October 30, 1947 THE COLI.KGIATK I’agt' Thrt‘«> |VTU<)I>I < IV<1 vor TO UAL \ AKSITV TKNTKK: Thfn hunky HulldoK is not only a )olly-Kood-f«»!low. but he pUyi a l»auK-up jcame of football for AC each ainl time hi» takes !he fl**lcl. If** wpU known to hia team inaleR, an well an his op- IHjUHnts, for hl« ability, determin ation. and sof>d Rportsman«hlp. Ar to his ability, there Is no qu<‘stlon. As most of us know. !fal was severely Injured In our first conference jsame with l>*nolr- Uhyne last year. In all pre-geason practUes he was a stand*out; and hwause of this fact, he was count- t d on heavily by both the coaches and his learn males. After recelv- Inx Ihe doctor’s OK to play foot ball aKaln. he reported for pre- tjame drills Septeml>er 1 of this yfur. The rest Is history. Hals determination has been wltnesHed by most of you In the thr**e names played here. On sev eral occasions In these games, he was carried from the field and a»lvl:»ed not to return to the (tame; but the minute he was In his rljrht mind and able to walk again, there was no keeping; him out of the contest. Some of us might iblnk this foolish, but with Hal’s determination and love for the game, there's no other way out. Hal's sportsmanship has been brought out In the five games that he's partlclpat»*d In this season. There have been no penalties call ed against him. This In Itself Is quUe an achievement when you take Into consideration some of the things that happen In a foot ball game. For instance an oppos ing lineman unnecessarily hits you with his fist or elbow. The normal reaction would be to gel even. Information gathered from various members of the football team was to the effect that this has happen«Ml on several occasions 10 Smitty (as he is called by team mates and friends) In the Krsklne ^;yme. He d'.d not react as the j verage Individual would; but he Juughed the Incidents off as a goml sport, and that’s just what be Is — a good sport. In the afore menllonetl. It was staled that Smitty was unable to play r<»otball last season due ir u s«*vere l»;Jury of the back. This was a terrible blow to Hal, as well as the team. Hut once football gels In your blood, and 11 does just that, there Is no get ting away from It. Such was the lase with Smltly: and In order to Flay with the game, he volunteer- els 12. » at Mapl«>wtt d fifld 0*to»MT 23. The H»»beJs l#*«l bv Ihe fine play- hr; of Huik Jones, didn't hav^ «nouch lo stop the fast oharglng Trolnns. The first seon* ol the ganif tam»* In lh«* first quarter wh*»u Jimm. Hanteil lnt»T.'^ ni^d a UelM'l paKK und S4oot**d yards lo pay dirt. The pass for the extra point ifcas lnriimpl»*le The two tfarn^ fought on fv. n klel until the lust «;uarter «h<*n J Ii. Thorne passe 1 ♦ d H. ra« *» Overman for yards land anothor touchd.twn Th»* pass tor the extra point ^as again in- I«o:nplete. Hot.I t«*ams playe^l outntandlng j ba’l from the opening kick-off I until the final whlstlf>. 1 Th*' I iMy-offs »o fl^clde thf I championship have not been play- ♦*d as yet; Ml It is not known who jibe champs will l»e. Here in how the tenn.s finished; In first place ‘>*lth 4 wins and oii«* dHf<»at ar»* 1 t*ie Trojans. The U«*bels and ('y- I cji.n.'s tl»‘d for second place, fol- lowfd by the Hulldogs. TUers and I>»*aco:>«‘ In that older. Till* (>*r)rla)s of !'}♦• )**ague hav» sebvied a first, second, and third all-slar team headed by J. I) t Thor:*e «.nd Hurk Jones who wwe ^ a unanimous choice fot the flr:’i | t*»anj. 1 n»* teams ar»» llHt*». Thorne. Trojans, f'oach SiM’ond Tfain K Krnest Atkinson. Timers (' • (t r a h a m Wllkerson. Cy- j clones ; K .Mac Hyrd. Trojans H Ken Stillar. Hulldogs H—Harry Oliver. Tigers j H—Horace Overman. Trojans * Coach —Gene I)rlv»*r. Rebels I Third TrHin ' K—SI Harrington, Tigers C Raymond Smith, Deacons K - l>aston (irantham. Reb«>ls I H Stan lltKlson. Tigers j H- Rocky Ingraham. Hullogs H—FhkI IMppln, Rebels j Coach. Roy Tart. Hulldogs Honorable nwnllon went to Hll- : ly Smith. Joe (’ostln. Hill Thispen. .Jinx Hryant, and Hill Harrison of! I the RebeU; Seth Jones. Stasey { Thigpen. Pollenberger. Alvin! James, and Thurman Harwood of j the Hulldogs; Darwin McCaffily.