134B - iHcrru (Cltnstmas Auxi A fKrut - 1049 ditorials • Genu of Happineu • Tl'* Man Who Didn’t Vote • Are You Bored, Brother? «"» (X'Cfwrix'O't'rxccarvaifxiciKii The Collegiate FEATURES • Immaculate Page • Chrittma* Spirit • Poem* OLUMN 19 Atlantic (’hristian Collfite, December 15, ia4«. No, 3 rinson, Bernier May Kin^ and Queen ff -tf ft If Roses Choose Pheohe Buck As Queen Of The Pine Knot Susan Lewis And Mary Ellen Talton Take Second And Third Places Friday night, December 3, 1948, during the annual 'ine Knot dance held in the Cherry Hotel, Miss Phoebe riuck was proclaimed queen of the 1949 Yearbook by the ^;ditor, Jim Wilder. Taking second and third honors were Susan Lewis and Miss Mary Kllen Talton. The picturtis of the contestants for Queen of the Year- 3ook had been judged by Billy Uo.se and Kleanor Holm io.^e of New York City Hilly Rose, an experienced ihowman of the Broadway School. “ ,i» long been noted for his ability Judne beautiful women, t'ntll h'- nlKht of the dance, the Identi ty of the queen was kept In strict i«MTei'y. .MIm Buck, a freshman, was hosen from among 17 other con- .tants. She was sponsored by he "A" Club. Miss Buck, a native ot .New Bern, entered colleRe In p. ptember and this was the sec ond such honor bestowed upon lier since her arrival on A. C. cam- fiu- She was chosen the queen of foiithall for the Shrlne-A. C. Day u M •n i iy t |he College Group Sing Carols Kvery year b«‘fore sthool let* out for Christmas Holidays, one niKht Is Ht*t aside for the slnKlng of carols. This year It la Decem ber sixteenth when all the student body ineeu on the campus and dl- vldeH into three groups. Kach I group has two members chosen j iLn«- a.t ! to lead them. One group goes to Set'ond'place winner, Miss 8u- , ... . . » T . I the Banltorlum to sing to the pa m Lewis of Wilson, was spon- tients. This Is aa annual custom which not only gladdens the hearts of the shut-ins at the sani- toriuni. but also gives a spe<’ial pleasure to the members of the group who go there to sing. The other two groups go on two routes mapp**d out each year by Miss Ward. These trips are routed to include the professors' homes, and the homes of some of the shut-ins here iu town. After a singing all three groups gather back at school for hot chocolate and cook ies. From this event the men con tinue to celebrate by going to the home of Dr. and Mrs. Hllley, where the men are entertained each year at Christmas. Perhaps because the men have no dormi tories, Christmas is the tradition al ^ason for the men to l>e In vited to the president's home. The women and faculty members are invited at other times during the year. The Hllley’s party ends the festivities for Thursday night, but there is more on Friday. On that night, the seventeenth, is the girls' dorm party. This is also a yearly event. The girls meet In Kinsey parlor where refreshments are served, and each hall In Kin sey gives a skit and each floor in Caldw'ell gives one. The skita are Judged and the winners receive a prize, usually a large cake. Thlsj party takes place at ten o’clock to give all the girls a chance to be there. On Sunday, December 11, th® 'girls decorated Kinsey and Cald-' The Special Advisory Con^!well. Miss Ward says they plan, iltiee of the Atlantic Christian in Caldwell, to move the sofa In »rod by Phi Delta Oamma Fra- tt?rnlty and third-place winner. Miss Mary Kllen Talton of San ford. was sponsored by the Science iiu'». The anxlety-fllled crowd danced he time away until Business lanager. Morgan Sumner, wel- oined the students and faculty. h»* fontestants who were present ere then introduced singularly ith reference to the campus or- anlzatlon that each represented, 'he program was then turned bvwr to Jim Wilder who an- liounced the queen and her at tendants. As Miss Buck was pro- rles of pictures of the queen, at- • ndaiits, and editor. During the > inalnder of the evening, the pho- iigrapher took Individual shots f dancing couples.. uilding Fund rive Put Off 9 i Frances Yclvertoft, Vivian Allen (jene Barnesaful C. J. A mmonsA re Escorts: Ma rion Driver, Cha i rnui n The traditional election for the May King and Quoen wa.H held on November HO. 1948. The conlestanljt for the King were petitioned by the stuilent body of the Atlantic Christian CoUegu. They were us follown: Mr. Hob (’lurk, Atlanta, Ga., Mr. Royce Brinson, l*l«ck Creek, N. .Mr. Gene Hanies, Wilson, N. C., Mr. Kuymond Suggs I’rince- ton, N. C., and Mr. Klmer Ix>ftin, Ayden, .N C. Th« cunti.