. Tlu* Qu»*»*n will ho »l 4iti :in hnprovlH»sl thrtMu* ami iroun««l. flurroiuuliMl by th»* other (a ndi»lato«. Tht* »laiii‘‘ will Im* m-nii-formil aluJ win hf> OJH'll to OlJtHill»T> Th»‘r»* will he an admlKHion rhari'ei! au«! the procetsln will no tt> the rlNK KNOT. The plctureR o.' the randldateH have alieady heen sent to the two Juil«e« In niakhiK the pirtnres. Ihe phot»)Krapher« draped the fj»N Ki> that they would all look Ihe ?»ame. On the ha<-k!'. of the l-ictureH w«‘re lni'Iud*‘d the ulrls m« a'»uren»entj* in order that ih<* judK*'M nii^ht tell the approximate of ll»»‘ entrleH The candidates for IMNK KNOT Queen an« K<*ouomou». "A” ('luh; Klorl- dalla n« rnier. Seieiue Clnh; Mary Alice MeaHley. (Jlee (Muh; Thelm:t i:arndi aid In the I the «-la'- ri-.HJ: ' i-a-i< «! « nr- 5* nent. Ilel*M o( rr, ir-. tt-a.hihK In Ihe So l». p.trimeni M;- eiv*d Ilf li.aiuhin ! 1 nm Mu . t .'V :e^«*. Murrav . f.VlHl H,- ' I'niv. isii t ' i' M • :i.- i‘n. . I = -r !*«'i:re«* I’!., teat-hinc uixl :i - Tennes-*.*' St,ll»‘ IMrdir VN -’/x . ' Sh* had w M k al D«- TIm* class officers ft>r the rur-' rent year W(*re el«*cled in the various ineelinKH of the claj-'ses. 0» tjdnT *5. The freshman class met in Kow :.rd ('hapf'l and electo to life tonlKht In the Kymnaslum. The party will brlni? the old witch, on her broom and her hlack cat to the campus. I^umpkins, ► pooks, and Kbosts will all be present at the party In the forn' of students. The occasion will be , a tacky party. Because of the gym * floor, each student will be requlr en* ih. I -.r. *-«e»» In Kn«»\- ivlnc her .\! \ Inn d*d ;'isni»- :i nls with ih' D«*pirlmehl «»f I elKbt > » ar- Tulane Srhool of So' tul Wi>> k also r* ‘'iv»Ml -(.« ial liainini; at Vanderbilt rnl \*rsity In Nashville, lu-fore join ing the tea'iihu* staff of Atlanli* Chrlsilnn ('olleire. she w-.' h*'a«l of the History D* I'arl mefit al l.i;- .McUae rt>lleKe. I'.anner K Ik. N and alst) Dean of W auen She uas h*anl (’ollejje. Nashvllb*. 'r«nne^.-ce Mis-: Krnestlne Holneau. of OiaiiK'diurK. S (‘.. Joins the (*om- hu r. lal Depariujent. leachinu lyp inx and Sfrrelary pra«tb*e She 1« also .\^.sistant Dean In ' aldwell Hall, before iun»ini: lo .V(’c she .