Congratulations The Collegiate Seniors I Volume 21 \u. 5 ARGEST GRADUATION EXERCISES IN HISTORY TO BE BSERVED AT A. C. COLLEGE; 123 TO GRADUATE Bids Issued By Greek Letter Organizations Seniors Of ’SI In May 1", 1951 the frcslimiii otiier students wlio were no' »inbcrs of a Ort-eU letter orgam- j on the campus of Atlantic ' (*11tian collcfie. received bids to , jf j t!ie fraternities and sororities ! campus. By the end of ttu* i rtm eighty - four students werr Jirinf! various colored ribbons. | ;'h student showed his p r e- ■nce of the orgarization which icjined by wearing these ribbo"s fmi hy obsening a sile it period Tau Chi Sorority led th;- » vith the most pledges. I' h i Blta Gamma Fraternity was sec 2d . ith eighteen pledges. Follow- 15 these two were Phi Kappa .M-. pli.i Fra’rmity wi*h fif‘“en: i Sign. 1 S'lrority with eleven. P'v Tau Sorority with seven: t:ma Alpha Fraternity with ;ii;ma Tau Chi pledged I. u I a | lirli" Conrade Jordon. .1 o y c c I Ifiikerson, Mae Felton. Mari. .; ^itt. lx)uise Browning. Dot Smith. ■ Britt. Aileen Davis. Martha ! fcb ''T, Rebecca Collins. Marque-1 Hinnant. Jean Taylor. Gloria brn,'.. Hulda Turner. Barbara er. Betty Sue Harris. Linda •ftylor, Evelyn Heath, Peggy Gay. Jtnet Weeks. Ethel Hardee. M a- xhie Stanley. Martha Jo Westray, Jean Bass, Catherine Long, and ^tsie Deshields. fudges to Phi Delta Gamma f ifitcrnity are ft Nickels, Bill Pierce, Robert B.l , Eugene Braswell, Raymond,' TJ^i t, James Boone, Harris Spell.; Jr Thomas Godwin. Robert Fra-; Carlton Smith. Hester Nar-1 Warren Mallard, Armond Co- j I'.bo, James Lamm, Alex Taylor, | gj,j|y,^ PI alpIIA Alpha Gamma, chapter of S i * f Dr. Lindley To Give Recognition Sermon, Dr. Cuthrell To Preach Baccalaureate, Dr. Erwin To Preach At Commencement The larKosL sonioi rlass in the history »»f AUanlu' Chns= lian C'olletu* will bo v.radualrcl iil spring: rornrnfiuomenl fxcmsr:: to bt* held Mt>n(iay. May 28. Dr • A Krwin t>! KaleiKb, Slatt* Supfrmtcndont of Publu- lostrurtion, will hv spoaktT for thi* iut'asion. il wan announct^d todav by Dr [\ Iluy Lindlpy. pr*»sid(*nt of the rolle^je will \)c upon 123 cenluti rrpM*';»*tUiini 2H North ('urulliia ctHiiittr.s .(ltd f(Hir »Ut(*n nt C\»h»n»riicciurnt I i»- i‘lud<Hl In thr ttr tduAtinic wImi ihfir i(nidu:« tiiMi nH4u)r«’nu'iiU >n J«nuttry. It^' Dr Krwin. .1 juitivr «»( AtUnU. (MNifUia. tils- ttMin- ItiM In North rcImmiK lie Mttrixlt'd ('iitav^lM I ollt'Ki’ •oui tht* I'tuvtTkUy Nurlit r<tr«t|uia Hr hMft »f*r\rd ni in.«ny tsluc.ituuiat upacitlc* in North C'«n)lln« Hr l<i Juniors Entertain Seniors At Banquet If yuu huppt‘iM*<1 to urivr p.i :l tiu* ! l»d|{e on TiirUuo StiTi'i lit Wilton la.ft Krula> ;tljtht. M.i.> 11 : .irmind 7 30. you pn>hi»blv n«*t»ixl a Iwrui' Kroup of younu Inrt.ri drf*8«'d m fluffy, pastel oven'iiji . drrssos. who wcrr e»rort«*<l *'V « urtiup of well - drcused youna mrn rlwlimun of the of rntenng the Moo.m- UidK.'. I n „f k«»I r»nilm,i r..