Two T H K r O L I, E G I A T K October 30. 194- COLLEGIATE !»■•« UfAlt lull Itnm »i>ir«»i( lU •••» MW It I iiiroid \i, iwMKi* IHH4M 11ri IIMr«»i( iitr »iiiroK HitiltT't » I'troK »» «ri HI k iiiToii ill HIM |UI\I(I> .r lit HIM VI \\ |4«| H I nil I l.%f|i»N M \N \«.m N..r#n« JmV < H r-» llrrT) \ Muw. H allon I *»!•♦>. K lllrl»r*-»*. \|«l«n 'l»ll*-r. <«rlffrn. Sfxirkt V|t4a»klll. I «1 Ir* m- Kufu* |trM«fon. ^1. I - Marrv-w. 4 I* >>r. MlMrr*! llarlMMk V|*r**i»*rUr' N*»r t*rn4' lUim*** JotiM Injcmtiam |k»rU Hmrprr lull \lAWfM(HI UjmIk-I IW-aty A Little Sermon i i»n « jMTtoii ri'ttllv tiP ■ H<' "r ?>hf may (uit lie jicr- ffi l, hut th‘- Ifin thfy run (In i.4 to xhitw 'i liltl)- n-nin-ct or r<>(i«iil<*r»tii>ii for olht-rH. A kiml wnril, ;i thtiuithtful K<*r»t- 111 !• t iwuril II li-llow human will lif jfru rail ma'ii- lh<' worlil si bftter plai i* in whii h ti) live (>y liiviiijf and hi-)pi«>; i-ai h oihcr in Chrixt'M name. IJetli-r yiiuiM'll anil y ii 1h-u'am|iiii that ol th<- all-im;>ortaiit fooil situa'iun. With onioiiA anil ori hnl.n thrown in no (.i-rtain dirvctiun, thr ton*' of I onvi-rHationx it invanahly on thf i Hidi —i ritii itm w hu'l' provoki-.s c|UfXlionH a< to » hv her or not ■ nythiiiK ‘'I'h ii«- iioiii- to vary our lonnnttantly unattruc- tivf nwaln. \V I- would v<‘htur< to xay thr one ffaljjr*' tnojit noticfd l>y vMilor* t* our food. If an octii'wional pa.tsiT-by makei* coninifnt. ih‘‘n i( < an not In- Maid that thr .-itudcnts who an' nini- nionlh.i to it an- ui.juxlilii-d in thi-ir coni- plainlK. Our food ix fair, V\ «• know that to rfinforre thi.K utate- nn'iit, thfn- I 'inifM from mon- ojitimiittic »ourr«-M the reply -u far we have had no ca.tualitien irom the Ioo«i ^^•rvel^ < a'«k. "Ilow in your tood up ihere. John?" rari' exreption Would he to hear an an.-twer different Iroiii thin: 'Well. I'll tell you. II'h lair, l>ii( there in v»»t room lor improveiiii iit. eipcrially in pre|)aralion. Seenih to me «!• e.iuld have illlleiellt loods for the >(;ime price." A. ha'* K'xxl reaxon lor keepmj; the price of meal.-- a* low as po-mitde. and our collejfe dietary depar.ment in to 1)1* commendeii for it.s imiirovi.imK within the Ilmit.H outlined for them in thi- hudKfi. However, more laurel.-i could he be.Htowed, if our meal.s Were [irepared more on the attr.iclive tide. I’erhapn. too. .HumethiiiK could be done to ifiv'e u.H a food, he it meat, veKatahle, de.-'.'ieft, or drink, dilferent trom the general run that tire.n the a|>|>etite no I'hd. 'I'hiK can he ilone! Uillerent. attractive, and appe- ti/iiiK meiiUfi can he prepared with umall chaiiKe in price. ro«till)lv the two jiarraliceH that would have to be made ari' mon- tim.- on the jiart of the dietician to work out the-i- dietx and ob.servation to .lee that proper prepar ation IX c.irried ou:. It i.s a biK job, but we have a depart ment to xupervixe .such; anti there i* no rua*»>n why it xhoiild not l7.r)0. Kveryolle expei ten to .tee .tome .Hort of change 111 the way of more food. We were di.iappointed. Krom all ohxervationx, nothiiiK ha.i chaiii:ed nor i.s there hope at the pre.nent time that we .shall .see it. If we cannot have mori' tood for the boosted prici‘. We should he awarded at leatt a vari.itlon of the food we set- day after day. I hn edi:orial ix not a panacea, hu! we sincerely hope that the people in a poxition to remedy the situation will do »o. |m|>rovement of any kind is a step alontr the road to hetti-rment of our college. CAMPUS PERSONALITIES H^rr j.f nd ‘-d.ii'*!! o? ll*i^ . an 1 • ► don i fKliik It »««a.d thl» r*»luran of ' ittir**- ihji In M of opinion I y«»ur wjito*' • jiU It a ■ S;>a yiU*T , .'»uf. n****TfIlilnK it • an h *n»»r to huvr ! • •*fi for ?hi" •») ::i»n our <*>*>.1 • a>**r r-. t«, ',r» •« Mfj?