Page Four THE COLLEGIATE By Bob Guy Bohunk Stays Here For Summer l^toklnn b*rk tbT'^uKb the of ib« ftlmr)*! ptMfwl v^ar tb« flrti tblnjc mu«( p«opi«> ii>ok for U • «1K0 of proffrMM or Im- proVf>m«n( A can b»rd- ]f think of th»M> twu tblncii wltb> otji a'ilnrnatlraUy thtoklas h«ll if>ani« In ba/ik^thalt (b«y started In thr hole, i>r ahottid w« aa/ with th* <^d« aitalQai tb«>m Th«r« Id tw a namrat fMllnir of d^'feat amonv th« »tud«ot b^y. This fart. bow»v«*r. did not ulow u(» (h« d«>iilra and d^tarmlnatlon f>f the t«*ani (o win tom** jcatnes. Ao far aa tallylnK op a Ur(» num ber (kf w|o« la ronr^rni*d t#>amR mlirHt bav« a b«tt«r record, but no far aa t«am-aplrlt and «|Kirt«nian«blp our t Aam n>>u( k»d the parada. If anyone waota to know If th# ba«»baU «#a«on baa been a Rurreaa mv advlre la to aak ftny "Kaat Carrillnlan" {^onfratula- tioni feliowft, for brtnKtnff the Ho> flunk horn*, “where It balonict” Wf hopr it'i here to itajr. I m aurr all nf you heard or read about the brava mnd truat- wnrthy raptain of the FIjrlOK KnterprUe who atAjr»d wUb hla ahip until the laat atraw waa drawn This great man if a good comportaon for Jack McCnma* (>on't mlaunderwlan dme, he baa not be««n operating a atoklng ahlp but oo the contrarj a ship of flying rolor^ Jack MrComaa has iturk by thoae teUowa and worked JuAt aa hard after a de> feat a* after a win. Ha luu done a great job for the team and »o "hata off” aod congratu- lationa to Jack McComat, a good guy and great ro««h! To the fellows ofi the team, Th- Atlar*" ba-ehall ‘••ni d»>f» the C’ar«»llna * !he last twi» ic*mfi f«**-l.»d f»?f h»f*e^n the t*o arrh rUA'« to th»* »h' fUh«*d Bo- ’i .r.k Tr *i*hy ('.troiina fo, f'. ^ Th^ hulldo.'ii and Hu« aoeer» J'.ive on^ 4-n»lh**r this '♦♦•a* «.,r. It. fn'ir ,'Atur* y.»\i Caro- !!M.i ■*•'?» ’he flfHl ;«n Mafrh ! b. a I •*•5 margin The IJuil- doL'« or '»ff to m «ytl\ r* M l«a*l T*i»* pitriiinr of "fio-r.o” J»-k"or» The l»lrairn tl»*d the •lifa»oji l**d the <*iirl*«llanii at the plate with fhre- httc in four ti H n K ,\ (■ r 210 2<>o iMto ' Irt s s K (• r r»o(» 104 05X' 14 l'» 5 Ja^k«on. P*err^ll Mt »nd Talla- han; Kina, n Heath <5» and Cor- hin f jii»l ( «rolin« M. 21 l»lt.ille ThIJ- mai'^ »ntlr r'hris^tlati » »eroDd »*;• Plra'e*. who held th»- , Trn^iU .1* Iht* point Th#* ir of the game was .ir'Min.i < f;aiiher Clin*- who •i*d f'«r t*'« homeruns and I.* to drive in four of the .‘U’h’ Kd li&Q^ ,'j- ifli : i! appearanre.'* at .. in'- 'l '‘*r two of A. C. C.'.' H R K I-.I - s K 3 ^ -.iHi :i 7 Pli*^’ and Hamilton. Corbin; I< .'ill rn Ferrell . : > Pht!>»» « 'Jackson (9) -in.! r.iHahaii ( . 'A. 1 rtst t'undina 1 Tt>c A’.’ .nth ('hnslnr. ColI<;:* ■k-*-»^«ll t*'-i.j the Pir- ite- ff( Kh-.' f'itroUna :M on Apnl - *o brini: Hk ha-i»ball ^e.i*lt>’”inc of Cillbert Fer> rell. the Rulldoii wer* able to regain pri.-."= ■'»lor> of the cherish ed IV>hunk trophy, Ferrell also sparked t!>e local collegians at I- pl.tte, collecting t»'o hits in attempts. H R E r (• (' r{.H> ooo —4 3 1 : c, (■ mOO 00(p ion—3 1 1 F'-rreli and Callahan; Piner it! ! Hamilton. .\. C. «. Fast < Hr»»Unji ^ \rl«nti« rhristiaii rolloRe tbr Uohunk Troj^iy for aiioiii«*r >»-ar!!! The J^ulldog t.-aii' over their arch rivals K f’arolind on May 5 by a 6-5 - ore which enabled them to k‘’*-p the trophy within the realms of Atlanti* Christian College. (Mlbert Ff-rrell a>jaln .sparked his r*-am both on the mound and at 'he plate He collected two for four 'inrl drove In one run. Gaith er <^'line fo rthe Pirates had two * for three, one of which was a home run. For A. C. Scoop Mc- I'rary banged out two for four 'nnd -lav Clark got one for two! ■ to aort hVrrell, pictured alK)ve; Nick Sljjanos, MH'ond bawinan wIhxm* .Htarring hrouf^ht him a contraIXI'iier l'.*Sl -3:: award ' winners; [ I.,|ons ( luJ) trophy for indlvl- I dual eirelleu«e :n IntramuraU. K Plil K.ijjija Al- j pha Football Winner—Phi Kapp;t Captain— I nil behalf of the student body. I Felh>w« It s been great this •«.tr we hate to see the season . ne to 4 »lo^e. and we'll be look- ] *n.r for you back next year. You- i ve done a fine job and we hope * vo'i <1<* a^ well neiT 'ear ” Leroy Pittman, Gii- Brigman,- Tftm Callahn^ Harry Zarakas, Cra- vem Summeral. Bobby Webb. Wil bur Ballanger. Herbert Rt - Ward er. Allen. Billy Draughn. Basketball Wuincr—Phi Ki'ppa. C-ptam — I.eroy Pittman. G 1 e e n Brigman, Tom Callahan, Harry Zarakas, Herbc'rt Joe Jones, Tommy Lewis. Billy Gardner, James Joy. Lebert Howes Volleyball W'irmer—Phi Kappa. Captain — Herb Ross. Glecn Brigman. Tom Callahan. Harr>' Zaraka5 Cravern Summeral. Wlbur Ballanger. Joe Jones. Tommy I^ewis. L e b e r t Howes. Joe W’oodworth Softball Winner —Sigma Alpha. Captain —James Haskins. Geane Sweat, George Saffo. Clark Howard, Buck Massey, Amos Westbrook, Joe Dennis. Thurman Harwood, Bill Brown. Zero Holliday. Table Tennis Singles — Bobby Webb. Phi Kap pa, Doubles — Zero Holliday and Rocky Ingraham. Sigma Alpha. Badminton Singles —Zero Holliday, Sigma Alpha. IDoubles—Zero H(^iday an