|le»e ;<iul case you should br wondiTliirf ;u-*t what Uii* frstivr <K'cn*um ^vu.s. U*t ux huklen to rrmind you Uml thii wii2» the night of the 19&1 Junior meml>rr ot the Uunl of truatooM of tije ilrruXcr Umvt rmi.v of North Can>linii. North ('mioIkui (%»Uege. Aiirli'uMural uiwi Teftmical ‘'ollefi* Picttirwl above are aomt* of the one httndriHl niid iweiily lhr^r xi-niorg v»h4» will r** ••Ivt* ih**Ir dtploinaN at the .spring (?f»minetHHnu*nt exercUf»fi to ht*ld on .Monday. May 2K In Hitward ('ha|»f*l. Local Student Accepted By IVarter For Apprenticeship This Year Senior Itangurt Ven. after imirh and KliiulH-th Citv Stiiti- Tmu hri j planning and hard work, tluj rn- college Dr Kimn ha> heUI h I » ; |«irt«nt night had finally irrivrd pri-keiit |Ki«ltion nl .st.itr Sii|>erlnteti. Everyone was in a gay nii*od a* dent of IMililir It.slr'flion ninrr ly they ItMikT’d for their place c.irilfc ■ 34 ami weie seated The annual S;Milor I»ay pr'igraiii The Invwatlon was gl>’eii by will bi- held S.«tvir\luy, May 2A, at Guy Klllott, Vice Pre»ul< iit o f 1 which tune hoimi jwartls will !»• the Junlur Clan. ' given .Sumlay morning. May 27. » Fred Hoyce. Pre»idenl of the! ^l>ecuil Senior Hi-< ognltioii aervUe Junior Claw, welcomed the J u n- w'H be held (oi the mem(«-i» ,»f the 1 U)M and Senlora. their gueit*. and I graduating cl«». ,.t Uie Kir.t Chru- ■the chaperoites. The chapertmeg! tiaii church of Wilion Dr U. Ha. were Dr, and Mri. Raymond II. ‘ l-htdlpy w‘ll pr.-..c h the aermon Miller. Dr and Mr.. C H, t>«Jlcatl.m cerenumie. for the lin, Mr. and Mr« I^.ale Mur-! •'«•» wmcn . .lormltory ai«) li ray, Mr. and Mr., UotK-rt k , *>«ry re<iMitly i ..mpleted l. ache Heytwld.s, Mlu Sarah Hain W ird, , Dr ..nd Mr J P Tvndall. I A. Jarman pa.loi of U.e ChtiHtian ( hurrh (»f wilatiM. News Briefs Science Club Officers Installed a&o J:, Lloyd Dale. >mmy Lewis, Gilbert Ferrel, J. Pi, Moskos, Goodwin Moore, J. W. ^ III, Jr.. Ed Warren, Calvin tivin, Don Kennedy, David Pen- u:ion, Max Barber, Joe Wood - I. Bill Knight, Bobby Webb, be nr Karl Adams, Billy DrauK^n. aild Pelix Labaki are pledf^en to Kappa Alpha Fraternity, he pledges to Delta Sigma So- _ ity are Barbara Hutchins. Nan- <9 Jessie Quinnerly, Thel* ma White, June Tomlinson, Mary Helen Watson, Becky Wooten, kley Crisp, Sara Tart, Joyce i bett, and Kmogene Turner, he Phi Sigma Tau Sorority ed Irene Murray, Christine rray, Lois Ann Moore, Evelyn er. Nan Mattox, Patricia Tru-. _iUe. and Lucille Windley. | pledges to the Sigma Alpha Fra-1 W' ty are Carl Jones. Roger Phil-; Hilly Smith, Johnnie Brown, [ my Cashion, and Robert Par-| IDII It'oilowing initation which will 0! e early next fall these pledges become full - fledged mem- Officers fcfficers of Phi Kappa Alpha are Jv. ident, Herbert Ross; vice pres- j|e!‘. Charlie Hussey; secretary. 9ob Guy; treasurer, Jessie Riggs; tTjjeant - at - arms, Fred Bob- ti, historian, Glen Brigman. Ctiaplin. Warden Allen. ne Phi Sigma Tau Soririty of- are Ethel Draper, presi - nt; Virginia Bobbitt, vice presi- _ nt. Mildred Creech, secretary; Adidrey Jones, treasurer; Marjorie Jennette, historian; June Holton, Ch.'