-ervwl as llev’lsfrar of .Mllch«dl C. lleKe in Statesville. N (V Miss Moineau has work*-uth Carolina, the rnlversity of Miami, ('oral (ta bles. Flotilla; Oulethorpe 1‘nlver slty, Atlanta. (Ja.; (leorula Slat*- ('«»lleKe for WonoMi Mlll«‘ H« re. she ‘- ‘-akint;. IMay I’roductlen. r nnd l>as studi*Hl a*, the YaN- S' bool of Drama and at Kad V rltten an»*u- •> Huil if n».i' K'raduale and • . d:-.:if. frt>n> AtlnnM=* I .)U« u*v |U*rnn i > junior this yea:. «he h.. I i' N.arn at ih« rnlverdiv .»f Pue i. Kl* o Thf Honor S:^‘iety held a in*';'' In-c at tl r upurlment oi Dr Mild mi Haiisock. rtponsor. at which lime MWh Bernier was ;sl*«‘n a •'urprls** party Uefr**shmenic we’* ' .♦•fvrd by Dr Hartsock. The regular mei-tius-'. o' 'b**' tlolileii Knot are hehi .it D* i . .. h M miay morning Th** st>« ie t> plan<- to sponsor at least \i 4per s*-rvireK during ih»* \»*Mr .♦i;d if. I iinieinplating u chajHd s**r \ ire M*mi**rship in (;t)hlen Kiu»t I- the hlKh*‘st honor an Atlaiitl<' riiriHiian ('oll<*k*e stndi'ni nuiv at tain Knierlnn Ilf ninth year o' e\ihi*-ne»- on ih*‘ campu>-, ih«- »»r ' • taps in the spriiu* yiv in; -erttgniilon to out«*tandin^ mIu- dints in th*- sophomore, junior. . nd -'-nlor Fiiuiuled in l!»:l^. the IJtlWleU Knot liaK endeavored lo r^eognixe ' men and woin**n who ha>e attain • d a hli-'h :4tandaid of leudendilp holar;‘hlp. hervii «•. and charai-*- in • oll*-;,;lale activities, lo en- oiiia-:'* th*-m aloUK lh*Hf line'* lid to ihspir** others l«> sirlvi* f. i ^ eonspii-uous attalnnit-nts Tin* present nietnlM-»s of ihe So- • 'iriy :ire Man;uerile No**. pr«-d- ■l«Tji; (* D. Ourganus. secretary ind iri'asurer; .Mary Kllen Jon* h'raulein Jarman. Iris l.e**. DavUl Hardir.on. I.*-ach. Jane (’.off, Donna Hnrton. Ml) Davis Vesper Services Held j Every Other Thursday I \‘i" pi V : . ' *H«in I hr 11- ' |i« •«lh*!J iht* tirti*- •1'. Ml! t«i! that r«»b*-at"sis atr h*'iil and titat tb<* i-l fil iIh- • ,;r.' I'l I ii i » ra> Il in ir «aid t'h«p(«l piav ; (hr* «■ »• ( iM'llP* • ii(init*:ttronoHD t tltu: 1- Uid at (h«- (u : I rtillel h r*-ni ui V It ha«l a tr t- ’ul I un on Btoa«lwa% a Thf.4tre Oiilhl ;■! *- > nialIon in I :ti .‘J|. in.;.I U: ■I fo- I’h.itr \' :u»*- ;t«- f td .11 >-.-11 -....t • 1.1 1 h. d - In 1 lh*‘ INITIATIONS OF PLEDGES BRING COLORFULNESS TO CAMPUS being i’ondu< l>'d by organixallons on Ibi' I he vires are dlffej oni • nmpus l-^ai h organization ha« a ves|)i*r rvice on< e e\rt-pi the hiistian Kellowshlp. Ihe (;old*-n nKol Hon r Soci»*ty, ami the (Ireek letti-r OI I'ani/allons whirh are cooperat mi, with their briithers and sir. fer: in (lie m-rvices. So far tluTi* have b* en two ser- \ Ice-i et)non High School and also serv<*ls. In the Lan-'uage Departm»*nt there Is Miss Susan Vhk of Wil- j-on who holds an AB Degree from Mary Washington f’ollege. ('nl* versliy of V'irglnia. Fredericks burg. Virginia. Prior to her com ing here she taught in the .Mary land High Sthool. (Jreenbelt. Marylanin|{ tlicM* HialeiiH'nlH: That Sijjnia .