«tants for the May illege Building and Endowment nd Campaign met on December 1948 "to decide upon what act- front of the fireplace, have the tree In a corner to keep traffic from endangering It, and, during on should be taken relative to the i dating time, have a fire In the rosecutlon of a renewed cam- fireplace. They have a large tree aign for the additional funds for I In Klnsfy parlour. tlantlc Christian at this time.” general preliminary discussion ' as held, after which Mr. Ward! iilled for an expresison of the, iBJCtVllnyv lews from each one present. A concensus of opinion was that his season Is Inopportune for the' Miss Ruby Ferrell of Lucama eopenlng of the campaign, that^wlll become the bride of Mr. Lm- ■ ■ ' sle Murray on Sunday, December .VIU IlK.A V-f-’f: RK K My hi^ i>^iod set for the campaign as too short, that an Inconclu- iTe effort at this time would In- 19. The wedding is to take place at the Free Will Baptist Church re the cause of the college, that! in Lucama at 4:00 p. m. Mr. Mar- 'iBUfflclent progress had been ray is Dean of Men at Atlantic, lade on the construction of the i Christian in Wilson, where he lS| (Continued On Page Four) ! an Instructor in foreign langaage Christian College on the road to progrea* In rrgard to fitting the curriculum to the student rather than fitting the student to the curriculum. This proposed plan for swond semester tends to ellmifiate all Saturday classes. Moving In this direction, plans are, to put the bluk of the second semester three- hour courses on Monday, W*dnos- day and Friday, with the two- hour courses coming on Tuesday In order to make It possible to accommodate more t h r e e-hour courses there will b« no chapel on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The Chapel periods will be held on Tuesday and Thursday at 10:30. An hour will be allowed, but chapel will not consume the full hour; instead students will tie allowed ten minutes to assemble vywuvsuuvu V/** X ago r uui ; • «»» lums —•i' i oy Co/e's Band Entertainment t Students Christmas Dance \jr rv*n Tnrrenc«. treasurer l*l«'tiirt‘4t alMm*; Buck, Kunan Mitry Rllrti | Talton, Nnd •llm Wlldi^, K<1ii«tr of ttie IMn<* Kn<»l In crownlnie I (■(*remonii*«. j Change In Schedule To Be I Installed Second Semester The Curriculum Committee of Atlantic Christian Col lege under the supervision of Dean Miller, purposes a vital change in schedule beginning second semester of 1948 and 1949 school term. P'or many years Atlantic thriatian College has had the same class schedule.s—tla.-se.s six days a week. Dissatis faction has been felt in this, especially by those students who commute", neverthele.ss this curricular routine has been held to. — -* Second semester of this school |v ^ year 'i$ and ’49 finds Atlantic Dorm louncil Gives Program On Friday morning, November 10 after the regular chapel pro gram, the men students of the col lege were called together for a special program, sponsored by the .Men's Dormitory Council. The program continued for about fifteen minute* d u rl n g *nd Thursday which time short talk* were made by President Royce Brinson, Jack Alsbrook, Atwood Lee Whor- ton and .Vi. Murray. I>ean of men. Royce Brinson told the male students how the organltatlon functioned and who was the repre sentative for each group. Jack Alsbrook related the various things which have ...ow«. len mmuLe. >o a.sem».e pushed through “>« ‘®“ with the Intention of having every (Continued on Page Four) , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ respective seal French Play Present As Xmas Pageant Th(« annual Christmas pageant at Atlantic Christian Collegr this year took th«* form of a pageant which Is different from the usual ('hrlstmas observance. The old French legend. “The Juggler of Notre Dame", was. dramatised for the occasion and was presented by the Stage and Script in coopera tion with the Olee (Mub of the col lege. The leading roli*, that of the' Juggler, was played by Jack Greenwood of Sanford, while his i antagonist, the Abbott of the mon-| aNt«*ry, was played by Charles Mayo of Koyal. Bob Clark, of At-I lanta. 0««orgla. played the Good | Friar who comes to the aid of the | Juggler Hernelle White played the mother of the young man who | Is In love with the village girl, Llsette; th»* latter parts were played by John iirltt and Susan l«ewla Held Hoole portrayml her I brother, Jacques. ' Th** Virgin Mary. Our I^ady. ‘ was represented by Sybil Harrett. Tassle I.4ing|ey played an old! market-woman and Tommy Wat-1 son added a note of comedy as a deaf old market-roan. Among the others who took part were Doro thy Rawls! Jean Dameron, Fred Hoyce, George Taylor. Charles Phillips, Hobby Jones. I^e Potter, Madison Smith and Peter Case. The pageant was arranged and directed by Mias Doris Campbell llolsworth. teacher at the col lege. with Kathryn JackMn as her assistant. The music was arrang ed and the Oletf Club conducted by Mr. Albert Gregory of the Mu sic Department of the college. The male quartette was directed by Mr. John Fontaine. They sang the Ave Maria and assisted the 01*6 ' Club. The public was Invited to at-' tend. At the close of the program, students presented glfta of toys' for the annual Chrlstmaa party given by the J. C.'s for under privileged children of Wilson. The pageant was preesnted on Decem ber fifteenth at 8:30 p. m. In Howard Chapel. Queen were alao nominated by petition They were Miss Kllaa- beth l«eech. Wilson. N C.. Mias I>orls Harper. Spring Hope, K. C.. Mias Audrey Oaylor. Ayden. N. (' . and Miss Flo Bernier. Puerto Hlco On December I. 194ft there was a run-off for the King and Queen Mr. Hoyce Hrln»on and Mr Boh (Mark were tle«l MUs Doris Har> per. Miss KlUabeth I^e