.plin. iPresident of Phi Delta Gamma Robert Brinkley, Jr. Others arc i.iiey Sanderson, vice president; ^•Jtcher McCoy, secretary: Dur Tyson, treasurer; T. J. Bar- chaplin; A1 Richardson, cor- iiAjiKiing secretary; Sam Jen* Jr.. historian; Carl Jinnette, rter; Donald Mallard, s e r- ant - at - arms; Jack Narron, use president. ma Pi Alpht, honorary language The officer, of Uic Science Cub fraternity here, entertained its new for 1951 - 52 were in.talled at the oHicers and senior members who' last meeting of the club for this | are graduating, at an informal din- term at the home of Virginia Har ner Thursday evening. May 17. The rell. president for 1850 - 51. on dinner was served banquet style Tuesday night. May 8. _ at Parker s. Keece Howell was installed a s A varied program of entertain president. Other officers were vice ment was presented to tlie group, president, Catherine Hrown, «.-crc The welcome was given by Miss Opal Roberson, retiring president of the fraternity, and the res ponse was made by Miss Mildred Creech, president - elect. - tary, Joyce Harrell; treasurer, A1 Hardison; publicity chairniiin. Ueraldine Corbett. _ . Retiring officers are president, ! Virginia Harrell; vice president. I Joanne High; secretary, Sedulia by Miss (^raldine Corbett. irea.urer, Uougla. Joy publicity I; ine Brown. chairman, Cather- Dorcas Pineiro and Mrs. John Dunn entertained with Spanish and French songs, among which were; — ^ .u , •AUa En El Rancho Grande." "La Douglas Joyner reported that tl.- MarseUlaise,” and “Deep Pur, most imporUnt Science Club pr. pig" [)ect of the year, restoring the Following the program the I “ officers were formally installed, be**' completed. They are Mildred Creech, presi • dent; Roger Holloman, vice - pres ident; Lois Moore, secretary; and Armond Colombo, treasurer. GOLDEN KNOT Mrs. Dorothy Eagles and Mr J. P. Tyndall entertained mem I Recently the Science Club pro: ented a program at the Snow Hill High School. Thc*e representing the club on the program were Nellie Pridgen, James Early, and Fred Boyce To Join Group June 2 h'red Boyce, a Junior at Atlantu' Christian (.*o11«*kh fru:n WashlnK* ton, N. C., ha* been accepted as ?n up|)rentice in the Uartcr Thea* re of Virginia for thli tummcr. Mr. Boyce received word of hu acc<*ptance a few days ago. The Barter Theatre season opciu on June 11 ar>d cloces Septoml>cr 8. Mr. Boyce has to report at ttie theatre in Abingdon, Virginia, on June 2 He said that he was very fxcited about his new adventure. Mr. fioyce has been very active in Stage and Script, the local col- l«gt* dramatics dub. siuc<* hia freshman year. He has appeared in .several staK** plays, IncludUiK The Barretts of Wimpf)le Street" as Octavius Barrett; ‘The Miracle of Our Lady," a Christmas pageant, as a monk; '’Soltaire,'* an origina* one • act play, ' Twelftli Night" as Sir Andrew Aguecheek; ’ Tii'* I^dy of The Mists." arKJthcr ori ginal one • act play; "Candidu" as Eugene Marchbanks; and “P»o- meo and Juliet" as Mercutio. He has also served on the tcch- The toust Uj th«* S<‘nlorK w;»« ^jv- en by Jay Clark, Ted Ingr ihAm, President <»f the Senior CIjim, res- p(»ikded will l>e the s|>euker Th<* ACC Alumni a^MM iatlun Is «et t) meet for a tmrl>cH'ue lunch simI bu«- Iness nu*i*tlMg folUiwing Dh* dedl- Marjorie Jennettc gave U»e t«>asl t ation ceremonic* HaciMlaureate to the Kuonia. and Jimmy P'Tkln* | ?,,*rvlre» will l*e held Sumlay evet'- gave the resp<mse. j mg in Howard Dr fJeorge ' The menu consUt4*d of delicious Cuthrell. p.istor of Hiv»d Mem«»i * fried chicken, creamed pol;it<K.'