\ nln** dur.r .* t »• ► hool y^ar. Nil* • i»»i *• r:»'t'.'ink Th» ’» .•’hiui rir»«i mu4»*r.*< »n • ’.M il af |>r*'**-nt Y*“*. •« of a . »f r i al) thim r//ntM«'rlnc figur** wf .ifilJ thl/Jk li »:• honor to In IhU fto-«all«>d "Siui< •• Ktl>r ' K‘»r i*ur flfni tion t •• hit*- M*iry KI.*'n a dlunlfU'd ••-nJor A»»d •u*h a ni<«* little nu/n^H*r 1». ifv’ She h'H mv »oi»- t»«*lnr ">!.»■ of Af*f and that i»n‘t • i,n^)iU'ririK lh*« that nh»* l» ut»* while KUsUtii. A* a rulf /ou think o frt^hu.en lx*lr;ic Ih^ oncn who do ail thf KlKiCHnK. hm you munt H at Mary i* U«*n haa ha 1 four yrar» of roIl«-c« hf^ tn mak*> h«*rn n* »rly p'-rfi- f M^iry KM»*n halU frni;» Snow HHI. N . and I* a mu».^' ma)< r Hh^ la a m#*mh»r of J’hl Sljtma Tau Sor<»rlty, a* well » lb»* riuh I«aKt y»*ar »h»* w.i« prtiiid*'nt of th** J* A. t’ahlne*. iii«l lo jcl*** you an *-»ainplr h#*r npa'tiUlW >« 1h-«j»Up lh‘ fa> f baa a amltr for ftt»rynne, tor waa (hat u «h«* U a ti»lnd«‘d and a t»ry < nn** i«*ntU«uif jM-rnon. Sh«» ar fH out fftr word < «>o{.••ration. If you Jia'«* th»- rham »• lo work vMh h*>r. fhiit'n **'aftl) what Khf will k|vc y u p«>ration lo Ihi- »*nlh d**Kr' Vr> <»n# »lil arjT'f^ wlfh you wh^^n you -•<'mpMrn»*nt Ml«* Jout‘H Th**y *U! r»'.idlly orr^ with you when you K.ty ^h«* U d«*flnU**lv an a« t'l to our farnliu* So k«^’> up Ihi fln»= ihlnKJi you a'-f* doini. w»- ‘ an ' ou th»'v do not k*o unrf* oRni»4Hl Kr* !u th'* hllla of VlrKinia ron.» » our fampuj* p«Ta«i:i* ality of lh«- o{>p/»«Jfe i«#*t J|** hrfnita wfh him thul kind of !>*• iM*na!l!> ihat U truly an aar«*t to our r : th<» S ^ .A rabin* t ll»* al»i> hold't thf offli** of trntmurHr j*hJ I>«»Jt» Cammt Frainrnlly JiTry i% - VHr ♦rmy t talk v ilh. :iml hif irol..- has that »|uoMty of icoinK out fo you and » nk.n* In In th«- way hfft pray**.-* d«» In <'hap^l J^rrv Im d**flnll»**v a h«tioii*i rf>n><'i«*ntloufi pf'- •<»!», nhd. y»*t, you vlll f»n<1 him a friendly <'onK'*nlal hu who |o>» « lonx wuika. dam Inr. and a o! of roff* *.. In «af»* you ar«» »:r*»t*d l»y th** thlf of *'INMnho*'. you run h.-t th#* jfr'^'flnic rof. from J**rry l’o«fhM*iaJf« fh<> nU'k nam*' h*» uiwm all hln a< ((tiHint;in< THE MERRY MIX-UP By Mel F. Warren M,l K KMiriMI.i. TI.\M .»M . \|I\F. Y**p, t-a'ti player on llif 1.1(1 grid ix as miuh y-iuri anjrthine fl»f in sihool The> .1^ out Ih. r.- fiKhllnK f'”' ‘he name i:,at lli> > ::lv.- tn the r(>lle-.;e. ihli li If I'!' Tl"’ •••as"n 1* c.riT and as >••! '»•' ® lirhlnd »n cmr wins, hiit that does iii.l mjki- any rial tliftfienit* lo us :. I aus<- »e know Ihat they had the piilrlt t(i win JUKt to xhiiw them ar.