\lpha Fraternity wa> the first IralerniftI otKaiil/a- fion to make a Mltohir*-lilp pro- vIhIom; ami tlial il*. *.lster-M,r- oHly, Phi Sigma Tau. wa*. Hm* t<» fa^-tn It liH*. lK*«*n br«»nghl to the attentl*»n of Ih*’ i’ellrt Slj<<**" wa*. foiind«-*l in han a *Mholar^filp n-«|ulr. The sorority (-«dlaborat«M| with their brother. Phi Delta (Jammu in giving a tea ffjr the alumni at : Homeroming. ! “You Name It ”, the gossip she< t | put (Hit every two weeks. Is th** proy M K Klf)»<’rii. iir<’«li|fnt; Jam"* Mfl.awhorn. vice pri-iilil. nt; Vlvl- .iii .Mllbr, »<. bc- !on-.' :i wflncr roa»t and WK-Ial hour lifld In honor of Florldalla ll<-r nler, th*- Sclfnc*. flub » candidal*- tor th<" yi-arbook quHcn l.ant year lh<" tV'lHni <• ' lub »ot. «.-rreiary. (’laudia l.a- ll v.iiK de. Itlr.l that 111. '.’•r. offtr. r:'. Alll .df ii tl bv bnliols iM.ill*‘d to pi*d-up iMrm- b* rs. (o be ipMlalh-d iit the ‘p»'lng tllnner to be giv»-n io Sin lor-i 'Ihlv- Is a levlval oI iin < Id pi ai I il l .\t ihe iiin*nln« luii-ting oi Homeromln’-;. tin- uluntni w*:. web omed by Jano'x Daniel. pri-!*l 4l* lit of ihi’ student body, iin i Dr H S. luiley. who ;*iioke !ul*-fl) slred Ibi ii>-*-d of Ihe alumni *upporl perlally an ationdatiri at home : hi!/ not bi-i-n loo favorabl** \!: Si';'iigliT spoki* '.•r|i‘fly oh th** albhtlc outlook for lh«* ro|- Mr. .):tjiit;-n. pasf»»r or lb»* I’ii: II :.;nnal rhararii>!s. The !ii>l 4l.t\ * of liilllalion '‘roUKbl out ni.ui> |di-dk'4--t in i«h>>i( diei,ieH and bine Ji-aiir. Tlo- «lrW in SJcma Tan Oil wi-i i- 4lr»-r - d ihi- ;hui.irl**r^ In the l.lltle .\b m-r I onib !*irlp The Phi ^5|gma Tan ;iiU w« n- *lr*-'> i-d III blui- j*-aii- Mid plaid diitiH aiHl \M-re nano'd ;tfior Kiiiili' ,\l4‘**nii-. Mlnnli-. an I M4h- The mIimI ftom India Sig n ;> >Ain dre:^H«*d l4i portray i bar Cl i*M'' in ihi- niir*'i-jv rh\in«*“ 1‘iu* IM Di'lta (iamnia hoyr ^ken* paint I’d up Aiili n-d ami vn-i** imole lo 1\|- pilblir show- for Ihe eijli-i ta*niii.-nl of iIm- memb«-r and olh- IT 4pi-' tai)M>r Paddl*”:. -auii-r. of ’Aaii’r. iMgs id landy, •i.MnMli- , am! rhe\^in’ um.«M- bni ki’ti . i*g»ts. rhalu ', doim. plllo\\ ca^v--. I andli'i* and f h.w. i H lh!n-;» < jdi’ili'. - Tl-i- r l>rou;;hl ■ »roi 11 ll : I- among lh<- In till’ haiulr inaii t of th- on»»>r otiiy color had lo be w»irn on l'ri Jil'.'hl. 