< i**l Christian c'hurih. Dunn. a>u1 garden peas, hot roIU, butter, president of the North C«r<Uln^ I French apple pie. and Iced ica, i Convention of D!scip!«“- of Ch^^^ which was served by the ^‘” <*rsUMailn« ' Mfftniors and tlioir pukmiIn will be honored at a r<<«*ptlon Klvt^n by say. 1 ! of the Momt. Nc'cdless U everyone ate heartily. , Bobby Katmon's Band furnished I ' the music for the danrlnx which I ' followed the l»ti»quet \ j The minutes niMsi by, and all i I Ukj soon the t>and was pla>ing ‘ ”Go<xl Night Sweetheart." it W4»s I time for the curtain t«> fall upon I another Junior - Senior Bam|tu*t th<* fa<Milly fdlluv^lnc the ba<-ra h«ui«*a1e »«*rvi('»i Of the \'i2 seniors graduating. ar<» Vtttorans of World \Sar H There are 7 graduating wlUi primary certlfu ates. 37 wltl» gram mar grade certlflcatei. 12 wiUi so cial ktudlCH. 4 SiK'ial srlenre. 23 mathematics, 17 »ciencc. 15 Kn - However, we are sure that every i glish, 4 rellgitm. and one Bible ma« Junior arid Senior wh<» was pres- ^ )<jr, and tmc muslr major, ent will cherish fot>d memor.fs of j llwise getting primary certiflca- this occasion always. Nellie Priflgen, james sUffs of many plays. He his Pat Patterson physics a^ chem- chairman of the scenery com- istry; Bill Knight. .V * ,inittees on most of the plays kIvhm .. _ Hnrutr Society'*'^***® Corbett, rna hema cs. (or the last Uiree years. He was bers of Golden Knot Honor Society Thp faculty ^ manager for "The G 1 - i . rtudeiit di- I rector last year (or ‘ The Ixwely j Miracle," an one - act f;inti.y at a weiner roast May 14 at re- ^ Tyndall, creation park. Mrs. t a K I e . Tanner, Tom- and Mr. Tyndall are co - sponiors Mewborn served as mascot, of Golden Knot. Science Club ha. had a DRAFT successful year. Following are Men students who are subject to| gf the projects of the club: the draft will take the selective chrjgtraas cards and station- sen«ce system test for occupaUon- sponsored the New Year', al deferment as students, Satur -1 restored the circle back of day, May 26. The test will be giy- gnj gave special program* en in Kinsey Parlor. All students , £ p q ^^d at Snow Hill High eligible to take the test are urged ■ to do go. GOLDE-N knot At its busmess meeting on Wed nesday. May 9, Golden Knot Hon-; or Society elected new officers for, t.leCt OtllCerS the coming ye” ,The women residenU of the Bissette, president and , Dormitory recently held Women Residents Sponsors for the orgam^uo.. Dormitory Coun- ^e roming year , ^il. The voUng was done by secret Fleming and Mr. W. B. bherw^ called house meeting At this meeung m elected were a. which wa. repeated again t h 1 a year. For the past two years scene designing has attract^ Mr. Boy ce’s attention; and he tuu done the wttlng. for 'Twelfth Night," "Candida," "Romeo and Juliet." "The Red Velvet Goat." .iiuJ now he is doing the setting for Illithe Spirit." In State and ^ript he na. hr d the office* of vice - president and keeper - of - the - Kraplxmk. He ha. received hi. letter nnd key for dramatic art* given oy tli!