- rt-ally pulllne Int's Ki> :it th»* larti iiaint' 'if th** «eason lo The Wreckage Speaks I5y IU*rr> Vaus<> iThia is thf prologue to the v. tual Blory whhh ulll appear tour instuIhiKPntKl. LumiiiA Inn dyin^. d>inf:, dy. InK; one** jou livtil: liv«'i) ua h >ou roiiltl ri«‘Vi‘r dir; how . T.l:iy» d In Wllaon and kIvp then "»< >our •m hand* that thev have been vemher vth at w hl« h time we are KolnR lo, Tho«e flare lamps there aio^ f av»' a >lnory Well, a (iypfty fold fhe hi>rhvay thal ^flve warnJoi: me and It In ihe rards . . . Th« to the moloriHt of dancer — yoof Wllwrn ('ounlv Fair had many destrurilon — the name fUren ih*. iifher Interenilnjj thlntC'j also, did- I'ave notice of your hlnh a lltti* u t U"! No klddlnjc Kanjc. « hep More than twenty-five year* a^o it rlnht out to the ole Fladhinj This «pot was selected for yo« Michu X. vemlnr sth. Mf K II \V We are all Klad to, •ee that Ml»s I^wls. the Physlc.jl. Kduialor for women, in back and •v»nt through thni appendectomy like a real f*port. She l« fine if ever saw one. Maybe yjju haven’t had the advantSKe of knowlnK all that >.he dee?i beflldeK run the poor little ttlrls around the block. Al all of | (he Kunie« this year she has gonei out - f her way to help make them your doors, r. sucreB« I dare say that we would KnolttMi pine, slabs of marbln. have been in a miserable predlca- eut glass, plate mirrors, and Kran- ment wUhout her. So. Miss I.ewlR. lu* went Into your inakluR. Yoir »e welcome you hark from the entrance, your face, was to be f here at the foot of an interaenloa with highway 1*. 3 runnini; paral- lei to your doors, running all thr way from Florida lo New York, and highway 17 rlhhoninR itii way eastward over an overpas* tu the Gulf. A better sele<'tlun for >our location could not have made; for everything from a preti- dfnt’s son to a lonely and tlr«*.j proF-lltute. passed, found, and eD- hospital with open arms. (This doeg not Ini’lude opinions of Phy- -Ical Kd classes! 1 dining room with a bar on the right and a table and booth od the left. This section could be ei- iremely deceiving to you a passer- l>y; for you appeartsi almost nt»r- nial. All dressed with mahoi'aut furnilure. white spreads deckiu* the table, heavy woven materli’ It’s Try Friendliness As We settle down luiil become even more RW'iire of the unprecedented number of student.s at Atlantic ChristiHn < ollei,'’. «'■ reiill/e thHt It will he impossihle to keep all .'lOO studei.ts in the he.s; spirit all the time, ^specially uniii-r ronditionx tIesiK'ned for no more than three-fourths that numlier. I he studenlii have already tieirun to feel the pinch. It is tT'tinir to fake redouldefi elfort.s on She part of every stu dent on the campus lo jfet aloni; with his fellows. The best nnd only w ,y w.- sei- to do this is lo emphasize the olilest I ollctfe truilitinii—friendnhip. \\ e can't s too often Ihe im|x>rt«nce of personal lrieiidlines.s. I'an’t we he frienils with our nei|fhbor?i? Kven if It w just becau.-e he i.s a fellow A. ('. .student. Kemember, chilluns, you'll ne.i r mws any friendlines.s you K'''e away. Say "llello" to everyone you pas.s in the halls, on thi' c.impu-. in Ihe "V" So r e , no matter how- many time'i you meet durinir Ihi' day. All :he hartl.ships Won't (all ujMin you students. Kememher the faculty and .ld, If thal Is Ihe case, each rlud*'nt who bus a rl»«is in the Wnlte House should be in goo<1 phyHl'al '(>ndlllkeft you through a pea ;»atrh. (.ver a small hill, and then onto a t»i»-by-four porch. The Interior of the house is painted rream with gray wood- Hi.rk There are thre«* rooms, two small and one large. To add to the iwneH* of the building are the 1 am hoping that Hooner or later, the time l5 goin*: to get orientcsl, r>r synrhroniz»f white cold marble. Yes, th»* e:v< h