'lioM •• w-«T4- luiinv r iM'.li- al Hie bani|Ue1i tii'i* 'hi sororilv and fniNTniiy iiO'mlMrK or‘ aslon. 'I'hose 1.1 .Sji^iiiii -\iarlan Moot I la I p<- relumed t4» help in ih*- The social in jiarty. rerep. lions, a Valentine party. Chrl^l- mas party and various ofhi*r so< ial 4-venli» liold for out of the social 'und. Harnett Club Gets Three New Officers The Harni'il County I Brown. presin. ;ind J 'I* < o'.h .Slgtua Tau ' hi had 4»nly iwo to return to srhool this ^^;^r Mary Frann-K M« wellyn, and Vivian Allen. Warti*n Bariii’i. Kavmond Far ils, Horar*’ Ov4-rman, Brantley A»*- lork, Paul (ilayi-r, C(don Aniim»iM, LUiyd Brinnon. Harry Ihdmer Si'arky .M«--‘asklll, John iCi'ViR Jim DeUall, and Bill M;. >iMiglll nii’iiiber: of phi Kai»j»a \lpha Frai*Tnlly, .New mi-nilu’r in Phi Sigma T m i I n»rlt> are a« f»dlow> B‘*lty Vev. Ion, l.fiulm- .Morris, Darlene Tu k‘'r. Mild Irlr Ann Bnnrh. Th»:r.?’ Jfdtiing Ihe Hlgirja Alpha I'rali-rnlly are f(dlowr- Dor Har«Iy, Thomas Welln. Bill Thig pen, Hal Hmilh, M h.. Ihmmi rnsi as fol hw Je.r, ' loiir ;i|II pJ«V the I..It 4»I Nat .NUIUt ¥»Bh Charh*- I’m.;. UR hU un>t^:>lu4iy B<>rt) \ aunr. Klrhiird Millet •-*. II h T«on ni> Wataoii u ndiTrit tidy Hal .■.- llh. Sid Da\‘n v.llh W lli-\ Wall ■ i> uml'i-*l uih . Chatlra Ma\«i .i \’i!iur Millt’r r.ith Chiilr?. PaK**iy Hudi>lp)i WIj a» Daniil MrCi>iiilic*i W'lley \N all u* Wlnl s**lby Hllii SS'.uir WihhIuII u« I mil : *tu k (i\**rinaii. und« l Miii\ . ‘I’lninis Walioii an Sal*-’» ::< «ii Ki 1*1 pooh* a 'roinniy Mill <1. Maigu*-ill4- Nor n- Mt« Mill #r wtih VU?an Miller, undrt .ludy l.ib l.r.oh a- l.lly Mlll*’i with .Nnna Jt .in Poole, umV’rt.1 luly ^ Be nellr \S hlle ai« Mlhlti'tl Miller with Syhll p.aiti-il, umtt>>»lud^. Hi-leii I.amm. .•> \!uti*-l Ml (timber v^tth l»4>rlM Whitn*-y f under».imlv .Mar-. I.e*« 'Pann*-! a« Bell willi Svbil Bair<-tl. nndi-r'luil\ , X lvi.m Millrr a** Nota ^^llh /i'll ('atlHon. un«letiilud> 'Poniiuy Moom- Mill “*’i\e MU • lai-t* tn.inaci'r Vkilli Wallmi C4»l‘ v ..r hlr a»« .■•lani Cfiarl*-»« Muy»i, ( haili'H l*;iKi- .S'40'I'ImI Dunn. A P Walt n.*’ W.Mi.fall. Cl li 1‘i'own ami .latm-^ Wlhier ai*' In I hai <1* 4»f Ihe “.rmTV. l(tnloli.h Wmgr, Donna Holton. J M Snillti Crr|| Btoy. II at*’ in charge of till' pr4»pi‘illi-H Charli P.».f and D.nwin Mr affH\ ar*' in « harije .»f lU'hts. Vivian Miller, Kll/abrl h C4»or, Mat\ Fi.ih's'n I .1«'m rllv n. .iml Su«« 'Phonuix. 4ontmn«’ . Jo Anm (•»!