* organization Mr. Boyce was th« rint In the hlitory of the club to receive hi* letter and key within two year*’ time. lOmcer. of Sigma Tau Chi are | follows: president. Nellie Rae | gen; vice president, Ann Ethe-i ^ ►j .secretary, Joan Thorne; surer, Jean Tucker; reporter, byce Harrell; chaplin, Jacksie yS.s’ma Alpha officers for next are Gene Sweat, president; crew "Zero" Holliday, vice pres- ■*; James Early, secretary; m Llewellyn, treasurer; Doug - I^iver, Chaplin; John ‘Jug" *land, sergeant - at - arms; ^■ge Saffo. reporter; Rom Lle- •lyn, parliamentarian. plans ■ ‘ - — ^ DISHK.^KTKMNCi KXrKHlK.XK Northern lltlDois, the weekly _ stud<int newspaper at N'orthern XOH.AIKO.MTSCHKHT „ n T«<-her. College, The editor of The South Texan. Bar^o ^ . ^ff (or took « look at both >Me* of tb- College of ArU and Indus- nw^^ between Anne Etheridg.- MacArthur debate and dwtded can secreu^ oeiw^ ,, „perleni:e was di.hearten- had. who the Women's Dormitory Council; Jean Tucker, house president, ' mlly Holland, secretary; Geraldine Bartholomew, treasurer. It Texas College oi Ar« .uu between - trlea, »ah fed up. It “e®* * Emily Holland, didate for the editorship 1^^ officer* of l»6i. ;l who'Inf. among other things. accuMd ine relinquish their positions to| Neither tidi-, said th» editorial. South Texan of "not facing the officers are: Alice B«r (,,, conducted Itaelf rommendab- Issues,” not being funny and not, o( the Women'. Dor-ljj, .n that Americans on having ‘'hair on Its chest. ‘mitory Council; Aniu Jean = alde“ of the debate Commented the <Hlltor, - - There are things like copyreadlng proofreading, headline ■;'W officers ot Delta Sigma m^be™bJ'“the’«ndl-; _*irl* t)Ouse president. Sedalia Smith., secreUry, Margaret Brown, treas rltlog.' lifer. - up the j Approximately sixty * five per attrl- but«»d to their ad>ersar>' aothlnK but striking stupidity and evil Intentloon." The Mlltorlal derUr»d that thenp who upheld President Truman'f are president, Margaret! PaK- to leave opp^^nU ers or ignorant p«K>ple who refus ed to took at th« entire question. Language Fraternity Elects Officer* New officert were elected b y Alpha Gamma fraternity hero .it Atlantic Christian College at j meeting of the organization April 23. The local fraternity Is a chap* ter of Sigma Pi Alpha, national honorary language fraternity. Miss Mildred Creech of Ken!y was named president. Other offi cers elected were Roger Hollornnn of Walstonburg, vice presulent; Miss Ixjis Moore of Aydm, secre tary; ar>d Armortd Colombo o f Brocktrm, Mass., treasurer. Miss Opal Roberson. retiring president of U»e fraternity, presid ed at the business session, ' Alpha Gamma is a relatively r>ew organizati<jn on the AUantic Christian College campus. It was