meal. Uu‘ do«'s it? Now that dining room, your face, gave a i* a ir.i.iO que«fion because 1 j impression but. mercy, mercy lo have heard several complainln;: Hie man that sought your soul — about being locked out before the! the heart of you who was only ih«* rive njlniiles had elapsed, 1 took ' e«-n it happen. I underKt;\n la>)les. the easy flowing liquor. there were exactly eleven'and that outpouring of affe<'lion* s<. disgraceful, so naked, r-o shamelessly indulgtyl by wives !e rm the campus I i.« vk ilt-sks whb h have b**en placwl jvarle* to that great degree. I wouhl [ pieces, in the r|asar«K»m2 The roomp’^'* to see the«e spe« lal consldera offers an ex.»*piional amount of{tions made so that all may have Ttiamin l> through the windows Ihe equal chanre at ihe meals for whhh pour eic«n« rays of sun'whlerdines. and con- ■servRtive wools. Kven the old suits are being high-lighted with gaily colored nylon scarfs — both floral prints, and plain. Have you noticed the many different ways they are being worn this sea son? Scarfs add (juite a note ' of variety to a wardrobe. Have Hut Ihere are a few*. Lumlna. who do ml blame you for th** wrong doing ihat went on wllh- in your nails, and they are Iho.-- who were vronged most. They lie noy.- among your wre< k nge. dead. f life. Do you hear what they ar*' .^aying. Lumlna, do you hear what they are saying? y ‘are radiators <»n the Inside and Just the numbers tif the re«pec-- college girls would be iiolUlng but ouulde The heating plant should Hve teams. Kvery day there are i-kln and bones. help bec ause of Us nearness wumejt In Toueh nt MaPle-, especially if It decides to blow wol. They are be Just showered with heal. If It tnow's this winter. slcd/« nnd snow shoes should be In style D would be Just like sliding Into base and should give baseball playeri plenty of praciice for base- tall season next spring. AU In all. the White House has Improved the crowded conditions of the clasaroonis. The ne<'essUy o( Koing fo cotne out on top • arrying can openers to open the nioney couM be won too. doors ha* not yet arinen. You can '*hat an. I saying! iell who is holding the {M'ncil with' - which you are writing and can tell whose caam you are filling out Af hast thia year there will be no ne«-d to take up the theme song of "Near You. ‘ A man w'ho never touches meal, alcohol, or lolmcco, rectnlly cele really fun when brated his seventieth blrthP*' dre«s I “I caught my boyfrieml flirt Those dreKs<* It seems good since the experts add, those f ^ never furnished towel* with their j ■sweaters still look mifchty Ihowers. At least il did break the, -harD!’* * f»uy: ”How'bout some old fa shioned lovln*?” Oal: “Okay. ni call my grand mother.’ rti leasi )i did break the ..harp’’* inontony once In a while when a Maybe next month will nrr»m hit I.quar<- in Ihe ear or ...notkor mnra thank ynur iitarii It was bring cold weatne/. more new styles and fashions, and umi.;'- more to write about. And aside from the fashion, stu dents. remember — neatness in your appearance is what Frt^hman: "Can i i really count.s most! 'on the utreet' Doctor; Vou munt arold all look at them lt> on the KlasseK. It*H on the straws. On rlKarette tips At the edge of bars. Its unique shape Will catrh the eye And hold It with It« deep red dye. The mark of llpa the «lKn of the year Whifh saya not Kllroy. But Woman was here