>-iclnh, and Di4»opv Wai r«*n, make up. nn»! f.i-k ovrrnian, ]u>dli lly and hotip- ii .tiiagiM Glee Club Makes Plans For Year The (Jh’r (‘lull. uml* r tlie 4l(n. lion of Ml^'^> Johnson. ha« beitun Itr nev >4-ar with appnal mal*-ly If. -*lu*l«’nl' luinlng . an aM’tii -*’ of n»i num. thiii an- In this yi-ar ' A( an r.iflj nirrjing of ihe or •;inl/alhin. Ilu« f-ilhiv. Iiik offli**r v .*|i- e|« ■ Ifd IrlK l.i-e, pn-ihlriil c .1 .\mniom', vl«r ptrwhin.t, Ann Jidilison. rrri-lary. and I’hirlda lla B<-inl*-r. iM-aRUier. U’oi!. on Handel''. ■■,M4"c ihil» ban begun, with an effort for leiidl ner-r by Die : hr)Mlrn/t> -I’awoli J^a»l y*-ar. nmi«r tin dlM’ilhni <»f Ml*« Harrli i FuMon, lh«’ (Jli i- (Tub pre ^i-nied the '.M*- ilah" f4>r tin* fii>' lime on the < ampilK It was d<*r|(li"! I hat it would bertone ciiHioniary rju h y**ar f< r Ihi* (ib’i- Club to pr<* VI nt it to till’ ptlblir ulnre nn olll«*l otuanixallon In Inr rily glvi-n It, Sevi'ial iiM.nil'i’if; 4»f Ihe (Jlee Club ar<- planning to parllcipale in till’ ( liminunll'. < hoi us wlih >i will be h**r4’ during N4ivejnlMT An culHide ronduriot will rorne in an«! dlrerl tin- ?*r«iut» ^^libh will la mad*’ up 41' . h«»runi*H ann, aiMl Vlvlun ln-rn, an• climax4-d its liil- .'ith a haii(|uei Wi-i-d, Hit urday Approklmat* 1> *nt inilndlng thi* , Frankie l.lewel .\llen. old mem tr- ■eiK every Mon th<- Phi Kalitni hou*-4 The of r.ut the club on a « hola»tl<- ba»l», !■ iml». I’ V Ila«., Vauifhn lluI;.(T, l,y .►ndin* at th- -nd of -ach Hobby Htrlckland, llu«h Har.f .ol .'m.nt-r Inrltatlon to mud-nt. fnd Z-ll C.irlium Th-club I. .pon- who ha*- achle»«l an »v-ra((<- of xorlns Ml»« Carliuin In tb<- rin- ]. or b^tt-r. 'Knot b-aut> cont<-»l. Waller Corridl, Ci*ne Drivi*r. Wll iiain Driver, W'alt'Hi Cfdey, Alan Irellatt. and Bimald Whit*’. Annual Pictures Mark Staif On Year Book p|,»ure for th*- annua! i**-re inken lasi -*-eek by C harlle Kain<^:, photographer from Wilson The plitui-- of th<- Juniors and •>4-rr«-lury. and P*‘tenmn, irManur«’r and r«* d"ni, d* nt: J».yr • I orU I SIgtna 7'ati Chi has many nrtlvl. tiet (;tiriiix th* year For Hotro* 'omlng Phi Kappa Alpha and ;tlg tn.i T.iu Chi W('r<’ Jolnl host and hosi* -a n h‘*n lh»'V <-nl‘'rialn*’«1 the itiiitnnl and visit'r^ with a ten Fruit tiun'h. r(M»kie», and nuts w4-re M*rv«’d Th*-y an»lnii'd th*dr !irr»th<*r»: in tdaylng ho«t to th** ;«riilty. and 'it the w« f Ml«s Paul (ila7<*r and Mr. Hora«‘’ Overman tuB^-d with the staff and set thn d'adlineii for th*- maierlaU Th*« n«.w < ov*>r for Die annual ha« i«*en by the *'dBor In nfifripN form. Th*' ulaff has j'ot off lo a g