organized in March, 1950, under thi» direction of Dr. Kuther I> l»nK. hnad of the forf?lKn lang- uaK«Hi department of the cullftKe and haa b«*en very active slnr« Its founding. Officers of the club said that the fraternity haa as Its purpose the creation of better under»lir»d- ing between the pe<iples (/f the world. Realizing, they sakl, that the differences in languages It tr,^ of the greatest handicaps to bring ing about world peace, this organic zatioif eiKourages the study of the Unguages and cultures of fm*eign nations. THK C.4.HK WILL Although the University of North Carolina has offlrlally derid««d to admit NeKro<*H to profMslonal and Kraduate hools when separat** facllltl«*M do not eilat, th^ suit for Negro entranre Into the m^dlral srhool will continue. Tht .Vegroe'fi rhl«*f rounael said last week that "We have a rase In court and It <itlll has to he deride] Just because s<irnethlng romea out In the paper doean't alter anythlni How do I know what the papers mean? 1 don't believe what I read in th** newspapers." titms are Christine Allen. H u • l.telle James, tldith Johnson, Kve> lyn Jeuklnt J<tn<- Dorothy Mills. Janet Taylor, ar»d Ixnilae Vnnn. (ietting grammar grade certifi cates 'are Annie l^urle Johnson. Ola Johnson, Catherine King, Jane Kirkland, I>ml»e lx*wis. Ma- ble Mcl«amb. (iara Manghue. Jes- ule Moye, Maynelle Nichols, Chry- stelle Parker, (‘yrena Parker. Peg gy Pearson. Mary Pipkin, Ida Mae Sanderson, Mattie Wilder, Martha Lou Williamson, Margaret W 1 n- ntead, Vara Wcxidall, Ii4*tty V a r* brough, B<’tty Dole . Allgm^, Alice Berry. Mozrlle Blinson, Lorene iW;wen, Ann Bullock. Peggy Can* nady, James ('anrain, Jean Dew, and Virginia Dirkens. Other are Kffje Flowers. H»>»»eil Kulltm, Jean Hackney, Virginia Harrell. Margie Harris. VirglnlH House. Colleen Jamcr, Mary t»u l^ssiter, and Gladyc l^ngdon. Those majored In social studlfHi ar*« lluKh Jol>n.~-')n, Zark Koonte, Max i«ee. Albert Hauls. (*eorK«f Hplrtos, ltoh«'rt Tart, Hoy Tsrt. Thomas (*has«*. Johnnla (!olones. Andrew hMmundcon, Marlon Kn* nil. and David (ireen, John Sawyer, Charles Shackle - ffjrd, (). H Sltaffer, arxl Madison Smitii have lal scien< »* <*ertlfl* cates. Th<» twenty • three Mat^^ematlci majors are Jo> Ua»*. TlM'<irtore iifjwen. Charle.% li<iykin. David Hryan, David Divls, Raym^md I-’lemlng, Jamen Fox, David Hill. J. K HfK’kaday. Jr.. I>mg1aa Joy* ner, Marwne Klllebrew, JoM»ph Joyn*T. Knarry Klfkll*hter. r»»nner I>ee. Jolx* Meiu. Aivin Narrrm, Joe Newkirk, Cllnt^m Ousley, William Register, f^gar Renfrow. Hrant • ley Stricklarvl, Harf»kl Walker, arwl William Webber Th/*se CfimpUrting thrir study of science are. Rachel IWaty, Ilelen Britt. Ruth HuUer. Neal Csrlton. Joseph Conrajr, David Davis. Mel vin Dennis. Nofw«iod Dunn. Fran cis Klsh^-r, Th**odore Ingraham. WUlie Johns^in, David J<^nefi, Dfni- glas J<jyr>er. Aiofi7» Mcl<awbfirn. Walter Patlers<in, Anru Jean Pfwle, John Kawyer Mllologyj. Jasper W'ella. aud H»n Wething' ton. The English majors are Rut> (Contlnned on Pas* Wilson. ’ chest.’

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