- .Milton Lewis. Cecil Hrown. and] Jesse Jones of the Deacons; Ceorge Splrtos, Jack Jones, and (Jene Seckler of the Cyclones; Hill | Stalling, ('alvln Watson. Jack \V(M)ten. and Ray Sugg of the Tig ers; Wiley Wall, Jim Danlell, War ren Harnes, Hill Corbett, and Don Torrence of the Trojans. This year the intramural pr.>«; gram got under way under the leadership of (’oach “Scrappy” i Moore and Pat fJalney. Coach Moore Introduced the all-round ' , Intramural sports program here j last year, and if Is believed to be (me of ihe best throughout the! state. I All games startl'd nt 4.-.7" and were pluy(‘ •'«» D»all , , f' r«* a vcmk! i iM‘pcem t*r SutU und«*r the lup.tM.. le.ide**.hl:> of i'»»«ih ;> Mi>«) e ond Pit («aloe\ rp lo dale, it Is one of the be^t f rrft fontitnll lcr»:ut*ii 1 h«ve »\».r ii |u .icHon The xameii have rrullv b*.M n nip m oat'h .Mm*re * Skills i.nd Technttiut « h. m ally «lone a g«H>d Job « ' •»Ifl tallng the-ii- KutneM o{ of Ic aU have nev.*i 'ill'll a It 1 I h f»»« Ibttil ro:««> .efon* hut they are out then* • a!lln: those gatnfs ai» part or ihelr rlaxswork t ha-< alwnys pruvt-n lo lu* Mie l>Mt policy not to arrue with the offl laU. as they a»e ralllnr the games the »ay Ihev s**v them. Kverylxnly niaki^ mistakes. I ui you wkouUl not Lke it v« rv much If >i»ur coach or manag**r w uld call you down eve*y time you did somethin* r» ng Thi* main pur|»ose of (his (nira- mural program Is not to ^In. but for iwiter «!x»rlsmanshlp an’, lo ^'he vou somethlnr lo do In your spare time T> win Is iml'' a minor part play ihe different gamo« With (be kt‘«*n comi»etlil*»n thai Is tolng tn among (he»*** six tenms. It Is hard to decide who will win the championship, and also there Is plenty o' good players on each l»»«m thi« yenr. The people that wlil pick the All-Star touch football lea»a will rt>ally have a (<>ugh time doing this job. Ijist y«*ar in the tou»’h foodall league, the Trojans, ronche.l by Huck Jon*^. won th*- championship In a cake-walk, bui (h!« year It Is different with plenty of rompellllon f*»r every tean. Kverv team has been lM*nten. and U Is really roin»r to be a battl** in the last w«<'k of play to see v^ho ends up In (he first pla<>«. l(K*ht noih It is a toss-up The up and c» mlnr ie.im In the leat:ue was the MuttdoKS. cojichtyl by Roy Tart. Tb«‘V got off lo a bud start in the u^uch league i»y losing their flrHt two games but got back In the run ning by winning their iasi three giimes to give (hem a golley ball will start and there sh> uld be plenty *»f action for lh«' sp<*<'tntors and the players in ibei>e volley ball Kt\ mes. \Vf* should really fake our h.jis off to (*oacb .Moore and his n««'stnnl. Pal Gainey, as (h« v h:ive lenlly done n fine job in the intra-murnl department. I'nder the cnpable plsyelitlng down and came back fight ing After an esrhanue of kbks one a un-yard spiral by Helmer. [(he Pira(<*s g»*l (heii firsi break |»f Ihe game After recovering a! Hulldos fumble on (he Ifi. ihe PlraieK »*oi (ough and weni on to, I score The Hulldog line weaken««d i I for a few plays and seented un , table (o stop the hard-charging PI- j rale fullback. Herry Herry scored i I on a line plunge fnnn (he r-yard j line The KCT(' (ry for extra point I was no good nnd the Hulldogs still. ItHi 7-« Ho(h teams playml on even ' (••rnis unill the cbming minuies if jibe first half. The HuDdogR sl/i»i , td rallying a*.:nln. on the p'lssin': | of H«*lmer. %kho was hilling his i I ass receiver wlib true mark* manshlp Afier Mct'asklll h:»d i tarried ihe ball (o (he Pirate an M'Vard run. it lookml as If (he Hulldogs Were beaded for i»ay dirl again, bul fate dt-all a telling blo« Helmer (adeil to pa«s a burd charging P.rale line br«>k«- Ihtough and vker*- pressing lh«- lefi banded t hunker In his ha*i<‘ it> fc-fi rtd of (he boll he (hrew »h»»ri and the Kt Tt' halflMirk in (titepieit on the 2U. and larcnl Up (i.e •ulvllne f.'t K yard* aiiJ the »ea((le )>y l*o(h leanw .Neither li*am »erl«»us|y lhrt-aietiff*«| lo Htote until the cloaing mlnuies Till Hulldor> «ere rolling and • ere on (he Pirale l«*)ard Un* when the final v^histle siuinded CCKXID BY WaSMIO AiW Hun. • Mon. • Tue^. ‘•VARIETY GIRL** \\ lib |0 or IHU.I.) WIMID'H ir\Dl\G Sunday nnd ^loitday •WESTERN UNION' Stnrtlng ItoltlUT Mn\