Who’s Who Selected The Collegiate Play Opens Tonight Volume No. 22 ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, NOVEMBER 15, 1951 NUMHER 2 Who’s Who Elizabeth The Queen Rules Tonight At Eight o’Clock Drama Is Scheduled liy Colley IHayers w tsfy; As Season’s Opener \ Those students pictured above were chosen to r«prc*»eni Atlanllc Christian in tht? current Who - Who volume. They are from left to right: Fred Koyce, Audrey Junes, VirKJnIa Mauser, Marshall l^ntc, Herbert Koss, and Opal Roberson, Jay Clark was al> «nt when the pJ< ture was niad^^ Program Is Given By ACC Groups At State Convention “Atlantic Christian College right” at the North Carolina State Convention of the Disciples o f Christ was observed on Tuesday. November 6. Representatives ol the college presented the program Irom 7::30 to 8:30 p. m. Billy Tucker, ministerial student, held the devotional. Both the mix ed chorus and the college band performed. Dr. Fred West delivered the main address, “The Local Church Goes to College.” On Wednesday, November 7 at 12:30 p. m. the Atlantic Christian College Luncheon was held at the Baptist Church. Reverend Art Seven ACC Students Are Selected To Appear In National Who’s Who I Continued on Page Four) News Briefs The new officers of the A. C. chapter of the F. T. A. elected at ^le October 30 meeting are Joan *rhome, president: Gloria Norris, vice - president; Betsy Miller se- n of the Disciples o f Kinston October 30. Mixed Chorus sang “The iwd Bless You and Keep You,” to the Son of David,” ‘Lamb of God”. Among the ^Continued on Page Four) Three Girls, Four I Boys Are Named To ! Honor Publication Seven student leaders at Atlantic Christian College will be included in the publication “Who's Who Among Students in American Uni versities and Colleges ’ for 1951- 1952. This publication, issued annual ly, contains biographical sketches of outstanding students from col leges and universities throughout the nation. Selections are made on the basis of excellence and sincerity i n scholarship, leadership and parti cipation in extracurricular and academic activities, citizenship and service to the school, and promise of future usefulness to business and society. Three girls and four boys have been selected to represent Atlantic Christian in the current volume. They are Virginia Hauser. Audrey Jones, Opal Roberson. Fred Boyce. James J- ‘Jay) Clark. Marshall Long, and Herbert Ross. Virginia Hauser from WinsU^n- Salem is an EngUsh major. She is president pf the Stage and Script and performed in several produc tions in her school career. She ^ Feature Editor for the COLI-E> GIATE, and a marshall. From Snow Hill comes Audrey Jones a primary major. Last year she received the Water's Religious Cup which is awarded annually to the most conscientious worker in religious affairs on the campus. is an officer in tli^ Student Christiar; A.«5srx.iatlon and thr Phi Si^ma Tau Sorority. She is on th<‘ ''hapf'I roinmltt<*c, member of th» Future T»‘Hfherj« of Afn#*rlra *imI prrrloimly on lh<- Women * I>orMltory Council. Opal Robi>rs^>n is a nativf of Washington. N. C. She was nation al secretary of Sigma Pi Alph:;. t national honorary language fratcr- : nity last year. She is a member I of the Oolden Knot Hf/nor S-- iets. .secretary of the Cot^ratjve A“ ■ iciation. past member of the Pan 1 Hellenic Cwncil, Women's Drjrmi* tory Council and Social commit tee. She has been an officer in the helta Hifcma Borlty. the Btu* dent Christian Association and the ' Alpha Gamma Chapter of Sigma .Pi Alpha; last year she was a I member of the May Court. Her j major is Spanish and English. James J. ‘JayiClark fn>m WU- tson is president of the Cooperative Association, a member of .Sigma Alpha Fraiernlty, the chapel tom- jmittee Monogram Gub. the Men's Dormitory Council, the Student 'Christian Association and last year wh’i in the May Court. He has : participated in all three major in^ iler-Collegiate spr^rts. He is major- !ing in s^x.ial studies. Herbert Ross of New Bern u . vice • president of the Corjperative I Association and secretary - trea- ; surer of the G^^lden Knot Honor 1 Society. He represented the Town I Students on the Executive Bo*rd last year, wm c.hairman of High (Continsjed on Page Foascd on the song "If I Had Known You Were ConilHK, rn, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Elizabeth Hardison of Wilson, as- si.stant secretary and treasurer; H. F. Hell, Jr. Wilson, and John Win field, Kaleigh, representatives to the board of trustees; and Mrs. Vivian Bimbaum, Richmond, Va., H. Kellam James, Wilson, Mrs. Elbert Holmes, I^'armvUle, Frank Wylie, Pink Hill and Miss Sarah Mae Green. Nw Bern, members of the steering committM. Open house was held with a tea In each of the fraternity houses A tea dance was sponsored by the . class of 1941 In the Kecreatlon I Room following open house. I The day's final event came to a ’ close when the Alumni met the' Varsity In a basketball game In the gym. During special ceremonies dur ing the halfUme period Miss Lu cille Windley of Pantego and spon sored by the Phi Sigma Tau Soro rity was crowned Queen of Home coming. Her attendants were Miss Ix>1j Ann Mofire, sponsored b y Sigma PI Alpha and Miss Betsy Miller, sponsored by the WAA. Other contestants and their spon sors for "Miss Hfjmecomlng" were Bartwra Hutchins, Delta Sigma; Joyce Harrell. Science Oub; Ann Webb, Sophomore class; Mary Lois Griffin, Sigma Tau Chi; Mrs. Elva Massey, SUge and Script; Mar garet Brown, Phi Delta Gamma; Peggy Connor, Freshman class; Nelhe Rae Pridgen, Junior class; Dorcas Piniero, Senior class; Carol Smith, Sigma Alpha; and Bronna Brooks, Phi Kappa Alpha. All the paKonntry und color of Iho court of Qui-en Klizn- beth will be found on tht- .sta(.;c of Howard Chapol on Thurs day und Friday Novcinbor 15 und 1« wh.-n Uu> StuKe und Script will prc.sent Maxwell Andcrson'.s Klizabeth T h r under the direction of Mrs. Dons ilolsworth, an il.s fall production. Kliziiheth The ({iiei-n l.s n happy choice for the Stane and Script to have nnude, as it i.s one of the ^rcut pluyfl of the American stace und aside from the splendor of its KcltinKs und costuineH, it combines romance, comedy, spectacle und moving drumu into an evening of {{real entertainment. CA.MI'l S HKAI TV Lurillr H'Indlry Homecoming Queen Reigns At Affair Ml«» Lucille Windley, ACC sophomore from Pantego was crowned Homecoming queen dur ing halftime ceremonies at the Varsity - Alumni basketiiall game held on the recent Homecoming day. Miss Windley was sprjnsored l>y the Phi Sigma Tau Sortjrlty. liefore her enrollment at Atlantic Christian, she attended the Pante go High School. Students To Begin Holiday Wednesday Thanksgiving Recess begins on Wednesday, November 21 at 4 30 p. m. Pupils may leave for home after tiielr last class on Wednes day wltivAit receiving cuts. Cuts on Tuesday, November 20. Wednes day November 21, Monday, No- vemkjer 28, and 'Tuesday, N*A'ern- ber 28 give dinible cuts Instead of the regulation ooe. Till- liAc rl r> of Kllr.al>rth and Kkfit’X h.i.*! b*'-..n Uu* subject of many novel;, ;iiul hiiigruphles, tjut It n*malned falcony Anyone wh^j wlst^ es to move down after curtain call fnay do so if there are seats avail able. Many students heard Mildred Dllling, famed International har pist, on Novemt)er 6, Other co»>- certs will tje: March 1 — Whitman and Lowe, 'jutstandlng dual - pianisU March J7—Eleanor Steber, sing er In addition lu these perform- nnces the Barter 'Theatre of Vir ginia will pre > iit Tbe Merchant of Venire In H>/ward Chapel on 'Thursday, December *. at 8 o' clock p. m. Faculty members serving on the concert committee are Mrs Doro thy Eagles, chairman. Mr. C. Lynn Brciwn, and Mr, lUmrard. Students serving on this com mittee, wlv, make up the publl- rity committee, ar* l.uciUe Wind ley, Marjorie Jennette, Elizabeth Adams, and Jenny Laz/xi.